Dream Dictionary Back

Dream Dictionary Back


When you see a back in your dreams it can symbolize the amount of work and stress that you are dealing with. Have you ever heard terminology suggesting that someone was carrying the weight of the world on their backs? This obviously does not literally mean that they are carrying the world on their backs, but it does mean that they are dealing with a lot of stress in life. They probably have a lot to do at work and also have a lot of emotions and thoughts to deal with that greatly slow them down and make them feel sad and lonely. It is a possibility that if you dream about backs too much, particularly your own, it means that you feel as if a lot of stress is being put upon you. You do not feel as if you can handle all of the different things that life is thrusting at you and thus, you are dreaming about backs to compensate for the fact that you are not expressing yourself in the waking world. If you feel as if you have too much stress, let people know and others may be able to help you alleviate it.

Seeing someone turn their back on you when you are speaking to them suggests that they feel hurt or betrayed by you in real life. Therefore if you see this in your dreams then it usually means that you feel as if you have betrayed someone else. You are feeling guilty about whatever part you played in making them feel the way that they feel and this is being shown to you again in your dreams. Even if you do not feel like you have hurt someone when you are conscious, your subconscious can pick up on emotional cues and will let you know what's going on when you dream instead. If you have a dream where you are turning your back on someone else, then pay attention to who that person is because it usually means that you are very angry with them. You might want to come to a resolution in the waking world when your dream is over.

If you see a naked back in your dreams then this usually symbolizes being secretive. The naked back is traditionally something that is hidden away and is not accessible for all to see (unless you are on the beach) so therefore it symbolizes all of the secrets that you've kept from others, particularly friends. To dream of a back also means, in some cases to be wary of who you loan money to. Make sure to refrain from letting your friends borrow your money especially or it could hurt your relationship with them. Finally, the back is seen as a sensitive area, because it is a side of you that you cannot see from. Seeing the back in your dream could mean that you need to watch your own back for anything bad that might happen. Be a little more wary when you walk down the streets alone at night and be careful of all of the relationships you make in this time period.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Back

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theDream 2024-01-11 03:11:30
The symbol of the back within the dream world is a rich tapestry, interwoven with connotations of vulnerability, support, and sometimes betrayal or loss. As the backbone is central to physical strength and stability, dreaming of a back carries multi-dimensional meanings spanning from personal power dynamics to feeling exposed or unsupported in various aspects of life.

Vulnerability and Loss of Power:
Dreaming of seeing a nude back exposes layers of vulnerability, symbolizing circumstances where you or someone close to you may be feeling unprotected or laid bare in a figurative sense. Such a dream could be preempting a loss of power or influence in a situation or relationship. The nude back is like an unarmored part of the self, unprotected from the potential 'arrows' of misfortune or deceit that may come your way.

Lending advice or money becomes a risky endeavor when seen through the dream lens that offers you a view of a nude back. This image is a warning against the vulnerability born from extending too much of yourself, suggesting that your kindness may be taken advantage of or that you may be compromised in some way. Associated with this is a note of caution: Your well-being might be at stake, as illness or malaise may follow such altruistic but perilous actions.

Envy and Jealousy:
When you see a person turning their back and walking away in your dream, it is a visual embodiment of rejection or abandonment. This symbol often carries with it an emotional sting, a sense that envy and jealousy from those you once relied upon are emerging as hindering forces. This representation insinuates a betrayal of trust, a relational rift that leads to a tangibly felt emotional 'coldness'.

Self-Reflection and Omens:
Dreaming of your own back might unfold as a compelling injunction for introspection. It could herald a series of unfortunate events, a prelude to challenging times that require you to brace yourself and depend on your inner strength to overcome upcoming trials. It may also suggest that you feel unsupported in your waking life, or perhaps you are not providing the support you or others might need.

Example Dream and Interpretation:
You dream you are standing in a bustling marketplace, but everyone around you is faceless, their backs turned to you. You reach out, trying to spin someone around, but as you touch them, they crumble into sand slipping through your fingers.
In waking life, this dream might resonate with a phase of feeling disconnected from those around you, perhaps due to perceived indifference or a lack of support. The marketplace represents life's continuous flow, but the repeated imagery of backs facing you could signify a prevailing sentiment of isolation or the feeling that your relationships are superficial and fragile. The crumbling figures at your touch hint at a fear of intimacy or the impermanence of personal connections. This dream embodies an invitation to address your vulnerabilities, to examine the health of your relationships, and to fortify your inner strength so you can turn towards a future where your back is safeguarded by genuine bonds and you face life with confidence.
marilyn 2016-12-20 12:28:49
I dream I and mom was driving a car back with what do that mean
Anonymous 2016-05-01 13:25:01
I dreamt of watching a video recorded by someone that I know in waking life. We never talk to each other and frequently run into each other. It's an awkward situation to say the least. In the video I was being recorded, but only when my back was turned. And in the video it was apparent that I was not aware of being recorded...What could this even mean?
Bob 2016-03-04 18:18:52
I dreamed that I had hundreds of organized black seeds under my skin on my back. Rubbing my hand up my back against the grain/flow of the seeds pried them up and brushed them off. It is a disgusting image to carry in my head. Happily, if seeds indeed mean money, and seeing my back reflects the hard work I've been doing, the next day, I had my performance review at work and received an "exceeds expectations" and got a larger raise than expected.
Eni 2016-01-25 02:38:28
I was draming in some small city.There is river that flows through the city.Me, my family and a relative were trying (to find a way) to get close to the river banks cause we wanted to take a bath. There were some (not so high) clifs and we deiced we will jump.Then somehow the back of my relative was in front of my face.This is where the dream ended.
Susie Q 2015-10-21 07:44:39
I dreamed that a man I care deeply for turned his back to me and sat down in my office/nursing station. He is currently very, very angry with me
Linda 2013-07-26 15:18:23
I dreamt of seeing someone with their back turned to me and they stole a large amount of money from me three weeks after the dream in real life.

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