Dream Dictionary Apocalypse

Dream Dictionary Apocalypse


While the kings and queens of thousands of years ago saw dreams of the apocalypse to be prophetic visions that directly predicted future events, now we know better and understand that these dreams mostly have to do with our own personal experiences and do not affect the world at large. However, just because a dream about the apocalypse doesn't mean the world is going to be destroyed, this is no indication that the meaning of the dream as it applies to the individual that experienced it shouldn't be further explored.

When a person dreams of the apocalypse, it surprisingly has a pretty benign definition most of the time. This usually relates to change. Of course it usually relates to big changes that may even be life altering, but the apocalypse dream does not say one way or the other what the outcome will be, whether positive or negative. It simply says that a big change will occur. Usually this is indicative of something that you already know. You have probably been planning to move for ages, or you have been engaged to get married for months, and have just been idling, waiting for the date to actually come. When you have an apocalypse dream before this event, you won't be learning anything that you didn't already know. Changing addresses and marriage are just a few of the big changes that can occur in life though, and are only being used for example purposes.

One other thing that an apocalypse dream might mean is that you have a certain type of lifestyle that you have grown accustomed to and you are soon going to change this lifestyle completely. If you have been sedentary, then this dream is a wakeup call that you need to go out and get more exercise. If you have been really good about getting your daily exercise in, then maybe it is time for you to take a break and relish a bit of much needed downtime.

It could even be something that is not so much related to your physical lifestyle as it is, the way that you perceive and operate with your emotions. If you are generally sad and pessimistic, then maybe this means that you will be soon to change to a more optimistic outlook on life, and things will make you happy that originally did not make you happy before. There are usually not easily understandable reasons for this kind of change (other than an increase or reduction in vitamin D intake) but the dream can predict them for you because your subconscious is generally more in tune with your emotional health than you could ever be conscious of. The apocalypse is a major event, and will mark the end of humanity if it ever comes to pass. It only makes sense that the meaning of the apocalypse as an event in a dream would be just as important.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Apocalypse

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Mkombo 2019-01-19 06:58:37
Last night I dreamt my family and I..esp most of my maternal side wer at some sort of function in a weird underground place and it's like we got news that we need to evacuate and we started getting into vehicles trying to flee the area.i remember me telling my mum to get in a car and that we would find her later. Then my brother and I got into my aunt's car..we drove so fast and I looked back and could see some sort of huge explosion right behind us just like in the movies and it kept spreading so fast...Thank God I woke up bfr anything else sad happened..watever this apocalyptic dream means..
KL 2018-10-03 03:43:00
I just had my first vivid apocalyptic dream. Everyone was notified that an extremely large deadly weapon was shot off, and we had one week to prepare. We were given instructions on how to survive, they told us not to keep canned foods as they would spoil almost immediately after impact, and the metal would radiate the deadly rays. To survive impact we were told to take shelter in basements or as low underground as possiable. I then remember in my dream time passing and the next thing I knew the weapon was striking the earth. It was a large bright beam of light, no smoke or clouds at the base, but instead small black dots that stayed very close together but spread out in swirles leaving darkness where it passed over. It was such a mesmerizing sight that many people were not taking cover. I ran to the safest spot of the basement, only to wake up from my dream thinking ... they never explained what would happen after... ??

The discription above about apocalyptic dreams makes sense to me. If it is truly a life change, it would make sense that my dream would not have had what to expect after the weapon hit. With all changes good or bad you can never predict the out come will be. That’s what make change so scary and hard for many people.
Bruce 2018-06-21 14:22:44
My dream was about the apocalypse, but not in the way you would expect. Well first, 7 meteorites crashed on earth, one on each contenant, (sorry for my bad spelling) and from every one of them came out 10 alien creatures. The entire population of Earth was completely wiped out except for me and my family, but one day, Jesus came and put the aliens back into the meteors and flung them back into outer space. Also, he resurrected everyone on Earth. Then Superman lost to a teddy bear. It was a pretty weird dream if you ask me.
Yun 2018-04-19 20:54:12
I have continuously have been having apocalyptic dreams. Not only zombie apocalypse, but an apocalypse including zombies, creatures from videogames (it had alot, I recognized one from dark souls. Even though I don't play the game. Dream me just said "Oh that looks like something from Dark Souls..."), and a whole lor of other cool stuff. The beginning was REALLY scary, but towards the end, it turned out to be really cool.

So, if I remember correctly-- It was day time. I was at a school and we were setting up decorations around the school for some reason. I was chatting with my friend, then, monsters from a door far away started to come in. Me and my friend panicked and RAN. The two of us were alone. So we went to the huge gym and shouted-- "THERE ARE F*CKING ZOMBIES!" And basically everyone stared, and then Njdjeeksk a whole lot of monster attacked everyone.

