Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Adversity, Adventurer, Adversary, Advancement, Adulation, Admonish, Adieu, Addition
Dreaming of adversity signifies personal failures and worrying prospects. Others facing adversity suggest distressing conditions and concerns over plans due to illness.
Dreaming of being duped by an adventurer indicates susceptibility to flattery and manipulation, leading to misfortune.
Dreaming of an adversary suggests self-defense against threats but warns of potential sickness. Overcoming one signifies avoiding disaster and achieving prosperity despite challenges or defamation.
Dreaming of advancement signifies swift success and romantic fulfillment. Others advancing indicates favored friends.
Dreaming of seeking adulation indicates undeserved honors. Offering adulation suggests sacrificing something valuable for material gain.
Dreaming of admonishing a youth foretells good favor and increased fortune due to one's generosity.
Dreaming of saying adieu represents upcoming social pleasures or sorrowful losses, travel as an exile, or safe journeys depending on the dream's tone.
Dreaming of addition suggests impending business challenges, enemy deception detection, powerful allies, and warns against blind speculation.
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