Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Puddle, Puddings, Publisher, Publican, Prostitute, Property, Promenade, Profits
Stepping into puddles in a dream signals vexation with potential future redemption if water is clear, or unpleasantness if muddy. Wetting feet suggests pleasure leading to harm.
Dreaming of pudding symbolizes minor gains from significant investments if merely seen. Eating it suggests disappointment in personal matters. For young women, preparing pudding indicates a sensual, worldly lover and potential future disillusionment.
Dreaming of a publisher signifies embarking on literary endeavors and long journeys. For women, it warns of jealousy and potential conflicts. Rejection suggests disappointment, while acceptance brings joy, but losing it warns of harm from strangers.
Dreaming of a publican symbolizes self-sacrifice for someone in need. For young women, it suggests meeting a worthy yet unattractive lover, possibly leading to unnecessary hurtful behavior.
Dreaming of a prostitute signifies potential righteous scorn from friends due to ill-mannered conduct, deception of a lover for young women, and suspicion or quarrels for married women.
Dreaming of owning vast property signifies success in various affairs and the acquisition of meaningful friendships.
Dreaming of promenading suggests engaging in energetic and profitable activities, while seeing others promenading indicates encountering rivals in your pursuits.
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