Mars Aspects in Horoscope


Aspects of The Mars Sun Mercury Venus Moon Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

Mars in your horoscope tells where and how the native will initiate action, improvise corrective or adjustment measures, sally forth in competition, and aggressively fight for what he/she wants. Generally Mars strengthens the traits of the planet it aspects. If it's a negative aspect, these traits, especially the negative ones, can be exaggerated. Aspects stress actions, aggressive urges and energy. They indicate the ability for self-expression through dynamic action, whether that action is constructive or destructive and where it will affect the native's life. Negative aspects tend to cause aggressiveness, destructiveness, temper flare-ups and actions that are rash and impulsive. Sexually, it shows where the native will act impulsively and spontaneously to satisfy natural instincts.

** Hard Aspects: the conjunction, square and opposition
** Soft Aspects: the sextile and trine

Aspects of the Mars and Moon

Hard Aspects:
Hard Aspects often emphasize applied energy. The native tends to take direct action in affairs ruled by the planets affecting areas ruled by the signs and houses involved. It gives ample energy, leadership and courage to complete constructive action. The native's emotional nature is forced to feel aggressive, competitive and hot-tempered, which invokes unfavorable reactions. Circumstances invariably force the native to strong feelings. He/she can seldom, if ever, feel dispassionate about anything. It is either a strong, hot feeling or none at all.

Soft Aspects:
Soft Aspects give ease and flow to motivating forces and the energies the native generates into constructive channels. A passionate love of life finds expression through affairs ruled by the planets, signs and houses involved. The native naturally possesses a strong source of practicality and will fulfill the higher, spiritual ideals of life. As a rule the native's emotional nature can quickly rise to heated fits of passion when he/she wants to, or he/she can cool it and let it pass. The native likes to feel heated about things but doesn't believe it is always necessary to feel this way. The native is generally admired for his/her emotional sense of competition and aggressive excitability.

Aspects of the Mars and Mercury

Hard Aspects:
The native has great mental energy and a clear, incisive mind able to make, and act upon, quick, sometimes impulsive decisions. The native is prone to explosive expressions, which startle others and get their guard up for immediate defense. The native invariably uses harsh tactics in springing his/her objectives, but this very shock treatment is essential for some important purpose that the native finally comes to recognize. In the meantime the fights and repercussions make the native a mental fighter. The native is forced to seek mental advantages over his/her competition. He/she must accept the consequences and advantages of this attitude. This native has the determination and energy to succeed but, if afflicted, may work to the point of mental breakdown.

Soft Aspects:
The native is quick, perceptive, practical, trustworthy and brave but, if Aries is too strong, he/she may be reckless too. This person never stops learning and is able to seriously study, but he/she must apply him/herself since he/she tends to be restless. This native is as a rule a little more diplomatic in his/her use of aggressive expressions, which still have shock treatment effect. But the native uses this technique only when he/she wants to or feels the confronting situation will accept it. This person is less likely to sharpen this technique to its highest since he/she does not experience or test it on all occasions. As a perfected battle weapon it would need more test reactions to guide him/her than just those of favorable response. Such people have common sense, exceptional eyesight and hearing, but if Venus is not well placed, they may be crude. They're fond of children but often remain childless.

Aspects of the Mars and Venus

Hard Aspects:
The native has emotional problems in romance and with the opposite sex: men often offend women with their coarse behavior (but are considered great lovers) and women exasperate men with their emotional temperament. In other words the native has difficulty in properly satisfying his/her sexual love interests. This native is either too physical or too sentimental. Since this is a problem to him/her, it takes up a considerable amount of the native's time and effort to find a satisfactory solution. Romantic attitudes about sexual matters dominate his/her motivations. The native has to be forced to combine passion with the sentiments of affection. The native often criticizes others for faults he/she fails to see in him/herself. This may not seem like a problem to some people, but it is to this native.

Soft Aspects:
Sexual love-making comes easily to the native, and he/she generally pleases him/herself and others in this matter. Consequently the native's activity does not take up a disproportionate part of his/her time or interest. The native has no hangups here. This is the pattern of an active lover. The native's popularity can help him/her professionally and financially and the native may become wealthy. He/she'd do good in any business dealing with artistic creations or merchandise. Such people like dance, sports and other physical arts. This aspect is good for artists who use tools in their artwork.

