Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Dialect, Dialysis, Diabetes, Diamond ring, Diamond earring, Diamond jewelry, Diamond dust, Disease, Disembodied, Disemboweled
The words have different intonations and sometimes there are a few expressions which sound completely different or which you'd never hear in America but it is not a different language.
Dialysis is something that a person has to go through usually when they have some kind of crippling debilitation.
Diabetes is a disease that essentially means your blood sugar will be erratically high or erratically low without the drugs necessary to help control those levels.
Dreaming of a diamond ring, a diamond earring, diamond shape, or a diamond engagement ring should be something where the meaning is pretty obvious, but for some people this is not necessarily the case.
What it means to see a dream about diamond jewelry, diamond bracelet, and diamond dust. Find out what it means to see a dream about diamond falling out of ring or diamond loses.
There are some horrific things which a lot of dreams tend to focus on. As it turns out the mind is not so pure a tool as you might have hoped. In fact the mind is fairly dirty and can be stressful to think about.
Do not panic even if you saw in a dream something disembodied, disembodied head or disembodied eyes.
There is no nice way of putting it. Even the most human disembowelments are completely gruesome and tough to look at.
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