Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Driving up hill, Driving in snow, Driving ice, Driving in the dark, Driving off cliff, Driving off bridge, Driving a car, Driving a bus, Driving van, Driving drunk, DUI, Driving downhill, Driving fast
Dreaming of Driving up hill may confuse you. All of these things hold significance towards your daily life when you dream about them too.
If you have a dream that you are driving in snow or Driving ice this could mean important warning for the real life of a dreamer.
Sometimes driving in car can be dangerous, especially if you are driving in the dark or driving off cliff, or doing anything like that.
Driving is something that we do all the time in this culture. We spend a lot of our lives in cars going from one place to another and they make out lives unimaginably convenient.
A dream about driving would most likely occur to someone that had just recently started driving or had just become of legal driving age. What about people that have other dreams about driving that are substandard though?
Driving in many cases is a dangerous activity, no wonder that sometimes we dream about diving a bus or diving a van.
Driving drunk is the only thing more dangerous than driving sober in terms of dangerous driving things.
If you have a dream in which you are driving downhill, the speed that you are doing it at matters for the interpretation.
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