At this point, I had a POV (point of view) change. It was a pilot landing their plane. And they saw monsters. The people behind were screaming. And they panicked, they saw a huge monster coming towards the plane, so they turned left and ran out the window and ran!

Then it turned back to me, I was being saved by someone? I couldn't Identify him. But he reminded me of this person I like. Basically, all we did was running, as if we were going through different worlds, and it waa so cool. In the 4th world, it was like a swamp, and it was really dark. Then, after we escaped, the next setting, cool music started to play-- as if we were in a comedy/action movie. It was bright again.

In the beginning, it looked like we were in Korea (judging from the uniforms, school and people) but now, we were in a place like..Paris, France. I couldn't describe the awesomeness(🤔 The adventure had. I trully felt scared, but gradually became more confident and enjoyed running away from these "stupid" monsters. (Said by dream me, in a really cocky voice.)

And that person who saved me.....I really want to go to them and just hug them. I think I know who they are, I suddenly feel more lonely than I already am.
Maryjane 2018-03-17 17:33:07
I was dreaming that my ex husband and my ex sister in law and his friend and some other girl where making porn and then all of the sudden the dream changed and there was zombies after me I ran upstairs and hid they found me I acted dead and woke up I'm in confused
Sarah 2017-12-23 11:15:51
Every dream I have, includes me running or trying to save someone or something. Lastnight I dreamt that giants were coming from the sky and they were to destroy the world. Only I knew they were coming and tried to worn people. I'm always in a hotel, this is where the dreams begin. I see the hotel from afar, on a cliff. Water is always flooding or rising fast, but I never drown. Tides roar in to the beach, the rivers flood the towns. In my particular dream last night which has shook me, was that I was on a balcony or shaffolding. Then my dog fell from it down and managed to claw onto a railing. I then threw myself down and managed to save her. This has rattled me this morning. All my dreams involve some sort of epic story, but sometimes I feel the entire dream may be connected as one. But then again, who knows. I'm not a religious person today, but I am spiritual. I used to strongly believe in God, as I grew up in Catholic Ireland. When I moved to another country, it was then I could see that a man in the sky wasn't really something that could be real. So I believe in the universe now and mother nature. Do these dreams just signal change?
Kay 2017-11-22 20:56:39
First off,
These dreams are terrifying. I had my third one last night. I want to know how to rid of them. I know they have to do with change. I did have quite a few huge changes pass in my life recently. So my first dream of driving as the Sun basically incinerated my family and I, I took as me moving back home. Another of nuclear war, I had a month later. Now here I am settled into a new career and place of living and I had another dream last night. It took on more of a religious tone, even though I don't practice anymore. Basically I was told by some outside force that the world will end November 20 2020. Anyway I got to see glimpses of what happens in this room of nothingness- as if I was watching a big tv screen. Volcanoes erupted, people were sick, tsunamis hit, people turning on each other. Horrifying....Why are these dreams continuing? I could have forgotten it after one,but why do I have a fear?
FlamingFonts 2017-10-27 15:25:08
I've been having the same dream for a long time now, for the last four years I've been having it off and on. The dream of course varies but it'll always start half way through Apocalypse, they'll be zombies everywhere and I'll be with a small group of friends, that I know in real life, we'll be trying to get to somewhere and along the way stop to rest or eat.

Always though my friends that I know end up dying and I'm left with a total bunch of strangers whilst the world falls around me. I used to hate it when I was a lot younger because I used to be scared of all the zombies and stuff but it's slowly got less scary. Whether it's the fact that I'm used to it now or the fact that I've matured.

