Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Adder, Adam and Eve, Acrobat, Acquit, Acorns, Acid, Aches, Accounts
Dreaming of an adder suggests distress over friends' misfortunes and personal loss. For a woman, it symbolizes troubles from deceit, with hope of defending her reputation.
Dreaming of Adam and Eve symbolizes an upcoming event that may lead to lost hopes for success and betrayals that could ruin your fortune and reputation.
Dreaming of acrobats symbolizes being hindered by others' fears, personal reputation concerns, and difficulties in business, with a gender-specific nuance for young women suggesting a desire for male attention.
Dreaming of being acquitted signifies potential gain of valuable property but with a warning of possible legal challenges before acquisition.
Dreaming of acorns symbolizes forthcoming pleasure and profit. Gathering them predicts success; for women, eating them signifies social ascent. Shaking them from trees means quick fulfillment of desires.
Dreaming of drinking acid indicates significant worry. For women, consuming sour drinks warns of risky entanglements and potential health issues. Seeing poisonous acids suggests impending betrayal.
Dreaming of aches suggests excessive caution in business and potential exploitation of ideas. In young women, a heartache signifies relationship distress, backache hints at health risks, and headaches imply anxiety about rivalries.
Dreams of accounts suggest potential danger and legal issues. Paying off accounts implies resolving disputes. Holding accounts against others indicates business complications, while footing up predicts a young woman's challenges.
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