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The Zodiac Sign Pisces Love Compatibility Horoscope

Pisces Love Compatibility Horoscope

Zodiac sign Pisces Love Compatibility

Compatibility of Pisces, Basic Traits of the sign of the Zodiac Pisces' Love & Romance Character, Pisces Relationships Individual Preferences, those born during February 20 - March 20

Pisces and Aries Love Compatibility Horoscope

Fire and water do not normally mix and that is why the Aries with Pisces love match could be a complex relationship. Aries is self-assured and vivacious; Pisces is somewhat shy and easily led. Aries likes to be dominant, Pisces likes having someone to lean on. The Aries will be intrigued by the behavior of Pisces in the bedroom. The active participation of the Aries will help Pisces get over their shyness. The realization of Pisces' sexual wishes can cause strong excitation. Together they should have an interesting and pleasant time. The opportunity of connection or a marriage is very high if they manage to overcome the differences between their temperaments.

Pisces and Taurus Love Compatibility Horoscope

This usually is a very happy combination. Taurus is a strong, authoritative figure who can provide security and stability for vacillating Pisces. Trying to help Pisces make all of their dreams come true, tactfully and reliably encouraging them, a persevering Taurus can achieve all that he wants from these relationships. The success of their sexual harmony depends on the Taurus. These two can share a great deal of their appreciation for beauty, art, sensuality and just about any of the finer things in life. Pisces is easily clouded by emotion but can be brought to reality by Taurus' down to earth nature. Taurus can be helped to dream by the Pisces personality. There are good prospects for an interesting affair as well as for healthy marriage.

Pisces and Gemini Love Compatibility Horoscope

The passion quotient is high, and so are the problems. The Pisces is too emotional for Gemini. Emotional Pisces for his/her turn is too easily hurt by thoughtless Gemini. Gemini is mischievous and playful, but Pisces is sensitive and takes things to heart. It creates an atmosphere of suspiciousness and mistrust. There can be a feeling of flame between them but the instability in their relations will destroy connection as a result. This is a rather risky connection and unhappy marriage.

Pisces and Cancer Love Compatibility Horoscope

This is an affectionate, sensitive couple who will bolster each other's ego. Pisces is an imaginative dreamer but Cancer is an imaginative worker-and together they can make their dreams a reality. Pisces provides romance in Cancer's life, and Cancer is the all-protective lover Pisces needs. They are a good pair in the field of sex. They are both sympathetic and try to support each other. Most likely the Cancer will be the leader, because of the Pisces' inclination for some eccentricity in love affairs. The quarrels are usually short and quickly come to an end in bed. They are a perfect fit for each other. They can spend their time during the day and during the night with the same result and the sentimental combination of these two signs make for an ideal marriage.

Pisces and Leo Love Compatibility Horoscope

Leo is flamboyant, domineering; Pisces is unworldly and mystical. They intrigue each other because they are so different, but the differences don't mesh well. An active Leo cannot understand timid and quiet Pisces. Leo won't even try to understand the Pisces' behavior in the bedroom. Representatives of both signs are inclined to receive more than to give. Leo needs public acclaim, while Pisces prefers the sheltered life. Leo can't tolerate Pisces's ultra-sensitivity, nor Pisces's inclination toward exotic boudoir activity. When Pisces runs into despondency, Leo's pride doesn't allow him to participate and help their partner to get a problem over. It will be a rather difficult connection and unsuccessful marriage.

Pisces and Virgo Love Compatibility Horoscope

For those two the feeling of love is closely related to stability, physical needs, and intellectual compatibility. Love for Pisces is a wonderful and emotional experience for anyone but for Virgos, it could be a real adventure with emotional ups and downs. Virgo's cautious, prudent attitude toward sex does not satisfy Pisces's limitless desires. Still, marriage is likely to be unsuccessful.

Pisces and Libra Love Compatibility Horoscope

Here there is mutual attraction, but it seldom lasts long as they start off fine, since both are sentimental and affectionate. In a way they are alike: both want to impose their romantic visions on reality. Libra can get along well with most people, but Pisces is more discriminating, and this is the source of their disagreements. Nothing makes Libra more miserable than a sulky, complaining Pisces. Finally Libra will become tired with a Pisces' desire to rely on someone. As for the Pisces -they can't stand the fact that the Libra has a vast variety of interests. If Libra becomes quarrelsome, Pisces will plunge into despondency. Does it sound sad? Yes, it does.

