Neptune Aspects in Horoscope


Aspects of The Neptune Sun Mercury Venus Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Pluto

This is the planet of insight, idealization and inspiration. Neptune operates by subtle suggestions or vague and mysterious implications that are felt or sensed rather than seen or known. Since its domain extends reception beyond the ordinary five senses, it might be called the planet of extrasensory perception. Since most people rely chiefly on material causes, they tend to ridicule and fear what they do not understand. Others who are highly keyed to Neptune intuitively sense this power with great conviction and faith. Since Neptune is essentially a spiritual force, it tends to seem negative when coupled with situations that call for primarily material, physical or rational solutions. Any planet aspecting Neptune will be softened and refined, but may be diffused. Aspects indicate how and where transcendental or psychic influences can affect you. Positive aspects indicate wisdom beyond reason, transcendental emotional experiences (often expressed through creative ability in literature, poetry, art and music), genius, intuition, possible ability to act as a channel for higher spiritual inspirations, clairvoyance and/or telepathy and a realization of the unity of all life. Negative aspects indicate self-deception, vagueness, obscurity, unrealistic desires, illusion, confusion, misunderstanding, intrigue and false appearances.

** Hard Aspects: the conjunction, square and opposition
** Soft Aspects: the sextile and trine

Aspects of the Neptune and Moon

Hard Aspects:
The native projects his/her internal, emotional confusion onto others and the world at large. There is such subtle underplay of unconscious telepathic forces in relationships that he/she is often unsure whether his/her problems originate in his/herself or others. This native is extremely impressionable and absorbs the atmosphere around him/her. Yet, the native finds it difficult to adjust emotionally to inspirational attitudes that he/she feels tend to lead him/her astray rather than lead him/her on to higher things. Yet the native is constantly challenged to become or feel him/herself to be a better self in spite of many false starts. Eventually this leads to a more realistic view of emotional inspiration which is bound to be workable. Emotionally this native has to feel inspirational or it won't satisfy him/her emotionally.

Soft Aspects:
The emotions, when the native feels like it, lend themselves almost too readily to any sort of inspirational catchall. This doesn't earn the native certain misunderstandings about his/her emotional idealism; rather they tend to peter out or dissolve for lack of real nourishment. The soft angle simply does not provide the emotions with the constant source of inspirational raw material that the hard angles would do. Also, feeling inspirationally only when you want to or when the occasion seems to permit it doesn't supply the test reactions that would insure that one's feelings were sincerely inspirational as opposed to being flights of private fancy. Such people often have close ties to their families that they may not be aware of. They love music and can be an excellent musician. It's difficult to accept their own limitations. Men usually attract sensitive, refined and creative mates.

Aspects of the Neptune and Mercury

Hard Aspects:
The native resists a desired inspirational quality in his/her expression or else resorts to a phony jargon that fools no one but him/herself. After much trial and error the native learns to combine the two in such a way that the more desirable and inspirational effects of Neptune are pleasingly combined in a style of thought and expression. The native is forced to think inspirationally. Since most people aren't keyed to Neptune, they may regard his/her expression as phony in some way. The native must accept this reaction and go ahead in his/her own style, trying to eliminate the vagueness or unreal qualities and accent the true ideals that Neptune suggests. Trouble, though, can come through the native's relatives or wrong associations. Emotional upsets may affect the native's nervous system or he/she may have breathing/respiratory problems.

Soft Aspects:
The native's thoughts wander in unusual channels not easily followed or understood by others. There is much inclination to other-worldly attitudes and high-flown flights of imagination of a mystical nature. The native is less likely to bring this down to practical application or sound idealism because he/she primarily indulges him/herself for his/her own gratification. The native is not forced by circumstances to come to terms with the real and the phony side of Neptune.

Aspects of the Neptune and Sun

Hard Aspects:
The Neptune qualities of idealization, inspiration, extended vision and extrasensory perception are strong when in hard angle to the ego-force or will power, although they seem at times to get in the way of the native's presentation of him/herself. This has to do with the nature of the self and the nature of ideals. Here the native is forced to present the two together. Most people (because they are not keyed to the ideality of Neptune) tend to react initially to the side of Neptune qualities which they see as delusion, intrigue, insincerity or fraud. Unfortunate as this may be, in some cases the native has to stand up to this and bring others over to his/her position plus the positive side of Neptune, which stands for ideals and inspiration and spiritual values. The native simply has to outride the negative reactions and stand on positive idealism. There is also much self-deception and psychosomatic illnesses are likely. The native's link with his/her mother may cause suffering and the native may be separated from her physically, emotionally and/or mentally. He/she must cultivate reasoning power and not allow hir/her emotions to control his/her own actions.

