Zodiac signs Well
Leo Weekly Horoscope image

Leo Weekly Horoscope

March 24, 2025 - March 30, 2025

🌟 Leo this week will be able to deal with one of the confusing situations. However, the horoscope does not guarantee that, having shed light on this issue, you will be satisfied with the result. Much will need to be improved or adjusted. At the beginning of the week, a slight sadness may appear. Dear Leo, you will quickly get rid of a depressive mood if you remember past victories and motivate yourself to look to the future with hope. Personal relationships throughout the week will develop as usual. Lonely representatives of the zodiac sign Leo, if desired, will be able to attract the attention of the person you are interested in. Family Leo risk inciting jealousy in their partners' relationships by entertaining their egos. 🌟

This week lucky numbers are:
14, 21, 8, 78, 85

Read Daily Leo Horoscope with Astrology Forecast done for Today Mar 25, 2025. As well as Tomorrow Leo Horoscope done for Mar 26, 2025.

Leo Weekly Horoscope, Moon phases and Planet Aspects

Zodiac sign Leo Weekly Astrology Forecast for Mar 24, 2025 - Mar 30, 2025 with Moon calendar and Void of Course Moon periods

Weekly Moon Phase Calendar

Mar 24


New Moon

Moon in ♐

Mar 25


Last Quarter

Moon in ♑

Mar 26


Waning Crescent

Moon in ♑

Mar 27


Waning Crescent

Moon in ♒

Mar 28


Waning Crescent

Moon in ♒

Mar 29


Waning Crescent

Moon in ♓

Mar 30


New Moon

Moon in ♓

Mar 24 - Void of Course Moon in ♐

Affected period from 3:05 PM* Mar 24, 2021 to 4:54 PM* Mar 24, 2021 (* Eastern Time)

Mar 26 - Void of Course Moon in ♑

Affected period from 6:51 PM* Mar 26, 2021 to 7:55 PM* Mar 26, 2021 (* Eastern Time)

Mar 28 - Void of Course Moon in ♒

Affected period from 8:41 PM* Mar 28, 2021 to 11:32 PM* Mar 28, 2021 (* Eastern Time)

🔭 This week's Planetary Aspects for Leo

March 25, 2025 - Mercury in your 8th House of Transformation and Sexuality semi-square Uranus

March 26, 2025 - Mercury in your 8th House of Transformation and Sexuality sextile Pluto

March 27, 2025 - Sun in your 9th House of Belief Systems and Higher Learning semi-square Saturn

March 27, 2025 - Venus in your 7th House of Partnership and Marriage semi-sextile Jupiter

March 27, 2025 - Mercury in your 9th House of Belief Systems and Higher Learning semi-square Mars

March 28, 2025 - Venus in your 7th House of Partnership and Marriage conjunction Saturn

March 28, 2025 - Neptune in your 8th House of Transformation and Sexuality sextile True Node

March 29, 2025 - Sun in your 9th House of Belief Systems and Higher Learning semi-square True Node

March 30, 2025 - Venus in your 7th House of Partnership and Marriage square True Node

March 30, 2025 - Venus in your 7th House of Partnership and Marriage semi-sextile Neptune

March 30, 2025 - Mercury in your 9th House of Belief Systems and Higher Learning semi-square Saturn

🏰 This week in History

March 24, 2025

1945 Largest one-day airborne drop, 600 transports & 1300 gliders

1920 1st US coast guard air station established (Morehead City NC)

1961 NY Senate approves $55M for a baseball stadium at Flushing Meadows

March 25, 2025

1947 9th NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: Holy Cross beats Okla 58-47

