Zodiac signs Well
Gemini Zodiac sign
Tomorrow Gemini Horoscope

Tomorrow Gemini Horoscope

May 14, 2024

🌟Ah, that's better. Mercury is finally moving forward again. You should find that your plans for expanding your operation, broadening your sphere, or publicizing your efforts will encounter substantially less resistance.🌟

Read Daily Gemini Horoscope with Astrology Forecast done for Today May 13, 2024

Gemini Daily Horoscope for Tomorrow

May 14th, 2024 Tomorrow Astrology - Moon Phase and Plenetary Aspects


Moon Phase

May 14, 2024

New Moon

Void of Course Moon in ♎

Affected period from 3:08 AM* May 14, 2021 to 5:34 AM* May 14, 2021 (* Eastern Time)

“Void-of-Course Moon” is known as a period when the Moon aspects planet just before it leaves the Zodiac sign it is in. This period means non-action at all stages of being. In general terms, all undertakings during this time will not come to fruition. Nothing is going to happen. But this is not necessarily a bad omen, because Void of Course Moon also stops events that can lead to negative developments.

For Gemini on May 14, 2024 Void of Course Moon will happen in your 7th House of Partnership and Marriage. Gemini should expect that any action taken during this period in the Partnership and Marriage sphere will come to the end with no result.

🔭 May 14, 2024 Moon Aspects

You are impulsive, sensual, restless, jealous, and tend to be a loner. At times, you may feel rejected, possibly due to your relationship with your parents. Your feelings are constantly challenged by the necessities for improvement or change in surrounding conditions. Your feelings are given to violent upheavals against your wishes: because you cannot resist the wider implications impinging upon your sensibilities. Emotionally you are forced to consider the underside of situations and the degree to which possible change is indicated. This supercharges the feelings with psychic forces that make you acutely aware of the spiritual responsibility of your emotional reactions.

When the Moon in the Scorpio your interests are aroused by unusual events that may frighten some people but inspire you. This time you may be the spiritual heir from several sources and become be passionate about close relationships.

A Moon quincunx Jupiter makes natives who are easily bored and need constant change in their lives. The thing is, that may not be obvious to those with these transit, which can cause some minor frustration and a sense of being stagnant when things stay the same for too long.

A Moon quincunx Mercury indicates excellent potential for using the spoken word as a means of artistic self-expression. Though, it can be easily missed if one is not looking for a way to channel these energies.

Natives with this aspect in their chart can be somewhat temperamental. They have to learn not to take everything too personally. They often feel attacked by people of opposing beliefs, even when that may not be true. The biggest challenge with this aspect is that they often don't think this to be a problem.

A Moon sesquiquadrate Neptune make for people who don't believe in their own dreams. A sense of longing for a life that could be can be indicated by this aspect. The main thing natives with this transit may need is the courage to take a leap-of-faith, but they often fear that most.

Famous Birthdays and May 14, 2024 in History

🏰 On this day in History

May 14th, 2024

1607 1st permanent English settlement in New World, Jamestown, Va

1919 45th Preakness: Johnny Loftus aboard Sir Barton wins in 1:53

1986 Reggie Jackson hit his 537th HR passing Mickey Mantle into 6th place

1957 "New Girt in Town" opens at 46th St Theater NYC for 432 performances

1994 Dave Winfield passes Frank Robinson for 12th on RBI list with 1,617

🎂 Famous Historical Birthdays

May 14, 2024

1967 Pirate Radio Station 270 (England) closes down

1832 Felix Mendelssohn's "Hebrides," premieres

1988 1st non-pitcher (Jose Oquendo) in 20 years to get a decision in a baseball game, he & St Louis Cards lose to Braves 7-5 in 19 inn

