Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Define, Deformed, Dehydration, Dehumidifier, Déjà vu, Decay, Decaying teeth, Decapitation, Decapitated body, Deck of Cards, Devil baby
The definition of the word define is a hard one to describe because the term is usually used in describing the meaning. But essentially to define something can be seen in two different ways.
Being deformed is basically to look a way that you shouldn't. When something is deformed it means that it has taken on a shape that is unnatural to the form that it usually takes.
Sometimes the mind picks up on symbols without you consciously realizing it. In other words your mind might see things happening that the rest of you are unable to understand or comprehend. Usually when something like this happens, you tend to sort through all of that information when you sleep.
Essentially Déjà vu is that experience where you do something and feel like you have done it before, to an eerie and almost physical extent. It usually occurs in a quick flash.
If you have a dream in which you see something terrible like decay, decaying teeth, etc these meanings may be important to hear.
Decapitation is not something that happens naturally and it is only through a manmade tool or some other kind of intervention that a person becomes decapitated.
A deck of cards is something that you see just about everywhere these days. Though they are typically used for gambling in Vegas and this is how they are usually thought of, they have become something of a household item for nearly everyone.
The symbol of a devil baby is quite fraught with mixed emotions and interpretations, but this does not make them any less important, especially when concerned with dream interpretation.
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