Dream Dictionary Bird Poop

Dream Dictionary Bird Poop


To see birds at all in your dream symbolizes your goals and aspirations in life. Because birds have wings, we associate great things with them. We see them high in the sky and think that one day we would like to be up there too, or at least high on the scale of life. Because birds represent all of the different directions in life that we hope to go to, it is understandable that bird poop represents a certain taunting of that goal. When you really want to get to a certain area in life, it can often seem as if it is taunting you. You keep getting closer, but are never quite able to grasp it. In other words, dreaming of bird poop suggests that you feel you are just out of reach of some of the opportunities that will eventually lead you to where you ultimately want to go in life.

Sometimes to dream of bird poop suggests all of the trials and tribulations you will have to go through in order to achieve your goals. You are trying to reach all of these complex and large goals, but you are unable to because of certain things that keep cropping up and getting in your way. A good example of this might be a promotion you are trying to achieve by impressing your boss and working hard hours. However, you have family obligations that prevent you from being able to do all of the work necessary to achieve your promotion. In this case all of those other responsibilities that you have preventing you from achieving your goals are represented by the bird poop. Do you have a lot of different responsibilities that keep you from achieving your goals? Then this may be why you are dreaming of bird poop.

Another reason you could possibly be dreaming of bird poop is because you feel as if small annoyances in your life are taking away from you overall enjoyment of other things in life. There is nothing more annoying than birds pooping right on your windshield when you are driving down the road. And even though it does not stop you from being able to drive, it is still very annoying. And you may find it hard to really get the bird poop off of your mind until you get it cleaned. You are in the middle of striving for a larger goal but small annoyances keep cropping up and stopping you from being able to enjoy what you are doing. This is a very possible interpretation of bird poop as a dream symbol. A final reason that people dream of bird poop may have something to do with the whiteness of the poop. It symbolizes all of the bad that is contained within the good in your life. With all good there is a little bit of bad to go along with it.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Bird Poop

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Elisa 2023-04-24 03:20:06
I had dream a I was walking out on the street the right side of the road nearby my house a bird poop on my shoulder
Gary 2022-08-13 05:48:39
Tonight I had a dream that I had an argument with my wife in front of my family. In the dream I stormed out of the house down the stairs and started heading down the side walk to my car. As I walked under this medium sized tree (kinda like the ones you see that line roads in nicer areas of town) and as I walk underneath it I feel the poop hit my back and the top of my head. We are not talking about a little either it was dripping from the bill of my hat and everything. I took a couple more steps then turned around only to see 2 Birds that looked like a white eagle laughing at me. I tried to throw my hat at the birds but they didn't budge, they just continued to laugh at me. I returned home and showered watching the poop go down the drain. What does this mean??
HeliosEos 2023-11-29 05:00:29
Dreams are often a way for our subconscious to communicate emotions, fears, anxieties, and unresolved issues that we carry in our waking life. They can use vivid, strange, or even humorous imagery to express these themes. Here's an interpretation of the key elements of your dream:

1. Argument with Your Wife: This may reflect underlying tension or unresolved conflicts in your relationship. It could also represent stress or anxiety you’re feeling in other areas of your life, with the argument serving as a symbol of confrontation or struggle.

2. Storming Out of the House: The act of leaving the house angrily may signify a desire to escape or avoid a difficult situation. It can also indicate a feeling of overwhelm or frustration and the need for personal space.

3. Tree Lined Roadside Setting: Trees often represent life, growth, and stability. In this context, however, the tree was the location of an unexpected and unpleasant event, which might suggest a disruption in what you perceive to be a stable or controlled environment.

4. Being Pooped On by Birds: Bird poop can be seen as a symbol of luck in some cultures, but in the context of your dream—especially given the large amount—it's more likely representing something unwanted or a situation that you find distasteful or humiliating.

5. White Eagles Laughing: Eagles are often symbols of freedom, strength, and pride. Here, their actions (laughing at you) and color (white) might symbolize feeling mocked or belittled despite innocence or good intentions. Being unable to retaliate or chase them away could reflect feelings of vulnerability or powerlessness.

6. Returning Home to Shower: Coming back home to cleanse yourself could be interpreted as a desire to return to a state of normalcy or purity after an embarrassing or demeaning experience. It represents washing away negativity or the remnants of an upsetting episode.

7. Watching the Poop Go Down the Drain: This suggests a process of purification or release, a desire to see the unpleasantness and remnants of conflict or humiliation removed from your life.

