Dream Dictionary Black Dog

Dream Dictionary Black Dog


To dream that you see a black dog suggests that something horrible is going to happen in your life. Of course the demeanor of the dog is also important. If the dog is fearsome and vicious then it means that something horrible will happen to you or someone you love. It does not mean that it will happen immediately or that it will happen at all as a dream cannot predict the future to that extent, but it is clear that you have a feeling that something will go wrong in your life soon.

Is someone that you love and care for about to do something incredibly dangerous? This black dog could symbolize your fear and anxiety over their safety. Are you about to do something that is dangerous and that you feel incredibly uneasy about? Then this too could mean that you should have something to be legitimately afraid of. Don't allow yourself to fall down this road of fear and foreboding. If it is something that is legitimately dangerous then you need to cancel it, whatever it is. And if it is not your own engagement which you are trying to have canceled and instead it is a friend's, then you are going to have to make sure that your friend knows exactly how endangered you think that they are. Do not sit back and watch as something horrible happens to someone that you love and respect. Tell them how you feel even if you are sure that they won't listen. At least that way you will know that you did all you could do to save their life if the unthinkable were to happen.

To dream that you are a black dog suggests that you feel that you bring danger to others. You think that your presence within a group is causing other people to harm themselves. Perhaps you have been a bad influence on the lives of a few people and you are just starting to feel bad about that. This is a great possibility. You should applaud yourself for being so keen as to notice when you have negatively influenced the life of another. Most people that do this sort of thing never actually come to a realization about it and instead continue to endanger their friends. Recognizing the negative influence you have on others is the first step to recovery.

To dream that you see a friendly black dog suggests that you have come to terms with those aspects of yourself that are negative and you are able to accept all of the negative things going on in the world around you. This is something that is hard to do and it doesn't mean that you have a lack of empathy or are a bad person for it; it means that you have reached a level of maturity that allows you to realize your helplessness in the course of the world and have accepted that.

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Comments: Dream Dictionary Black Dog

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Pia 2021-04-12 21:34:17
Today I dreamt that at a distance a brown was very sick and was crying while laying down in the floor of the university. So I decided to go near him and understand his pain so that I can give some relief. When I went to him, he was sadly looking at me and I told it "show me, where r u in pain ?" I was a NGO member for a long time treating animals in our NGO.
So, I thought it would work. He tried to show me his throat but then when I looked at the dog, his colour changed to black and with a red collar.. I was scared of the dog if he would bite me . But no, he didn't and continuously cried as I was petting him on his throat showing that something very wrong in his throat. I decided to help him and went to look for a pot where s
I can offer him a little water (meanwhile I was planning to talk to a vet) .but all the pots that I saw was so old and in bad condition..so I started washing them... After washing when I went there , I couldnt find him or may be I woke up ..I don't remember that part but I am sure that he didn't get to drink water from me .. can you please interpret it for me ?
Loveforanimals 2021-01-25 14:54:44
I was up at my mtn home and had not been there so long..I knew mice would be around..it is a cabin in the woods but then I saw this black thing outside..it was furry with a slight curly tail..my bf said don't go out there..I said I'm not leaving it in the cold and he or she is probably hungry ..So I let the animal in my house..I waited to see how this animal would react ..then it came to me wagging it's tail..and nuzzling my hand with it's cold nose..so I went down on my knees and it snuggled my neck..I gave it some food and water..and this black dog actually looked like it was smiling..and happy...I laid on the floor and it came near me...rolling on it's back and snuggling up to me...so I was hugging it...and I whispered .."I will take care of you". Then I found a few dream interpretations..and this one caught my eye because this dog was lost and was also trying to find itself and it's place..in life..and I was about to give it just that..I left that day for a bit and didn't see the dog for awhile until I saw it come out of the neighbors yard wagging it's tail..This dog was just making everybody's life happy and when it saw me it ran to me..I knew I had a new best friend..so I found this on a dream site and not all black dogs are negative..besides I love black dogs and cats..