Aspects of the Mars and Sun

Hard Aspects:
The native is hardworking, enterprising, impulsive, self-assertive, competitive, dramatic and have leadership ability even though he/she tends to dominate any group he/she leads. Such person has will power and inner drive and go after what he/she wants. Mars heightens the impulsive, aggressive, competitive and sensory aspects of the ego, which forces the native to override other people in a way that causes them to resist or fight back. If the aspect is afflicted, the native can be bad-tempered and extremely self-willed. If it's also in a masculine sign, the native can be very martial or combative.

Soft Aspects:
Even though the native uses all the above tactics, they do not seem to offend people or cause them to retaliate or backfire against the native. This is because the native was not forced to do things. He/she was able to act this way when opportunity permitted, or else he/she generally didn't do it at all. But here we see the ideal or typical difference between the strength of hard angles and the weakness of soft angles. Under the hard angle the native is forced and action results. Under the soft angle the native is not forced, and unless opportunities are ideal (which may not be frequent), no action is accomplished. The native's energy can find an intellectual outlet by putting theoretical knowledge into practical use. He/she is usually able to make quick decisions.

Aspects of the Mars and Jupiter

Hard Aspects:
These people are apt to use social sanction and collective power for self-aggrandizement or gratification of their passions. They often fight holy crusades to win public approval of their violent tendencies. As a rule such native finds it difficult to initiate action that is at the same time fair, just and takes all desirable factors into consideration. His/her actions lack balance and desirable intent. Because this causes him/her so much trouble, the native finally learns to concentrate only on those activities that are productive and desirable. The native is forced in his/her actions to do what is traditionally right. If not disciplined, the native may waste energy and his/her talent through impulsive and misdirected actions. He/she lacks steady, sustained and well-regulated effort and must learn to define his/her goals well.

Soft Aspects:
With a hard angle aspect the native will see at once if he is not using the right program and be forced to make the necessary corrections. The native naturally acts in a way that seems as though it should be successful from the beginning, but the burden of the correctness in his/her programs rests entirely on his/her own faith. The native will lack the benefit of test cases and trial reactions from others on the effectiveness of his/her schemes by which this person might better improve his/her methods and his batting average other than by test of his own faith. Faith is great, but test reactions and actual results are better for seeing if the native is indeed using the right program.

Aspects of the Mars and Saturn

Hard Aspects:
The native is consciously pulled two ways: forward toward expansive action and backward to careful deliberation, this often builds up inner tension, which ends in some kind of an explosion or ACTION WHICH HURTS. Through endless unfortunate reactions from others the native learns to adjust this in such a manner that it becomes action that builds constructively because it is so realistic from the beginning. Anything less ends in a fizzle, which burns both the native and those around him/her. This is a difficult pattern to control and requires much skill to get it right finally. But this aspect is potentially one of the strongest combinations of possible planetary force. Usually this technique is perfected only late in life when it is also designed to work best. Anything connected with Saturn works this way. The native also often has an extraordinary ability to make enemies and, if afflicted, he/she may develop a persecution complex, sex or health problems related to the sign Mars occupies. The native may be denied ultimate power because of abuses in the past.

Soft Aspects:
The native's impulses easily give in to restrictive and disciplinary forces which guide his/her sense of security. This makes the native shrewd but also more prone to commit cruel acts on others because circumstances in his/her favor so often let him/her get away with it. One might be said here to be lucky in getting away with many petty acts that hamper or restrict others. The native often has health problems related to the signs of Mars and Saturn. He/she has difficulty relating to others, especially in partnerships and marriage, and is apt to make enemies due to the native's lack of gentleness, patience and kindness. This person must become loving and compassionate instead of passing judgment or criticizing. Such people often fail to follow through on projects they start, often gaining a reputation for being lazy or unreliable.

