Sagittarius The Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius The Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius Zodiacal Characteristics

Basic traits of Sagittarius' character November 22 - December 21

The Zodiac Sign of Sagittarius commences on November 22nd or 23rd, depending on the year, not on November 21st as stated. The end of Sagittarius season also varies but is typically around December 21st or 22nd, not December 20th. The overlapping of astrological signs is more gradual and less defined as described. Here is a revised version of your text with these corrections and some grammatical improvements:

The Zodiac Sign of Sagittarius typically begins on November 22nd or 23rd. While its influence starts to be felt from this date, traditionally, astrologers consider it reaches its full strength a few days later. It remains in full power until around December 21st or 22nd, after which it gradually transitions to the influence of the incoming Sign, Capricorn.

The symbols for Sagittarius are the archer and the centaur, a mythical creature that is half-man, half-horse. This sign is often associated with the quest for wisdom and represents the philosopher and the explorer. Sagittarians have an innate desire for learning and travel.

People born under this sign typically enjoy their freedom, but when they are in a relationship, they strive to make it as enjoyable and fun as possible. Although they are social by nature, they will make time for a special partner.

Sagittarians are known for their focus and dedication to their current endeavors, often seeing no other perspective until their goal is accomplished.

They can be relentless workers, pushing themselves to the point of exhaustion. Preferring to learn through travel and experience over traditional academic or routine work settings, Sagittarians often find success in a variety of business ventures without feeling the need to stick to one path throughout their lives.

Their open-mindedness and intellectual curiosity drive them to understand others, which they pursue with trust and sincerity. With high spirits and amiable personalities, they excel in conversation, storytelling, and entertainment.

Music is a passion for many Sagittarians, who often possess musical talent. They also thrive in fields such as writing, publishing, media, communications, and entrepreneurial endeavors.

However, they can be prone to extremes and may make hasty decisions or frequently change their minds, which can lead to regret.

In relationships, Sagittarians may face challenges. They often have the capacity to deeply care about more than one individual simultaneously.

Sagittarian men may act on impulse in marriage and later have second thoughts, yet they often maintain a facade of contentment. Sagittarian women, on the other hand, are regarded as being especially supportive of their partners' successes and are willing to make significant sacrifices. Both tend to be devout in their religious practices and when they decide to settle down, they actively seek to keep their relationships vibrant.

Sagittarians embody both strength, as a survival technique, and vulnerability, due to their openness to external influences. They are known for their frank honesty, which can sometimes come across as tactless.

Respectful of law and order, Sagittarians can make dedicated parents. It is important for individuals born under this sign to remain active; inactivity can lead to despondency and a sense of decline.

♐ Sagittarius - The Sign of the Centaur

In the Sagittarius' character, there are combined such qualities as reliance, affability, and courtesy. People who were born under this sign get along with the people easily, but it is much more difficult for them to become close friends. They do it very cautiously. The Sagittarius usually loves sports, nature, traveling, learning and winning. The Sagittarius likes close company and being surrounded by many people. His mind and body require constant intellectual, emotional and physical stimulation.

💁 Sagittarius' Friends

They are the nicest friends in the zodiac. These people are not a meet-for-coffee friend. They are doers and they make the best travel companions. Their most lasting unions and friendships would be made with people born from March 21 to April 19-26, and July 21 to August 20-27, or in their own period.

🚑 Sagittarius' Health

They will be more inclined to suffer from rheumatism than from any other disease, also from a delicacy of the throat and lungs, as well as skin troubles. Physical problems, however, are apt to be the result of unrestricted diet or an over-indulgent pursuit of other pleasures. Sagittarians are also subject to an overpowering urge to gamble, which can be ruinous for some. They also, especially in their later years, suffer from the nervous system.

🎨 Sagittarius' Colors

Their most suitable colors are all shades of violet and mauve and violet-purple.

⛰ Sagittarius' Stones

Their most favorable stones are amethysts and sapphires.

