Dream Dictionary Beautiful Woman

Dream Dictionary Beautiful Woman


When you see a beautiful woman in your dreams, it means that you are closer to achieving your desire than you thought originally. Do you know this woman in real life? The reason that she is appearing in your dreams is probably because you find her so attractive in life that you can't get her out of your thoughts. The most common reason that you see this beautiful woman in your dreams, if you know her in real life, is because you are really attracted to her and see her as an object of desire. Even if you do not directly find her attractive, it could be a subconscious thing. You find her attractive without even realizing it.

If you do not know the woman or if you see her but do not have a sexual attraction to her than the reason might be because this is an attempt by your subconscious to remind you to take your feminine side more seriously. If you are a man having this dream, try to let that side of yourself out a bit more instead of confining yourself to a certain stereotypical gender role. It might do you some good as a person and make you a little better rounded if you let yourself out a little bit. We all have a masculine and feminine side and it is important to recognize both to achieve real harmony.

If you are a woman having a dream about his beautiful woman, take this as an opportunity to let your own femininity out more. You don't have to become all feminine immediately, but try to do some more makeup, fix yourself up some more in a way that makes you feel more dignified or more womanly. Try to treat her as something of a role model for yourself and look up to her. It could be that this woman is a reflection of yourself and her features are features that you desire for yourself to possess. You wish that you looked like this woman and want to be beautiful too.

Another possible reason that you might see yourself as a beautiful woman might just be if there needs to be change in your life. Changing from modest to gorgeous or from man to woman is a huge change and this dream would represent an event like that very well. If you feel as though you are about to make a serious change in your life then it is quite possible that you will see yourself as a beautiful woman in your dreams. This does not have to be a literal change in appearance as the dream may suggest, but it may be something as simple as a change in where you live, a change in job, or a change in relationship status. Symbols such as this are notoriously vague in that regard, though this is a good sign all around. The beautiful woman represents positive change no matter what. If your life has not been doing so well recently, then get ready to be pleasantly surprised.

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Comments: Dream Dictionary Beautiful Woman

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That random man 2023-06-19 12:42:41
I remember a dream from when i was 13 but i dreamt of a really pretty girl and she was just so comfortable to be around and i guess i dreamt of her because i felt lonely but when i woke up i missed here that whole day and i had wished i could see her again
HeliosEos 2023-11-28 17:46:42
The dream you described, where you encountered a very pretty girl who made you feel comfortable, can be multifaceted in meaning, particularly given the detail that you felt lonely around the time you had this dream. Here are some possible interpretations:

1. Expression of Desire for Connection: Humans have an innate desire for companionship and connection. If you were feeling lonely, your mind may have conjured up an image of someone who provided comfort and alleviation from that loneliness.

2. Yearning for Intimacy and Understanding: Dreams can create idealized companions that represent understanding and acceptance, which might be a subconscious response to feelings of isolation or being misunderstood in waking life.

3. Manifestation of an Ideal: The girl in your dream may symbolize qualities that you find attractive or are looking for in other people, or she might represent traits that you aspire to internalize yourself.

4. Self-projection: Characters in our dreams often mirror aspects of our own selves. She could symbolize a part of you that was emerging or that you wished to explore at that point in your life.

5. Emotional Processing: Dreams are a venue for processing complex emotions. The longing to see her again upon waking suggests the dream had an emotional impact on you, possibly serving as an outlet for unmet emotional needs.

6. Adolescent Changes: At the age of 13, you are going through adolescence, a period characterized by significant physical and emotional changes. Dreams can often reflect the hopes, fears, and desires of a person during this tumultuous developmental time.
Magic man 2022-12-13 08:54:24
I had a dream about a beautiful girl, very slim, remind of some girls I knew. We where close friends in the dream, or dating. We where in a class or doing some type of learning. We met up a guy with the child. Going to the library up a staircase. I feel like I know what the dream represents to me. I have to say I was very comfortable with this woman. The most familiar I have every been with a woman as comfortableness.
Cristal 2019-11-26 00:37:24
Good day! I dreamed about a very georgeous woman, she's kinda different from others. Her face is definitely so fascinating. I don't know what's the meaning of my dream..I wish, I could meet her in real..
Sultam 2023-09-26 10:28:22
My name is sultan last night I see a girl I can't see in real life but her smile and Har face is very very beautiful I can't explain.
Jitu Kumar Rai 2018-09-10 11:39:06
last night i dream a beautiful woman jump over me
Roshika 2018-09-07 17:31:52
Last night,I saw a dream about a beautiful girl.Actually she is the miss nepal 2018.Her name is Shrinkhala khatiwada .I was roaming around the city with her and I talked about many things with her .I have never seen her in my real life but I have followed her in instagram.So, I wonder if anyone could tell the meaning of this dream .
Hari 2019-03-11 23:54:08
It’s good dream to see celebrities in dream if you were comfortable. Somewhere in your subconscious mind you have desire to be like that. Overall it’s a good dream
Tristan 2018-08-04 00:26:39
i have dream a beautiful girl and then i have my friends wearing 1 night stand and then i attracted in her..... pls help me im finding her ...
Thabo 2018-05-11 09:53:04
I had this dream,where a beautiful girl was so in love with me.we were happy, holding each other, then she started vomiting and got sick.I got a car for her and inside the car was maize mill at the back and the car just drove off.what does this mean?
Tshikani 2018-05-07 16:30:47
I had a dream about a lady i once work wit her and on that dream i was telling her how beautiful she is, I even tald her that is just m married if i was not married i was goner marry her, Can someone tell me what this dream mean
Jasper 2018-04-24 23:06:31