1910 Chalmers Auto Co offers a new car to each leagues' batting champ

1961 "Gypsy" closes at Broadway Theater NYC after 702 performances

March 26, 2025

1956 Medic Alert Foundation forms

1937 William H Hastie becomes 1st black federal judge (Virgin Islands)

1960 Orioles-Reds series for Havana, is moved to Miami

March 27, 2025

1941 Britain leases defense bases in Trinidad to US for 99 years

1950 WHAS TV channel 11 in Louisville, KY (CBS) begins broadcasting

1721 France & Spain sign Treaty of Madrid

March 28, 2025

1774 Britain passes Coercive Act against Massachusetts

1535 Bloemkamp Abbey (Oldeklooster) attacked & destroyed

1996 "Seven Guitars," opens at Walter Kerr Theater NYC

March 29, 2025

1912 Capt Robert Scott, storm-bound in a tent near South Pole, makes last entry in his diary "the end cannot be far"

1976 8 Ohio National Guardsmen indicted for shooting 4 Kent State students

1997 1st game at Turner Field Atlanta, Braves beats Yanks 2-0 (exhibition)

March 30, 2025

1982 John Pielmeier's "Agnes of God," premieres in NYC

1970 Miles Davis Bitches Brew released

1943 5th NCAA Men's Basketball Champion: U of Wyoming beat Georgetown 46-34

♌ Horoscopes for Leo

Leo Weekly Horoscope image Zodiac signs Well

Zodiac sign


Comments: Leo Weekly Horoscope

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Shalom 2024-07-21 11:53:04
please which day is suitable to play this luck numbers?
Omah jocelyn 2023-06-06 01:43:26
pls how can l set myself free from a diabolical and wicked husband ?
Leo worrier 2019-12-06 01:39:41
I barley got the app and so far so good ???????? each daily horoscope seems to relate to what I'm going thru that particular day and it gives me all the answers I need ????
Connie Kohler 2019-09-30 20:34:19
will I find love this year or this week
nitro63 2019-09-18 14:13:31
I was born on 08 22. on the cusp of leo/virgo. tell me what difference/effect this being born on the cusp has on my life.
stephen 2019-08-28 11:13:03
thank you for your insight and hope your right about my lucky numbers and off to the lottery.
Paul a 2019-07-14 20:07:42
Paula was born on the 31_7_1959 can't settle down yet Reply
hi 2019-06-24 03:08:28
Hi .. I was born in 13.-10-1974 evening 5.15 ..I want to know about my Fince probleam
pathfinder 2019-06-10 19:19:52
with time ,with patience soon I shall be granted my wish, peace unto all.
tamang jyoti 2019-05-15 16:22:48
I'm patiently waiting for my documents please tell me can I receive well
Kavya Thapa 2018-10-04 07:13:10
Hope everyone gets the thing theyve dreamt of
Anksin 2018-09-26 18:40:02
A leo knows how to fight the world and survive but god didnt teach him how to fight his own. I wish to learn how to switch off my emotions, which has turned against me.
Marchell 2019-03-23 21:57:41
just a guess.....loose your expectations and you'll deal with truth clearly...
Marchell 2019-03-23 21:56:38
Remember feelings are not to be trusted they are fluid at best

2017-10-09 16:54:29
does anyone ever get answers to what they want to know? I'm new to this app
Shayla 2017-10-27 22:55:54
I certainly do. The messages are relatable to certain situations.
Sukhi 2017-08-19 23:38:28
I am born July 23 1982. Wanted to about my career. I am still struggling for good pay jobs
Marie 2017-08-02 16:44:06
am waiting for a job reply, this week would I be successful in this
Henry 2023-06-05 06:31:53
you could when you believe my dear
2017-06-28 02:34:32
Rocky Bundesen Jr. well at least I will always have my peanut gallery to work with.....o ya concencess say.....any thank u this gas helped.....me much on a every sad day of recognition...
Evelyn sithole 2017-04-08 04:47:48
I was born in 1973 august 17 .i want to know about my love life
Henry 2023-06-05 06:33:39
this is Henry age is a number never give up in trying
Donnie 2020-05-09 07:36:06
i was born august 17th 1970 i feel the same as you
Mukesh 2016-10-18 20:55:12
My dob is 29 November 1991 I want to about my career and family problems
Diamonds 2016-07-15 01:39:51
Some of you people in the comments are taking this all too far, asking about if your life will be successful or if you'll get married. Horoscopes only kind of tells you how you're feeling and what you should maybe do. This isn't a full straight up reading of your whole life. No one can predict the future only God, of course.
Sarveashwari 2016-03-14 02:35:43
I was born on 6 June 1999
I wan to know abt my studies
jeNely 2016-02-27 05:53:08
i what to know if i pass my assestment thid year?
Yugineswary 2015-09-28 15:10:15
My birthday date is 25th july
I want to know about my studies
Rabiya Razaq 2015-08-01 20:33:20
I want to know what's my dream job for this year?
vijayashree 2015-06-14 13:12:39
i was born on 29 november 1997 i want to know abt my study.