The dream has also seemed to happen less often but I still get it, often after I've struggled to write on wattpad or I fell asleep whilst messaging my old friends.
Adelaide 2017-08-11 04:10:51
Most of my dreams deal with a zombie apocalypse or some other monstrous creature and for some reason they always have me running around with someone(s) I know in my day to day life or have seen somewhere. And our objective is always getting to shelter. When we get there I always wake up. This shelter may simply be a house, for example my own house, or an actual base of operations with other survivors. Now the shelter always seems to be missing a wall and I never understood that be cause that definitely is impractical.
Dawson 2017-07-28 16:47:47
I had a dream of a zombie apocalypse. I don't know how it started and its almost like i starting dreaming about it a quarter into the story already. It was an airborne virus, anyone in the area of the airbourne virus has just about 9 hours to live unless they make it to a virus free zone.My mom is dead, most of my friends are dead. We were in a party of 9 or 10. Apparently my grandpa had hazmat suits for 7 (how? Idfk). Of course, this story began in my hometown, Las Vegas, where the virus was spreading rapidly. It was at night, yet the city was being lit up in flames that you could see miles away. We drove to Seattle because we heard the city was virus free. It was... for a few hours after we got there. There was no military in sight to help. We get back to the car and then my dream flashes to, im guessing after seattle, an abandoned airfield. We got in a gunfight with a few hillbillies. Im guessing no one died, but then i turn around a there a zombie running at me and by the time i realised what was happening i woke up screaming. That was just a few minutes ago.. of course i didnt pit every single detail into the comment simply because im atill too tired but... again that was one of the worst dreams ive ever had...
ThatBlonde2017 2017-06-23 13:15:15
I recently had this dream where I'm helping kids and young adults get into this building to escape the apocalypse. The reason I know it was about the end was seeing the sun the way it was. So fiery it made the sky look in flames. People I knew from college were there too. Its just weird that when we were all safe it turned into a romantic dream about this guy I know who I havent had feelings for in months. From how you describe apocalypse dreams to be those of for telling change, Oddly enough im about to end my first year of media in college and enter an uncertain future. Weird.
Gillian 2017-06-16 02:11:44
I've been having many many apocalypse related dreams. They started last summer involving power outages, famine, and death. They've continued for over a year and now involve cataclysmic events such as nuclear storms and power grid attacks. Very very disturbing dreams. I've had many signs that I may be gifted in knowing bits and pieces of the future and I pray and pray that these dreams don't turn out to be real. [just=center][/just][just=right][/just]
PAK 2017-11-26 21:52:29
I have been having the same dream. Lately it has been about nuclear explosions and alien apocalyptic dreams. It used to be planecrush and volcanic apocalypse dreams. It’s so frightining to sleep sometimes as ive almost had nightmares most of my life. As a kid i used to dream about deceased relatives and later about the rupture. I seem to never have good dreams

Mari 2017-02-13 05:46:14
I been having bad luck lately so I had a meltdown yesterday and was complaining to the lord about my life and asked him to please tell me something so in the night I had a dream that the world came to an end around summer time during July 4th festivities not literally that day but there were signs in the dream that showed me it was around that time . The world was shaking , people were going crazy and cars were crashing planes falling then as I ran away from a bus that was heading my way I yelled "please don't tell me this the end my lord please don't tell me its the end of the world" &' everything went black &' it was a loud zig zig right before I was able to wake up like in the movies when people see a vision of the future . Moral of the story is the world is living in A LOT of sin right now &' it can definetly come to an end whether its this year or the next . Pray for your self &' your loved ones we don't really know when it could all end for us but I'm sure we can all say it will be soon the world isnt going crazy for nothing . Blessings to all .
Reese 2017-02-11 05:40:38
I had the weirdest dream that I was on my front lawn and a black car drove up the street stopped by my house and then a guy in a hotdog suit got out of the car and chased me down the sidewalk....I remember that I felt so scared in the dream. Weird!!
Darren 2017-02-03 17:12:47
I had a dream about a not so distant future in the United States, that gangs ran the streets and people lived in fear of the government at all times. Then suddenly without warning they began to round people up and firing into crowds massacring hundreds of people, their blood would splatter all over me and people would trample over one another just to try to escape the gunfire. It was the most realistic dream I have ever had.
JD 2017-01-19 06:40:47
I had probably one of the most weird dreams I have had in a long time, and while some of the weirdest dreams I've had are relatively benign, this one definitely takes top spot. I just remember driving on a busy road, when all of a sudden people start running opposite of my car. As I tried to comprehend what's going on this choking, purple cloud starts to roll in. While it's not evident that it's dangerous I felt like I had to get away from it. Somehow I made it home, where my family was still asleep. But as I close the door, people unlucky enough to be outside are swept away by this horrendous storm. One man who was holding on for dear life stares at me, all before he is violently ripped away, only to be lost in that purple fog. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it was one of the weirdest dreams I have had in a long time.
Anon 2017-01-03 22:25:43
To begin with I remember my dreams nearly every night, most of the time with vivid details. But last night's dream was the most realistic dream I have had in a very, very long time. And it was my first apocalyptic dream, as normally I am lucid in my dreams and turn ones that are bad back into good dreams. This dream however I was aware I was dreaming but could do nothing to change the events, only live through them. It starts out that a large warning sounds throughout my town and alerts those with a special past to proceed to the safety bunker. We are aware that an asteroid is going to come very close to striking the earth or moon, but are unsure of quite how big it is or if it will even hit at all. So my husband and I go to the bunker and stay in the upper part with windows so we can watch the sky. At this point I can feel my dream self shaking with fear holding onto my husband. As we look up at the sky we stare up at the moon and suddenly see a large white streak going toward the moon. We were told we would be able to see it in the sky as we enter the bunker. As it nears the moon people are banging on the bunker trying to get in, making everything more terrifying. Suddenly the asteroid strikes the moon and goes through the middle of it and out the other side splitting the moon into several large pieces. People are screaming and I can't even breath. The noise of people and everything around me is overwhelming and people are running everywhere. The floor beneath us starts moving down and people are shooting each other trying to get into the bunker and we see a large piece of moon falling toward the earth as the floor we are standing on goes down until we can't see anymore. Then I wake up. Still shaking from fear. Scared me to the core..
Someone 2016-12-23 23:41:22
Today i have apocalypse dream that even i remember a few detail of it.
it was like an celebration day that we go outside to field and everyone seems cheerful.
there is some country flags flying on the skies, and i remember seeing Canada flag on the skies, then suddenly its happen. there is big object like planet goes down and hit earth, peoples scattered and everything destroyed then i just closing my eyes, and got some randoms dream again.
Tiff 2016-12-23 16:33:13
I also have repetitive apocalypse dreams with slightly different situations. It's always happening a long time after the apocalypse have started. There's not much people left around. I'm usually with a small group of people who changes places to places to stay safe but we always managed to find sketchy nearby neighbours that makes us rush to move. Nothing never bads happened but everyone is scared of everyone and no one takes chance. Sometimes I dream we live in hotels, mansion or really shitty places!
anonymous 2016-11-03 22:14:13
I dreamt of going on a picnic with the whole family. It was fun and the scenery was beautiful. All of us was watching the sun set and getting ready to going home since it looked like it was about to rain. All of us look at the dark grey clouds turn black and it looks like a whole was punched into the cloud but it was going down like a tornado but there was not twist like a tornado.

