Zodiac signs Well
The Zodiac Sign Sagittarius Love Compatibility Horoscope

Sagittarius Love Compatibility Horoscope

Zodiac sign Sagittarius Love Compatibility

Compatibility of Sagittarius, Basic Traits of the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius' Love & Romance Character, Sagittarius Relationships Individual Preferences, those born during November 22 - December 21

Sagittarius and Aries Love Compatibility Horoscope

The Mars-Jupiter duo is usually an ideal match for each other. Sagittarius is a perfect temperamental match for Aries. They are both active, spontaneous people who like socializing, have extravagant tastes in common, and enjoy the good life. The Aries' optimism and his good sense of humor will help to overcome propensity of the Sagittarius to argue and will bring a funny side into the process of making love. The mutual understanding achieved in a bedroom can create a favorable atmosphere for the relationship. This is a certainly successful and recommended union. The marriage will be connected closely in the area of physical satisfaction. In other words, if they make it in the bedroom, they'll make it everywhere else.

Sagittarius and Taurus Love Compatibility Horoscope

They are two very different personality types. Extremely sexual Taurus will be pleased with the Sagittarius, but also angry with his/her aspiration to search for love wherever it is possible. When Taurus refuses to join in with the Sagittarians sporting ways, he/she will find someone who will. There are few if any natural domestic talents in Sagittarius (unless the stars are well placed) and the Taurus' domestic abilities are not given a second thought. Sagittarius hardly notices the Taurus' ability to keep or provide a comfortable home for him/her. They may feel happy together, but there is a short future for this pair.

Sagittarius and Gemini Love Compatibility Horoscope

These two are opposites in the zodiac and are attracted to each other like magnets. They are both tireless, changeable and not frank enough as lovers. Gemini is inclined to criticize the Sagittarius' behavior in bed. They may be disappointed sexually since neither is demonstrative-and Gemini is very quick to criticize. There are also some other weak points in their relationships while the strength is that they are both undemanding people. Their affair will probably begin impulsively and will be finished suddenly as well. The marriage can turn out to be quite good but it will require efforts from both of them.

Sagittarius and Cancer Love Compatibility Horoscope

They usually have the different purposes and desires. Sagittarius is the wanderer and does not like to stop his/her choice on something certain. The Cancer wants to be sure of the love of the partner. The Sagittarius is not capable to ensure it. The Cancer lives for the sake of the future. Sagittarius lives for today. Cancer's jealousy is aroused by Sagittarius's flighty, faithless ways; Sagittarius is bored by Cancer's dependency. Sagittarius likes to wander, while Cancer is a stay-at-home. When Sagittarius feels boredom he/she begins searching for new connections/partners. The Cancer will be deeply offended by this fact. Sexually, Sagittarius is very active, and as a rule, Cancer is easily satisfied. This can leave Sagittarius feeling let down and depressed and unfulfilled, which in turn will send him/her searching for a new partner. There are vague prospects of more or less steady connection.

Sagittarius and Leo Love Compatibility Horoscope

Together they share a liking for freedom, adventure, and meeting new people. They are both inclined to entertain themselves and consider love as an amusement. Leo likes to make love as often as Sagittarius. Sagittarius stimulates and inspires Leo, and Leo in his/her turn makes Sagittarius more faithful. This connection is perfect, and the happy marriage is guaranteed.

Sagittarius and Virgo Love Compatibility Horoscope

The Sagittarius' attitude to love drives Virgo out of his/her mind. The Virgos' feeling of safety is vanishing. Sagittarius doesn't try to understand the Virgo's needs. Elsewhere, Virgo looks for order and simplicity whereas Sagittarius looks for excitement and new experiences. Virgo wants a long-term commitment; Sagittarius has to be free to roam. Since Virgo is not one to place too great an emphasis on the sexual side of life and does not have the same appetites that Sagittarius has, Sagittarius may well feel that he or she is justified in finding a new lover from time to time, which will cause many fights. They will be able to stay together for a week, but not for the rest of their lives.

