Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Deer antler, Deer attack, Dead parents, Dead Pet, Dead Puppy, Dying Dog, Dead sea, Dead Stranger, Dead sister
A deer antler may all be elements of your dreams at some point or they may show up individually but each of these symbols carries its own meaning and importance.
To see in a dream a Deer attack or Deer fawn generally mean for a dreamer to experience an elusive emotion in real life.
There are people that have healthy relationships with their parents and some that totally hate them. Personal feelings regarding parents greatly affect the importance of the dream symbols of dead parents, death of parent.
Dreaming of a dead pet can be fairly traumatizing. Nobody likes dreaming of dead animals.
Seeing a dead pet such as a dead puppy or a dying dog can be even more traumatizing especially because these are creatures that people grow close to and it causes great strife to the owners when they die.
The Dead Sea is not just any sea, which is why the letters are capitalized. Sure you could think of a sea with dead creatures in it as being a Dead Sea, but the real Dead Sea is an actual landmark.
A stranger is basically just any human being that you are not familiar with. Dreams involving this kind of symbolism should never be ignored.
This relationship with the sister or brother can be one of the most formative and important relationships in a person's life and without it a person will never be able to function.
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