Dream Dictionary, Page #285


Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Detailed, Detention, Determination, Detachable, Deity, Deodorant, Depression, Department Store

Dream Dictionary Detailed Dream Dictionary Detailed

The process of detailing is never widely described anywhere unless you are a very upper class person. Detailing is something that is usually associated with cars in the term auto detailing. This is the process of basically taking a car and updating it to the point that it is a showroom quality car. But in doing this, you are not actually updating the car itself, you are just making it look nicer and on the inside it is still just as old as it once was. Usually, you will only detail a new car which doesn't really need it anyway, but any car can be detailed if you want it to be, especially in the realm of dreams.

Dream Dictionary Detention Dream Dictionary Detention

Detention is a place that is normally associated with childhood but it can also be associated with the prison system too since in some cases a prison sentence is referred to as detention.

Dream Dictionary Determination Dream Dictionary Determination

Dreaming of Determination? Hope in to find out the meaning of dream about Determination and other things that keep a person going.

Dream Dictionary Detachable Dream Dictionary Detachable

Being detachable is something that might sound attractive at first but in reality; nobody really wants to be detachable. Even in dreams we rarely know what to do when you are detachable.

Dream Dictionary Deity Dream Dictionary Deity

A deity is a symbol of hope and transformation, of love and respect, and of beauty. There are thousands of deities in the hundreds and hundreds of religions that make up the world these days.

Dream Dictionary Deodorant Dream Dictionary Deodorant

Deodorant is the substance that comes in a liquid or a stick form, and all you need to do to apply it is spray or rub it under your arms. Then it will cancel out any pre-existing smell that you had there and it will also provide you with a guard against sweat in the future so that you do not create any more awful scent under your arms.

Dream Dictionary Depression Dream Dictionary Depression

Depression is one of the biggest things that is affecting the world. It is causing people from all over to feel affected by it and this causes them to feel extremely upset with themselves and the world at large. In some of the worst cases of Depression people won't be upset at all; in fact they will just feel completely bland about everything. This is the worst way to feel because it takes away all joy in the human experience. Every person knows that when they are feeling bad, they can still keep going on because one day the world will feel better again and so will they.

Dream Dictionary Department Store Dream Dictionary Department Store

A department store is a large location where people can go to shop for groceries of many different types. If you go to a grocery store and you need a lot of groceries then you can't very well purchase a sofa there which you might also need, can you? And if you go to a hardware store to buy a hammer and you also happen to need a gallon of milk, you will be able to find none of that there. This is why a department store exists.

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