Dream Dictionary Baby Girl

Dream Dictionary Baby Girl


When you see a baby girl in your dreams this could mean that you are feeling extremely fragile in a situation. You feel as if you have no defenses and are being opened up to the world for all to see. You no longer feel as safe as you did before. There are many reasons that you might feel this way but you will probably know what it was in your real life that happened, which caused you to have dreams about a baby girl. In order to make sure that you stop feeling so fragile, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to come to terms with your vulnerability (if it is unpreventable) or to try to overcome it.

The thing is, this vulnerability is likely a mental thing, meaning that you control the way that you feel about yourself and you control your own ability to feel vulnerable. Do not allow yourself to feel like you are not in control of things that you very well can control. If you dream about a baby girl and find that your vulnerability is something that really cannot be fixed then try to accept it and move on. If you find that it is something that you can control, then you should pick yourself up by your bootstraps and get things rolling for yourself because nobody is going to do it for you.

Another possible meaning of dreaming of a baby girl is that you feel that you are innocent in a situation. Perhaps you are being blamed for something that you didn't do. This can be a traumatizing experience especially if you have no evidence to prove your innocence. Even if the evidence against you is terrible, if someone believes you did it and you cannot disprove it, then you are guilty until proven innocent. It is a shame that the system seems to work this way, but in an informal setting, it is the only thing you have to go off of.

Dreaming of a baby girl can also imply that you are simply wishing to be more emotional in life. Adult women are much more complex than babies in their natural state just as adult men are too. But again because of the way that women are seen culturally, as mentioned above, as being more emotionally expressive, and because babies are seen as a more simplistic version of that, you may be dreaming about a baby girl because you feel you need to be more emotionally expressive in your life.

You could be bottling up your emotions. Maybe you don't even know that you want to be more emotionally expressive, but your mind is telling you that you need to be this way. If this is the case for you then you may not know it, but seeing a baby girl in your dreams may mean that you need to let some of your feelings out and tell others how you really feel about a situation.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Baby Girl

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Vaishu 2022-03-24 00:28:52
I saw a korean baby girl in my dream I'm just 20 year old I saw I'm feeding some food to that baby
Mary Sannoh 2020-06-03 07:50:45
Someone (a male co-worker) dream me holding a little girl on my lap while travelling together with him in a vehicle. After he told me about the dream, I taught of it in many ways but after reading about some interpretations online I some how felt relief because all of the interpretations I read were all positives. even though it was not well explicit. Can you please explain better.
Rob 2019-03-17 19:35:14
I had a dream of having a baby girl and in that dream I had all my ex’s around. Everybody was getting along. Everybody else face was blurry after I saw them as I came in the room. Only one persons face i was able to always clear up aside from my baby girls face. Yet everyone else was a blur. What does this dream mean?
Chai 2018-05-15 23:30:59

I had a dream that I am pregnant with a little girl. I named her Adonia Neveah. I have no idea where the name came from or why it came to me. I can't have anymore children and I the dream was very vivid. She looked lighter than my complexion as if I was experience a previous life. I recently lost custody of my daughter to OCS and she is no longer apart of my life. Is this a warning of my previous life/lost or is this just a dream. Someone please help!!
Susan 2018-05-07 07:00:52
The first meaning is 100% true because my mum just died three weeks ago so the baby dream interpretation is collect. I lost my mum and I feel so lost in my head.
Ching 2017-10-03 20:31:11
Hi please answer me i some advices..
i had a dream this morning a baby girl in my bed, nursing her , changing diaper, she fell in my my bed.. i took her in carpet and put it back in bed.., and she fell back again and when ive seen her in my dreams shes not moving anymore.. pls can someone explain to me about this kinda of dream.. thanks
Sylvia 2020-02-07 23:18:38
I had the same kind of dream, my husband's Aunt was pregnant and I had a dream the baby was in the bed and kept falling off... Sadly my husband's aunt's baby died during birth
Prarthana 2017-05-04 09:52:45
Hi I am 7 th month pregnant.. this is second time I dream that I delivered a healthy baby girl without any pain.. and baby was so cute and healthy . What does it mean?
Ssip ekat 2019-07-27 16:25:56
This dream means both your legs are going to fall of and maybe a finger too hope this was some help to you
Magnolia 2017-12-21 15:53:07
Me Too ... exactly the same situation, just that I am only 7weeks pregnant

Message from Prarthana
Hi I am 7 th month pregnant.. this is second time I dream that I delivered a healthy baby girl without any pain.. and baby was so cute and healthy . What does it mean?

