Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Dry Skin, Dry River, Dry Cleaners, Dry Fruit, Dry Blood, Dry Mouth, Druid, Drugs, Drug test
Dry skin is something that people have to deal with all the time unfortunately. No wonder we see Dry Skin in our dreams.
A dry river is one of the most symbolic images because it represents a loss of life. Water is so vital for life that dry river appear in dreams could mean a real disaster in reality.
The dry cleaners are places where you go when you need to have someone take immense care of one of your clothing items.
Fruit is some of the most juicy and succulent natural ingredients that can be found anywhere. However, when you dry them out they usually take on a harder tougher shell and turn out to be something more like sweet jerky.
Blood represents life force and as a symbol it is not to be trifled with. Here we try to explain what the Dry Blood could mean when it appear in our dreams.
A dry mouth is generally thought of as one of the most annoying things that can happen. Let's find out what could possibly mean the dry mouth popped up in dreams.
A druid is a natural spirit that might appear in many different ways. Of course actual druids do not exist, they find their origins in Greek mythology.
This may not seem like it at first, but drugs and a drug test all have something in common and when you dream about any or all of those, it is the process of your mind trying to connect the dots and tell you something.
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