Pisces and Scorpio Love Compatibility Horoscope

This combination may be love at first sight. There is a strong mutual attraction between them. Pisces are ready to rely on Scorpio to compensate their indecision and will agree with the Scorpio's aspiration to dominate. Scorpio's jealousy and possessiveness won't bother Pisces-in fact, it makes Pisces feel loved. Pisces's dependency is just what Scorpio is looking for. These two share a special communion, much of it on a sensual, unspoken level. Both have intense feelings, are loyal, intuitive, and interested in the mystical and the unusual. Their sexual life should be delightful. The Pisces are inventive. The Scorpio is persevering. Both affair and marriage are successful.

Pisces and Sagittarius Love Compatibility Horoscope

These two ignite in the bedroom, but the compatibility ends there. Neither of them can give another the feeling of reliability. Independent Sagittarius is too much of a rover to satisfy Pisces's need for attention and devotion. Sagittarius's sharp tongue will hurt Pisces's romantic sensibilities. Pisces wants to get close but is constantly confused and rebuffed by Sagittarius's struggle to free itself of the heavy emotional demands. The Sagittarius thinks that, that he/she is constrained by shyness of the Pisces, and that his/her energy and optimism are slowly drowning in a bog of despondency. This is an extremely difficult connection. The marriage is almost impossible.

Pisces and Capricorn Love Compatibility Horoscope

The Pisces will probably try to cheat on the Capricorn because it is in their character, but the Capricorn is able to cope with it and will be the leader in bed. The Pisces will soon decide to follow him/her. The Pisces are affectionate and sincere creatures and can make the Capricorn's life full of joy. Capricorn provides a ballast for Pisces's drifting dreaminess and supplies the stability that Pisces needs and admires. And there's nothing Capricorn likes better than being admired. These very different people and they supplement each other emotionally. It is a good combination with complimentary values. They will find comfort in one another, providing Capricorn displays his/her emotions at least once in a while. There is very good forecast for these relationships.

Pisces and Aquarius Love Compatibility Horoscope

In case Pisces study the Aquarian horoscope, this may not be a bad combination. But usually, their sexual affinity turns into a war with elements of a melodrama. The sensitive Pisces dependent on the Aquarius too much and constantly demanding the proofs of his/her love. The Aquarius feels depressed. The Pisces is a highly complex personality that must be the center of attention in his/her lovers' life, and this is disheartening to Aquarius, who believes in developing individuality. Pisces can have deep bouts of depression and if he/she perceives that Aquarius is unsympathetic to these he/she may cut Aquarius off completely and make his/her own private decision about their life together. This connection seems to be promising at first, but it will never turn into a happy marriage.

Pisces and Pisces Love Compatibility Horoscope

With these two signs, having the same virtues and vices, they should get along well together, or at least they will have understanding and sympathy for one another. Their mutual sympathy guarantees that there will be a perfect understanding in the field of sexual needs between them. If their problems can be dissolved on a background of a sexual compatibility, it will be one of the best pairs in the Zodiac. The only possible drawback is drifting too far from practical realities. To solve this problem, they both can be anchored to each other, so that they can put their shoulders to the wheel and face the responsibilities that reality demands. This seems to be a rather sexual connection. The marriage will be interesting.

♓ Horoscopes for Pisces

The Zodiac Sign Pisces Love Compatibility Horoscope Zodiac signs Well

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Comments: Pisces Love Compatibility Horoscope

