Zodiac signs Well
Libra Weekly Horoscope image

Libra Weekly Horoscope

March 17, 2025 - March 23, 2025

🌟 This week, Libras are unlikely to be able to avoid flattery and sycophancy. Look for rational grains in everything you hear. Also, try to understand the true intentions of the interlocutor. It is possible that among the whirlpool of sounded ideas, there will be one that you can use for your own benefit. More often, dear Libra, use a non-standard approach to solving the problems you face. It will be effective even in cases that you know from A to Z. Less routine, more speculative. At the end of the week, representatives of your zodiac sign will noticeably increase their personal charm, which will help in communicating with people of the opposite sex. 🌟

This week lucky numbers are:
9, 38, 32, 5, 54

Read Daily Libra Horoscope with Astrology Forecast done for Today Mar 20, 2025. As well as Tomorrow Libra Horoscope done for Mar 21, 2025.

Libra Weekly Horoscope, Moon phases and Planet Aspects

Zodiac sign Libra Weekly Astrology Forecast for Mar 17, 2025 - Mar 23, 2025 with Moon calendar and Void of Course Moon periods

Weekly Moon Phase Calendar

Mar 17


New Moon

Moon in ♍

Mar 18


Full Moon

Moon in ♍

Mar 19


New Moon

Moon in ♎

Mar 20


Waning Gibbous

Moon in ♎

Mar 21


Waning Gibbous

Moon in ♏

Mar 22


Waning Gibbous

Moon in ♏

Mar 23


New Moon

Moon in ♐

Mar 18 - Void of Course Moon in ♍

Affected period from 3:11 AM* Mar 18, 2021 to 6:26 AM* Mar 18, 2021 (* Eastern Time)

Mar 20 - Void of Course Moon in ♎

Affected period from 7:40 AM* Mar 20, 2021 to 10:45 AM* Mar 20, 2021 (* Eastern Time)

Mar 22 - Void of Course Moon in ♏

Affected period from 11:01 AM* Mar 22, 2021 to 1:59 PM* Mar 22, 2021 (* Eastern Time)

🔭 This week's Planetary Aspects for Libra

March 17, 2025 - Mercury in your 6th House of Work and Health sextile Uranus

March 17, 2025 - Sun in your 6th House of Work and Health semi-square Uranus

March 17, 2025 - Mercury in your 6th House of Work and Health semi-square Pluto

March 18, 2025 - Venus in your 5th House of Self-Expression, Creativity, Pleasure, and Romance sextile Chiron

March 18, 2025 - Sun in your 6th House of Work and Health sextile Pluto

March 19, 2025 - Venus in your 5th House of Self-Expression, Creativity, Pleasure, and Romance square Uranus

March 21, 2025 - Mercury in your 6th House of Work and Health conjunction Jupiter

March 21, 2025 - Mars in your 5th House of Self-Expression, Creativity, Pleasure, and Romance sextile Chiron

March 22, 2025 - Mercury in your 6th House of Work and Health semi-sextile Saturn

March 22, 2025 - Mars in your 5th House of Self-Expression, Creativity, Pleasure, and Romance square Uranus

March 23, 2025 - Mercury in your 6th House of Work and Health conjunction Neptune

