Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Dracula, Drama, Dystopian world, Dynamite, Dynamo, Duel, Duet, Durga, Duplicity
Dracula is a powerful dream symbol considering that he was once the stuff of nightmares.
Drama is quite literally a very serious subject. Drama is an umbrella term that is used to refer to all of theater, including comedy.
If you have a dream in which you are seeing all kinds of different things going on it can be quite confusing got many.
Everything goes double when it comes to dream about Dynamite and Dynamo because of how grandiose the displays often are.
We do not see duels nowadays. But a Duel is an interesting dream symbol which we should study thoroughly.
A duet is something which a lot of people enjoy in music. This is the idea of two people singing the same song together and everything that goes with that.
Durga is basically the wife of Shiva in Hindu religion and thus she is afforded a great deal of significance. This is because Shiva is thought of as one of the greatest forces of good in the Hindu universe.
Duplicity does have something to do with the world duplicate but the definition of duplicity is strictly its own.
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