Sagittarius and Libra Love Compatibility Horoscope

The people who were born under the Sagittarius' sign is fond of adventures, so Libra will never be bored with him/her. Sagittarius will remain indifferent to the Libra's adventures. Charming, clever Libra knows how to appeal to Sagittarius's intellectual side and easily keeps Sagittarius intrigued. The main problem is that Sagittarius does not like remaining in one place and aspires to independence. On contrary, one of the most important things for Libra is a reliable partner. If they manage to overcome these distinctions, then there is a quite good chance for a short-term affair as well as for long-term relations.

Sagittarius and Scorpio Love Compatibility Horoscope

Scorpio is dominant by nature, but he/she will have trouble keeping their Sagittarius partner under control. Scorpio loves his/her house while the Sagittarius' suitcase is always ready to be taken on a journey. The freedom is necessary for Sagittarius. Sagittarius's far-roaming interests constantly make Scorpio jealous. Romantically, this is a volatile combination. Sagittarius is playful about sex and finds Scorpio's intense, dominating passions too much to cope with. Soon Sagittarius's inclination is to fly. Their mutual attraction is explained by sex and cannot last for a long time. A one night stand - yes; a marriage -NO.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Love Compatibility Horoscope

This is a remarkable, but unpredictable, combination. There is always something "being prepared in the kitchen". The unpredictability that is peculiar for both may result in demonstration of the worst features. Their tireless natures will require freedom from each other sooner or later. In the bedroom, they each have an open mind about sex and anything goes, even an orgy. They are like two wandering ships who can't sail together. This won't last a long time but they'll be good fellows when the fun is over.

Sagittarius and Capricorn Love Compatibility Horoscope

Unless Sagittarius can clip their wings a bit, there is a strong warning against this combination. The Capricorn loves making love in certain places while the Sagittarius is ready to do it everywhere. The Capricorn is cautious and conservative. He/she always worries about safety. The Sagittarius is a careless and irresponsible player. The Sagittarius will be irritated by the close-fisted Capricorn. Their sex life is very apt to be frustrating for both parties, although Sagittarius will feel this more keenly than Capricorn. This is not the best connection and will end up as an unsuccessful marriage in the future.

Sagittarius and Aquarius Love Compatibility Horoscope

The combination usually has a great chance for success. These two are so innovative about lovemaking that they ought to charge admission. In addition, they inspire each other intellectually, for Aquarius has far-out, inventive ideas and Sagittarius is optimistic and visionary. They both are unpredictable, active and cheerful. They both like making love. They have a rich imagination and they are full of interesting fantasies. They love to be the center of everyone's attention. Usually, they are interesting people who are not suffering from jealousy. There is a very good chance for a successful relationship. Many of their values are alike and their need to be outgoing and sociable is inherent in both of these people. Aquarius and Sagittarius both understand the need to let the other be when they need their freedom.

Sagittarius and Pisces Love Compatibility Horoscope

These two ignite in the bedroom, but the compatibility ends there. Neither of them can give another the feeling of reliability. Independent Sagittarius is too much of a rover to satisfy Pisces's need for attention and devotion. Sagittarius's sharp tongue will hurt Pisces's romantic sensibilities. Pisces wants to get close but is constantly confused and rebuffed by Sagittarius's struggle to free itself of the heavy emotional demands. The Sagittarius thinks that he/she is constrained by shyness of the Pisces and that his/her energy and optimism are slowly drowning in a bog of despondency. This is an extremely difficult connection. The marriage is almost impossible.