" Regardless of the dream, it is a positive sign because it means your subconscious is finally ready to face and deal with the depressions that are holding you back in life. Even if it seems scary, you may start feeling like you have the energy and ability to ask for help or incorporate habits that can help you manage your periods of feeling down.

Black dogs are shadow animal guides and are here to help you deal with the scary stuff stuck in the dark corners of the mind.
Jupiter 2020-05-30 07:52:52
My dream started with me in My house and it was really dark outside, and this big black dog (Rottweiler Doberman looking dog) is at the front door. It’s raining outside so I let the dog in ??? My parents are still awake too so they allow it. We go to my parents room and the dog starts getting really aggressive and pushy. So it finally lays down next to me and is pushing against me really hard. I take out my phone to take a picture of it and when I do, it heats up really fast so I drop it. When it cooled down I went to my gallery to see the pictures I took of it and instead of dog pics it’s was these 3 very cryptic, poorly edited slideshow videos with a distorted voice saying that they know where I am, can get in whenever they want, and will kill me. My whole phone was hacked so I run into the kitchen to grab a lawn chair?? I rip the lining off the woven part and I’m like “I gotta catch that dog, someone is trying to kill me” and my mom was like “oh you’re getting threats from them too? Yeah” and when I asked her who “they” were she just turned around. So I look into my parents room and it’s not there, look down the hall and I can see it peeking down the hall at me from my room. I start running at it but the lawn chair lining wraps around me and starts burning me. Quarantine dreams be vivid
EYESHAAN 2020-01-07 06:45:17
I had dream I was talking to my father best friend son about my sexual partners and then this black dog appeared and first I thought the dog is looking for food , as i was moving my mouth , the dog saw it and he bites my lips slowly in search of food but I throw him in a puddle right below our standings . He got wet and was not able to get out of it for a while , this made a kid clothes wet so we rushed towards a house similar to my maiden grandfather house , wet dog follows us , it's a wet black dog with big medium size hairs.
Claiming Something horrible will happen to someone 2019-03-17 14:29:51
Is largely misleading I can see is the headline to attract people which is wrong and has no basis and purpetuates fear.
ScaredToDeath 2019-01-25 07:10:39
I had a weird dream last night. I was walking into a sea. There wasn’t lot of water and in several places I could walk in the sand. Then I met President Bush and Trump. They asked meg if I had a bit blood. I gave them a tampon with little blood. They were so happy for the blood. I thought in the dream they are planning something🙂 I was so curious but I didn’t ask them.

Then I was suddenly visiting my house, my childhood home.. I was wearing night dress. When I entered the house I saw my oldest sister. ( She is in reality a horrible person). She was wearing national clothes. She was happy and kind. Then I saw my house has got a new room. How is it possible I didn’t notice it before, I said aloud. I was really surprised, And satisfied. But there was more strange things. Close to my house there was a hotel. I could walk into directly from my house. I was tired and decided to sleep in my new room. When I woke up there were dogs in my room. One was outside and tried to come in when I opened the door. I went out and noticed I wasn’t in my new room but in the hotel room. I started to walk around to find my way back to my house. But I didn’t find it. While walking I saw my niece. She was so pretty and she also had national clothes on. She was pregnant. She is actually 45 y old in reality and can’t get children. I said to her I was so happy for her and I also got my children late.

But suddenly I was lost again. I saw two men and asked if they could help me. Perhaps and perhaps not was the answer. I decided to not trust to them. I went back to the hotel and me
a staff member. I asked if she had seen my brown bag. Beside her were some guests. They had a weird black dog beside them. I looked down to see what kind of dog this was.. It was a big dog but the dog was half human half dog. His head and forelegs was the dog part. The rest was human with the belly up and legs were then bender down. The dog had short blac fur. I didn’t think it was weird in the dream but after I woke up.

I think the president part of the dream was about American politics. The two presidents are really worried about the current bad situation.

