Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Down, Downhill, Downstairs, Downpour, Dowry, Doe, Distress, Distance, Distant Friend, Disturbed, Distorted
Going down is something that people are aware of but not proud of. It is something that we all must do at some points.
If you have a dream in which you experience a downpour, this can mean many things about you.
To have a dream in which you are receiving a dowry or in which you are giving a dowry each of these can have a different meaning.
A doe usually exists to bring good tidings and to make you feel better about what you are doing.
Distress is something that everyone will go through at some point in their lives. This revelation does not make things any easier though, it just makes them more complicated.
If you have a dream in which you see a great distance before you or in which you are thinking about a distant friend that was quite special to you then it would be to your benefit to continue thinking deeply on what your dreams may mean.
There are multiple meanings to the word disturbed. As we begin to enter a new age of language we are beginning to move away from the old meanings of words and we tend to latch onto the newer meanings.
Being distorted or seeing a distortion is basically seeing something that is not as it was meant to be seen.
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