Aspects of the Mars and Uranus

Hard Aspects:
The native is usually adventurous, direct, extremely energetic, individualistic, outspoken, romantic and sexually impulsive, but he/she often demands his/her personal freedom at any cost. The native has difficulty in feeling independently sure of his/her own ingenious approach to energetic action to get started effectively at all. Initially the native moves in spurts and jerks, coming suddenly to a halt and then erratically starting off in some entirely new, unrelated direction. Eventually, due to being constantly taken to task for the seeming craziness of his/her behavior, the native learns to trust in the "genius" of him/herself and act in his/her own unique way and the hell with what other people think. The native is forced to energize suddenly and without apparent provocation or reason. The best that can be hoped for is short-lived ingenious action. This person must cultivate poise and self-control. He/she can experience nervous strain and tension.

Soft Aspects:
The native naturally takes to odd behavior and doing crazy things that momentarily catch his/her interest. The native is less aware of the possible lack of advantages in not concentrating on more enterprising programs rather than just doing everything differently. As usual, the challenge of the hard angle is potentially more productive of sound solutions than the initial encouragement of the soft angles, which primarily pleases the native but is less interested in results which work out with others. With the hard angles the native is forced to make all his/her actions ingenious. On the soft angles he needs act in this way only when he/she feels like it. The native is also often interested in aviation, especially in an air sign. He/she does well in occupations requiring a great deal of energy and daring as long as this native takes safety precautions. He/she thrive on hard work and does his/her best in times of danger.

Aspects of the Mars and Neptune

Hard Aspects:
The native is usually perfectly rational except in areas involving Mars and Neptune. There, his/her unconscious desires and actions are not controlled by reason or discipline and they're subtle and hard to control. In this case the native's energies are diffused, deflected or perverted in some way from a physical basis to an idealistic or unreal motivation. The native acts in a strange and somewhat unnatural manner. Sexual deviation could be a problem or matter of concern. The impulse of one always forces the other into the picture. The native cannot ignore this pattern or behavior manifestation in his/her life or affairs. This native must in some way come to terms with it so that both urges are satisfied. The native is forced to put his/her passions on a more spiritual plane, which at the same time denies a certain physical application. Such people can be neurotic or have mental/physical psychosomatic illnesses due to repressed desires. They may have abnormal or unhealthy sexual encounters that affect their home life and professional reputation.

Soft Aspects:
The native considers it just as natural to take indirect routes of expression as direct ones. He/she takes either with ease. There is no psychological hangup, as there would be with hard angles. Deviation of energies comes naturally to the native. There is some suggestion of bisexuality or looking upon bisexuality as perfectly natural. The native is also interested in and good at artistic expression that involves the physical body and chemistry, especially if it's organic or involves liquids. He/she always looks for the best in others, but can find it difficult to keep his/her own standards. This native sometimes needs to retreat from the world to recharge. Unusual or strange difficulties, usually involving his/her partner, are possible.

Aspects of the Mars and Pluto

Hard Aspects:
The native has difficulty in starting anything that does not lead to trouble or blow up in his/her face because it is too controversial for those around him/her. This forces the native to be more careful and secretive about what he/she is up to. The native's best actions will eventually be those that clear ground for new projects or make sure that any present projects which are no longer serving their intended purpose (as the native sees it) are called to task on the matter. The native is forced to action that is progressive. Thenative is also often involved in violence or death through revolution, crime or natural disaster, either as the victim or the perpetrator. The native can become violent when he/she is angry, wreaking havoc in personal relationships. The native's strong sexual urges can dominate his/her creative instincts. Obstacles seem unconquerable, but can be overcome, sometimes at the expense of others' feelings. Objectives tend to become obsessions.

Soft Aspects:
The native easily lends his/her initiative and energetic forces to activities that are reactionary to public interest (public interest being invariably aligned with ongoing established institutions that cover the majority of cases). The native is more acutely aware than most of the true relationship of public policies and true human needs. This is particularly so when times have changed and the policies in effect no longer serve their original needs. This leads the way for the native to instrument any desired changes as he/she sees it. Since these involvements generally meet with little resistance from others, this person is apt to get involved with a more personal application of the changes that he/she sees as desirable. A hard-angle aspect would force one to the more fundamental issues at stake rather than just pleasing one's own sense for needed reform. This is a strong relationship to Pluto in either case, for it keys Pluto to one of the planets that gets things done.

Mars is the worst of all others
Mars in your horoscope tells where and how the native will initiate action, improvise corrective or adjustment measures, sally forth in competition, and aggressively fight for what he/she wants.

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