Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Drug store, Drunk, Drunk driver, Drunkard, Drums, Drummers, Drop, Dripping water, Dripping Blood, Drawing Blood, Drill, Drizzle
There are a multitude of symbols in real life that seem to have little connection to each other whatsoever but once you start to really pay attention to them your mind is able to take in their similarities which your brain sorts through later when you are dreaming.
Having a drunk dream could be positive or negative in meaning depending of what happened in your dream.
If you have a dream in which you are a drunkard this will have a totally different meaning than a dream in which you were drunk.
A drum is a device that is used to provide percussion for music. It is one of the oldest instruments and it is known for being able to be used in a wide variety of different music without sounding unnatural in any of these contexts.
A drop is a loss, it is plain and simple. If you have a dream in which you see yourself dripping water or anything else of that nature, then you might be curious about the deeper implications of this kind of dream.
Blood is something that is all too familiar to humans. We see blood all the time in the newspapers, magazines, movies, we hear of it in novels and on the radio.
Without drills we might not be able to be nearly as productive as we think we are and get nearly as much work done, but there are also other meanings to the word drill used in Dream Interpretations.
Drizzle is something that we generally see on dark or depressing days. At least this is how these days are generally perceived when the word drizzle comes along.
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