I reached out to touch it and take a close look. It looked like some ember falling from the sky. When I noticed it was an ember, I looked up and realized that a nuke had exploded some what far. What I thought had been a sunset was the bright red blast from a nuke. Every one was running and all you could hear was the sounds of bombing getting closer and everything had turn black. My whole family was scattered. I was scared but I was more worried about my family so I had ran back to look around and found my mother and some kids.
We held hands running or trying to get to a safe place. All I could hear was screams and explosion in my dream.
Then I woke up. My breathing was elevated and everything just felt real. Looked real. Hopefully it doesn't come true.
Sabre 2017-01-14 14:40:18
ive had them as well from the ages of 11-22. i had my first nuclear dream at 19. one of the sun swallowing us and cooking us at 11...my whole life this is going to sound crazy ive been surrounded by "cloaked beings" my mom says they are aliens... not all of them take physical form though..
Brian 2016-09-21 18:12:05
I just woke up from my first dream of the apocalypse. Me and my little brother were riding in my car along a well known back street in my city. It seemed as if we were evacuating and I was the first car in the line. As I was driving, my brother was asleep in the passenger seat. I looked over to my left at the sun and noticed something was happening to it. The sun quickly changed shap and formed into a arrow and pointed eats. Shortly after it burst into flames. Then everything caught on fire. The woods around us were lit. As I was driving I noticed a exit for a road into the woods th[just=center][/just]at isn't there in real-life. So i turn to the right and immediately jumped out, grabbing my brother who was still asleep. My car was on fire. As I layed there shielding his body from the turmoil that was happening around us. I hear a loud boom. I looked up and saw a huge twister ripping thru the trees. Then the dream ended. I've never had a dream like this. I never watch movies or anything like that situation. I just wanted to make sense of it.
Kayla 2016-09-15 06:27:42
When mine happen its most of the time aliens or strange lights in the skies. Last night was different, there was a rainbow. End to end and out of the top of it was another rainbow just going straight up to the sky. Everybody was taking pictures in such awe. Then a big perfectly round light like an orb as big as the moon appeared in the straight rainbow and then moved across the sky. My sister and I ran around a building to see where it went but didn't make it around, instead we went in. It was like an auditorium type thing and there was tonss of people in there. We just knew the world was going to end were waiting on an attack or something and I woke up.

Another one I had when I was pregnant I was at a restaurant with my husband and all of a sudden in the sky all these different sized orbs started forming filling the whole sky. We got up then spaceships like the Jetsons ships came down from these orbs and started zapping the ground and zapping people. One of them landed so we got in it and started flying it ourselves trying to get home and I woke up.