March 23, 2025 - Mercury in your 6th House of Work and Health sextile True Node

🏰 This week in History

March 17, 2025

1987 Sunil Gavaskar ends his Test career with an innings of 96 v Pak

1978 Amoco Cadiz tanker spills 1.6 mil gallons of oil off French coast

1970 US casts their 1st UN Security Council veto (Support England)

March 18, 2025

1968 WVER TV channel 28 in Rutland, VT (PBS) begins broadcasting

1865 Battle of Wilson's raid to Selma, AL

1992 Zimbabwe beat England by 9 runs in World Cup at Albury

March 19, 2025

1950 City College of NY defeats Bradley to win the NIT

1981 Buffalo Sabres beat Toronto Maple Leafs 14-4

1955 17th NCAA Men's Basketball Championship: SF beats La Salle 77-63

March 20, 2025

1816 US Supreme Court affirms its right to review state court decisions

1865 Michigan authorizes workers' cooperatives

1944 Bus falls off bridge into Passaic River NJ, killing 16

March 21, 2025

1868 1st US professional women's club, Sorosis, forms in NYC

1983 Only known typo on Time Magazine cover (control=contol), all recalled

1788 Fire destroyed 856 buildings in New Orleans Louisiana

March 22, 2025

1943 SS police chief Rauter threatens to kill half Jewish children

1971 USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR

1594 French King Henri IV festival in Paris

March 23, 2025

1985 Julian Lennon's 1st concert (San Antonio Texas)

1940 All-India-Moslem League calls for a Moslem homeland

1997 Wrestlemania XIII in Chicago, Undertaker beats Psycho Sid for title

♎ Horoscopes for Libra

Libra Weekly Horoscope image Zodiac signs Well

Zodiac sign


Comments: Libra Weekly Horoscope

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Susan 2019-01-14 13:53:22
I usually read my horoscope every day. But gradually, the predictions don't materialize or happen to be true, so my beliefs are minimizing by the day. I am libra (27th September) and have been facing an unreal situation and tough time in life all throughout 2018, since daughter's cancer diagnosis and continued medical complications, preventing her from working normally and forced to run after government support, which is simply insufficient and relying on my single paycheck. It has been 6 years now and the new year did not begin well. We are living on survival mode and hoping that the universe will finally change things for us to make life a little bit easier. Something has to happen soon, because I sincerely don't know how long we can go on like this.... I work at a job where it is impossible that I could get a raise or a promotion, as predicted in Libra's weekly horoscope. It is the total opposite, therefore causing me to be forced to work at a salary that is not enough to handle such a drastic situation in our lives.
Kelly 2020-01-09 02:32:05
Hey there, if I could I would update my CV and send them towards better job opportunities. It might not something you like at first. But it will gradually help take you in the right direction.
ANUPAM BANERJEE 2018-08-27 06:49:15
First I had belief in this horoscope. But gradually, as I find that the predictions doesn't happen to be true, so my belief diluted. I am libra (4th October) and face lots of hardships, failure, criticism, tough time in life.
Shattered life....
Mona 2018-05-28 00:25:35
Can u tell. Me about my education plzz?
2017-11-09 19:46:04
I went on a interview yesterday, will I get the job?
Tonnier 2017-03-02 08:15:00
I am a libra and with each passing day life gets from bad to worse. After losing my job, i started business but am losing money constantly and now almost bankrupt. Waiting to die
Kellz 2017-08-07 21:24:53
Hey matey hope all goes well with you ... we're Libras & we know damn well not to let go too far, youre much more better than that, we both know this! You'll get what you put into it. Stay strong because we're good at it !
somnath de 2017-07-02 14:05:14
At First check your natal chart or horoscope with the help of an erudite astrologer.He/She will guide you to take the profession according to your chart.
Joi 2017-03-06 22:54:09
Message from Tonnier
I am a libra and with each passing day life gets from bad to worse. After losing my job, i started business but am losing money constantly and now almost bankrupt. Waiting to die

Read Happy Pocket Full of Money. You need to change your approach.

Joy 2017-02-08 16:37:43
I'm also a libra, I am doing my best to be nice to my colleagues at work but they are just being plastics. It's hard for me to trust anymore.
Suvarna 2017-02-07 05:48:05
When i will get good salary
Prince fasade adebowale t 2017-01-29 05:51:43
Uhmmmm,being a libra is a great task,am partially tired of all this tribulations
Sidia 2016-07-27 10:42:28
Is good to a Libra but not easy I luv libra
Johanna 2016-03-09 19:35:51
i haven't recover yet for the loss of my mom 20th February then after 9 days another member of the family 29th February passed away whom i love dearly he mold me to be a better person and made me strong to face life difficulties i have learned so many things from him. he used to be my best buddy. always be there for me when i am feeling down. now you are gone... i do not know where and how to start... RIP i love you Daddy Charles.. you are always in my heart 🙁
Emily 2017-04-26 10:46:54
My mom passed away on Feb 22, 2016. My dad passed away Feb 01, 2004. My dad battled cancer for 3 years, but he was my rock. Watching him die was rough but I had the chance to take care of him for once and ask him all the things I wanted to know at the time. And he got to see me as a woman and not just his little girl. My mom however, passed away in one day. Her and my daughter were extremely close and my only option was to move 8hrs away from the town I lived in my whole life after she died. I recently lost my job and am doing the best I can, but I can't help but miss my childhood. It was filled with unconditional love and security and trust and I just miss my parents. For whatever reason the good die young, I like to think it's because I have a great purpose that isn't fulfilled yet. And altho I feel lost sometimes, I am a better person bcuz of my parents. A stronger person. Good luck to u.
Yeshuaha 2016-07-25 12:12:47
Remember energy never dies. Their not gone but just changed form. Call on them whenever.
Nathan 2015-10-13 23:38:35
Where's the weekly? Hope you guys are okay! Love reading your work!
Alia 2015-10-04 21:34:25
Currently facing lot of problems in my life.Just waiting for my dream job and also interested to pursue research.But things not going right and as always I am confused.I am too nervous and worried.I just want this time to pass away..it's really disturbing.Suggest me when will I be able to experience happiness in my life?
Mzi 2015-10-05 11:05:47
Iam same as you Allia. Ian waiting for a new positions and things just go in curcles. I don't know whether I will ever get this job. Sometimes I think, would not be libra

