Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Digits, Digestion, Digital Camera, Dilemma, Dizzy, Dice, Divorce, Diver, Diving
If you have a dream in which you are struggling with digits then the first thing you'd need to do would be to determine what kinds of digits you were working with or what kinds of digits appeared in the dream.
If you have a dream about digestion, the meaning of it will depend greatly on what is being digested.
The camera has been a device that is absolutely essential for just about every family in the world to own in order to capture their most important memories and this has been true ever since it's invention.
A dilemma is something that will come to you many times in life and not just one of them either, but tens, hundreds, even thousands of times you will be faced with a dilemma.
Being dizzy is something that is hard to deal with because of the effect that it has on your senses.
Dice are a funny little device because of their application to so many different things. You can use Dice to play just about anything.
Divorce can be an extremely tough thing for a person to go through in life and it will make the lives of people extremely complicated.
If you have a dream about a diving then this means that you are going to have to be ready to jump soon, ready to do something important.
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