Dream Dictionary Bee Sting

Dream Dictionary Bee Sting


If you are stung by a bee in your sleep, it usually means that what is happening is you are trying to punish yourself for something. Your mind is at odds with something that you've done lately and you want to make sure that you get the message into your conscious a little bit more, so it acts through your subconscious, punishing you through your dreams. There are few other reasons why you might be dreaming of pain being inflicted onto you.

If you are the type of person that is not allergic to bees, which would be the majority of people (if you are unsure) then a bee sting can be a minor annoyance but not much more than that. Therefore if you are dreaming that you are being stung by bees it could just be because you feel as though you are being annoyed by something in the waking world. Are people asking too much of you lately? Perhaps people that you do not like are trying too hard to talk to you or maybe you are being given too many responsibilities and asked to perform minor tasks that you do not enjoy. Whatever the reason, a dream like this could suggest that you are just a little annoyed by the trend you see playing out in your life at present.

To dream that you are being stung by a bee can also symbolize that you feel that you have been wronged. Rather than the case where you feel like you have wronged someone else and are punishing yourself, this shows that someone else has done something wrong to you. Sometimes when you have been insulted or when things do not go your way it can feel as though you have been stung and the most literal representation of this feeling would be seeing yourself stung by a bee in your dreams. Have you been treated poorly by anyone lately? Have you been called a name that really got to you and made you feel bad? This might be why you are dreaming of being stung by a bee.

Another reason that you might dream of being stung by a bee is because you think that you have been having a strong of bad luck. Bees usually represent good luck, and the payoff of industrious labor and hard work. So when one of these positive symbols comes back to bit you, it can honestly be a little confusing. You think that despite your hardest efforts, things just have not been going your way in life, but you can't exactly figure out a way to change things for yourself and it is really affecting you emotionally and mentally. Don't let yourself fall down this road. Instead try to figure out how you can make yourself feel a little better. And change your luck for the better.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Bee Sting

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Michelle 2021-07-21 07:51:37
My son (age 6) had a strange dream last night. He said our family was walking through a forest (Me, his Dad , sister , Aunt and Uncle) then a wasp was flying around him. He was stung by the wasp and woke up in pain. When he woke up his arm was numb just like in his dream and he had a red small mark in the spot the wasp stung him. He came to wake me up and I saw the red mark too just like a needle mark. Anyone have these experiences? Seems very strange to me. How can a sting in a dream be transferred to waking life? There was no wasp or bee or mosquito in his room btw.
liza 2022-06-02 22:12:30
i don't know if you'll respond because you posted this a year ago but i was kinda awake and was hearing a bee buss around my ear i thought it was my imagination but it felt like it was crawling in my face and i couldn't move for a while like it felt like i was going to pass out until i managed to move and turned on the light and there was nothing
anonymous 2021-04-23 01:26:35
Last night i have dreamed that a black bee stung me on my hand what does it mean?
lacey 2020-04-11 02:28:18
I don't remember the start to my dream cause this happened to me when I was like 5, and I'm trying to figure out the meaning. But basically a bunch of bees started stinging me and I couldn't move and fought to wake up, finally, I woke up screaming and still felt the bees stinging me even tho I was fully awake, I remember running to my parent's room crying and screaming until eventually the stinging feeling stopped, keep in mind there were no actual bees in my room nor my house.
Ibrahim Awudu 2019-08-13 23:50:38
Thanks for this interpretation. It is very clear to me now
Celin 2019-07-27 23:38:22
Hi! I have read it but something doesn't fit right. At morning, half-asleep, I dreamed about being swarmed by bees because of someone. It is like this scenario.

We are sitting under a branch of tree without noticing that right above us is the bee hive. Someone pushed it down for us to be swarmed by bees, we ran away. And after it stopped attacking me, I checked the place where we have been attacked and there, lying was my niece, in my dreams, she had severe wounds in her head cause by the bees. And then the dream stopped in there. I suddenly woke up with my heart beating so fast. Like, it worries me. This doesn't mean death, does it? I'm shaking while typing this cause I can't really understand what that dream means. I'm praying that it isn't defines something scary or death. I am just attacked in my dreams, I am not stung, but some other else in my dream got stung and I'm worried about it. I want to remove this uneasiness inside me so I hurriedly checked for answer in the internet, but sadly it was all for when 'you' (the dreamer get stung) and don't have any detail about when someone else get stung. Can you please help me to figure this out. I'm hoping for a quick response. Thank you. Godbless.
Ayjayster 2019-07-15 16:53:11
I had a nightmare that I was trying to make amends with a girl who wronged me that I no longer speak to. She was on her way to work I told her we need to talk and somehow she hit this weird looking tree and bees just surrounded me and started stinging me. I tried to move but I couldn't. I couldn't even scream I just stayed there until I woke up.
David 2018-08-01 20:26:36
So ive read the artical and really all the meaning fit in line but only one thing concerns me...
I dont exactly remember all the dream but i do remember that in the dream it was more of a carpenter bee flying by my shoulder and i fliked it with my fingers and so it flyes towards me and stings me by the neck.
This is the part the concerns me, when i got stung i got paralyzed in my dream, i wanned the reach my neck to kick off the bee but couldnt move, and so i started to have a wierd feeling, sort fo neck siezure(the right side of the neck up till the right lip starts the squeez).
And i wake up frightened.