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Sharon Llesis 2017-11-05 04:58:32
im a pisces woman,, would say the best match for me was a scorpio..gemini is d worst so run ladies if u meet one!!
Priscilla 2018-06-03 04:25:43
It was good i. The beginning he loves me i love him just lack of romance....
TOPNOTCHBOSS 2017-10-04 21:24:25
The truth is love is love. All these write up will become right or wrong based on you. U can't let anything come in the way of love.
May 2019-03-25 18:34:09
No it is not love is love. Try being Pisces and date a Gemini. Tell me next
Liza Jehan( Pisces Woman) 2017-08-12 16:07:51
I love my scorpio man very much.I am deeply attracted to him.Even now that we are not talking to each other I miss him Deeply.
He asked me to never talk to him again.
And I am holding myself not to approach him again.He used to say he love me and never he has shared his feelings in depth with anyone else then me.
I am in big mess,I just Dont know what to do.
Still waiting for him to come Back.
ns 2017-06-27 06:08:17
I came to see if my current bf was a good match. Im a pisces and hes a sagitarius.....everything you've written is sadly true.....but im optimistic....
Ondine 2017-05-09 08:20:11
I'm a Pisces, and personally I think my Libra and I don't match that description. We've been best friends for ten years, and dating for three. There have only been a few conflicts between us, and we hardly remember what even happened, because it wasn't even that big of a deal.
Aly 2016-11-25 22:30:29
Can a Pisces be happy with a Gemini .. I tried every sign even the ones that I was most compatible with and got not so good results.. dating a Gemini and it seems like we were friends for awhile .. is there any hope for us in the long run or do these zodiacs stand true too a T
Tami 2019-04-05 07:35:35
I am a Gemini and my husband is a Pisces. 15 years later we are still best friends. We have so much in common and some things we are complete opposites about. It is a great mix. Where I have split personalities his calm completes me. He keeps me on solid foundation and I bring spontaneity to his life. My constant mind changing brings his thoughts to a decision. We mesh. I could not be more happy or more in love. Our oppositions brings a life full of many routes to the same roads. In other words, never a dull moment, nothing boring in our home, bed and our lives in general.
Libra is suppose to be a best match for Gemini. I have to strongly disagree. My ex was a Libra. Worst years of my life. He is just a miserable man always playing a victim in every situation. Very selfish and hurtfully demeaning!
Premier 2016-10-16 14:03:55
I am Pisces and still haven't found the one cause everybody want everybody so fuck everybody I'm the truest of all signs and have the deepest intuition ain't connection just bullshit from everybody on mamas
RCancer 2017-03-27 21:14:20
Try finding a Cancer girl.
Kristi 2016-10-02 08:46:15
I can tell you in my experience as a pisces married to a virgo husband that we have been happily married for 21 years. The only thing I can say that might be a problem at all would be sometimes sex is a little vanilla but when he wants to put in a little more effort its still the best.
Just me 2017-05-04 19:18:13
Omg this is spot on!! Haha
Beauty 36 2016-09-16 12:34:30
I am a Pisces I am dating an Aquarius. I was married to a Pisces and that was from hell. Now I am with an Aquarian and its like heaven.
Elena 2016-09-07 12:42:27
I'm a Virgo, Looking for love in all the wrong places and a friend front high school 4 years apart he's older is know a veteran with a purple heart. Well not the best Looking stud and know way over wait. Looking on here for the capability between Pisces and Virgo know he likes me and I'm not sure anymore of what I read. But I'll try it out. 😉
trish 2016-08-18 04:29:55
oh thanks for telling me that pisces man and woman can get along together well
Arowx 2016-05-22 00:26:13
I am a Pisces born March 3rd in love with a virgo girl born August 31st...well we do get issues and all but we find a way to swim out of it... It's all good between us... Sex life well.. Not always often cause she is always scared... Somehow... You know girls with sex in marriage things.. I love her and I wanna marry her...this year will k make it 7 years with her... We cross path in almost all the important phases of our life... From same university, same department to same vocational place of work to same place of national youth service... You know... But the gel breaker now is the religion! I a Muslim and she is a Christian and now I am a total stranger to her that she can't marry me... We talk still have arguement. But looks on and off thing.. .I have dated two virgos she being the second.... Virgos are really one sign to be with.... I love her and it's killing me cause she is withdrawing so much
juice 2016-12-07 18:54:31
You only know you love her if you let her go
Pieces 2016-09-20 20:32:30
My birthday is March 3 too

Jen 2016-04-21 05:36:06
I'm a female Pisces, March 16, dealing with a Pisces male, March 15, it's heaven and hell. Not all Pisces are loyal but our sex is great.
NATHI 2016-04-20 04:43:10
unjan 2016-04-09 22:57:09
Mjy ni pta k y such hy y ni bs ap dua krna k mjy mera pyar mil Jay I am Pisces and my love also pisces. Plz pray for us that we become a as a great couple
Cecily 2016-03-24 08:07:54
Though this isn't on the subject, my mom is a cancer and I've never had a closer best friend. And my best friend that's my age is a Gemini and what they between a picses(me) and a gemini(bff) is true. She is exactly like that. And my ex that is an Aries is so true it's crazy.
Tony Sakr 2016-03-10 02:38:10
It's suffering and torturing to be with Capricorn.
Jamiece 2016-10-15 08:59:33
Message from Tony Sakr
It's suffering and torturing to be with Capricorn.

What's wrong with Capricorn women Pisces? You would rather a water sign ?

