Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Dead lion, Dead Kid, Dead Little Girl, Dead Children, Dead loved ones, Death of a Love, Dead cow, Dead Sheep, Dead corpse
By far the one thing that lions are characterized best for is their relation to courage. This is why a dream of a dead lion can be so troubling.
Because of their importance to society and to the family unit, a dream of a dead kid, dead little girl, can be terrible to experience, but the meaning behind each of these dream symbols is not to be misunderstood.
Children help the world go round. As little as they contribute to society directly, their indirect importance cannot be discounted.
Dreaming of dead loved ones, death of a loved one etc can be reasonably troubling but the meaning may be a little more easy to stomach.
Death of a Love is always a tragedy but to experience a Death of a Love in a dream may mean many different things.
Assuming that you are keeping the cow for its dairy and not for its meat, a cow can be extremely reliable and will last you a long time, this is why it may come as such a shock to see a dream of a dead cow or a dead calf.
Sheep and Lamb have a multitude of different things they are good for, making the dream meaning of a dead sheep, or a dead lamb that much more versatile.
There are many things in your life which carry over into your dreams. Dead corpse or Dead Ghost has no exception.
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