The rest is about my life. The house with a new room and the hotel indicates that I have unknown strength and wealth. I’m not that stuck as I think. My family members indicates I miss the life how it was when I was young. But in reality they all have left me alone.,The weird dog is my husband. He’s very weird. I’m the dream he is half dog half human. He can be like a dog, meaning being kind but can’t talk. And he can be like a human upside down, He really don’t know how to live, how to act and he can’t decide where he should live or anything. He drives me crazy. I’m treated very bad in periods by him. He can be normal sometimes and then he starts to abuse me with mental terror. It’s horrible..

Being lost and trying to find back to my house indicates I really am lost. I don’t know where I should ask for help and I don’t find my way back to myself. I’m in horrible situation and only I can help myself. I’m ignored and lonely. It’s so bad I can’t worj and I have to because I have only myself to trust. Every single person I have had in my life except three of them have betrayed me. I’m in my opinion very supportive and kind to everyone but I experience is role take advantage of my kindness and then leave me.

But then I got that good feeling seeing the hotel. Exited to see what it means in reality. Hope I get money because my weird dog is killing me mentally. Then I could live by myself and feel me safe..
Em Callaway 2019-01-18 22:08:13
I was sitting in my mom's room next to a big black dog with a lot of fire along the neck (like a lion's mane). I felt so safe and secure in his company. Then, later in the dream, the dog was gone. I called to it, "Here boy." But I knew in my gut that he was no place to be found. Then, 2 short haired-adult-sized cats: one with pink camo markings and the other
with green camo markings came walking out of my unlightened bedroom. I said to them, "Get out of here. You're not supposed to be hear." They walked off. I looked outside and the clouds in the sky were moving at a very fast pace. In the dream, the stormy clouds were dissipating and becoming white with pockets of blue peaking through. Though, in the dream (as well as reality) I favor the stormy clouds rather than a storm less sky. Therefore, seeing a white and blue sky was somewhat of an anticlimactic event.
I thought about telling my mom. However, I was so taken by this strang phenomenon that I never got around to it.
---is there a dream-interpreting-genius out there.
Lucy 2018-11-07 22:33:53
What does it mean when you're petting a large black dog with blue eyes in a dream
the end 2018-10-16 19:06:53
Two times so far I had a dreams of a big black dog at my curb. It just stood there not entering the yard. My neighbors cat head butted it lovingly. Then bam! Over.
Arun Kumar 2018-09-08 13:53:49
I strongly believe that dream has some meaning.but find the actual means is a big task. That is written about black dog is true. I saw a black dog in my house in dream. And same day in morning a big family fight in my house.Lord please save us from all negativity.
Mariola 2018-10-21 11:30:22
Well if we only could stop resisting the negativity and judge it as something bad and unwanted it wouldn't probably bother us so much. Negativity is and will be as its natural state of this Universe. Polarity!If you do not know negativity you can't know positivity etc.
Diya 2018-08-10 02:34:18
Hello, so i dreamt of walking with my boyfriend and there was a man whose shirt as stuck under the tyre of a car. I touched him and said hold on do not pull your shirt wait for the car to move then you remove the shirt. Once done the man whose shirt was stuck under the tyre of the car started to bash up an old man who was walking with a cane; as if to take out his frustration because if his shirt was stuck.
A woman screamed and said run for your lives he is a dangerous man. We saw how badly he beated the old man. Wanting to help but we xould not as we were frightened.
We ran and reached our backyard where our dog a cane corso was leashed note that our dog is black. It was a quite disruptful dream. Please advise
judy 2018-07-27 18:38:40
I dream that I save a big black dog for a alligator and then put him in my bed

cheyenne 2018-07-19 17:50:19
Last night I had a dream about this black dog looking wolf. It had one red eye and one brown eye. It was so nice to me and followed me around all day. It was so loving and a loyal pet.

