Dream Dictionary Black Cat

Dream Dictionary Black Cat


If you have a dream where a black cat is following you around, this generally means that you feel that you have been having bad luck lately. You think that everything in the world that can go wrong has, and it has all been happening to you. There is only so much you can do to alleviate these feelings. The bottom line is though, that luck is a thing that superstitious people believe in. And if you feel as though you have been having bad luck, you are obviously the superstitious type. If you are the superstitious type then you are exactly the type of person that would believe that black cats are out to get them and ruin their fun. In other words, it would be hard to explain this feeling away if you see a black cat in your dreams. It will merely confirm your suspicions however erroneous they are.

Another reason that you might see a black cat in your dreams is because you have had cats on the brain recently. Sometimes the color is just the first thing that comes to mind. The color of the cat is not so important as the cat himself. The color was thrown on at the last minute so that it would make since to your mind when you saw a cat in your dreams. Have you thought about adopting a kitten lately? Do you already have one that you are worried about or are thinking about lately? Then this might be the reason why you have dreams about the black cat.

Have you been thinking about the occult or witches at all lately? Because black cats are so intrinsically associated with the occult and witchery, it makes sense that you would be thinking of black cats too. They are merely one more symbol in the book of symbols that make up our knowledge of witches. On top of that they are one of the most well known symbols of all.

It is also known that the black cat symbolizes your own psychic abilities. You are really in tune with your intuition and your thinking abilities. Every once in a while you get these spurts of instances in which you feel as if you are truly connected to yourself. You understand yourself now a little more than you did, and it is a permanent realization that you have just come to terms with. Sometimes the black cat in the dream will attack you or challenge you in some way. If you are scratched by a black cat in your dreams or bothered by one incessantly, it shows that you have been trying to ignore the more clairvoyant parts of yourself. The cat scratching you means that you can ignore them no longer. You are forced to pay attention to those sides of yourself and try to figure them out.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Black Cat

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shelby 2019-03-14 03:32:19
I dreamed a black cat jumped in my bed and tried to cuddle my leg, and I kicked the mess out of it, then I woke up! What does that mean?
NOMZAMO 2018-11-26 05:11:49
I dream about black cat standing next to the door a a took a wood a beat it and I was calling the name of my late husband and the cat run away as I was chasing it......meaning please
Holly 2018-01-16 22:20:00

Thank you very much Dr Todd. Your powerful Love spell was so lovely and its amazing!! We get back together now and i feels so happy. He seems like more loving me with his heart now. Thank you so much manifestspellcast@gmail. com
katherine 2017-11-14 16:57:06
I had a dream that a Giant black cat was in a field across from my bedroom window, it acted like a normal cat. Then it noticed that i was staring at it and it ran up to my window and just stared down on me.I didn't feel threatened.
Dalton 2017-10-29 05:48:10
I had a dream just last night that My wife and I were asleep at my mom's house and something fell off the dresser. So I asked my wife did you see that? She replied "no go back to sleep" Right after she said that something came flying and hit the wall above our heads. We jumped up and saw a black cat with bright glowing yellow eyes. It startled me so much that I woke up. When I did all the neighborhood dogs were going crazy. They never go crazy in the middle of the night.
Emma 2017-10-19 19:19:16
I dreamed I went to adopt a cat and happen to see this female back cat named Asia that I figured my cat Oliver would like..hmmm
Tash 2017-10-13 16:50:48
I dreamt a black cat appreaed from my ceiling fell to the ground and was walking towards me. I wasn't asleep though I watched it from beginning to end, but at the same time I could not move. It was like my body was being held down. I was telling but myself get up , move. And saying to the cat don't come near in my brain. The cat then hid beside my soundsystem subwoofer, and was peeking at me as I was gaining consciousness and the ability to move again. Then disappeared as I woke abd sat up on my couch. Can anyone interpret what this might mean?
Iya 2017-10-01 08:17:39
Please help with this random dream,I dobt think of cats at all!Thus morning I had a dream of a huge black cat crossing a road Nit necessary my path,I just saw!
Lovelie 2017-09-18 11:30:36
I dream about me and my husband going to drop something he left me while I was getting in the car I was standing there when I saw a black cat I start to run he run behind me and get in my house turn to a person.
Linh 2017-07-17 04:54:35
I dreamt about a line of black kittens, I did cuddle them they didn't do any harm to me.I also didn't hear any hear any meowing. Can you tell me what does it mean
Aicha 2017-06-11 11:33:48
I dreamt of a black cat from the ceiling jumped under my neck while i was lying on my bed. The cat didn't hurt or scratch me but just hiding. Can you please tell me what's the meaning of this. Than you
manu 2017-05-08 05:04:44

