Compatibility Horoscope of Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe


Michael Joseph Jackson

Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Born: August 29 and it means that he was born under zodiacal sign of Virgo.

Michael Jackson is a legendary American artist, King of Pop, dancer, song writer, philanthropist and entrepreneur. He is one of the most successful performers of all times, a winner of 13 Grammy Awards and dozens of others. He holds 13 record entries in the Guinness Record Book; about a billion copies of his albums have sold worldwide.

Michael Jackson made a significant contribution and left his mark on pop music, video art, dance and fashion. According to Rolling Stone magazine, he holds the 25th position in the list of 100 greatest performers of all times. It was not only his artistic career, but his personal life that attracted mass media attention: his plastic surgeries, court trials when he was accused of sexually abusing behavior towards minors, but acquitted. Jackson died in 2009 as a result of medication overdose (propofol was one of them).

Debbie Rowe Debbie Rowe Birthday May 14 and it means that she was born under zodiacal sign of Taurus.

Deborah Jeanne "Debbie" Rowe born on December 6, 1958 is a former wife of a king of pop Michael Jackson and a mother to his children. Now Deborah lives in Palmdale, California.

Rowe met Michael Jackson when he was diagnosed with vitiligo in the mid 1980s. Back then she worked as a nurse assisting Jackson's dermatologist.

In 1996 Debbie got pregnant and on November 14 of same year Jackson and Rowe got married in Sidney, Australia. This was a second marriage for both of them. In 1988 Rowe separated from Richard Edelman and Jackson finalized his divorce with Lisa Maria Presley.

Three months later after their wedding, on February 13, 1997 Rowe gave birth to their son Prince Michael Joseph Jackson. And three more years later on April 3, 1998 they had a daughter Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson.

In October 8, 1999 the couple got divorced. Michael Jackson got full custody rights of the children and Rowe was left with 8 million dollars pay out and a house in Beverly Hills.

In 2001 Rowe turned to a private lawyer regarding her parental rights, but in 2004 the court denied her claim. According to the Jewish telegraph agency, Rowe, Jew by origin, made an official announcement regarding the children since she had concerns about Jackson's relatives and nannies who could bring children into the world of Islamic traditions. In the court documents from 2005 there is a note "Being a Jew, Deborah is afraid that the children may be given wrong kind of upbringing and treatment from Michael". The People magazine in 2005 wrote that before the trial Rowe stated that her communication with the children was strictly limited: she was allowed to see them for only 8 hours every 45 days.

The same year Rowe sold her house in Beverly Hill for 1.3 million dollars and bought a rancho in Palmdale, California. A year later, in 2006 she filed two claims against Jackson: one $195,000.00 worth and the other $50,000.00 worth. The claims were regarding the custody of the children. As a result, Jackson was obligated to pay $60,000.00 in court money.

After Jackson's death on June 25, 2009 some mass media sources from TMZ stated that all this time Rowe was a surrogate mother rather than biological one to Jackson's children.

However, Rowe's lawyer Martha Almley refuted this statement.

In early July of this year The New York Post made public the information from the sources within Jackson's family that Debbie Rowe received $4 millions from Michael Jackson in exchange for her promise to withdraw all custody claims. And what may be seen as a confirmation - she stopped her fight for parental rights.

However, some time later Rowe's lawyer presented the evidence refuting the New York Post statement and demanded an immediate cessation of the story accusing the tabloid of blatant lies.

Nonetheless, as CNN and other mass media sources reported, even after several requests The New York Post neither provided rebuttal information nor clarified their source.

Compatibility Horoscope for Taurus woman and Virgo man The element of earth that these two share makes their union stable and solid like no other. When they first meet, a man born in the sign of Virgo and a woman born as Taurus will like each other's reliability and solidity of opinions. Then they will throw themselves into one another's arms and decide to never part ways. They will instantly trust each other and come to realize they have met their other half - the one they have been searching for so long.

Virgo man and Taurus woman have always been dreaming of a conflict-free life. These partners have similar views on practically every issue - they even have nothing to argue about; instead they share long conversations complementing each other and developing one another's thought. With time, though, they may notice they get bored in each other's company. Monotonous life and the same old emotions will do their thing and the feelings will lose their intensity. But things will never go as far as conflicts and breakup - these sings are too wise to sacrifice their love and happiness.

Typically a woman born in the sign of Taurus is more patient and organized than the zodiac sign of Virgo. Both of them are equally stubborn and whenever they suddenly find a reason to pout at each other, they hide in their burrows all alone painfully waiting for their partner to be the one to make a move. As a rule, Taurus woman is the last to blink in this game of chicken. When united, these zodiac sings are so powerful they could move mountains. They can do business, art, book publishing - success will be theirs no matter what they choose to do given their indestructible will and energy. They take a thorough care in protecting each other's peace and happiness and they always stick together -they help, offer advice, complement. They respect each other's dignity; both of them care for their partner not to feel infringed or offended. A marriage is an unnatural state for a man born in the sign of Virgo - this is how his astrologic cards played out for him. However, Taurus woman arranges their married life in such a way that Virgo man feels completely free, happy and safe under the roof of their family home.

Virgo man doesn't care much for comfort and luxury - he loves practical and inexpensive things. The zodiac sign of Taurus likes bright eye-catching things and jewelry and she will be somewhat disappointed by her partner's attraction to a Spartan life style; however, neither of them likes to throw money away and that means they will make all acquisitions together after thoroughly discussing a purchase and carefully weighing all pros and cons. The compatibility horoscope confirms that Taurus woman will always be a loyal and devoted wife which will help Virgo man feel confident and relaxed.

Comments: Compatibility Horoscope of Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe

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