♐ Horoscopes for Sagittarius

Sagittarius The Zodiac Sign

Zodiac sign


Comments: Sagittarius The sign of the Zodiac

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weezey. call me weezey. bless. every. body. from weezey 2019-04-20 19:03:21
may. God bless. every. body. from weezey
Saggie 84 2017-10-22 19:31:52
Look i am no expert. As a sag we love our adventuers. If you think about it saggs love the hardest and strongest and they are the most hardest sign to settle down. My husband and i have been together for going on 14y now. Putting aside our differences helped so much and honesty is the bigest thing in my books. Basicly what i am saying is to the fellow saggies and the libra in? The reason why we can love mote then one person is we are. Still looking for the perfect someone. Once we do we are done... Thats how i feel about it any way.
abee 2017-07-16 16:04:25
I'm a sag n wat I hate about being sag is being nice n kind which make me a victim for bullies. 🙁
H.O.L.L.I.E 2017-06-21 17:57:15
suits my characteristics perfectly!dec 8love being a sag
Libra1008 2017-06-01 23:24:28
okay, so I'm NOT a Sag, but need to know HOW you are able to love two people at once? Did all you Sag's agree with that aspect?
Anonymous Sag 2017-09-30 02:13:59
not at all if I'm being honest. I could never stand the guilt it would bring, being in love with two men at the same time. but not everyone's birth is a complete mould you fit into perfectly. 😝
BeBee 2017-08-30 21:32:00
Message from Libra1008
okay, so I'm NOT a Sag, but need to know HOW you are able to love two people at once? Did all you Sag's agree with that aspect?

HMMM This one is a hard one ... But then maybe not being there is the fact of being in love and not just having a love for them .... I was still actually partly still in love with with my X Boyfriend when I got with My future Husband we got together about 3 months after we broke up ( Got with him because I was getting a little crazy and needed to calm down )) I did like and I eventually fell in love with him before we got married .... but did find that I had still had feelings for my X and we still communicated after 4 years of my marriage passed by He called me at my job and then I realized I still had feelings for this man that I thought I put away Mind you I was always faithful to my husband it was after seeing the x boyfriend that I was able to put him to rest I truly believe that helped my marriage at the time after 31 years and getting divorced he still not know this'
-----Now mind you I am single now and have a few men that have made it clear to me they have great interest in me and feelings that they would love to explore .... But they have fear of doing so .... I have been told I scare them and have been told by the one I have been talking to know for 7 years that has giving me a open door to move in with him that I strike him as a woman who can light a fire and walk away from it .... I dont feel I am like that ... My policy is I make no promises that I wont keep or cant keep and I commit to no one there for dont have to be sorry for my actions ... But never been in love with 2 men can say have had feeling for 2 at the same time right now have
Steve 2017-07-22 01:03:39
Message from Libra1008
okay, so I'm NOT a Sag, but need to know HOW you are able to love two people at once? Did all you Sag's agree with that aspect?
Hi. I could love thousands of women. Women are very beautiful and to have sex with 3 or 4 a day would be heaven

Nelia Prestoza 2017-03-17 21:23:54
It is true. Only few things are quite different but, very interesting.
Mickie 2016-12-22 17:51:33
Love it... born 12-5 fits me to a T
DEC 1st 2016-10-19 15:04:51
Pretty much sums me up!! 😃 First day baby!!!
Tee 2016-07-30 05:17:33
Wow exactly me 11/27 I love it best I've read
Jenny! 2016-07-13 15:02:13
This description perfectly describes me! Hahahaha sargittarius rule!!!!!! (I love basjetball and soccer!!!!)
Erika 2016-06-20 01:24:20
Me to the T. I have a thrill for knowledge. I love to make people laugh. I am not sticking to any relationship if I'm not happy. I tell like it is because I believe you should be honest n not a fucking liar-_-. I do need a whole LOT of space. And I will die or take aids from you if you are my deepest love .
dcricket 2016-05-21 21:16:12
what wrong with being a sag? given the cnance i will do it all again, why all these people bitchin for they JUST DONT KNOW HOW TO LOVE A SAG THAT'S ALL i sorry for them hehehe