Mohit 2017-04-27 20:39:09
A black cat sitting into my dream last night so what's the meaning of it
Amy 2017-04-21 19:49:26
While sleeping I had an outer body experience while laying at the edge of the bed a black cat appeared in front of me kneading the bed. I had a bad feeling and I made myself wake up. This was at 3:30am. I don't have cats and haven't thought about cats. I do love all animals. This was a very vivid dream.
moiz 2017-04-16 00:19:30
i saw a dream last night. i am at a stair case there is a cat at the bottom i am at the top. it looks at me and growls and runs towards me. it grew longer and longer with hind limbs at a same place but front legs moving making torso longer and longer. then i woke up
please help me understand the meaning
Angela 2017-03-07 06:35:28
I dreamt 2 black cats attacking me in a room and biting me. I was jumping on stuff to get away. My ex husband walks in the room and I was trying to protect him from the cats. What does it mean
Harriet 2017-01-09 12:10:50
I had dream with a black cat who is in pain, were it's left foot is injured but I keep on kicking on it and when I kicked it it just made the cat angry I don't know what this means , actually my grandma just got into hospital and she got a wound on her left leg. And she was like was possessed on my dreams with that black cat.
Stephanie 2017-01-06 02:11:33
My dream was a little scattered. There was some sort of event going on at what location was mixed as my house and an unknown house mixed together. I was with someone and they lured me into a room that was hidden under the floor under a staircase. I entered the room and there were other people/spirits hanging out. The cat lived under there too there was a gathering anboom was there words were spoken I wasn't sure if a spell was being casted or they were just curious and reading out loud this book. I remember trying to leave outside and the cat was present with me as if I wasn't allowed to leave the premises
Georgia 2016-10-14 10:28:25
I had a dream about having sex with my boyfriend. After that, we saw us together laying in bed. But me turned to or was a really really black coloured cat. Can anyone help me interpret this dream?
Angus 2017-03-10 02:03:00
Your boyfriend is cheating on you
Anshu 2016-09-22 04:06:03
I had a dream in a day, black angry cat coming towards me and scratched
Lindsey 2016-04-23 07:12:35
I dreamt I was out in my garden and my neighbor had giant walls and arbors which made the house very elusive and private. The garden walls were made of brick, and were built like a labyrinth. I ventured into the property and went down some of the walled paths, it opened up to a beautiful garden area. There I saw my neighbor had many cats. One was white, one was long haired, grey and fluffy. And then there was a small pure black kitten. I grabbed the little kitten and held it in my arms. It began purring. I nestled my face into it, and suddenly with my eyes closed, my third eye could clearly see the black kitten had an indigo blue aura. I suddenly felt connected to the cat, in a spiritual way. I took it home and it was playing with my other two cats, one I have that is black, and my bicolor tabby. The kitten was zipping around as kittens do, and my cars were watching it, curiously. Suddenly the cat was a monkey, a small one, and it was like a child, it had run around so much it became drowsy. So I made it a bed and nestled next to it, stroking it until it fell asleep. I should also mention I was in a mansion with many rooms, that had ornate antique furnishings. There was a lady who ran the house, and I worked for her. It was the Winchester mystery house, and it was Mrs. Winchester, and we were in another time era. The house had giant immaculate rooms and gardens.
Angela 2016-04-09 12:49:22
I dreamt a black cat jumped on my back and I was walking down the street giving this cat a jockey it was talking to me and it was friendly
anonymous 2016-02-28 13:32:35
I've been taking care of a white stray cat and whenever I go to my apartment's parking lot there are two other stray cats that I see one is orange ond the other is skinny and looks like chocolate. I had this dream with all the cats in it and I was walking down the sidewalk, it was in the middle of the night and I was walking towards a liqor store I left my cats outside and when I came back the orange cat was dead behind the store. There were two identical large black egyption cats blocking my path and my other two cats were behind them scared out of there wits. I immediately assumed that the black cats had killed the orange one and scared them away before they could kill the rest. Then I picked up the remainder of my cats and promised to keep them safe as I carried them quickly away from there
Leon 2016-01-02 22:10:55
Had a dream that I was holding a black cat like you would hold a baby under the armpits and it just kept getting bigger and bigger. In the background A lady was telling me that my zodiac sign is "Leo" for a reason. I'm trying to make a connection with this

Prashant singh 2015-12-15 18:26:02
Last night i saw a black cat in my dream.. she was talking to me or maybe i can say i was able to understand what she is telling me... i found her in my kitchen. Can you tell me what's the meaning of this.
Taajahghia 2015-11-11 00:27:49
I believe I can tell somethings in the future...well getting back to the point. I had a dream today. The date if today is 11-10-2015. I was just napping, and I just seen my brothers and sisters from a while, just briefly. They are younger than me. So, my dream was. Me and my sister and brothers sitting on the floor by the sliding glass door to the back yard, and we are sitting there having a good time. It was pitch black out and I look over and I saw a black cat. Not its body just it's face. It was showing all of its teeth at my siblings and I. Kinda of how when dogs get aggressive they show all their teeth. The cat just keep staring at us and we screamed and back away from the sliding glass door. The cat just stared and flashing it's teeth terrifying the fuck out of us. That bitch was ugly. But so yeah I never had a dream about a cat like that. But I felt as if I knew that cat. But If I see in person, best believe I'm kicking that mother fucker across that world.
Violeteyes 2015-10-12 01:14:21
My dream is a recurring dream. Theres a black cat who keeps trying to come in my house and i keep slamming the door on it. Then suddenly it appears in my house again. I keep doing it until i decide theres no other way out of it so i kill it. Or so i think. Its always outside again. What the hell does this dream mean?
Mark 2015-09-29 22:15:57
I had a dream of a ghost in restroom and my aunt started praying and I yelled reveal yourself and a black cat appeared it jumps on my aunt that's deceased and I immediately grab cat it got super aggressive started scratching me so I banged cat against the wall a lot and took it outside and I prayed to God to send it back to hell and I toss cat and the cat appeared to be itself and I woke up I wanna know the meaning of that dream
Ivana 2015-09-13 14:16:17
I had a dream that I saved a black cat. It was stuck in a gallon of water I was looking at it going up and down in that gallon I thought it was fine but then the water disappeared and the cat was in there looking back at me with its light blue eyes so I came back to my senses and helped it out of the gallon. As soon as the cat was free it jumped in my arms and I noticed that her fur was braided from the back of its head to the tip of its tail. meaning?
Courtney 2015-09-02 21:20:09
I just recently had two black cats in my dream and they were my pets and I carried them both on each arm and took them home with my mom and fed them. Does anyone know what having two black cats as your pet mean?

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