This dream likely represents feelings of embarrassment, frustration, and a deep desire to cleanse or rid yourself of negative emotions or situations in your life. The specific incident might symbolize unexpected and unwelcome disruptions that you're experiencing or fearing. The argument could mirror real-life concerns about communication and understanding in your relationships.
QuinnC 2019-12-19 02:55:49
I vaguely remember dreaming of a couple crows flying at my face, only to wake up to a line of bird poop along the back of my car up towards the roof. What do can I take from this if anything?
Leonardo Tavarez 2019-08-12 21:17:40
Had a dream that a bird was flying and throw pup on me from the sky and landed next to me funny a hour after I g to my daughter and a bird pup on her car ......
Tee 2019-02-24 19:18:41
I had a dream that bird poop was all over the hood of my car. Its was big poop not from an ordinary bird as I was looking at the hood. This big bird was trying to get me, its mouth was open and eating at the window next thing I know the bird got smart in realize the glass wasn't letting it in. So the bird started dissolving in liquid form into my car I climbed through the back seat and exit out the car without anything touching me. Then this lady come from no where trying to remove the liquid bird getting it out while it was still dissolving. I was stung in the dream I stood there. Then woke up
Judy 2018-03-10 22:57:48
In a visitation dream with a sister I asked her if she was happy and and she told me she has to pick up pigeon poop. Any significant meaning of this?
Bring 2018-01-18 15:13:02
I had a dream that I had just got a call that I got a great job and then a bird pooped on my right eye
Renley 2017-11-18 23:26:18
Okay I had this dream where I was walking downstairs giving a family member something that I wrote something on i don't remember what it was but as I was walking downstairs I see a big bird shadow beside me like it was flying behind me and it did a bird call and landed on my shoulders and pooped all over my back and I was grabbing its claws trying to get it off of my shoulders and it clawed my throat and then I woke up so weird what does that mean? I never saw the bird
Wuddah 2017-08-12 11:32:27
I had a dream I was on my way to my cousin's wedding(She's married in real life)"back to this dream".... but I forgot the wedding cake at the house... I purchased the cake because she said she only had sheet cake nothing that look like a wedding cake. (I didn't have a lot of money but I wanted her to have the BEST!!) As I was driving I realized I forgot the cake at home... I pulled over in a high school parking lot to make a U-Turn... As I reversed the car slowly(it seemed like forever in the dream) I heard a BIG POP and I couldn't figure out where it was coming from... But once I turned my head straight I seen what appeared to be poop(it startled me at first)... As I inched closer I realized it was bird poop... A bird was inside my car and had pooped... Once I realized it pooped inside I panicked with my boyfriend... He was in the passenger seat (hes my boyfriend in reality) we smelled it and just got out the car!!! I woke up at 6:05 am on a Saturday morning... The color wasn't white... It was brown-ish... The bird was blue-ish , gray-ish, brown-ish... It was in the car on my side... The driver side... Sitting on the dashboard... What does this dream mean...
Justadream 2017-06-22 22:17:36
Nap with my son and dreamt that we were out quading and ran into some friends who were passing by and stopped to talk when out on nowhere thousands of birds took up from the marsh weeds that surrounded us and started to flyover and literally darken the sky and all start shitting at the same time which made it look like a snowstorm of shit. .. if it meant aspirations I'm holding myself back from then I'm eukered.
Uncanny 2019-12-30 23:50:21
Had a similar dream (different context) a mass flock of birds circling above my head and all pooping on me simultaneously- it was raining poop. I placed a cloth over head to shield but the poop soaked through... I was with another person and huddled under cloth... and that was it... strange.
Ayushi 2017-05-18 20:23:59
I saw a bird pooping on my chest last night in my dream
Morning when i woke up i had a chest ache...what does that mean..am i getting into any kind of trouble??...
Caz 2017-05-05 17:06:11
Just had a dream that I was outside on a lovely sunny day and I looked up and the sky was so blue but there was a white goose flying overhead and it was losing feathers as he flew and as I looked up I suddenly realised the goose had pooped and it was headed right for me ended up with goose poop on my face