xiang fang 2016-05-03 06:57:35
some of them are true some are not. + my BFF is born in June the 2nd, but i'm sure our friendship is true. November 23.
Lisa 2016-04-21 11:54:02
Wow this hits dead on! Dec 4th!
Club saggi 2016-02-20 11:33:12
Way to go! Natasha and mari i could probably manage 2 relationships at 1 time just seems kind of expensive hahaha Dec 12
Duty 2015-12-01 06:49:49
All of it is true Dec 19 is my b day and I can relate to it all follow me on Twitter @ttmt_ceo fmoi @therealduty
kristina 2015-12-30 15:01:32
my birthday is Dec 19th too!
Barbara 2016-08-24 14:50:08
My birthday is December 19th as w
Person 2016-07-13 03:14:09
OMG same here on Dec 19 and most of it is true
Carl 2015-11-01 17:34:18
So true about me leaned a lot about myself reading this...,dec..2
Danni 2016-01-17 22:02:03
Dec 2 too! Abbr my best friend!!
Haley 2015-10-16 07:50:11
Ima Sagittarius and I'm all of the things tht Sagittarius is 😍
Shelly 2015-09-14 13:50:21
I was born on Nov 21, i'm supposed to be scorpio, but I've always felt more like a Sagittarius or a mix of both. I feel connected to this minus church and love of sports.
Stephan 2015-09-10 09:45:42
When i read this i was thinking it was me talking to me.... except the church part, i do not like going to church though i am Christian....
belen 2015-08-17 13:25:14
iam not really understand my horoscope
some are not true but most yes iam..
anonymous green cat 2015-08-12 22:20:31
My best friend was born on August 19. When I read the line "Their most lasting unions and friendships would be made with people born from March 21 to April 19-26, and July 21 to August 20-27, or in their own period." I freaked out. The only thing wrong is about the church as I'm a definite atheist
Dec 13 2015-07-31 04:57:04
Wearing a maroon shirt as I sit in a hostel in New Zealand reading this. Just woke up from a dream of me stabbing someone who wanted to clone and sell dinosaurs.. and had the idea to look up my zodiac sign. In the midst of writing a rap album and a novel. Just finished reading a novel where as a few years ago I would never read. Recently just had a 3 sum and am taking philosophy next year in uni. This describes me so well it's hard not to believe that the universe was made and is still being created by me solely. Like we're all in the matrix or something. Trippy but my favourite 2 colours are blue and red which oddly enough when mixed = hahha you know trippy shit.
Isislovelight 2016-11-02 19:30:29
I love you!!! I'm November 23
PEP 2015-07-23 22:30:05
muno 2015-11-24 22:39:39
Woo-hoo! December 3 all the way. (Ikr so accurate)

Natasha 2015-07-03 14:16:32
Omg! So me! I feel just like Mari! I too am married and have been married for a long time and have a boyfriend and as weird as it sounds I am faithful to them both and cannot leave either but at the same time want to please the Lord!
Kate 2015-07-02 06:05:05
Dec. 20th woman here. I have NEVER cheated (even emotionally), nor would I ever cheat. Loyalty is important to us. I love learning in class. No musical inclinations. Other than, it's pretty accurate.
anny-nomy-nouss 2015-09-07 03:29:30
Definitely. As a Sagittarius, people expect us to get bored and cheat. (Although we do often sometimes get bored,) That does not necessarily mean we all cheat. That in itself is not part of your horoscope, but your characteristics.
mystical 2015-10-01 01:13:56
Well I have never been into the signs but I do believe there is some truth to the knowledge. We do bore easy. We are very out spoken. Hungry for knowledge by nature. Also love a change. When we do fine love we love hard. Most of the time it gets us into trouble. So on and so on.
Linda 2015-09-26 20:32:08
Sagittarians are some of the most loyal people on earth. Why are we always portrayed as promiscuous and unfaithful?
Rom 2016-03-10 14:33:33
I am also a 1000% Sag. I fit into all
that description given above. Almost
all Sags have a tendency to be promiscuous
but some only act for real and some just
fantasize. I am promiscuous and never
worried about it. Whatever makes me feel
good in the sex department, I will do it.
(Of course I won't violate any laws or
make someone unhappy in that process)
Having said that, I came across some
oddball Sags who are very prudish and
ultra conservative.
Rhett 2015-06-16 19:37:15
A lot of it matched, however, i personally could give a shit less about sports and dont have the patience to learn an instrument. Also wont be too prideful to admit i am with someone on an impulse and will definitely leave if im not happy. Also dont want to be romantically involved with more than one person at a time
stalin wesley 2015-06-09 01:33:27
Doesnt matter wat they say, v always feel good about ourselves. .. criticism? V say " Oh fuck! Gimme a break! " loll.... n colour, I Like everything which look black... atles thats wat I wear wen m on stage performing... \m/ rock n roll ppl.
Mari 2015-05-31 17:25:48
Its crazy how its true about being able to be faithful to two people at once.
Im happily married and also have a secret relationship and love them both more then any thing int his world i would die if i lose them.
Kai rindo 2015-05-26 18:26:43
it's funny how short each sagittarius answers are we just agree lmao i agree too haha We are the best go team sage

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