Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Death of son, Death of daughter, Dying in a dream, Dying Relative, Dead Cousin, Dying in a car crash, Dying of cancer, Dreaming of Dying hair
A dream of the death of son will usually result in shock and despair nine times out of ten but the truth is, the dream need not be thought of so terribly since the meanings carry such variety.
To dream of the death of daughter means that you need to worry about your own safety. You have probably been participating in some very unsafe activities recently and it has put you in a negative state of mind.
There are many ways that dreams about Dying or Death can be interpreted though, and surprisingly not all of the outcomes in dreams dictionary are completely negative.
You have experienced a dream about Dying Relative, Death of a Dead Relative or Dead Cousin? When you are confronted with these kinds of thoughts in your dreams it is only natural you wonder why.
A dead cousin dream means that you really need to keep yourself in check, pay closer attention to yourself and make sure that you are making healthy choices in life.
If you are normal you probably think about death a lot and try to imagine how you will die and the many ways it is possible for you to die.
You can go by dying of cancer, or just about anything, but if these specific two ways of dying show up in your dreams often.
Hair in many ways represents our personality. It is because of the fact that hair is so important in our life, but in the dream world dying hair is even more important.
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