Soft Aspects:
The native is psychic and empathic and his/her intuition often creates financial and domestic opportunities for advancement. This native's imagination is transcendental and he/she is able to dramatize life, but he/she tends to distort and exaggerate events.
This native is able to incorporate the better side of the Neptune quality with a more immediate inspirational effect. This is because this native is not forced to present him/herself inspirationally, so he/she is able to bide his/her time until such opportunities present themselves when this can be done more effectively, as above. In the meantime the native is primarily engaged in those presentations of him/herself that may have been forced on him/her by any hard angles to the Sun.

Aspects of the Neptune and Mars

Hard Aspects:
The native is usually perfectly rational except in areas involving Mars and Neptune. There, his/her unconscious desires and actions are not controlled by reason or discipline and they're subtle and hard to control. In this case the native's energies are diffused, deflected or perverted in some way from a physical basis to an idealistic or unreal motivation. The native acts in a strange and somewhat unnatural manner. Sexual deviation could be a problem or matter of concern. The impulse of one always forces the other into the picture. The native cannot ignore this pattern or behavior manifestation in his/her life or affairs. This native must in some way come to terms with it so that both urges are satisfied. The native is forced to put his/her passions on a more spiritual plane, which at the same time denies a certain physical application. Such people can be neurotic or have mental/physical psychosomatic illnesses due to repressed desires. They may have abnormal or unhealthy sexual encounters that affect their home life and professional reputation.

Soft Aspects:
The native considers it just as natural to take indirect routes of expression as direct ones. He/she takes either with ease. There is no psychological hangup, as there would be with hard angles. Deviation of energies comes naturally to the native. There is some suggestion of bisexuality or looking upon bisexuality as perfectly natural. The native is also interested in and good at artistic expression that involves the physical body and chemistry, especially if it's organic or involves liquids. He/she always looks for the best in others, but can find it difficult to keep his/her own standards. This native sometimes needs to retreat from the world to recharge. Unusual or strange difficulties, usually involving his/her partner, are possible.

Aspects of the Neptune and Venus

Hard Aspects:
The native's emotions and affections are strongly influenced by subconscious forces and he/she often has a distorted perception of reality or are too idealistic, succumbing to wishful thinking.
The native also has difficulty in adjusting his/her affectionate nature and sense of love toward those objects that are genuine and at the same time truly rich in spiritual intent. Because this native so often attaches him/herself to something that turns out to be phony or otherwise falls flat on its face, the native gradually acquires enough maturity to align him/herself with the really finer objects in life (people or situations). The native's sentiments are forced to concentrate on a higher plane, which at the same time denies a certain physical element of expression. The native's great sense of insecurity, which often makes it difficult to reach a decision, must be overcome. He/she must try to gain a sense of universal love and compassion.

Soft Aspects:
The native is highly romantic, imaginative and sensitive and has a strong sixth sense. He/she is drawn towards those with a refined nature and attract people who seek to aid and support him/her. This native has talent, and sometimes genius, in music, poetry and arts.
The native easily seeks objects for affection that inspire him/her; whether this is of sound spiritual substance or not, it satisfies the native. The soft-angle enticement, because it lacks the test results or concrete proof forced by the hard angle, is more apt to be less effective and somewhat more phony because the satisfaction of the native is the only yardstick used. The native does well in any service field, but doesn't like hard or routine work.

Aspects of the Neptune and Saturn

Hard Aspects:
This is a complex pattern involving two qualities that normally have little to do with each other. Saturn involves carefully laid plans, firm foundations, careful measurements, sound attitudes and practical material objectives. Neptune, on the other hand, suggests dissolving borders and lines of distinction, the disregard of measurements, espousing spiritual rather than material values, and introducing inspiration as the guide rather than the more limiting practical considerations. The native is challenged to combine the two in a way that makes sound principles inspirational, breathes hope into reality, redesigns the practical so that it is more adaptable and less oppressive. There is some suggestion of the art of alchemy, which was said to turn base metals into gold. Whenever the native sets out to do the practical thing, his/her course is directed toward something more inspirational. And whenever this native sets out to do something inspirational, he/she is reminded of practical values. This frustration must be utilized to keep trying until he/she has found an ideal solution where both can be satisfied and the IDEAL WILL BE WORKABLE. The native is forced to be realistic about his/her ideals. This is a strong constructive key for Neptune, as it is whenever related to one of the planets that get things done like the Sun, Mars and Saturn.