Harley 2016-12-14 22:51:04
Just woke up, my dream was bizarre also lol. I was in town, u remember someone being there with me. But when I walked I accidentally kicked a bird on the face. I apologised but the bird flew up in the sky. I was thinking, I think something bad is going to happen now. And of course I seen the shit fall from the sky as I was walking. I managed to move out of the way quick enough. However his friends joined in. All of a sudden I'm running with my friend for my life. Running in and out of shops while these birds tried to shit on me. I did get covered a few times but I just kept running. I ended up eventually on my own in some strange house, making sure there was no more birds. I discovered there wasn't so I started to hang up the clothes that where in the bedroom. I thought I was in my boyfriends house, but it wasn't the same set up. I even went into another room and there was furniture that I have never seen before, but it was all clean and looked like it was for me to us. But I had a feeling the furniture used to belong to his ex so I went back into the bedroom then woke up.... (note to self, u really didn't enjoy being shit on by those birds.)
Kitkat 2016-11-12 15:22:33
I had a dream where i intentionally stood where the bird was flying so it bumped on me then suddenly it was pooping on me several times.
supreme 2016-08-29 08:12:55
lastnight I dream that was standing in a field see some birds eople over my head fiying and all of sudden they poop allover my head for long time lot of poop what those that mean ....people say that is money but I don't believe that cause I cant see how that can mean that .....
Wendy Red 2016-05-11 10:48:33
I had a dream where I was bending down and a bird pooped on my head. I didn't see the bird but I felt the poop and washed my whole head with very clear cold water. I know they say that when you dream of poop it means money but what does the washing my head with super clear water mean?
ltp 2016-03-28 07:10:49
I dreamed that I was trying to avoid a bird (grey pigeon, I think) that was perched on a building, he/she diliberately turned its back towards me, and I saw its anus which excreted a lot of white excrement. It seemed as if he/she was aiming at me, but I avoided being hit. I wonder what this means?
Pooped 2016-01-28 23:57:46
I was bending, suddenly dark green poop splattered on my left elbow. I looked at it and observed it quickly fall off to reveal some prehistoric motif on the stone slab floor.In the dream,the fish reminded me of the living fossil,the Coelacanths. In total 17 fish appeared as the others above them disappeared so I had to count them very quickly.
projectmama 2015-09-27 02:31:07
I was going to church. But it was like a house. As I entered 3 pigeon flew overhead and the floor was covered in poop. And as I got in further and look up there was a hole in the ceiling
Sunil 2015-09-03 12:06:54
in my dream lastnight, i was made reduntant from 2 jobs in one day, then aq bird did a big poo on my head? the job was a job i had done 10 years ago, and the other job i was made redundant was the job i am currently doing now. all i can think of is that i am currentloy supportin and help prepare 2 people for thier job interviews.
aashma 2015-03-25 01:31:02
when I was wAlking to home, swooping sparrow pooped on my head. I was surprised and took a look taking it in my fingers.it was white.
is it good symbol?
curious101 2015-03-12 13:42:02
Last night i dreamt that i was walking home with some friends and they saw something in a tree we stopped to look and i saw poop hit the ground so we ran...the bird began flying over our heads but only pooping on me i was covered in it and i tasted it...it was gross...i am curious about my scenario as well
shubham 2015-07-10 12:47:32
Gey the same thing happend in my dream
Sydney 2015-01-11 01:16:47

Hey lovely people can you help with mine too?

I was sitting by a pool under a little bit of cover & it just started lightly raining bird poop on me, only in my area. And I was laughing!
Sendil 2014-10-25 08:06:40
IN my dream many yellow color love birds are flying towards me and two of them sit on my hand and i am shocked and asked my friend these birds are never fly to humans then why it s happening...he replied nothing in my dream....
yellow birds 2015-05-20 19:05:47
I just had the same dream last night what do it mean.

T43 2014-09-30 19:52:55
I had a dream that there was a bird sitting on my right shoulder and he wouldn't get off and I was freaking out. My best friend tried to wack it off with a rolled up newspaper but it wouldn't budge. Next thing I know its poop was trickling down my shirt and the bird was still on my shoulder.
YBSIW 2014-06-01 15:29:45
Dreaming of poop means you'll be getting money. [just=center][/just]
EmilyMarie 2014-05-22 20:31:07
I dreamt that this really ugly, dirty looking bird kept sitting on my wrists and pooping all over my hands and I kept scrubbing it off, but it just kept on coming back. I remember dreaming this when I was a lot younger, also.
Ken 2014-12-23 09:28:25
That is great income. Let it keep coming and pray that you do not rub it away.
dreamzzz 2013-11-04 05:22:51
I dreamed there was a flock of birds flying above me in circles, all of a suddent they started pooping and before I knew it it was like rain just coming down. Help.
Simona 2016-06-13 07:50:56
I have just wojen up after having a nap and i had the exact same dream that u are describing.. Flock of pigeons circling me then all of a sudden they all start pooping..i was in a park when this happened and i just remember trying to block it and run
DretheBarber 2014-12-12 21:14:13
Wow I had that dream too, but in mines a group of us where outside somewhere when bird poop started coming down like rain!! Don't remember seeing any birds, but was aware they were there!! Wonder what the heck that means :-p (Am I in need of an umbrella?🤔
blue 2014-12-02 17:56:04
In my dream, there were many people around, like a small town neighborhood near a huge messy field. There was a feeling everyone was having, talking about, anticipating. Suddenly someone said 'here it comes' and millions of birds were pouring out of trees and blacking out the sky, poop started falling in splats then in buckets. it was horrifying and disgusting.
lovely 2013-10-07 22:14:02
In my dream, I looked up at a single flying bird above me in the sky. It then pooped directly into my right eye. Very white poop. Any elaborations?
bernie 2014-04-14 17:33:59
same dream but it was my left eye. wierd!
John 2013-09-19 19:08:40
In my dream, I was sitting on some steps outside and all of a sudden I was pooped on once, then twice and then bombarded with bird poop. Never saw them, but I just started getting covered with it. I hear all kinds of theories, so I wonder what it really means. And, to top it off, I very rarely remember any dreams, so why this one?
Toast 2013-11-25 03:11:20
I had practically the same dream..so strange. The only difference was i was on the streets and it flooded with poop and then cars were crashing

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