im miss A 2015-08-21 12:44:43
I love ervin certeza garcia very much. !!!!
lovely 2015-07-16 13:48:21
this week's horoscope (week of 13th july) is great and has manifested for me in the sense that my dad told me that he wished I had died when I had a near death experience last year and we stopped talking for many months and I felt unloved by him and as a result didn't feel like any man could ever love me but we sat down with a priest and my dad saw me sob about what he said and he didn't realise it affected me the way it did and so he apologised and instantly I felt a weight lift off my shoulders and the gates locking my heart open up and I now believe I can find love and he learned that his words can cut like a sword so yes, the horoscope is true, we learned lessons in a very harsh way but we found a solution and we are now back to how we were.
msvickie 2015-07-27 02:49:09
I don't think people understand that words cut deeply - and as a Libran, I feel like it cuts us up the most. I'm always weighing people's words in my mind and sometimes it takes talking it out again before we can ease that burden in our hearts. As much as we want to believe we've weighed all the pros and cons of their responses, we will actually never know the true intention behind their words & actions without asking. Sometimes they were upset or saw something we missed. Whatever the case, we should speak up when our worries overtake our lives... or just learn to let go.

I'm glad your father talked to you and apologized. I hope he knows to be more careful with his words around you next time. Take care!
Ewe 2015-07-12 17:02:47
I am libra husband is Virgo and he cheat on me with cancer women ! He want to leave me for her and my heart is bleeding when he is having fun or what ever .
There was two occasions that he try to back and I easly want to give him chance as I love him but he lyed me again .
Lease advise me what t do
We have two kids and we work hard for all and when we get all he want to break all🙁
Kylieminogue 2015-07-26 13:48:17
Get legal advice. Your spouse has legal obligations to you and the children if he chooses to move on. Legally you need to know your rights and your children's rights. From there you will be more knowledgable and can make some decisions. Moving on is never easy but you deserve delight and happiness as much as anyone. Highly recommend to let the weight go that is dragging you down and will surely be impacting your children as well. Good Luck.
ginger 2015-07-17 22:31:59
Get a job and a young boyfriend. Trust me.
AngeLgyPssLovemyLeo 2015-06-19 17:33:57
Im kinda Very Very Proud being Libra ! Lovelotss, hope my leo man in my dream will turn up to reality.
Daja 2015-05-23 08:59:45
Lol Its Funny Because I Have This Old Friend Coming From College In Las Vegas To See Me.. And The Other Guy I Was Talking To Stood Me Up For Our "Date" Yesterday And I Seen Him With Another Girl Today.. And I Start My Job Next Week...
blessed 2015-05-11 10:48:05
i want money!alots of it!i want wealth!what can i do?
Soona 2015-02-14 15:22:27
When will Libra get dream job?
miamigiggles 2015-01-21 07:55:27
I actually have someone at work I just started talking to Sunday night! He seems serious n understandinformation. A good gentalmen! Holla at the Libras!! 😃
Libran 2015-01-16 22:26:35
Just stumble upon this site. Interesting. Shall be observing and be back again. 😎 😭
beSi 2015-01-11 11:56:41
I definitely love this page and ofc being Libra, best zodiac sign ever ^^
Joan 2015-01-08 10:44:33
Ill try. I wish it can be sucessful :-) Pray for me Im also a Libra :-) Thankyou.
z 2014-10-29 16:35:15
i beleive in horoscope 🙂

sveta 2014-09-01 09:35:50
Do I move to old house this week (next week) or other house? Libra.
camille 2014-08-21 06:12:04
libra basic situation
of the history that they it
come social main. 🤔

Pages: [1]

Why Libra Weekly Horoscope?

Weekly horoscope for Libra gives those born in this zodiac house a unique opportunity to look at their life under a slightly different angle. And even if some might think this angle far from being objective, it did prove its effectiveness long time ago. Otherwise this site would not exist, would it? After all it is the demand that drives the supply.

So, what is it about the horoscopes that make them so attractive - so luring that even the worst of the sceptics turn their eyes to the night skies with the purpose different from just admiring its beauty? As it has already been mentioned above, it is all about the effectiveness. A weekly horoscope for Libra is a view on your life from as high as millions of light years! It is not only the combinations and positions of the solar system's planets that are used to compose a horoscope. Distant crystals from familiar constellations also impact our lives in the most direct way. Surely, Mars or Mercury, for instance, have a much greater impact on our life and this is the reason why astrologers pay more attention to them. Moreover, they do everything they can in order to give you a chance to learn about if not all the obstacles, but most of them that could trip you along the way.

However, while appreciating horoscopes in general, we should realize how valuable weekly horoscopes are. After all, such horoscopes as a weekly horoscope for Libra located above help people solve current issues fast. No doubt, we shouldn't underestimate the value of daily, monthly or yearly horoscopes. The beauty of weekly horoscopes is that they give you an opportunity to have not only a complex, but timely approach to the trickiest situations in your life.

In other words, after you get up on Monday morning, have a cup of coffee and read a few articles in a morning paper, don't shy away from reading through a weekly horoscope. Believe us it might spare you a lot of headache. It doesn't mean, though, that you will suddenly get successful, famous and have the whole world at your feet. But you will have a clear understanding of which situations to avoid to save yourself from rouble and which situations to steer towards to make your wishes come true. That's why weekly horoscopes are here to help.

Daily horoscope

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