♐ Horoscopes for Sagittarius

The Zodiac Sign Sagittarius Love Compatibility Horoscope Zodiac signs Well

Zodiac sign


Comments: Sagittarius Love Compatibility Horoscope

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Julia 2018-01-03 23:13:06
I love scorpios but they are complicated people the best person to get to know and I am a sag you will know who they care and love if it’s not you they will not tell you you have to read between the ligns as they are secretive to a fault.
Ariel 2017-07-13 22:15:59
Hi, I am a sag girl and I like this pices boy i met 2 yes ago. Idk what to say to him anymore.
Jay 2017-09-27 16:08:01
Hey Ariel, I'm a sag guy who just got out of a five year relationship with a pisces. Don't do it, haha. I don't like to generalise but our issues were exactly as it is explained here. You will be the best of friends and lovers, but you'll eventually become burdened by the expectations and feel trapped. Trust me if there was ever a relationship that should have worked it was that one, our stars totally just got in the way. Find another sag or an aries 🙂. Good luck
SAGS4LIFE 2017-04-08 14:39:33
Hi, I really like this Capricorn male and he told me that he likes me back but reading all of these websites that says we're not compatible has made me hesitant to make a move. Can anyone who has experience in a Capricorn-Sagittarius relationship tell me if it worked out or not? Thanks!
Tip 2020-01-17 02:30:01
I once had a relationship with a Capricorn and it worked out. It was me in the end that wanted out for other reasons. Over all I say to you is just follow your heart. This compatibility app isn't what I think a person should base there whole life on. To me it just gives me insight into a lot of things. And helps me get a clear picture of what type of person am dealing with. If everything seems to be going great then why not go for it. Nothing is perfect and all things require putting work into it. So if the good out do the bad then why not.

Joe 2019-11-16 20:22:02
I just got out of a 3 yr relationship with one and NEVER again!!
andrea 2018-02-23 12:25:09
im a sag girl. been married to cap male 13 yrs now. caps are strong willed deteremined men. I think sags need a strong partner that can handle us lol
peggy 2017-09-10 21:30:23
you should trust your own judgement.Are you going to live your life by what you read? Really!!!
Kim 2017-09-06 07:33:16
I'm a Sag and have had unsuccessful love relationships with Capricorns. But astrology isn't everything
paula 2017-10-08 15:30:29
it was the worst relationship i ever have they will desive you they only care for there intrest only take from sagi run girl run