If theres a meaning to that i would really like to know. Thank you.
SCOVIA k 2019-09-03 08:33:41
I dreamt bees were running after me and stung me on both arms and I started swelling the arms
Rochell marcus 2018-04-20 15:55:32
In my dream two bees stung me on my Brest.
Rowena 2019-10-29 13:44:55
Really? Maybe you have small breasts and you feel self-conscious about that
Mysterious 2017-10-08 11:39:52
What if you see someone else get stung in your dream and try to stop it but its too late?
Puthem Laankhaamba Meitei 2017-06-02 01:53:10
When I was walking across a burst with a friend in my dream. some bee were bitten to me and and I started alergy and went to hospital for treatment.there was a doctor and a nurse
They inject a medicine and I got full relief........please tell me the dream reason
Ganza 2017-04-02 22:01:20
I had a dream that two dudes,One older one younger like a father and son. The son was about my age, mid 30's and the father was somewhere in his late 50s. They were trying to kill a ton of bees up in this like barn roof. I was on a farm or something. They had some kind of aerosol spray and needed to kill a bunch of bees. I could see they needed help so I climbed a ladder to this opening and started spraying at the bees this pretty much Angered the bees and they started to come at me. I got stung on the inside of my right thigh on the left thigh. I wasn't crying or anything it was like real pain though. I remember letting out an "oh you little son of a bitch "LOL I was asking people to give me a credit card or something quick so I could flick the stinger out the proper way. Just really trippy dream. Finney buddy has any feedback, I'd love to hear it.
Vick 2017-02-20 08:07:45
I had a dream where I was building a fence around a sunflower field and pollen got all over me and I was attacked by bees.

Key 2017-01-01 11:44:57
I had a dream where i was at school, i was waiting out side for my mom because we had finished a performance and I couldn't find her and then the school secretary was talking to one of my friends moms and then I remember seeing a bumble bee it stung me two times and I cried but then it happened so fast the secretary is also our nurse so then she fixed me up and my mom texted me saying come on where are you I have been waiting I need to go see my boyfriend
Alessandra 2017-02-03 10:40:11
Message from Key
I had a dream where i was at school, i was waiting out side for my mom because we had finished a performance and I couldn't find her and then the school secretary was talking to one of my friends moms and then I remember seeing a bumble bee it stung me two times and I cried but then it happened so fast the secretary is also our nurse so then she fixed me up and my mom texted me saying come on where are you I have been waiting I need to go see my boyfriend