Capri 2017-04-26 05:17:50
I had a dream that I was sleeping and when I woke up and looked to my right there was a beautiful smiling baby with jewelry on...I was so confused because I didn't remember giving birth to this beautiful baby but I instantly picked her up as if she was mine and couldn't stop staring at her along with hugging and kissing her. Can someone please tell me what this dream means???
Rupinder 2017-01-30 03:50:12
I had dream that i became father of baby girl, but the baby girl looks no normal, so we decided to let some one adopte her, and after when we were leaving after some one adopte her, the man who adopte her call me and told me that my daughter is continuing crying and he ask me take her back, when i took my daughter while crying she stop crying and start smile, and after some time in my dream she stop smiling and looking at me differently, the i feel like she is hungry and i feed her milk.
One think make me disturb in my dream when i took her while crying then she suddenly strat smiling. Doesn't make sense to me... Why i had this kind of dream
Ashley 2017-01-28 07:22:06
I had a dream about my friend being pregnant and just lastnight I dreamt I was holding a baby girl in my hand. I missed my period and I took a test and came back negative but im still puzzled as to what this means. HELP!
Gurjeet 2016-11-11 00:39:43
Hi..m 3rd mnth pregnant and my hubby last night had a dream about my delivery that we have a bby girl.. What does it symbolize..is it mean we will bbygirl.🙂
andrea 2017-02-15 06:11:34
Message from Gurjeet
Hi..m 3rd mnth pregnant and my hubby last night had a dream about my delivery that we have a bby girl.. What does it symbolize..is it mean we will bbygirl.
i had same dream during both pregnancies but i had 2 boys.

Maria 2017-01-13 01:48:37
I have five girls, and I'm on birth control at the moment I've gotten tested and I am not pregnant but for the past two months I've been dreaming about a baby girl. What does that mean?
litha 2016-09-25 07:01:29
I had a dream last night...were I was sitting at home with my new born baby girl. She was so small maybe the size of a 5 month old baby. She was curved and had no hair on her head. I loved her so much and kept on kissing her...oh she also had fat chicks that look like mine.

PS 2016-09-09 10:38:29
I dreamt last night an infant baby girl in my arms very calm. I was protecting baby from pigeons. My whole family was helping me with it, especially my dad.
I also felt that our neighborhood gets knocked at door and when they opened the door then Lots of pigeons entered their house.
I was calm in such difficult situation and was just thinking about the infant baby girl in my arms. I saved her and made her sleep on my bed after struggling. I watched her sleeping.
Suddenly I woke up and it's rare that I remember any dream clearly.
Please guide what does it mean.
Anonymous 2016-08-08 00:43:04
Few weeks back my ex & I had a similar dream different nights,so in our dream we had a beautiful baby girl, it was amazing to hear about his dream because he described her the way i had seen her. Last night it happened again, same dream. What does this mean?
Ryn 2016-08-01 08:20:01
Last night I had a dream that I had a 1 year old little girl with straight, blonde hair, and a new-born little girl. Most of the dream I was conflicted when it came to naming the new baby so the older girl said "Tess". I've never considered that name before now. Everything in my dream felt very rushed - I had to get car-seats for both the girls and I was alone (no husband or boyfriend, but I did have my mom and sister). The older girls name was Waverly. Does anyone have any advice for me as to what the dream could mean? Thanks!
Jacob 2016-07-06 01:27:43
I had a dream I went on this vacation to a secluded place with a girl I don't know who she was. There was a part in the dream she was sitting on edge of bed and she was also pregnant. I sat on the floor and laid my head down between her legs and rested it against her stomach and she put her hand in my hair. She said were going to have a baby girl. At that moment in the dream I thought she was the most beautiful thing in the world even though I cannot recall what her face looked like at all. I felt great joy knowing I was going to have a baby girl with this woman. Anyways I woke up shortly after that. I felt very sad, I mean very sad when I awoke. I wish I could have just stayed in that dream forever. I'm a 30 year old male I haven't been with a woman in a long time. I desperately seek companionship in my life I think that's what my dream was telling me but I'm not sure. God, it was a good dream though.
Anonymous 2016-06-10 22:27:00
Last night I was sleeping next to my boyfriend and once I fell asleep I started dreaming of being pregnant. I remember the feeling was peaceful and joyful. I was so happy and my boyfriend was in the dream and he was happy as well. In the dream time flew by fast. Soon I had already had the baby and a flash later she was about the age of 4. She was so so beautiful and she loved her mommy so much. She followed me everywhere and she felt safe when I picked her up and carried her around. I remember she was happy and playful. She loved her dad and she always wanted to be around us. When I woke up I cried a little but because of how beautiful the dream was. It wasn't sad crying, it was tears of joy because me and my boyfriend want a baby girl. What does this dream mean?? Does it mean we should try for a baby??
Kriss 2018-11-01 23:29:08
Is it weird that I had exact same dream but she didnt reach 4 she was 2 in my dream, I also remember giving birth and it was so amazingly happy we both cried happy tears. I soooooooooo wish it was true. Wonder what it can mean. How we get answers.....
Summer 2016-06-08 07:06:11
I had a dream I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I was rushed to the hospital and he gave me an ultrasound and it was a little girl. When I got back home I used the bathroom and laid down in my bed and when I woke up she was sitting up and looking at me and she was so gorgeous. I'm 17 and don't have a boyfriend. What does this mean????
Rena 2016-04-22 17:26:26
I keep having this dream where I'm sitting in a nursery breastfeeding this baby girl she is moving gripping my fingers, she's in a white dress. When she is finally finished eating we play peekaboo she laughs and it is a beautiful laugh she is so real that when I wake up I can still smell the new baby smell and I can actually feel her in my arms but she has no face
Victor 2016-03-23 08:36:52
Hi I had a dream where i saw a lady friend with her daughter, now she doesn't have a daughter it was really a nice moment. Me and the lady have no intimate relationship or anything. I told her about it, she seemed to have had her day made.
Johnny 2016-03-20 05:00:14
I also had a dream about havin a baby girl but she was about a year old, it felt weird at first but besides having a baby girl, i didnt see a mother by her side so i waa basically a single father, It was also weird because im not even that old and i don't have a gf..
Vanessa 2016-02-08 14:35:12
I had a dream last night that I had a baby girl. However the baby was already about 1yr old.. So beautiful. Im 22 and i currently am almost 3 months pregnant. I do not know the sex of the baby yet.. But ive been wanting a girl. Idk what this means but I hope.
Teresa 2016-01-30 10:21:35
I had a dream I had a baby girl last night she was beautiful and perfect I saw pink in my dream she had beautiful eyes and light hair I woke up happy this morning and have been happy all day
Anna Michelle 2016-01-05 14:21:35
I had a dream that I was at my ex boyfriends house then we went to some house where my baby was (I don't have kids) I remember seeing her then I just fell in love. Her beautiful little face, little blonde hair. She looked just like me! Idk what this means.. me and my ex tried for 2 months to get me pregnant but I took 9 tests. 6 negative then 1 positive then 2 negative. What does this mean? Am I pregnant?