Johan 2017-05-01 07:24:02
Don't let astrology lead your relationship. Here they just take your sun sign in consideration. Trust your intuition, Sagittarius can do that well, I'm a Sag myself.
BERENICE 2017-02-08 14:29:08
Well guys my husband is a Virgo and i am a Sagittarius , we are very different but the same too , we have been through a lot of ups and downs but we try to understand each other and most importantly communicate ,ever since then we are doing way better , i think it depends if you really love each other and are truly devoted to each other , i can be very blunt and honest and i have foot in the mouth disease loll like you sag girls know , i thank god for him because he is so devoted to us and is the most hard working and generous man , i think it depends on how much you both work on the relationship , love is not just a feeling , it is commitment. love is a beautiful thing
Rosa 2016-12-03 20:40:38
I'm a Sagittarius girl, and I really like this guy who is a Libra. Any thoughts on how it could work out if we dated?
SagGirl 2016-08-27 17:52:39
My first real boyfriend after years of running was a Scorpio man. He thought he could stop me from wanting to travel and live overseas. When he saw that I was going anyway he just up and left without a trace. Years later, I'm crazy about another Scorpio but the whole thing is complicated and now he has disappeared too. I'm done with those bottom feeders. I feel the most connection with Aries and maybe Leos. I need more fire in my life- no more water.
Bruce Lee 2017-03-28 06:31:32
Being a Sagittarius myself I understand the need to have freedom for yourself but atm I'm dating a fellow Sagittarius women which I see a strong connection to because I personally like children and she has 5 while I come from a small family. I hope you find what your looking for. I've met a lot of Aries around try to feel them out or find a Leo. 🙂
FeFe 2016-05-19 03:04:59
I'm a sag girl and been in a lot of relationships before, but my first love was with a Scorpio. unfortunate huh? it's a sag thing that when ur in love you put ur 100% in and never lie. these are the basic needs for a long-lasting, healthy relationships right? but Scorpios are jerks I'm telling u. one moment they will be all over you and the next they don't want you around. and I was an idiot for not believing what I read about us not being compatible. never will make the same mistake again...
Erika 2018-01-01 15:41:18
I agree with you 100% ... I'm a sag girl as well and I do the same exact thing that you just explained.i give my all, go all in 150% letting all my walls down And I wear my heart on my sleeve like a hopeless romantic.but yet everytime know matter how in love, or loyal i am The person always seems to want to cheat and lie. And than I have an even harder time letting go after I've already fallen in love. Ughh I'm almost ready to just give up all together on falling in love lol or is that even possible for a sag girl to do haha
Tb 2016-09-03 20:22:45
Hey fefe, normally when Scorpio is not all over you that means you've done something that their displeased with. The key is to connect the dots and fix what it is that caused the issue.
Flyhigh 2016-07-31 13:17:48
Well, let me tell you my story... I'm a Scorpio my husband's Sag, and we've been together for 15 years. After quitting my job that required lots of travel, I found out he constantly cheated on me all these years with many women, I had a chance to meet one of them, she told me she didn't know he was married... Long story short I was very much in love with him, and very loyal partner.
He just knew how to text love messages, and look at my eyes and tell me that I was the all one that he ever wanted to be with...
Meg77 2016-05-31 23:34:45
This is honesty so true. My first love was a Scorpio too and boy does this hit the nail right on the head.
Sag & Scorpionis a no go.
Erin 2016-05-16 19:32:48
Thoughts on a Leo man and a sag woman?
J. T.-archer 2016-03-30 14:37:10
I am a feamale Sagittarius, I dated a tauren for 2 years. He was a bit controlling first bc of my promiscuous history, I took him for granted.?  And put him through the ringer. Never cheated on him, but he hated when I talked to other men of my past Yet he has never left my side. But we've veen been best friends ever since with a little bit of benefits. It took 5 yrs for me to realize what a gem I truly had and he has been my support system, my everything weve even talked about getting back together.?  But I messed that one up, again not by cheating. Its been about a year since then and ive tried to meet other people and it's not the same. And now hes starting to see other people, whom which is a pisces and Im happy for him but it gives me great anxiety. I just want him back. But he also deserves the best so I know its best to let him do his thing. He reassures me that hes not going anywhere, and I know he means it, but it doesn't change the heartbreak, I was such a fool Lol
jinxx 2015-09-07 03:43:51
I'm a sag, and I think you're all reading into this a bit with all your mind. Just because this is what a Sag tends to be, doesn't mean its exactly you, and you all know it. Most of you have cheated probably, and I'm not judging, but I'm definitely not a cheater. I never have, and I never will. That is just the worst thing you can possibly do to somebody. It crushes them. So as a Sag, I can get bored, yes, we can all agree to that, but cheating? That is NOT a horoscope sign, that is character right there.
JuiceNewt 2016-05-01 10:09:56
Hi jinx. I want to back up your comment cause I am a sag and it is not in my nature to cheat. Matter of fact I despise cheating.
ceasr122 2016-01-18 11:53:04
You may have cheated and never knew. cheating is not just a physical it's also mental.
Karen 2015-12-15 13:53:30
Very well put. I have never been a cheater and I have been in a long term relationships. I do enjoy my freedom and I do tend to get bored but I agree cheating is not one of my character traits.
cat-cat 2016-03-09 04:48:22
THE TEMPTATIONS is always coming. Even though.. your avoiding it.. Be careful.
God bless us all.
Angela 2015-11-02 11:24:47
I agree 100%. I am not a cheater either.
Monique 2015-08-07 00:03:23
I'm married to a Gemini. We have been married for 15 years. Sure we've had our ups and downs but I wouldn't trade it for the world. My husband doesn't criticize me in the bedroom our sex life is awesome.
craig 2015-06-17 04:48:08
I've Been with a leo for 25 years and couldn't be happier. It's been a rollercoaster but we only get better.

