Dream Dictionary Beheading

Dream Dictionary Beheading


If you witness a beheading in your dream this could be related to a strong sense of fear that you feel of having something terrible happen to you. To see someone being beheaded still strikes fear today as it once did, arguably even more than it used to. To witness that in your sleep would suggest that for some reason you have been fixated on the idea of something violent happening to you. This is not good, and is something that you should really keep a watch on before something really negative comes of it. Don't spend too much time fearing for your life, or you might run the risk of becoming too afraid to venture outdoors or do anything fun and risky.

If you dream that you are the one being beheaded, then this could be because you feel incredibly guilty about something. Beheading is a brutal tactic that was traditionally employed only to punish the guiltiest of people in the most terrible way for the horrible crimes that they committed. If you think that you are guilty of an awful crime or something like that, then this might be one reason that you are dreaming of being beheaded, because you think that beheading would be a just punishment for whatever it is that you have done.

If you have a dream in which you are beheaded then another reason that this might occur is because you feel as though you are losing your wits and mental faculties. As we all know the brain is one of the most important organs in our bodies, controlling the way that we respond to all kinds of stimuli, and it also stores information for us too. To be beheaded means the loss of the brain along with a loss of everything that the brain stored within it, a total loss of information and faculties. This could be because you have been made to feel stupid by someone else around you. Don't let that get you down, we can't all be geniuses.

This could also represent a loss of direction though too. This would be especially prevalent if you have just moved to a new location or if you have put yourself in a totally new environment where you are unfamiliar with what is going on. You do not know what you are doing and you need to be able to gather some of your bearings. Take some time to try and figure things out. And make sure to go one at a time. If you try to wrap your head around too many things at once, you will get confused and become irritable and angry, which will only serve to further impede progress. Do not let yourself fall into this trap. Instead make responsible decisions and know that every step forward you take is important even if you can't understand everything that is going on all at once.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Beheading

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Heddie 2021-08-02 09:36:21
I dreamt about my uncle (he passed away). I dreamt about him being sick and going somewhere, he had dropped his ring and I asked him if it was real and he said no it’s not. (He didn’t leave anything other than his clothes).
Heddie 2021-08-02 09:32:57
I had a dream about leaving my house at night with my aunt and sister then this man approached us (he looked like a bum), he was holding a chopped head and some sticks he told me that he killed people with the sticks. He was picking on us when we where outside until my sister ran upstairs to my house. He went up to my house and I went up too (to chase him). I went in the house and my uncle said he seen a man. So, gasper woke up and he started searching the house. The guy was in the restroom and then i went to the living room where gasper and my uncles did nothing.
Angelina 2021-02-23 05:42:35
Tonight I took melatonin to help me sleep with my period cramps and I think they gave me nightmares. So in the dream I was in someone else’s body and was kidnapped with this older woman. The creep took her and decapitated her and the person who’s body I was in decapitated him and laid next to the heads mumbling a tune. I had no control of what I was saying or doing and I wasn’t in my body. I was terrified and still am please help.
eliza 2021-02-03 00:43:52
Last nights epic dream....I managed to dream after sleeping just 4 hours. Jeez.

Basically long story short, the pinnacle of the dream was where I found this girl was with my bf (im single in real life, whom symbolizes something. I guess). I was somehow very angry and i grabbed her like a rag doll. Took her to a bathroom and threw her in the toilet and flushed. Her head came off her body as if decapitate. Her body flushed down but the head remained. Her eyes opened and slowly turning red. I was a bit terrified but calm. I was like what have I done. So yeah, Iw as just thinking about the consequences.