Victoria 2015-11-22 14:07:17
I had a dream of me having a beautiful baby girl. Oh my gosh she was just so beautiful. I cannot get over the fact of how wonderful she was in that dream.
may 2015-10-21 16:49:31
I have a dream of a Korean baby girl, and I'm pregnant now. My dream was about this baby girl with her parents and her mum doesn't like me. And I given the baby my hand phone number, but what I point and what I say was different number. I remember my dream when I was in the toilet with my husband and realize the Korean baby mum is dead and she kept calling me to return her baby girl when I doesn't. What is the meaning of this story? I'm kinda of scare. But not sure what I was scare about.
Alex 2015-09-15 21:54:50
I had a dream about having a baby girl. She was so beautiful, with little blond hairs and a pretty face. I remember holding her and thinking about how I never loved anything as much as this little girl. I was going to name her Samantha than my alarm clock went off. I was so upset all day because I felt like I lost something. I'm 20 and don't have a bf. This dream really messed with my mind!
reign 2016-01-04 17:26:18
Also had a dream like this!I am not alone omg.I'm 14 and I don't have bf too.
ryan 2016-06-22 05:14:31
Me too. I dreamt of a me being a father and I'm just 15 (in the dream I was19). I don't have a gf not even a crush
Omar 2015-09-17 07:58:44
literally had this dream 2 weeks ago!!! I Am 27 and have no gF
Anon 2015-09-05 04:35:01
I had a dream that i had a baby girl but didnt know i was pregnant and the father of my girl was a person i havent seen for ages. The thing is i consider him a friend and he wants to be more than friends. I cant be pregnant because i am still a virgin.
jessica Mariee 2015-08-07 03:26:36
I had a dream of me haveing a baby girl and my cuzin that passed away was takeing care of her so i was too and i sat her on her cuna and she was inlove with her cuna she had curly hair and beautful eyes ,smile but i dont have any kids right now . I wonder what does that mean ????
Teena 2015-07-15 18:03:02
Last night I had a dream of a baby girl and I saw her face...she looked similar to me. I was obsessed with the baby. Would not put her down and loved playing with her. I would breastfed her change her etc. She always smiled at me. What does this mean?

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