john 2015-05-27 19:01:26
i'm a sag man. i believe this stuff. but i've been very unlucky at meeting a compatible partner. i was with a capricorn for a long time. i would never be with one again. also had a long on off with a pisces , the sex was great, but that's about it.
Bill 2015-06-25 22:49:45
John, how funny!! I'm also a sag and was also with a cap, married to her actually for 7 long yrs and divorced and was with a pisces for around 10 and just like you, the sex was amazing, best I've ever had, but that was it too!! Lol!
RaM 2015-08-12 20:05:54
Wow Let me travel down this memory lane. I'm a Sag and I had an on and off sexlationship with a Pisces for nearly 3 years. Sex was amazing especially when with both of us at our peak. my early 20's and her early 30's. I'm 30 now and I have yet to find that excitement. That's all it really was though.
Athena 2015-05-25 18:14:49
I actually have been dating a Taurus for 5 years now. Ever since we were in high school and up until now, almost graduating college. During our first few months, I found out he was cheating. Which seems odd because I'm the Sag, and Taurus' are loyal. After I confronted him about his cheating, he never did it again yes we still have our arguments every now and then but it was never a big issue. I don't believe it's true that Taurus' and Sags don't match, it all depends on who you are 🙂 He proposed last month and I'm so excited. I'm proud to say that he has changed me for the better and I have opened his eyes to what the world has to offer
Zzz 2015-05-21 06:40:51
I have a crush on a cancer, but now I feel a bit nervous. He is very kind, generous, funny, and I would be devestated if our relasionship shattered....... 🙁
Marbear 2015-06-28 23:18:36
I know how you feel honestly, I have a HUGE crush on a Pisces and I'm afraid it wont work but I still want to try because he makes me feel special and I love him. I think we should both try! I'm a Sagittarius and I always fall for Pisces but I'm hoping this Pisces will last maybe forever
Harley 2015-08-07 14:21:38
I'm a Sagittarius and my wife is a Pisces and we have been married for 8 years now. Anything is possible!
centaur 2015-05-20 17:15:58
Hi to all!
Sagittarius is I would say one of the most honest signs in zodiac.They are only one who would never ask his/her partner to change.
And they would never change for no one but they would adapt,as they expecting from others to do same.
They are very good in spotting dishonesty.
If they hear in the voice manipulation or lies.They would stick with you still. But soon after they get the chance to tell you in face and leave you.
At least they are honest to heart!
They have very good judgment and temperament.
As in Tarot,Temperance card is Sag. Card.
Sag-es are brave,crazy,honest,hard working,funny,smart people.

I think.
The point of any relationship is adaptation!
By my opinion there is no Soulmates.
This world is based on difference,not on similarities.We have to accept and treat others,as any one of us would like to be treated.
Imagine if we are all the same?
What world that would be?

So Sages are one sign with most of positive qualities!
Who ever would like to learn something about Sagittarius.
I would like to recommend You tube video.
Jewish perspective of Sagittarius sign.
I believe it is one most accurate video of Sag.
I hope you will like it.