Its just a complicated dream but surely can be decoded. Please offer me your insight, analysis. Thank you.
LOIDA 2019-12-13 02:13:51
I Had a very scary dream last night i was walking at night and i say my older sister was getting a white blanket she open the back trunk of car and i turn around i seen my niece laying on the floor fetal position with her head cut off i was screaming woke me up crying
isvasu 2019-12-08 11:52:27
Can not be more strange!
I dreamed seeing a long hair and unshaped man carrying a head similar to his head.
I did not feel anything.. just felt strange in the dream
Vlad 2019-02-15 10:42:11
Hello! I am curious about my dream last night and what could it mean, I did not found anywhere like this.
I dreamed a guy who cut his left hand from the wrist by accident and after a your girl having her head sliced off out of thin air, no apparently reason. Her head was completely detached, and fell on the floor, but she was still alive, so I took her head and place it back on her body, she was still bleeding but still alive somehow. I called in dream for an ambulance but a doctor refused to send one so I treated him to have the same fate and from fear he sent an ambulance. I don't know what happened next because I appeared all of the sudden in the middle of a huge shopping center like nothing happened, then I woke up.
Chad 2018-09-23 16:58:26
I recently had a dream that I was downtown and heard a really big crash and turned around to see a motorcycle on it's side. I walked accross the street and around a car to see an extremely large man laying on the ground with his head decapitated about 6" above his body. His eyes were movie around all crazy and his body breathing air until cardiac arrest and is body violently grabbed his chest and convulsed until he siezed. I thought it was an extremely disturbing and nobody was even trying to help only watching with screaming. Any ideas what this could mean for me?
Victoria 2019-01-04 18:08:50
Maybe your dream is representing what society has come to and it's scary that no one is helping and you can't do anything to help by yourself. Society is only seemingly getting worse so it may represent your fear of the future.
Mike 2017-06-10 02:36:41
I had a dream that my head was decapitated and my sight turned black and then I was dreaming for a moment in darkness.
Dave 2017-03-23 19:09:27
I had a dream that my wife was beheaded nude in the middle of a street
angel 2016-10-05 09:41:45
Hello,continue to have dreams of people heads being decapitated especially Caucasian men?
Denny 2016-08-11 17:26:37
Hi i dreamt that I witnessed my 4 month old daughter fall from a 1 level building construction site and beheaded and i was crying hysterically. What does that dream mean? I was scared sad heartbroken angry Please help my interprtation
Shell 2019-06-18 01:10:59
OMG! So much like the one I had of my 3 yr old granddaughter! She was running around, giggling, making me chase her. All of sudden, she disappeared. Then I heard her laughing again and she ran out of a hotel room onto the balcony and beheaded herself on the railings. I heard screams and saw her body on the concrete by the pool. It was devastating and seemed so real!

pinklady 2015-11-11 15:02:55
i have continues dream... the first story is me and my friend hit someone thru a car then we ask a lady nearby to hold a funeral to this unknown man. then today i dream again that i when to visit that place then the woman gave the head to me in a plastic bag and she looks somehow being sarcastic with her joke giving me the head of the dead man. she was calling him (joseph lim) then i give if back to her telling i dont like her joke. then putting the head on the garbage tank. she start burning it.. then the head began to move and looks like it felt the fire.. also he transform his face in differently... then i woke up... please help me to interpret this.. thanks
onose 2015-08-13 11:51:11
my boyfriend dream that a lady DAT love him in a dream cut off my head.wat does it mean?
X 2015-08-02 06:50:36
How about a dream where you are the one doing the decapitating? That's what had been happening to me.it's incredibly disturbing but in the dream I had no other choice.and this was over and over, many times with only a knife.woke up in a cold sweat every time.
Faith Gill 2016-11-17 21:32:14
I had a dream of all of me and my friends getting beheaded by favorite teacher. i am ligit scared cuz me I and my friend are really close and i hate it when she gets hurt she is like my sister
Ford Benton 2015-09-05 07:13:34
I've very recently had almost this exact dream. I was decapitating many people over and over again with a very sharp sword. I'm a very kind person and never watch violent TV or movies or have those thoughts so this was very very disturbing. I then burned the bodies to keep people from finding them. It was perhaps the most disturbing dream I've ever had.
lady.. 2016-02-25 14:47:41

Here are the interpretations for witnessing beheading/beheading someone in your dream:

-To see others beheaded in your dream shows that it is time to consider other people's feelings.

-If you cut off someone's head in a dream, you will have success against enemies and competitors


I dreamt last night that I beheaded- slowly, with a serrated knife - the heads of two rapists in order to defend a vulnerable victim. I'm a female....

I read up on dreams of rapists, and apparently they don't signify actually rapists, but those who threaten your comfort or happiness in someway, or humiliate you, or take advantage of you. As rapists, the beheading seemed appropriate at the time, although further into the dream I didn't even have to worry about police action because someone i knew called in a cleaning team to properly dispose of the bodies and dna. even further into the dream, i recalled another murder i had also "justly" committed in the past, although I couldn't remember what made it just and was starting to feel guilty.

in the end of the dream, i discovered that the inside of my shoes were drenched in blood and the dumpster out back had old blood stains from the long-ago killing.

