Dream Dictionary Attraction

Dream Dictionary Attraction


The definition for attraction that occurs in a dream is actually fairly similar to the definition for admiration that occurs in a dream, but the definition can also be just as obvious as it sounds too. When you dream that you are attracted to someone, then that person may be someone that you are attracted to on a conscious or subconscious level. Someone that you are really attracted to will naturally be on your mind a lot, so it will not be hard to see why you might be dreaming about them regularly. It might surprise you if the person that you are so attracted to in your dream is someone that you do not know well, or are flat out unattracted to in your waking life, but this usually signifies a latent desire for them that you may have been unaware of.

Above was the more common and more obvious definition of attraction that might occur in your dreams, but it is by no means the only meaning for attraction in your dreams. If you are attracted to a dream person then this would imply that the elements they embody are ones that you want to see more visibly in yourself. If you are attracted to a very beautiful person then you may wish that you were more attractive. If you are attracted to someone that is more geeky or nerdy than the average person, then this would imply that you have a desire to let your inner geek out. Don't be afraid, nobody will judge you. And if you do know people that will judge you for your lifestyle then you need to get a new group of friends, because judgmental individuals will only lead to making you feel bad about yourself and your qualities that you possess.

When you dream that someone else is attracted to you, then this would usually imply that you want people to like you more. This does not mean in a romantic sense but in a general sense. You want others to be more accepting of your ideas and you want it to be easier for you to fit into social groups. This could also just be a desire for a specific person to like you, especially if that person is someone that you desire closeness to in waking life. You desperately seek the approval of one of your friends or acquaintances, and if you see this person being attracted to you in your dreams then it means that this is the person that you want the approval of.

If you see that you are attracted to someone in your dream that you are at odds with, or someone that you do not like, then this would signify that you need to bridge the gap between you and them and find some common ground that you can both relate to. You may come up on a situation in life in which you will have to rely on unexpected associates. Befriending someone that you were formerly displeased with would be a great way to keep yourself prepared for the future. It is also just a great show of human kindness in general.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Attraction