Dee 2016-02-25 13:43:08
I am a Pisces and I was with my exhuband a Capricorn for 22 years, I never cheated on him ,I was faithful. In the end he was the unfaithful one. I never found out till the end . That is why he is my exhusband now. You state that a Pisces will cheat on a Capricorn, it was the complete opposite. I also found out that wasn't his first time. You need to redue how you decide your calculations.
Ida 2016-07-26 23:06:08
It's important to look at his mom sign and his rising sign... Just a FYI.
Fellow Picean 2016-05-11 20:17:14
I'm a Pisces and my ex husband was also a Capricorn and he was the one to cheat as well.
ziggy tutor 2016-01-22 02:31:28
Why do you not have a match for Pisces and Virgo?
Mili 2016-02-04 14:35:54
I knowwww I came on here to read on Pisces and Virgo. Let's check the Virgo love compatibility and see if it's on theirs
cancer is love 2016-01-07 14:39:09
Pisces and Cancer love compatibility
is very close to me and my spouse
Titilayo 2015-12-16 04:47:41
I'm a Leo(female) in a relationship with a Pisces,we love each other though we regularly quarrel,caused by me cause I don't think I trust him,especially about his past relationship. We even insult ourselves each time we quarrel.sometimes I really feel like breaking up with him,but I can't,coz I love him and I know he loves me too 2591
Aimee 2015-11-09 05:12:38
Pisces here, been with a man on the Leo/Cancer cusp for a year and a half and our personalities clash when his Leo side shows but 98% of the time, his Cancer personality and my Pisces personality are perfect for each other. His Leo side makes him so mysterious, dominating and sexy so I love that.
Dancinglady 2015-09-11 05:53:16
I'm Pisces and have been with a Gemini man for several years. Best relationship I've ever had!!!
nostalgialady 2015-10-16 02:49:07
I am a pisces,and have been with a gemini for 13 years, and while the sex is the BOMB, (because Gemini's big ego leads him to please), his ego also makes him a very self-centered, inconsiderate, (and sometimes cheating), partner in other areas. This combo Makes for a very unstable, untrustworthy situation with regard to a partnership...Maturity may be a factor...
Momofboys 2016-08-02 20:37:55
I have had the exact same situation unfold. But we now have a son and are no longer together. He's far too selfish.
Mermaid 2015-08-28 18:24:48
i absolutely agree...im married to a capri..n he is awesome...its a love marriage...n till date it has been a grt to be wid him..ofcourse there are tyms en v hv heating argumnts bt belive me capris have grt patience to deal...im fully satified wid my capri man