I had a dream when I was at school recess time and I was running around then I see these bee's chasing everyone and even me I was running and I didn't notice that the bee stung me I looked own at the leg and I saw the bee dead and I screamed and grabbed it by the wing and threw it away in mid air then I saw I was bleeding and I ran inside the school getting a bandage before another bee tries to attack me then the bell rings and recess was over.
Eddy 2016-12-27 06:57:31
I had a dream I was leaving a house in a winter location up north with my wife. I got into our car.. but I wouldn't start to I thought to push it. That's when I see a couple of nests of bees . We started to run and while I was running they kept going faster until they caught up to me. They started to poke my head and I was fighting it. I remember getting stung a few times and then I woke up.
Maria 2016-12-02 20:36:13
I dreamt I was looking at a fallen tree with a huge bees nest and it opened and the bees started chasing me as I ran and one bee got stuck on me finger then I woke up
Angela 2016-11-30 06:00:12
I had a dream that this wasp stung me and I was asking my best friend where did it just come from and she goes look up and the wasp had form a webbing like a spider ontop of my room light and she goes that's the kind of wasp that stung you
Saito nunisa 2016-10-27 23:25:05
I was stung by a bee in my dreams, and then saw my uncle catching fishes.
Lilliana 2016-11-18 03:13:29
I had a nightmare about being stung by multiple bees.. I didnt understand why the fuck they kept following me.. And then it was an argument between me and my parents.. Idk.. Weird shit
bella 2016-10-23 18:00:32
I had a dream the other night that I was outside of my dads house and as I went under a tree, a bunch of bees, wasps, and hornets started stinging me. And then my two friends that were also there ended up getting stung too and then I went inside and my step mom just told me to stop crying over it instead of taking me to the emergency room. I don't know if this has any significance or not.
Lillian 2016-09-10 12:20:23
Dreamt that I was walking around and saw a happy elderly couple who are making each other laugh so hard and I kept watching them crack each other up. The woman had to lay down because she was laughing so hard and I walked away thinking I'll never be that happy with my boyfriend and felt disturbed by that. Then I noticed a dead wasp/bee stuck in my thumb, so I tried to pull its dead body out of my thumb and I couldn't because it was stuck in there by the stinger and it hurt so bad in my dream. Like it was too painful to take out, so I left it. Seems pretty likely it means I'm unhappy in my relationship but instead of breaking up what seems like a "dead" partnership, I don't because it causes pain that seems too much to bear. So I am sticking around and trying to live my life with this dead bee in me. YIKES... Still don't want to break up, don't think I could handle that right now with other stuff in my life going on, but I know it's not the life full of laughter that I want and need. Wish I knew how to figure this out and gain the strength I need to do what's right for myself
Ximena 2016-08-03 16:43:43
I slept very late until 4 am this morning. I dreamed I was in an abandoned stone house with other people I didn't know but felt like I knew them for so long. I was stumbling through the house noting every now and then how lovely the sunlight beamed through the squared-size windows. Next thing I see---no, Hear are the buzz of swarming bees (or wasps) around the house. I frantically tell everyone there are bees and they will attack us in defense if we didn't get out, but they acted indifferent and said it would be ok. But out of fear, I started storming out of the house and tried to lure the ppl out of the house too, but only ended getting stung by many bees that pierced my skin painfully. That's when I woke up.
Upon reading this, I knew there was something nagging in my conscience I couldn't shake off. And that's what I read in the information. It's like an epiphany for myself only to see and ponder deeply to take action.
Henry 2016-06-26 01:16:15
I had a dream i was floating in the sky with this guy and we were talking but then we stoped going forward, then started to back track/ float backwards like we were on a ride in reverse and as I went back more I started to hear a buzzing noise get louder and louder then something stung my neck and it fealt like my neck then my whole body was vibrating really hard then I woke up. What does that mean?
Kcampi 2016-06-23 14:02:55
Last night I dreamt a bee (or a wasp-I'm not sure exactly) was crawling on my face and I began to panic. This resulted in the bee stinging me in the face and the panic and pain I was feeling in my dream actually caused me to wake up from my sleep. And today the weirdest thing happened.. As I walked to the kitchen in my home I felt a stinging in my foot. I retraced my steps to see what I had stepped on and sure enough, on the carpet I found a dead bee. I don't know whether I should see this as a coincidence or a sign of some sort, but nevertheless less it has left me quite uneasy
Melih 2016-06-16 17:33:51
In my dream ive just dreamt I was working in a garage with my father (pretty random) and suddenly i got stung by a bee under my feet when i still have my shoes on , so im like wtf i can feel the pain and i can hold the bee pull it out and i dont have to even pull out my socks they dissapear if i pull them out between the air of my feet and socks so after that, it happend to my other foot and like 10 more times after that i could feel the pain and i could feel the bees walking on my feet am
Joel 2016-03-07 01:50:34
Last night I was with friends in my dreams and two bees was hovering around so I try to get them away one of them stung me making me so angry I took something and kill it instantly it mad me so mad that I just start to kill every thing that flies around me there. I would really like to know the meaning of this dream thanks

jatin 2016-02-04 19:07:35
i went to help a really hot gal. and bee stinks me on my legs.. a lots of were there.. before that i boarded the wrong train.whats most annoying is that my frnd in the dream get the babe...:-D :-D
curious 2016-01-17 09:34:12
So last nite I dreamt caught a wasp and a bee in a glass.They end up getting out and flew I to my mouth and stung my back of my tongue.I couldn't get it out of my mouth and my tongue started swelling.All I could remember is not to panic.In this same dream my deceased grandma was across the street.so weird.
King Libra 2016-01-04 07:00:23
I had dream that a bedbug turned into a bee and stung me in my third eye three times... Whats the spiritual symbolism?
jen 2015-11-20 17:47:14
I dreamt that I pinched a wasp in two with my finger nail, but the bottom half flew right to my neck and stung me. So I plucked out the stinger and the back end kept by lurking around me.
Jayuuuuuu 2015-10-22 17:35:40
I dreamed I fell in like exactly two piles if bees, and my both hands landed in the separate piles exact. I remember in my dream jumping up and down lol it stung.
miint 2015-10-22 00:59:17
I had adream that a singular bee was whispering something (i cant remember what) and that it told me to lie down and let it do as it wishes, and when i did, it flew to under my right eye and stung me, but it didnt hurt. All i felt was the fuzziness of the bee tickling under my eye. Then it said "it it done" and died and i pulled it off from my eye. What does this even mean??
Elizabeth 2016-06-23 01:08:51

Hi I just woke up at 9pm out of dream about wasps or bees not sure the difference, I noticed them on babies pram and blanket facing a gate there were loads of them also on my hand , next I noticed they were in babies mouthand I screamed for people near me to come help they were very slow I pulled them out of babies mouthand there were more still give good my hand very big

starcomet 2015-12-25 10:23:22
Hmm do you have any enimes at the moment or someone sneaky in your life. It may mean that you feel like someone is getting you do things and in result you wind up being stung by them. Don't let them get to you,but the bees ahd died so it got to do what it wanted,but died in the end it could be defeated.

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