My dream consisted of 3 parts, a stranger beautiful lady spoke for the first time through a window , a neighbour couple with domestic violence and ended with a golden lioness breaking in through window very calmly not sure if she tried attacking but I was stuck in a locked room tried evading by covering face and neck with pillows & bedsheets. Woke up abruptly at 3am at night.
Saidul 2018-03-10 03:22:48
I saw a dream that I saw a beautiful girl and I and I loved that moment see also And she also love me what that means
Swojan 2018-01-25 04:57:49
Hi guys🙂 I am the guy who has no girlfriend. But today,In my dream,I felt love with a beautiful girl with whome I had never met her before in my real life.She was cute ,kind hearted and beautiful.We were in romantic mood.We had our first kiss.alarm rang and I wake up...I wish I had met her for real.
Ricardo 2017-12-21 01:49:43
Last night I dream about my school and it was raining. As iI was walking out I saw this beautiful girl that I have never seen. I gave her my jacket , she smiled and said thank you. I was happy and had fallen in love with her she made me feel good in my dream. I certainly don't know what this mean and I would like for someone to tell me. Please help.

Kitty 2017-11-04 02:58:40
I’m a girl and Pia Wurtzbach one the most beautiful woman in the world (miss universe 2015) happen to appear in my dream... I’m not lesbian but I don’t understand why I dreamt about her. Well in my dream she was performing on stage looking dashing. Maybe because I wanna be like her.
matt 2017-07-16 23:40:00
I had a dream this morning (i slept late last night) of going out at night with my family to some private party at a small pier near the beach. I could see the ocean beside us and it was very beautiful. There were small but quiet fireworks flying out from the water. Someone had ordered us all lunch, a bowl of noodles, and as I set my bowl of warm noodles on a random table, i walked over to my mom to see if everything was fine. for some odd reason there was a half lit cigarette resting on an empty table. as i went back to where i set my bowl of noodles, a pretty girl who looked older than me was sitting on my seat. she stole some of my noodles without asking and was eating it. I wanted to tell her something offensive for stealing my food but she was too attractive so instead i told her she can have some. i in fact got another bowl and sloppily put some noodles in the spare bowl. she said thank you twice to me and i carried my small portion of food to where my mom was sitting. i was telling her that someone took some of my food and i partially glanced back at the girl. she was smiling and staring at me, along with another group of adults. It kind of felt like they were gossiping about me so i shyed away. then i woke up from my dream.
Paramvir 2017-06-21 04:15:53
i was driving and beautiful girl in my backseat .... 🙂 i feel so happy with her .. what is the meaning in real life
Hello friend 2018-11-29 21:49:42
It means your a taxi cab driver and you will pick up different people in.life thats all that means.
LauraLynne 2017-04-23 00:00:07
I had this strange dream this guy I was with continually told me I was beautiful & I kept telling him, everytime he said it, that "my twin sister is much more beautiful than I am." Can anyone help me what the opposite position of this dream might mean?
Renotalz 2016-05-01 15:15:41
I had a dreamed about a beautiful girl, one time were just talking and for me its a normal conversation between us, suddenly she gave me piece of "corn skin" then I asked her about it then she got blush and smile like she has something to tell about. And I cut the corn-skin into two pieces and give other to her and I said it's a sign for us not to break apart and she got loved.. then suddenly I woke up...sorryformyenglish..btw I'm a boy.
Saurav kumar 2016-05-01 00:38:28
I used to see a beautiful girl daily in my dreams.And fortunately i love her in real life too.then what predicts it.
Andy T 2016-02-14 09:55:24
I had a Dream where I was in either target or walmart and the workers said on the mic that there was an onsale going on in the back...so we rushed to there and found that they were selling anime posters, food, ect...then when I was searching through the stuff I saw a little space where I saw a beautiful girl that took my heart at first sight...I couldn't remember her face or what she was doing when I woke up, but I was feeling different in my dreams it was like I was trying to talk to her... normally I wouldn't just start a coversation to strangers in the real world :/ , I couldn't ask what her name was because my cousins were rushing me to go to the food stands with them...I wrote my name on a mirrior next to her and I wrote "Andy is cool"...I didn't even know why I wrote that but I guess I was wanting to tell my name to her xD after a couple of different events in my dream I remember seeing a flashback or should I say after the dream was almost over I saw her looking at the mirrior...there was a lot of words written on it and she circled my name "Andy"and then I woke up! Clearly I don't think I know her in the real world...or do I? But that's just a little scene of my dream yesterday or should I say this morning.
unknown 2016-02-05 19:10:28
i saw in my dream there is a little girl who told me you are so beautiful
Rainen 2016-09-13 07:54:15
I had a dream of a man giving direction for a task or project.
Expressing himself with his hands and walking through the the group of people I was standing in.
He stops right in front of me and locks eyes and says "you are beautiful"..... I start to tear up , it had been so long J had herd that.
Tammy 2015-12-01 08:13:06
I'm a girl who had this dream & i'm 15:

I had a dream that i was in Africa i'm Australian :P, but more good looking, the place was. And i turned into a beautiful woman creature fish sort of half human thingy!? I was wearing a red dress with some mixed color's in it and brown hair. I was doing this sort of performance/dance, in front of a huge crowd, everyone was happy and smiling at me, then i met this big beautiful giant woman she was taller than the cloud's O-O!She smiled warmly at me and everybody cheered. This dream i could fly freely, it was one of those dream's that felt real!🙂 Then their was this man, that said in English "Perfect, just perfect!" He was on his knee's praying to me. 🙂 Then i was really happy, nothing bad happened in that dream, it was a parade i was in, also! It was filled with love an joy and all filled with the rainbow color's.

I'm thinking the dream is trying to tell me. "Don't worry, you'll be fine...in the future!" LOL ^U^

But you can tell me what it really mean's!? -_-"
Neha 2015-08-26 10:18:45
hello everybody i want to know the meaning of my dream i have dream that i was upstairs and suddenly there is fire in the house evrybdy was shouting me i was shouting for help and i was looking for my sister i couldnt find her then suddenly a girl appeared to me i couldnt see her face well but she is very gorgeous have a bit long hair and very white complexion and she wear a white dress she take me with her i just hug her tight then she started to get me down as if i was in a high mountain now am going down and evrytime i said to her mant thank u help me then when we get down i just saw a beautiful place with many flowers and water as if am in a palace very beautiful i said to her again thank u so so much then she dissapeared and then i opened my eyes i thnik about my dream but i have never seen this lady i dnt knw her nor have seen her face very well i dnt knw who is she but she has saved me in my dream like a protector
unknown 2015-07-25 07:45:27
I had a dream about a beautiful girl named Denise who i meet somewhere. She gave me a hug twice (who also had a nickname that i cant remember). Denise also had another man who liked her but didn't know her name. When it came down to a certain point she asked me and the other man what was her name. The other guy said her nickname and i said no its denise not what u said and we fell in love but i woke up.
mr.d 2015-07-18 11:05:56
I saw a girl in my dream that i was calling her to come to my place i could see her whole body except her face (a girl who stays just opposite to my resident,her balcony comes in my dreams and could see her) she came to my home in white colour clothing (i dont know how to describe that) qhat does it mean

Mr.C 2015-01-22 09:30:39
i would like to know what is the meaning of a dream i saw and felt like really happening. Here is the dream i saw a beautiful girl wearing a maroon satin long gown holding all the gifts i give her in side my future imagine bedroom and i was telling her that i was going to take a bath, then ask her to get ready because we're going out.
The funny thing is i have never seen her and i can get her image out of my head.
I also never ever had a dream of a girl or any living beings.
Jack 2014-11-16 10:19:51
I had a pretty strange dream last night, it involved many thing but one in particular was me asking my friend where he had put the toothbrush cases (🤔
He said "they're over there" so I followed where I thought he meant (isay thay because dreams are never simple, he didn't point or look anywhere in particular when he said it) Anyhow I went over and there was the most amazing & beautiful woman i've ever seen (digging a hole.. I think for the cases)

Now here's the problem, anytime something good Is about to happen in my dreams it always.. And I mean ALWAYS goes wrong and the good thing escapes me.

I just want to say before I continue that this woman was about mid 20's (my age). So when I see her I am stunned I dont speak for a while.. I eventually ask her "how old are you"?
She says "16" (she clearly was much older but this was me not getting what I wanted in a dream YET AGAIN)

Anway I replied "No I can't"
She said "let's go back to my house" (trying to tempt me more with something I can't have)
I say again "ican't" but this time I add "give me your phone number and we'll meet up in a couple of years"
She replied "yeah of course" and pulled her phone out.
I on the other hand pulled out a toothbrush case that I thought to be my phone, she then starts saying numbers and i'm desperately looking for a way to take these numbers but she's saying them too fast !

And I wake up...
Jonnoooooo 2012-06-17 07:12:38
Wow. Thanks. It all makes sense now.
Abraham 2015-02-05 19:44:45
I had a dream about a beutiful girl where we had a relationship and we would always make love in my roommates bedroom cause it was the onle bedroom in the house, until one day my roommate (who I have no idea of who this person is but he seemed nice) got home early and the beutiful girl had to hide but it was to late so she sadly walked out of the house and before she left my roommate showed her the keys of the house and of the room and the girl and I looked passionately into each others eyes now that my roommate had offer her to keep a spare key of the house and room. I have to say we were more passionate about the love we had for each other rather than the love making.

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