Tannu 2015-08-16 14:47:33
My compatibility with pisces seems very interesting also my lover is pisces...soo i feel very happy that our marriage will be interesting....
Chlo 2015-08-16 02:05:01
I was reading through as I am a Pisces and I was so shocked when I camenter across Cancer. I have a best guy friend that is a Cancer, he's super nice and all but I'm not sure I would ask. Nor do I think he will considering we always see each other as just friends. He cares for me a lot but even if I was to confront what should I say? "I read a horoscope and you and I were made to be. Date me?"....... No... no way...
vishmini 2015-08-07 10:27:26
Im pisces and was born on august. In the begining it tells pisces are born on february 20th and march 20th. Whad does that mean? I need to find my love compatibility. Reply me soon. Thank you
Jennifer 2015-10-10 01:24:09
If you were born in August, you're either a Leo or a Virgo. You can look this stuff up anywhere on the internet.
Kylie 2015-10-07 14:50:28
you would be a virgo not a picese
Alice Jackson 2015-09-02 21:11:57
You can't be a Pisces if you were born in august
GeorgeS 2015-08-31 00:04:22
Where did you get that you are Pisces?
TheMadGod 2015-07-23 19:01:15
Hello, I'm a 21 y/o Capricorn male of 12/31 who is ever so deeply in love with a Pisces female 23 y/o of March 3rd. I'm mostly speaking out against the anti Cap/Pisces people on here, and it's always about cheating. This is my second relationship with a Pisces, even though the last one didn't work out due to cheating, I dealt with it. It lasted only 7 months and we were living together. After that, I tried with others, and still, even though that one relationship was a lie, I was happiest in that beautiful lie. Obviously it ran it's course, but this second Pisces.... She's blown my mind with how understanding she is, even after I cheated on her twice. It was in the beginning of our relationship, and I still feel stupid for letting myself get lost in my doubts and insecurity. She's provided that strength for me to face my past and move on and be the man she deserves. We've been happy since, and we've been dating for 6 months now, long distance. We live on the complete opposite coasts, and she admitted to keeping other "options" open to her as I did, and I can't even complain. She's dropped those other options and even though my fears were sound, I shouldn't have judged her and compared her to my past to begin with. Now as time's went on, I know her to be my soul mate. We have so much in common and yet in our similarities we have differences and vice versa. I was raised majorly around women and she was raised around men, I'm the emotional one and she's the logical one, yet despite this switch in roles I am still her rock. We talk or text all day everyday at every opportunity. We cry together, laugh together, and the communication is unreal. The sex is fire even through the phone, and I can't wait for her to move in with me on December 25th. We're gonna burn the house down I swear x) But what I'm trying to get at is nothing is as it should be, we might follow some characteristics of our horoscopes to a T, I know I do; but that doesn't mean they are always correct. The first pisces I was with was very materialistic, the one I'm with now is almost the exact opposite in that aspect. She wants her nice things, but they're more about shelter and having a secure nesting place she enjoys sharing with me. Capricorns can be cold, but that's because some of us have known nothing else, and need someone who'll light a fire under our ass x) That's what I needed, and ironically it turns out the water sign was the perfect candidate for the job, even after the first fish doused what little flame I had going.
cpkd 2016-01-30 01:29:55
Same story.my Capricorn man cheated on me with many other girls while I'm being very loyal to him.he's also 2yrs younger than me.not a good match but why do I feel he's the one for me?
Vanila 2015-08-12 08:02:15
Message from TheMadGod
Hello, I'm a 21 y/o Capricorn male of 12/31 who is ever so deeply in love with a Pisces female 23 y/o of March 3rd. I'm mostly speaking out against the anti Cap/Pisces people on here, and it's always about cheating. This is my second relationship with a Pisces, even though the last one didn't work out due to cheating, I dealt with it. It lasted only 7 months and we were living together. After that, I tried with others, and still, even though that one relationship was a lie, I was happiest in that beautiful lie. Obviously it ran it's course, but this second Pisces.... She's blown my mind with how understanding she is, even after I cheated on her twice. It was in the beginning of our relationship, and I still feel stupid for letting myself get lost in my doubts and insecurity. She's provided that strength for me to face my past and move on and be the man she deserves. We've been happy since, and we've been dating for 6 months now, long distance. We live on the complete opposite coasts, and she admitted to keeping other "options" open to her as I did, and I can't even complain. She's dropped those other options and even though my fears were sound, I shouldn't have judged her and compared her to my past to begin with. Now as time's went on, I know her to be my soul mate. We have so much in common and yet in our similarities we have differences and vice versa. I was raised majorly around women and she was raised around men, I'm the emotional one and she's the logical one, yet despite this switch in roles I am still her rock. We talk or text all day everyday at every opportunity. We cry together, laugh together, and the communication is unreal. The sex is fire even through the phone, and I can't wait for her to move in with me on December 25th. We're gonna burn the house down I swear x) But what I'm trying to get at is nothing is as it should be, we might follow some characteristics of our horoscopes to a T, I know I do; but that doesn't mean they are always correct. The first pisces I was with was very materialistic, the one I'm with now is almost the exact opposite in that aspect. She wants her nice things, but they're more about shelter and having a secure nesting place she enjoys sharing with me. Capricorns can be cold, but that's because some of us have known nothing else, and need someone who'll light a fire under our ass x) That's what I needed, and ironically it turns out the water sign was the perfect candidate for the job, even after the first fish doused what little flame I had going.

you cheated on HER, man!!!!!! Jesus Christ
pisces women 2015-06-30 17:13:53
I am married to a leo believe me the statement is right not good as a couple we have marriage problems for over 12yrs. it doesn't say that they are big time cheaters.
my hubby has that I don't give a f*ck about your feelings attitude he is very sweet & loving when we are separated which I have asked him why can't u be like this all of the time. now the s*x is off the chain which is why I can't understand why he cheats I can just touch him & he is rock hard he tells me I am the best so may be he is a sex addicted but he has killed our marriage over that & the fuck your feelings. I also want to say when we were separated I did date a Virgo & well he wanted to be controlling bossy in command he didn't ask me to do things for it was commands we bump heads over this all the time he didn't start off like that but like they say the longer you are with someone the true colors will come out I for 1 do not take orders I belive that you should always say please & thank you so Virgo are not for pisces either
A.B 2015-10-19 21:58:47
Am a pisces n ryte nw into r/shp with leo girl want 2 marry, so much love 4 each other but cldn't understnd why any time i came up with d marriage issue her family decline it. Let me knw mor on d r/shp b4 marriage.
Donna 2015-12-07 21:22:13
I'm a Pisces & I've been married to a Leo for over 20 years, it may start out really well & you may force it to work but it's really difficult. I don't agree with the cheating Leo comment but there's plenty of other problems. My husband & I have even separated a couple times, my choice not his. I think the Leo is actually quite happy with eager to please Pisces, I just feel Leo is too harsh
GOVASH 2015-06-13 18:25:19
pisces and virgo is missing. they are compatible in love and a pisces is best understood by virgo.

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