Crazy stuff that happens in your head.. Doesn't seem scary talking about it at all but to you its terrifying, wake up sweating hoping you're in your own bed.
angie 2016-09-11 08:16:57
My dream so so real feeling. I was in the building and all around me was destruction. Kinda like a tornado just hit. I walked into another room and saw a hole in the wall. Something caught my eye and I went to investigate further. It was an angel on horseback carrying a cross like sword. Our eyes met and the sword was thrown at me. My body rose to the light in the sky and as I was going up I had a feeling of being scared but peace. I just said I love you Jesus..Then I woke up like the breath was knocked out of me.
Pat 2016-08-22 03:48:51
I had a dream. I was in London . Everyone was getting on busses ,running or doing what ever to get away. I don't know what from . I felt like the dream kept repeating before I could get to the end. On the last repeat a giant man wearing just a cloth about 4 times the size of a human carried me away on his back like a (piggy back) and started running fast . He had a long beard a kind of Arab man. Then I arrive. To this place I can only describe magical. A big gold building of some sort in a middle of a green field. Inside was a conveyor belt of materialistic things coming from above down to everyone who was her (like kids and youths) and they all started take the things as I just watched them do it. I woke up with a feeling of bliss. I am not religious never have been. Maybe the dream played games on me. I don't know what to think. I thought about it for a few days. This happened a few months ago I remember every detail which I never usually do. What do people think.? Also just last night I had another dream. The world was a battle field. A selection of people were in state of the art armor. It kind of looked like a space suit. And civilians were getting killed. I felt like I was just a spectator. In that dream I was at my mums house at one point. We were rassioning food and people were complaining about being hungry. Because of this dream I felt the need to bring both of these dreams up. I hate to think they could be real I just want to live my life how it is.

None 2016-08-04 09:46:20
I saw the apocalypse, people dieing everywhere and the lion was king of the earth again, as I was walking through earth a lion thought to intimidate me an a predator in a clocked body came from my side and bit fear into him granting me protection and he told me we had new bodies we must learn to use our power
Misty 2016-08-02 16:21:55
I always have the same dream. I'm at a park with family mostly my father's side (whom I hate) but my children are there. Then there's a big boom sound we all look up and just showers of flaming balls are falling toward us. I wake up out of breath and shaky everytime.
Erin 2016-07-25 02:09:05
I resently had this dream that was based in a small neighborhood, it started off at the corner of one street on someone's lawn. There's a giant canon that looks like it's made of sticks, branches and planks of wood on the lawn. A handsome boy around my age is at the Canon shoot idk what out of this canon that seems very sturdy to be made our of only wood!All the zombies seem to only be grown men and there's a few women running away from zombies. I can't remember much else but then the boy at the Canon seems to be in my apartment with two other boys my age and a a girl a little older then me. There asking the Canon boy if he's worried about turning into zombie. Then I wake up! I was enjoy this dream so much I was sad to wake up! Oh and I realized what was being shot out the Canon... it was dippers and gas! The fuuuuu**k!?
ashley 2016-07-11 12:22:34
ive had sooo many apocalyptic dreams that's its hard to remember all. but many are about water flooding the earth. insane storms. the earth goes dark for some time and then a new earth is revealed. I also have dreamt of time traveling and seeing myself as I try to get back in this current reality. only to keep awakening in the dream still. I don't feel these are just dreams especially because many of you have dreamed what I have. I have seen myself being sent to concentration camps, escaping, hail of fire comets, seeing 2 moons on top of a mountain and so many more.

we will all find out the truth very soon I see.
Robert E 2016-09-30 06:20:15
thats so weird I've dreamt two moons over a mountain before and burning meteorites .. I had the feeling I was the last soul on earth it was so real
Mary 2016-06-22 11:34:02
I have been having the same apocalypse dream for years with only slight differences. We always have to get away from zombies. It's almost all the time in school. We have to get to a certain "safe zone" to survive. Sometimes a couple of my family members will be with me. In the dream sometimes I'll die or my family members will. They aren't the scariest dreams I've ever had but because they keep recurring over and over again it has me a little worried.
Kevin(Thylunarkevin@Yahoo.com) 2016-06-19 03:29:24
I just woke up and googled it.. I dreamed of some small maybe a foot long snail like (without shells), they were eating people and getting bigger, and exploding, and where one would explode there 10 more would form. So the human population around me decided to pack up and get on a train, was kind of lucid b cause I was thinkin what will happen, like stop for supplies /fuel and wait for the slimey beasts to stop? As I thought this I woke up. Any insight?

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