Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Dog biscuits, Dolphin, Doll, Dolly, Dollar, Doctor, Documents, Dock, Dove
Here you may find out the meaning of your dream if you have a dream about Dog biscuits.
The dolphins are known for being incredible at communicating with what they were given by nature. They are able to get their points across even without the power of language as us humans use.
If you have a dream of a doll, dolly, dollhouse, doll baby, doll heat etc and you are wondering what it is all about, this is the meaning.
A lot of people might have dreams about dollars or a dollar bill etc just because they are always there.
The doctor is a symbol that shows up in quite a few different places. Dreaming of a doctor can have many different dream meanings.
A document is something that requires a lot of perusal which is important when we do dream interpretation of such dreams.
The dock is a place where people often go to contemplate things. For a long time, in fact probably as long as man has been alive, there has been a fascinating relationship that we have had with the water.
A dove is a creature that is thought of by many to be a symbol of peace in the world.
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