Best regards!!!
Hitomi 2016-08-26 23:57:11
I am a Taurus woman and my bf is Sag. He is not boring . I like to stay with him. We are keep learning each other.
( This what i see now in my relationship) i love his confidence, he always show me what the world is( I can tell I really have happiness when I stay with him) life is up and down , sometime we are fight with each other ( but it look like I teach him how to be clam and relax with me because sometime he really look like a kid that need mother to take care of him , tell him to be a good child but not to control him however his age is up than me but it is not mean he is not grow up ) .
I used to caught him cheat on me onece time , that time he fight with me but when I act like I really love him for real but he is the only one that really make that mistake so he said sorry to me and try to find way for make me happy . But it is not yet the end , I know personality of sag man , he will not with only one girl in the same time ( but it is not only about general personality at all because it is what I see in my bf sag when I am in relationship with him) This point I can say if a man really love his woman the real he will be keep that woman . So what I gonna do with him now is keep balance, act like what I do really everything for him for no matter what, love him , care him , try to be good to him and be natural by no strain to myself and let him know it.
I know sometime I really difficult to patient with him because he still flirt with other girls , especially he always travel to do his far from me. I really little sad about it. However I still believe on this love relationship so I can keep entertained him . I can say " I can prepare for break up " it sound sad . But I think if we not say about zodiac signs we can tell man love a woman for no matter what he will try to find way for live with her and live happy together.
For me I love man that can make me happy and find everything new in my life and not always boring .
Sneakytwixzy 2015-05-20 12:03:27
I am a 20 year old young sag lady and I have been on and off with a 20 year old Scorpio. We both are still so very young and we are very stubborn so as you can see we are very difficult to whom is right all the time. Our sex life is probably the most connectional and magical sex I could ever have. We both are so drawn with our sex life because we mix very well ell in that part. We have 50/50 in common and not. The only probably we really have is we both are still very immature. We can't ever be together 24/7 but we also can't be away from each other 24/7 we both think having jobs will be good but since we are both young and he has never had a job it makes thing very hard. He is very unmotivated and I tend to push him and it sometimes goes very well and helps him successes and sometimes he rips my head off. I have seen and heard sag and scorpios don't end together but I think we are soulmates we have helped each other grow so far but we are so young still. I think if we fixed ourselves we could last forever but who knows right? He told me he wanted to die at 45 but when we met he saw himself growing old together. He helps me with my wild side as well with my lots of talking. He normally tells me I am yelling but it the best way because I'm someone whom gets very upset when someone tells me to quiet it down so he knows how to talk and treat me but its out age but I just want to see other sag and Scorpio relationship and tell me your expericne and if mine is similar and tell me what has happened. We have been dating for 4 years. Please help.
Maria 2015-05-07 19:24:33
I met a guy on fbk, w talk almost 4yrs, he tell me he is in war, n will come soon, I gave up, sometimes my heart tells me w never going to be together, he tell me it mean I don't trust him, I don't know how he looks, we only met thru fbook, he snd me a picture, I was told he is fake, sammer, so I still talk to him he will not snd me his picture, I don't know what to do, those are my feelings I feel, if its true from him, or will he ever comet to me, his name is steve emmauel'
hanna 2015-07-31 03:23:13
That sounds like a catfish
49Sag 2015-04-17 06:32:32
I'm a sag and I met this Aquarius man that turns me on by just touching me, but he is soo out there, very hard to get.
jo 2015-03-26 12:58:55
Im a sag who was married to an Aries man. Our love life was beyond amazing! Sad to say, He passed few years back. I've moved on & now with another Aries. The chemistry is just as powerful & amazing as before!
sag100 2015-03-24 16:28:45
so basically I'm kinky and VERY sexual....well that's kinda true but ACTUALLY HAVE A GOOOD relationship with that person.
x 2015-03-11 18:55:56
I am a cap dating a sag. It has been challenging as my sag man was quite unreliable at times and he disappeared from time to time....however after quite a bit of communication on this we have been doing very well. the behavior has changed. Hes very charming and sweet.The sex is outstanding...cant get enough and his stamina goes on and on... The arrows have definitely hit this cap girl. 😉
Anonymous 2015-03-10 05:50:42
good i am a sagitarian and in love with an aquarian.
WANDA 2015-02-07 17:57:01
I am a Sag -- I met a Virgo in highschool 37 years ago. we started dating 3 years after he graduated. The relationship lasted 10 years then we parted sort of parted because we couldn't stop seeing each other. He didn't like it that I would marry him. so he married but we kept seeing each other. Despite his marriage he had 2 because he was here in the evenings and weekends cooking dinner with me. Our love expanded 37 years before his death. His commonlaw girlfriend wife knew where he was at all times because he told her that his heart was with me. I even helped her plan and execute the funeral and we shared the ashes. The love was always there no matter what. My heart and soul still aches for him.
patrcik 2015-02-22 06:34:23
I'm a Sag. I know what he says is true and deep, I can't explain it but in my mind passion flares for someone I have had shared my heart with and love. We just can't let go it seems maybe its the adventure to travel to that lover maybe it fulfills our desire to be free in our ways. Not to mean it it in a bad way to hurt hurt anyone. When I feel affection toward a woman even if its time past it's a true affection not a getting over to get what I want, or to use anyone. It's just true affection to be with that person, love is all I can say. Sometimes we just can't totally go and we need to wander back for that love and affection. Wow just can't explain it well. I hope you meet another sag. maybe he notes you compare will be similar enough to fill that void for your lover. 🙂 hope this sort of helps...