1968 Czech govt announces liberalizing reforms under Alexander Dubcek

1948 Israel declares independence from under British administration

⛪ Famous Historical Deaths

May 14th, 2024

1983 Miguel Aleman Valdes, attorney/pres of Mexico (1946-52), dies at 80

1947 John Ray Sinnock, US chief engraver (1925-47), dies at 59

1991 Herman Niels, Flemish radio director, dies

1904 Richard Hol, Dutch composer/organist/conductor, dies at 78

1996 Vera Chapman, writer, dies at 98

♊ Horoscopes for Gemini

Gemini Zodiac sign Daily Horoscope for Gemini Zodiac signs Well

Zodiac sign


Comments: Tomorrow Horoscope Gemini

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don 2021-10-01 01:01:17
libras are not loyal, nor are they great bed rakers. piscis are the sweetest and quite tasty in the sak.. but for s**ual intensity I go for the leo, altho they seem to have a wandering tea cup that when empty they will have it filled quickly, so stay close by. aquarians like trophies, capricorns are exciting but usually tricky to leap into, taurians are machines, and that's that, smooth or fast, ruff or slow... put the coin in and twist the knob. cancerians love with their tears, both ways. virgots gotta go, sagitarians are easy and arians are bullish... it. I'm out... C ya.
donR 2020-05-14 23:02:18
As a gemini we must realize that our greatest asset is in giving our love without expecting a full and even love in return. Think all of you Geminis, experience has taught us that there is no one in no way who can conjure up the full cup of love that we need to feel fully fed and nurtured. Our best health is in acknowledging we can not be equeled in what we do best. So just be satisfied with the mediocre love, settle for a crazy lust or be the two sided people we are and enjoin in multiple relationships. I've found that honesty IS the best policy with the others in your love life when it's truly you you have to be honest with in the end.
Raji 2018-08-22 22:31:17
I have my cma result I will get good marks in all subject pls reply I want to know
wtf 2018-06-17 02:04:56
I think people all want the same thing security and honesty and fun. I also think astrological signs don't mean very much. As humans we can change if we chose to.
efraintwenty 2018-04-19 09:26:57
I found love but for being lonely might of lost it and it flipped I'm doing everything for this person I love my pieces
Izek 2018-02-26 15:43:13
Still searching for a female Gemini,
Shantisree 2017-09-15 22:50:07
Fully agree gemini waste their lives looking for love, more so because they weigh its content with the intellect and find many scoring low due to unethical demands on another's freedom and life's aspirations. While it's true love is not found on trees it's also true that love is not a thing to be swallowed like a fruit picked from a tree, to taste and then reject perhaps. One must know the tree before the fruit is devoured. And the season of fall of the fruit.
donald 2022-02-06 07:39:37
would you like the meet me, I'm a Gemini too.
2017-09-15 22:45:00
My advice to all Gemini's is never to risk getting buckled to a virgo. It's the end of all happiness for the airy gemini and a virtual prison house of stagnation and nit - picking. If you don't break it in good time, a greater disaster than a tsunami. Its trauma would not be forgotten in 30 reincarnations. I beg you all as a great well wisher of our zodiac community, with folded hands, to avoid the virgo as the plague in partnership union.
Carl 2017-08-17 09:51:15
I'm lost too.
I have had two unsuccessful marriages have put my whole heart into a relashonship with a cancer lady and don't get any love back.
I just want that someone the loves me too
Ren 2017-07-28 11:00:10
Looks like Donald Trump's horoscope
Mike 2017-07-15 21:13:58

It looks ,Gemini in Love are cursed. We never get true love ,we can give love , but other people fail to do so.I dated and had a relationship with a Libra , cheated on me ,a scorpio too rude and jealous. Aquarian not honest ,extra relationship . Currently in a relationship with Virgo , too secretive , lacks communication , selfish ,lacks romance and love for a Gemini. Think other Geminis go through thisas well.
Queen 2018-05-03 20:31:50
Libras are the most loyal. Im a libra myself and was in a relationship with a gemini. Lied, cheated, loves drama.. Just toxic all around
P3ann 2017-09-10 09:52:40
I too am a Gemini and like you Mike i have had a fair few failed relationships.I was married to a virgo for 3years,he was a bully and cheat,although I had two lovely daughters with him.Then A relationship with gemini for 4years,I fell out of love with him when he was secretive about his love for drugs.Then another gemini I was with for 3years cheated on me.Then a scorpio I was with for 8years was the love of my life, really thought he was the one.He went on holiday,came back, finished with me and straight away he was in another relationship.Im sure he must of been cheating but was never sure.When we finished I felt someone had died inside me.On the rebound I had a year long relationship with a capricorn. I ended this one as he was such a bore and we had nothing in common.I tried a dating app,which wasn't for me, I attracted weirdos. So I decided i didn't need anyone, I'd be on my own.I've always worked hard for my money,I needed no-one...... And then a long period on my own and truly happy a Taurus came along,a hard working self employed Polish man,we met,we got on, 9days later we were an item.We get on so well,we have same interests.This is such a different relationship to any of the others.I know this man loves me as much as I love him.He has made me realise that alot of my relationships were very one sided.We have now been together now for nearly 5years.Im 46,I feel I have met my soul mate :-)
kitty 2017-07-11 12:52:58
l am looking for a Pisces man .Can you help me plz?

Sachin 2016-12-12 14:03:07
I know I am going to find my love in 2017
Fed up of the ugly thing around me
Just doesn't get my way or the high way- such a ugly lil thing
katty 2015-12-09 08:20:04
will geminis ever find love,hapiness????
Lewy 2016-02-08 15:45:29
As soon as you fall in love with your real self the universe will send more love your way then you could ever imagine!
daisy` 2015-09-21 13:13:52
love to all people .just keep smiling 🙂 🙂 😃
True Gemini 2015-09-12 11:25:06
Lol True Gem. Did I steal your name or you mine?
Anyway, well written, you honour our name... 🙂
True Gem 2015-09-10 18:54:23
As Geminis we all want to find love and have an idea of what we want with no clear picture of what love is. This becomes an endless search and every time we grasp what we are looking for, we don't know if that one is the one thing we've been searching for. So, we put it down and continue the search. Woah to any of you who run into a cunning, coy Aquarius along the way.
Spark 2016-11-08 05:51:01
Unfortunately I think this is very true 🙁
sanjay 2015-12-04 09:06:20
hi True Gem..how to you find an Aquarius partner? i just want to study about your and the
Aquarius man?
Aquarian 2015-12-02 00:47:25
Whoa! We may say the same about Geminis.
Carrissa 2015-07-24 21:21:46
Wow same here true love for me doesn't seem likely for me
The Ch053n one 2017-01-20 13:50:14
True love is bullshit, never exists and it's probably better to be single
daphnie4 2015-06-16 22:59:55
I keep getting interested in the wrong type of man, Why
Grey 2015-12-22 12:26:42
Same here! -_- I thnk thre is no happy ending love stories for gemini people..
danny 2015-06-09 03:48:06
ahh!! you mean the man without balls deal??
mrunamai 2015-05-11 08:56:34
my examz are approaching from 12 th may 2015..wud i will get cleared?
sensual 2015-04-21 21:40:07
love to all gemini 😭
gemeni 2015-07-08 05:12:57
Right, since i am gemeni too