Soft Aspects:
The native is not faced with a conflict between the ideal and the practical, as he/she sees all practical matters as ideals and all ideals as practical. This sets this native apart as one who sees more or puts more into things than others do. In short, he/she may make some progress, but he/she has lost those who might eventually widen both the practicality and the ideality of what this native is working for. He/she moves in a closed circuit of practical ideals instead of gaining from the reaction value of objective resistance. The native often has excellent tactical and strategic talents and is able to get to the bottom of things and discover secret information. The native is also good at making career plans and carrying them out in secret.

Aspects of the Neptune and Uranus

Hard Aspects:
The native feels peculiarly isolated in the uniqueness or the strangely upsetting quality whenever he/she gives in to spiritual flights of inspiration. While the native might want to pursue the matter further, an erratic uncontrollable factor in his/her nature seems to prevent him/her from getting closer to the situation. This native's sense of inspiration (such as it is) is swept in and out of his/her consciousness in an upsetting way. The native must somehow come to believe in the authority of his/her own insights and not be confused by comparing them with others who are not on his/her same wavelength of inspiration. The native is forced to be inspirational in ways that differ widely from ordinary channels of feeling. The native's idealism is often confused or impractical. Care is needed in the use of psychic forces. This person can also be neurotic, extremist, fanatical or have rigid, unreasonable attitudes, unusual sexual involvements or a tendency to escape through drugs or alcohol.

Soft Aspects:
The native is kind, intuitive, sensitive and has highly developed spiritual faculties. He/she has Utopian ideals and may have great appeal to the masses. This native tends to join organizations designed to teach astrology, yoga, the occult and subjects meant to raise the overall level of civilizations spiritual realization to a higher plane. Yet, the native's sense of ideality naturally leaps from context to context and entertains all sorts of wild propositions which the native finds exhilarating. The probability of this heightened sense of awareness leading to valid insights is considerably diminished by the erratic and uncontrollable qualities of Uranus that dash in but fade out of his attention too quickly.

Aspects of the Neptune and Jupiter

Hard Aspects:
The native has difficulty in adjusting his/her sense of inspiration along lines that follow the sensitivity patterns of others who have indeed been faced with much the same material. The path of Jupiter is always along lines laid down by others in such a manner that a code or law is established which represents the formal mode of many contributions. Every time the native feels inspirational or divinely inspired he/she seems to run counter to established forms or codes of firmly entrenched bodies of belief. Eventually the native comes to see that what he/she senses is not fundamentally different from what certain others also sensed and thus the intensity of his/her idealism (because it was held back so long) makes a real contribution. The native is forced to adjust his/her idealism to certain principles of moral uplift. If the rest of the native chart shows courage and strength, the native is willing to sacrifice him/herself to fight injustice. Otherwise, the native simply has compassion for its victims. He/she often experiences a feeling of religious or mystical ecstasy, so this native often involved in mystical cults or psychic religions. This native's tendency to be excessive means he/she should avoid drugs and alcohol.

Soft Aspects:
The native's awareness of spiritual values easily follows the lines of expression already laid down by established sects such as religious orders. There is no awareness that what he/she feels is different from what others so inspired also feel. This makes for considerably less originality of vision or lacks the spiritual intensity that being out of step creates under a hard-angle aspect. Friends and relatives often render assistance, even if the native appears not to deserve it. Such native needs to periodically retreat from the world. Must avoid drugs, alcohol and overeating.

Aspects of the Neptune and Pluto

Hard Aspects:
The native is often markedly different from peers and often becomes involved in racial, religious and social problems/conflicts. Psychic or occult leanings can produce subtle emotional and mental stresses and conflict between emotions and will, causing tension between unconscious desires and a urge for power. This native experiences much difficulty in reconciling spiritual insights with unfortunate conditions where others seem to live in spiritual darkness. The native cannot freely pursue his/her ideals without considering the ideals of others and why they are not as free to feel or sense things as he/she may be. Eventually the native is inspired to champion attitudes that bring help to change the conditions which darken the spiritual qualities in other people's lives. The native is forced to channel his/her own sense of spirituality along lines of spiritual force that encourage or instrument significant sweeping social changes.

Soft Aspects:
The effects of Soft-Angle Aspects often manifest as a set of attitudes and values that are characteristic of the native's generation and lean toward the mystical and occult. The native naturally identifies his/her own spirituality with all those unfortunates who seem lost, defeated or trapped in some way. His/her interest is more in sharing their burdens than in focusing his/her inspiration on doing something drastic about their conditions.

Neptune - The Seven Spirit
Neptune operates by subtle suggestions or vague and mysterious implications that are felt or sensed rather than seen or known.

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