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Ruby 2021-10-10 13:16:17
I just woke up from this dream that I was in a big mall with other people; I believe we were in a group. It was like Squid Game and we were all trying to escape cause our lives were at risk. The survivors all went up this golden escalator into a movie theater room, it wasn’t huge, it was more of a medium party room size. A guy who’s physical and inner features I’m attracted to found me from behind while I was talking to my mom. “She’s really kind and pretty.” It was so sweet to hear that, then upon recognizing his voice I turned around. We stared at each other before sharing a passionate kiss… it was so weird cause the entire time I kept wanting more but didn’t want my mom to see. Behind one of the doors in the movie theater we became more physically intimate… I was losing my mind the whole time cause I don’t expect anything like this to happen in real life. After sharing a few more kisses, we walked back in the movie theater. The other people in the room were asleep with their own blankets. My other guy friend was in the room too, still awake happy to see us. I was wondering where my girl friend was though. We all couldn’t go to sleep and before I knew it it was time to eat breakfast. I kinda just stayed in the theater processing… then my guy friends came back with a tray of food. I asked them where the food was then I tried to find it. When I walked out the movie theater I found myself in a grand hall with what seemed to be teachers who hold classes, I thought I saw myself when I was in Kindergarten… then I just went through this open arch and there happened to be a train. I remember telling them I was going to try to find my other girl friend, so I quickly hopped on looking through the aisle for her face. No luck, but I did end up running into my other girl friend who was just as excited to see me. This is the second time I’ve bumped into her in a dream… I wonder if she was in the same dream realm I was. I asked her how she was doing, not so great. I asked her, “Awe what happened?” She explained how she keeps this one mechanical pencil with a green hook cause it was a time in her life when she and her ex would help each other out through classes. I feel for her pain, unfortunately he treated her horribly despite that there may have been a few good times. The good outweighed the bad. I tried to help her feel better and make her feel less alone. I wish nothing but healing and love for her, cause the damage he’s done to her mentally is something I wish upon no one. One of my “kids” was on the train too; when my phone fell out of the train while taking pictures of the natural scenery that passed by, thankfully it wasn’t moving super fast, I was able to pick up her phone. Me and my gamer friend both got off the train together, but I was worried my guy friends were worried about me not coming back right away. I was expecting a text, but didn’t hear back from them, so I just went about enjoying my time with her. We walked up to this big, arched open doorway filled with people practicing ballroom dancing. Both of us wanted to give it a try so we carefully tried to make our way through not to disrupt their choreography. There were duct tape marks on the floor that helped them remember what move goes next, but it was making my head hurt figuring out everything. I started typing up a message to my guy friend while we waited for the dance teachers to help us. I ended up not finishing it, then the teacher explained we’d be joining in next time. After leaving the room, me and my friend both noticed how dark and spooky everything got. I was actually scared cause I didn’t expect this. I stayed glued to my friend the entire time while we tried to figure out where to go and how to “beat” this change of settings. We got to this one room with stuffed shelves of books and vintage toys, trying to find a cat to give us the answer. It didn’t come out. Then I forgot what else happened after waking up.
Kimberly 2021-02-08 05:22:17
I dreamt I was attracted to a guy and he was attracted to me too,but in reality we ain't really attracted to each other romantically anymore
dream_child 2019-06-14 21:16:00
Last night i had a dream about an older guy (ealry 20's) who was very attractive and was attracted to me (im 16). IMD i was walking to school and needed to get there fast since i was already late i waved down a car and he stopped. He had the cutest smile ever. I got in and he drove me to my school when i got out the car he looked sad he told me he wish my school wasnt so close so he could spend more time with me. I went to my moms job after school she wasnt in her office but guess who was standing there, he was, waiting for me. He hugged me and we sat down and talked. I heard my mom was coming so i tolf him to hurry and leave but write his number down which he did but this is all i remember "717". My mom walked in and said who is this? i told her he was looking for a lawyer and she offered to help they talked about his life but while they did that he kept making deep eye conatct with me.I've seen this older guy in my dreams for the past week i feel like hes my soulmate.
sarah 2019-06-14 15:49:18
i had a dream i met this older guy (early 20's) when i was walking to school (im 16) but he was so attractive and i wanted him. he gave me a ride to school and his presence made me feel a type of way a really good way. after school i go to my moms job and shes not in her office but he is waiting for me he grabs my hands and says im beautiful and then my mom walks in and he stands up and says hi i need a lawyer so my mom talks to him cause she is a lawyer but he keeps giving me this sexy eye contact that makes me want him more. then i woke up. but his been in a lot of my dreams lately. an older guy
Oni 2018-09-09 23:46:15
I was woken up from a dream that threw me into an immediate depression. I was being chased by these young men who desired me. They needed me to stay with them and were willing to chase me down. Now I've woke up to reality that I am a 42 year old married women who may never be desired again. Just want to go back to sleep! Now!
J 2019-06-30 22:20:01
I am a younger man who finds women older than myself the most desirable. Hang in there, your beautiful inside and out! Odds are, I was probably one of those guys in your dream lol
B 2017-07-14 14:29:53
I dream that a beautiful guy save me from the ocean, i dance smoothly on boat then he join me and suddenly we were together and I was attract to him when he help me onto a boat with beautiful rainbow light underneath the boat on ocean dancing but by then when I was with him, we're attract to each other.
Groggy 2017-05-09 07:48:37
There is a guy in my dreams who really likes me so much and he is looking for me but I refuse to get closer to him and I wanted to escape every time his looking for me. But I don't know this person he just appear in my dream.
kayla 2016-12-02 16:32:14
i dreamt that one of my friends was atracted to me like he wrote me two letters and a card telling me so in the dream then it was like a special day for me so in the dream i saw him waiting for me to finish celebrating with my family but he was like a distance from me please help
Jasmine 2016-11-21 05:18:29
I had a dream that I was in the grocery store and some man was following me he didn't try to attak me or anything he just was attracted to me but I was scared and he kept taking my grocery bucket I don't understand please help
Nicole 2016-08-20 08:12:32
I had a dream that I was with one of my close friends. We were hanging around the docks inside the water and this guy came out of nowhere saying here do you want any goggles and I was like oh yeah please thank you... Then i was trying to put them on and i glance to the right and he is taking a piture with a big group of people in the water We both stare at eachother and we smile and i cant stop Giggling. Moments later im in a room with him and I knew magic I did something very sexual not going into detail. But he thought it was cute and we both smiled and we tried to kiss but i woke up.
G 2016-07-06 08:24:02
I don't really remember what the dreams were about, but the dream from this morning has a few people that I know. I saw this older guy ( around 24ish years old ) and I'm younger than 18 lol. But he was really really attractive, but I've never seen him in my life. The upsetting thing is that in the dreams he's been, we've never actually had a conversation, we just made eye contact a few times and that's it. I have a strange feeling that he's my soulmate. I already named him, Akmal which means perfect, and that's exactly what I thought of him. I really hope to meet him in the real world.
sarah 2019-06-14 15:52:21
omg yes i know how you feel!!!! this guy gives us this feeling we desire him well ik i do. just im dying to know who this guy is in my dream
unknown 2018-02-20 21:26:52
You only dream of faces you have actually seen in real life, so maybe you already have met him.
Tahlia 2016-05-06 16:05:03
I dreamt of this beautiful kind boy I had never seen before, he flirted with me and I have this feeling that he is actually a real person. In the dream I was at a house by the beach and I met him .. First he ran into me by accident and stared at my eyes before quickly saying sorry and walking off.. Then I found him on the beach and he was so kind and nice to me and slightly flirty .. I want to find him. If he is even real.. But I'm not sure how trustworthy the dream is considering I have never dated or kissed anyone before
Tahlia 2 2016-08-25 02:25:18
Aghh!! XD you have the same name as me. Lol.

Someone 2016-05-01 05:46:45
I had a dream that someone said they would call me, what does that mean?
Gert 2015-11-23 18:10:53
I had a dream that this guy who I believe likes me, walked up to the middle of the aisle and made eye contact with me for a good while. Then the angle changed and I zoomed into his eyes. But in real life, he walked up to me...so I am just confused if I should interpret this dream as reassurance that he into me.
Anonymous 2015-06-06 14:03:53
In my dream,a boy that I didn't like very much became infatuated with me and wouldn't stop following me around. Does that count as someone being attracted to me or the one with someone I don't like?
Evangeline 2015-03-17 00:16:25
well in my dream someone kept saying right in front of me they found me attractive which was embarrassing and uncomfortable considering it would never happen in real life
Briana 2014-04-20 21:56:39
I had sent my friend a Happy Easter text message. And then few hours later i went to sleep. I started dreaming that i was talking to her, and I could imagine that i had my phone in my hand and i literity saw her name and number in my phone. And then i thought me phone was virbating in my dream, but it was i virbating on my desk. Then when i turned my phone back on to see who it was it was my friend that I was dreaming about. i dont know what this means, could you help me out?
star 2013-12-01 11:29:27
so what does it mean when you dream about a guy you find attractive and you know he thinks your cute. but in the dream you two show how you feel to each other...
Isma 2016-03-08 09:38:38
IMG THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I JUST EXPERIENCED !! and no I'm too trying to find an answer

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