paige 2015-04-27 14:27:51
Will this curse of the adverse negative karma be lifted off of me so I can finally have all my dreams,desires,and happiness come to fruition?

Misty Blewett 2020-05-10 01:09:42
hi paige I have been looking for my best friend paige in grammar school and she is a twin to her sister amber. their last name is Fellenz. just hoping Misty.
Chuck 2015-05-09 22:49:17
Karma is self imposed and self negated. When you know that you are free of it. Get in touch with your beliefs and the emotions attached to those beliefs and decide if they are worth holding on too.
JMSTAR 2015-03-12 10:13:58
I was planning to upgrade in my work field since last month. So im happy to hear such a accurate positive reading. Im a leo tiger.
SpreadTheLove 2015-02-05 07:42:02
no one cares when u guys were born
JUICEY 2015-04-19 12:25:57
Naveen 2015-02-02 10:22:07
My birthday is on 17august 1964 time10 10pm
kamil 2015-01-20 05:46:07
my birthday is 20augst 1994 . I wiil be success?
salma feerdose 2015-01-01 13:38:42
M bday is 15 Aug 1986 plz let me when I get marriage for dis year 2015
AKN 2015-01-07 18:04:28
My birthday is 15th August 1992. And Ma shaa Allah I'm married 🙂

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Why Leo Weekly Horoscope?

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio..." - these words from the immortal play by the English classical writer are more than relevant today-the era of information technologies, especially considering the evolution of astrology which in the course of thousands of years absorbed so many diverse methods, theories and concepts that today it is a truly self-sufficient scientific discipline capable of making minor but very important discoveries in the life of each of us every day.

For instance, the weekly horoscope for Leo posted above informs the Lions which moments they should pay special attention to during the upcoming week. This horoscope gets updated weekly; thus our visitors have a unique opportunity to always be able to check their goals against the positions of the planets and stars. After all, when such an important phenomenon as forecast is in question, timely update is one of the key factors since stellar combinations are not permanent and their dynamics constantly undergoes various changes.

Weekly horoscope for Leo is a clear and well-constructed product by highly-educated experts who have their whole lives devoted to studying stars and patters of their influence on us. It goes without saying that if horoscopes had not been effective, they wouldn't have become so popular. You might be surprised, but very many people became successful and they have astrology to thank for their success. On the other hand, though, it would be a mistake to think that only stars and stars only made things the way they are. We achieve considerable heights only if we really want it, truly believe in it and make an effort towards it. You will hardly get anywhere by lying on a sofa and counting stars. However, if you are full of desire and your efforts gradually make your goal more and more feasible, astrological forecasts may come quite handy. They will help you do away with everything distracting and unnecessary and make you focus on the most important moments; they will tell you when it is wiser to let your plans brew a little bit longer and when, on the contrary, it makes more sense to move faster in order to avoid trouble.

Thus, weekly horoscope for Leo will serve the representatives of this zodiac house as a reliable guide through the world of energy emanations and astral mazes which - let's be honest - our life is made up from. So, why say no to such an enjoyable and effective bonus?

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