Recently my mom sold my dog. Of course my dad bought it though.
Dee 2019-12-24 00:15:24
Really nice dad if you can see your dog why not live with Dad or spend lots of time with him.
TheKitty 2018-05-01 13:45:08
Last night, I had a dream about a big black dog facing the front gate. I didn’t dare approach it because I don’t know if it’s dangerous or what.
Later in the afternoon, my poor kitten got hit by my new neighbor’s car
The day before that, I had another dream about a big dalmatian. It suddenly stood up glowing blue and chased me back to my apartment. These weird dreams proved to me that big black dog dreams are a bad omen. May not happen now, but sooner or later it will.
Daniel 2018-11-28 14:52:57
I just woke up from a dream where there was this dog that stood if front of my boyfriends I guess new house or something (I've never seen this house before) and the dog had glowing white eyes and it like ended up in front of the door and it looked at me, then I just stood there because I can't really do anything? I was really scared but it didn't growl or make a sound it just looked scary as hell. Then I woke up??? What does this even mean!
Rudolf 2017-12-14 15:21:10
Last night I dreamed of a huge black dog, as big as a cow, and everyone was afraid of it, but I wasn't. I approached the dog and asked the people if anybody knew who's dog it was and they all said that now was my dog. The dog looked at me with this puppy look in its eyes and started giving me licks and head bumps. That is when I woke up.
Sk 2018-07-31 19:21:28
bro i had the same dream did u found out the meaning of the dream?
aarti 2017-12-08 03:05:54
i dreamt of a black dog sitting with me....what does it mean....??
Kaara Cassagne 2017-11-07 20:39:52
I had a dream of a black pitbull dog but before i went to that part i was in my apartment home with my mom who said she would be going out to the apartment building's office to walk a little since the apartment homes we live in have an office that also has a little gym area a pool and a computer area any way with that being said idream on more but i do not remember very much about it so it then comes to the part where a supposed friend of mine comes to the apartment and we go out a bit so we head outside the apartment and we walk to the car stationary and we then go to another place in the same area as the apartments and go down to it and we see a dark tunnel and we only have our flashlights to guide us ofcourse there was another friend there of course but suddenly we 3 encounter a guy under there that tells us to follow him cus he has something great to show us so we agree so we go to him and he leads us back outside to the car station and leads us to a grassy area behind the apartments there we se a black pitbull dog or a great dane that is black colored with a white chest and as we are getting closer i tell my friend not to get too close cus the dog might attack which it never does and we see the guy that led us and in his hands he has a black puppy,but suddenly he puts the puppy close to a metal fan to make us watch it die of course the puppy does not get hurt but me and my friend are still scared not knowing what to do to save the poor pup so me and her get close to the big dog and we decide that the big black dog is actually nice so we go to it so we can get protected from the horrible thing that is happening hoping for the big dog to save the puppy and get rid of the bad guy and that is were i get woken up by the smell of the food my mom was making.
Sumita 2017-11-07 19:02:37
I dreamt about my neighbours dog Rottweiler who came into my house and sat quietly until i came out from my kitchen with my fod,and he jumbed on me putting his front two legs on my shoulder growling untill i feared and food fallen down from my hands,and he didnt eat that and ran into kitchen but i started to catch him with some rope,and i was totally in fear,because he was in kind of some devil,I m huge dog lover and usually get along with them ,,but this was horrible dream,i got so fearced that my hearbeat raised so high that i could not breath.What does this mean,what kind dream was it.
George 2017-11-01 17:20:37
I had a dream of a black hotdog type dog and a red hairless hotdog type dog who were moving arund my legs a was walking then the red dog transformed into a wampire...
Niks 2017-10-19 13:23:05
I saw a black dog following me wherever I go he was smelling me and then I heard a voice that someone is saying the fragrance of your body is nice that's y this dog is following u can u plz tell me what does this mean
Ann 2017-10-05 18:23:11
I dreamt of a black dog and cat they both walked in my house and although the cat seemed more evil the dog was friendly looking. So I'm worried on the cat but the friendly dog makes sense right now. Right now after the whole North Korea stuff and a recent death from a family (not my family a friend family) I been telling myself it's part of life and it is not always my fault (I have severe OCD the type that whenever bad things happen my mind thinks it's my fault) so either and HOPEFULLY my dreams are telling me "you're accepting death as a part of life" or the bad thing is going to happen IM HOPING it's the first one. The black cat however I'm still afraid but I don't know. Also they turned in to a puppy and kitten and were being cradled by my parents and forcefully placed in my backyard. So I don't know what that was about.
Ann 2017-10-06 17:10:48
Uuuuh okay someone did die wasn't related to me but it was sister's bf grandpa I'm not sure if that connects to the dream though
Pam 2017-10-02 18:07:42
I had a dream that a black labrador dog appeared in my hallway, I was not afraid but it felt as if the dog was wanting me to follow it ??
Mars 2017-08-05 07:25:25
Hello, i just dreamt of a happy black dog, ii seems that im feeding the dog but the odd thing is that this dog have 3 eyes, the dog's eye are not fully open though. What does it mean? Thank you
Chris lock 2017-08-03 05:56:06
I dreamt of a black dog approaching me slowly from a distance and I was screaming for it to go away and it approached slowly and sat down in front of me... I woke up to news of someone's passing away.. bad omen.. it's just a bad omen
Cindy 2018-08-26 03:05:24
I had the same dream last year but nobody died yet