After thinking about two coworkers (who are family members) in my life that have been causing quite a bit of stress to the more vulnerable "professional" me, which follows me even into my personal life, since we are related (the rapists, in my dream, had followed the more vulnerable victim home), I believe that the rapists in my dream signify my coworkers. they are catty, passive aggressive, egotistical, and not very helpful with a forward moving project i just got approval to engage in at work. despite encouraging them to work on a team with me, they have also been acting very resentful. characteristics of the two rapists are even relatable to these relatives.

the night that i dreamed of beheading the rapists, I had earlier in the day >finally< lost it with them, and quite harshly. but they are in actuality, my little sisters, and i feel guilty for not being more understanding, for not taking them under my wing, as i have tried to do numerous times up until the last few days where my stress levels have been extremely high. but now i'm worried that the protective older sister is what made the vulnerable victim another side of me- and get raped (bitched at and hard work taken advantage of) many times in the past.

Still, due to the first dream interpretation, i think i will try my best to consider their feelings more.
Mia 2015-07-21 19:18:10
My dream was about a wig that would latch itself onto the head and the only way to detach it was to cut your head off. This little was obsessed with it and was going around killing any of the family members that tried it on... I woke up crying because she was about to kill my dad
Deja 2015-07-18 12:22:35
I had a dream that me and this guy I know were in a hotel room.idk how it began, but he began cutting heads off right in front of me. I don't remember the heads he cut off, but he acted as if he was gaining a profit for each head.I didn't seem bothered until he cut off my 5 year old little brothers head next. Then he tries to cut off a small girls head, it looked like my 1 year old daughter but I couldn't tell. I got angry tho. He cut her head off half way then gave her to me. After a while, my mom walked in. I told her what was going on in this hotel room. Her reaction looked as if she shocked, but then I woke up.
jaydeane 2015-07-06 12:47:57
i have been dreaming these awful dreams for past few months now it aint just one dream neither I keep thinking I am hearing them actually happen in my dreams as well as witnessing them happen I am thinking WTF is going off I remember one dream I had a head given to me wrapped in plastic in a box it was disturbing these dreams I keep having are awful and sick I cant seem to understand why iv been dreaming like this for past 2 months of all strange beheadings and thinking I am seeing and hearing them its freaking me out my boyfriend said look up in a dream book to find out why I keep dreaming like this its horrible
Cerys 2015-05-20 06:14:03
I had a dream that my friends where coming round after a party and it was me and my dad in at the time and then we saw a truck pull up (I can remember what it said on the truck) and a man in black with a huge axe for out and started lining people up to be heheaded. On the news, In my dream it said "new London laws say that a list has been made and the following people need to be beheaded" me and my dads name was on the list and I asked him if he was actually getting beheaded and he kind of chuckled and said "yes...... So are you" then I woke up. And I was 5:30. I never wake up at this hour!
Hannah 2015-04-30 02:58:52
I had a dream. I am being executed (beheaded) among others in the middle of the sea. It was Very terriffyng! I cannot feel anything. Seems and feels so real! In my dream one person said Is should look for my head and put it back. Then, I did found my head and put it back.
Ash 2015-04-07 03:05:55
I had a weird dream, there was a fight between my dad and this other guy who wanted to fight me & his friends tried to attack me. I began throwing glass plates(like the ones we use to eat with), the first guy began laughing with a cheeky grin as if it didn't hurt.I was aiming for the neck then began decapting his head off and did this to the other guy who tried to come towards me. Not sure what this means?
Ian 2015-03-14 21:13:50
I had a dream last night someone came behind me and beheaded me in my dream seeing my own head taken off but still alive pretty much freaked me out.
violet 2015-03-15 10:56:36
did you find out what is the meaning of your dream? coz me too.. i got beheaded by someone .
shay 2014-11-29 14:21:25
I dreamt that me and my friends were trying to figure out who was after us we locked ourselves inside of a pre-school the men came inside got me to friends they cut of there ears and i said that I want to be like them so he gave me the ax and I tried kill him but u couldn't so I ran over to my neighbors house he cut of my neighbor son head of and then the husband shot him but the other oe away
Dan 2014-03-21 08:36:24
I had the most distressing dream of beheading my own younger brother keeping in mind i would rather die protecting him with my own life!!!
Chanelle 2015-05-15 08:43:59
Ahh I had this dream last night 🙁 I'd do anything for my little brother!!!

shannon 2014-01-18 04:56:20
I had a dream last night my ex boyfriend be headed his young son? Was a very disturbing dream that woke me up. I have no contact with him which make it very strange
Jackie 2019-10-11 07:10:16
I dreamt i saw a woman dragging an older woman by her head trying to pull her head off and then a man came along and actually pulled the womans head off . I was horrified and phoned emergency services who showed little interest in my call.

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