skygazer4 2014-12-28 13:35:21
My fianc called me by his wife's name after we made love what should I do?
don 2021-11-23 15:19:47
let it go. it simply means that you have eclipsed the other and have caused a cross over in his heart. don't hurt him for this incident, I guarantee he is sorry for his confusion.
John 2015-05-03 11:54:10
Don't get engaged to a man with a wife.
Island.Gem 2015-09-05 06:59:59
That was hilarious! It sounded like a Groucho Marx one liner!
tiona 2014-12-18 11:49:01
I don't know if i will ever find true happiness in life it's self and i have very low self esteem and feel like i am always alone.
Jesse 2016-05-18 07:54:19
As a Gemini I know that feeling well. Seems when we try and go it all on our own we are alone. But we are never really alone but by choices we make we stay to ourselves and stay alone. To me it is safe to be alone and do it all myself but then I am alone. Time to let others in and let others help. But just how do we do that and avoid the conflict right.🙂 just take one day at a time and try to enjoy every moment of everyday no matter what. Choose to be happy regardless. Happy people are contagious and everyone loves them. Get your mind on something other than yourself. Volunteer somewhere start giving of your time and energy to others in need. Enjoy everything you do and everyone you meet.🙂
rob31 2016-01-25 08:13:35
thought i was weard feeling like that as a gemini man.
even in my marriage with two kids i feel alone cos my virgo wife does not want or know how to make me happy
my kids cheer me up though
jo 2015-04-28 18:43:46
Look up the book the secret. Or watch the movie on youtube. It will help you 🙂
Crazyre 2015-05-21 16:27:46
I was living the secret before I read the book....it should certainly help....
shoyeb 2014-12-27 07:19:47
Hi tiona, no worry for loneliness. Find me over facebook. sajzads
Constantine 2014-12-21 09:43:45
Message from tiona
I don't know if i will ever find true happiness in life it's self and i have very low self esteem and feel like i am always alone.

When it is impossible to change circumstance, your only course of action should be to change your reaction to it. Chin up.

Abdul 2014-11-03 06:58:13
I don't know if Gemini and Aquarius can be a perfect March without separating.
Colin 2014-10-09 16:49:29
Kelly I don't know if geminis will ever find love. But we can always find happyiness

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Tomorrow's Horoscope for Gemini as a part of Daily Horoscope for your Zodiac sign

Tomorrow's horoscope for Gemini that you will be able to find here is intended to make this zodiac house representatives' life somewhat easier. That's why we daily update the information on our website in order to reflect the current positions of our solar system celestial bodies which in lesser or greater degree influence the life of those born in the sign of Gemini.

Gemini being the leading sign of the air trigon, has a large number of planets which in one way or another affect its life. That's why, when working on the plan for the next day, it can be extremely beneficial to consult the planets and see what they have to say about it. Surprisingly enough, some of our actions, no matter how insignificant they might be, can turn into a true disaster or prove a roaring success. This is not to mention truly large-scale projects! As a result, various situations at work, at home and surely in personal life or a love front as some may refer to it, can develop in a number of unpredictable directions. And hardly all of these directions will be positive. However, there are some scenarios that would be quite beneficial to us. But without proper knowledge we are certainly not able to tell all that by just looking at the starry skies. Luckily for us, there are many specialists who are. These specialists are referred to as astrologists and the goal of their life is to convey stars' advice and instructions to people.

Tomorrow's horoscope for Gemini which you can see here is a result of professional astrologists' efforts. This is the result that gives us an absolutely tangible opportunity to avoid many problems. They say free cheese can only be in a mice trap, but we all know the workings of the Internet sites; that's why all the sceptics out there who often refer to this very aspect can go now. Those of you, however, who care for their life from the astrological stand point, can certainly stay. It should also be noted that our website gets constantly updated; thus, you have an opportunity to daily track the movements of the planets responsible for your life. Try it and you'll quickly realize it is much better with horoscopes than without them. Some view it as an important bonus, some don't think much of it, but everybody does benefit from it. This is exactly the reason why tomorrow's horoscope for Gemini is so popular.

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