Sagi 2015-02-02 13:11:04
Guys, I was cheated on by an Arian girl for a Libra guy 🙁. She can not control her over rated ego and temper and I could stop reacting badly to it.
Caroline 2015-01-17 20:09:55
I'm a Pisces woman and been with a sag man. They are amazing persons sometimes he's a total jerk but later apologizes. We been together for almost 4 yrs on and off, we can't hang without each other. Instead of me looking for him, his chasing me and I can tell that he cares about me. They are just to hard to express their feelings. They are more like macho man lol but they are great man. Plus we both drive each other wild in bed.
Lisa 2014-12-22 08:00:50
Pisces and Sagittarius are highly sexual toward each other. I had a Sagittarius friend with benefit that I couldnt get enough of in the bedroom. But eventually I fell for him and I guess he didnt really feel the same way when I told him so when he wanted to continue the friend with benefit relationship I started ignoring all his messages because i wanted to be exclusive. (this relationship went on for like 7 months) Its been about 20 days since we've spoken and I'm really upset. The spark at the beginning really made me think he was "the one". This shall be a warning to all the pisces ladies out there chasing a sagittarius :/
Rich 2015-01-13 02:45:40
Really sucks, I have the exact same situation with a Pisces girl. Same ending. Then again that's what I read. lol Yes I'm A Sag
Angie 2014-12-15 11:17:37
Myself and my husband are both sagg's. We have great communication and trust and loyalty. We have a great sex life and do give each other freedom and independance. We have been married for over 22 years. We are soul mates as well as best friends.
curiosity 2014-11-05 19:34:59
I've been wondering what other sign is absolutley the best sign in compatibility with the Sagittarius. & I would like to know more about leo & sag relations #LETMEKNOW
leofem 2015-01-15 16:35:32
Leo female with a Sag man right now and pretty sure he's the one! It's nothing but adventures, a shared excitement for life, passion and laughter. Can't get enough. Even when we argue (rare) we make up quickly as we both embrace "forgive and forget." Any sign/person/sex is capable of cheating. It depends on the person. If you and your partner have trust, and work hard to keep the relationship strong, why worry? Super happy with my sag man and pretty sure he's crazy about me ;)
Justice 2014-12-26 12:15:30
Leo and Sag are very good together, They love the outdoors and love to explore.The flip side to the love duo, leo is capable of cheating and Sag won't settle for it.
michael 2014-12-09 21:34:07
Go for an Aquarius. I am an aquarius man and I always have a knack of getting with Sagittarius, and I usually find out after! Every Sagittarius chick I've banged has been really really good in bed. Lots of chemistry and shit.
r3rf 2014-10-21 08:11:48
I can see why sag/sag relationship might not work out due to their restless energies & need for independence but that's as far as astrology goes in determining love relationships.

Me and my sag man have sort of a love/hate kind of thing but at the end of the day..respect,communication,and understanding is what really determines any couple's success

I also love that he isn't always breathing down my back all the time but firm when he needs to be. Overall, easy-going, fun, and adorable man. But like the other couples above mentioned, the sag/sag relationship takes time to fully grow and mature...

But being able to have a partner that can be your best friend, too?! That's one way I would describe a sag relationship

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