Nick 2017-07-08 06:27:07
When it is a bad dream , say it is just a dream and dreams are false.. When it is a good dream. Say let it be so.. I do believe in Dreams BUT from HOLY sages, say that dreams are not to be listened to. It has deeper reasons for that.. So when it is good say let it come true.. When it is bad , say it is not true..
Chris 2017-06-22 09:56:03
Ok this was the last part of the dream that I remember and I woke up scared, crying, and hugging a pillow.
I was walking around my old high school with my mom, my three nieces, and my nephew we were trapped in there and we had to climb a fence and while my mom was helping my nieces and nephew here comes a black dog and was playing with everyone and then I told my mom I was going to look around and I took a couple steps and then I saw a big black wolf with saliva dripping from its mouth. It started walking towards my family and me just as it was getting closer he lunges at us and the black dog tries to hold off and died in the process. We were scrambling trying to get over the fence then I go over and started to help my mom and this is when it got weird after I lifted my mom over I lifted my 2 nieces over then my 1 niece that was for some reason in a dog cage hugging a black dog and my other 1 nephew was in a cage as well with a black dog (also hugging) After i have lifted everyone to safety the wolf was going to leap over the fence and try to attack us but for some odd apparent reason a black bear appeared and attacked the black wolf. Everyone was crying we had a group hug and that's when I woke up hugging a pillow and crying as well.
sharon 2017-06-17 09:10:30
My mom saw she was surrounded by 4-5 black dogs in her dream. And she is person whose quite scared of dogs in person. The dogs had woke up from their sleep and looked sort of angry but didn't really attack her. What could this mean?
Suryaa 2017-12-01 04:45:05
Same happened to me this morning..
Kpage 2017-06-13 23:16:59
Hello everyone. I have had the same reoccurring dream for about 5 years now. I am walking down a road where the trees are over grown and it's foggy and I can see this black dog that looks like a solid black German Sheppard. Every time I blink it seems to get closer and closer. Before I know it it's so close I can feel it's body heat. The dog speaks in a language I don't understand. I wake up in a panic every time. Someone help
Radiance 2019-12-14 14:33:35
It sounds like someone is directing bad energy towards you. A manipulative strong-willed person.
Mandy 2017-02-18 22:55:28
I'm waiting on test results. The doctor has taken a week and no results yet. It's possibility of uterine cancer.

Few days after my test I was dreaming about to wake up.. dreamt a black dog Running around my bed.

Anyone know what this means??
Bridget 2017-02-03 06:54:24
I had a dream that I was in a high place, and I looked down seeing a black dog snarling and jumping at me. But I eventually jumped down, and I hugged the dog around the neck. Right when I hugged it, it stopped snarling and it licked my face. What does that mean?

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