Dream Dictionary Black Dress

Dream Dictionary Black Dress


Since a black dress is known to be a symbol of death, it is possible that you are dreaming of a black dress because you feel like you are going to die. Are all of the people around you wearing black dresses or black clothes? Are they all there to remember you? Perhaps you are worried about your own health or well being if you are dreaming that the world is attending your funeral. This is a possibility too. Hopefully you will not come down with anything serious. A dream like this is often just a reflection of an uneasy attitude. Try to relax a little more often and things should be just fine for you in the future.

If you have a dream in which you are the only person that is wearing a black dress, this might mean that you are feeling some sort of connection with death. At some point everyone in life questions their relationship to death and what it means for them to die or for anyone that matter. At some point people have to come to an opinion of what it means to be dead and the answer is going to be different for everyone that encounters this line of thought. Perhaps this is what you are thinking about. Then it is no wonder that these are your thoughts. Maybe you are just at the point in life in which it is time for you too to question your relationship to death.

To dream that you are wearing a black dress also shows that you are mourning someone. Has someone close to you died recently? This is the most common reason that you would be thinking about death or wearing a black dress in your dreams. You think that it is time for you to mourn the passing of one of your loved ones. It is even possible that it was not recently that a person died. If you go around and go over the death of someone close to you in your mind enough times then you will eventually start to think about what a good person they were and then these thoughts will immediately translate into thoughts of missing them and then these thoughts too will translate into thoughts of mourning.

When you think about the presence that someone important to you had in your life and the difference that they made for you it is hard not to consider how sad their death was. Even if their death was relatively peaceful and they lived a long fulfilling and happy life, it is still appropriate to mourn for them because you went on living after they had died. As corny as it is to think about though, you have to remember that you act as a bit of them when you are in the world today. Whatever they passed on through you, memories or whatever, that is all a part of you now and you need to remember that if you want them to truly live on through you after they are dead. This would be the greatest service to your loved one.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Black Dress

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Sowmiyakumar 2024-02-04 03:44:09
In my dream my lover wear full black colour dress. Holding phone in his hand in front of our home
Chrisss 2022-02-07 03:40:37
I just had this happen first time I was dreaming but awake and I saw a person in black a woman reaching towards me on my desk I got up real fast to turn on the lights and nothing was there what dose that mean
Khayyy 2020-12-27 09:18:39
I saw a tall old woman wearing black dress and she is calling my name. What does it mean?
Lyzzy 2019-06-13 17:19:01
I dreamed that I was inside an empty bus with no seats and then three guys came up from the back and I suddenly had a black gown on. They gave me a bouquet of black roses and then they each started dancing with me. What does this mean?
death's embrace 2019-05-23 21:17:37
my office manager dreamt that her dead brother was bringing her a black dress to put on. she wanted to know what that meant
Priyanka 2019-03-20 07:37:34
I saw a dream of my ex boyfriend and my ex roommate getting married in black dress. What it means
Mamata 2018-10-02 02:19:57
I saw I was wearing black short dress .what does it means?
AsainBoy 2018-09-19 04:18:28
I had a dream where this diamond lady was just staring at me, she had like red, or clear eyes, and then I woke up and went back to sleep, then in that dream, she chases me down an empty road screaming like chants in a different languages..... What does my dream mean??
levi 2018-11-07 14:38:29
It is a witch craft
Someone is trying to ruin you your life.
Darcy 2018-03-29 14:20:27
I dreamed my ex girlfriend was wearing a black dress ..what does this mean
Andries 2018-03-19 18:39:10
I dreamed a woman wearing black clothes from head to her feet, what is the meaning of that dream?
Divya 2018-02-10 10:00:00
I saw my friend in black dress in dream wht does it mean
Nunu 2017-04-03 10:59:42
My friend saw me in black dress what does it mean?
Priscilla Franklin 2017-05-19 17:01:39
Message from Nunu
My friend saw me in black dress what does it mean?

I dream see my friend in a tall white dress.. What dose that me

Nandy 2016-12-26 06:28:33
i dream about woman in black pointing a small jar full of gold & gems, what does my dream means?
Shubham 2017-04-09 05:20:55
I usually see little girl, young girl and aged women in different clothes, what does it mean?
Cindy 2016-10-25 08:27:45
I dream we are in rooftop and we are wearing black T-shirt they are an other side me and my friend is in other side
Jamila 2016-10-06 08:00:03
I dreamed of my brother wearing black clothes what it means?
anne 2016-06-02 19:36:34
my fether pass away about 3 weeks ago. and i dreamed him many times his wearing black shirts .and the last time i dreamed about him his cryig like saying sorry and he cant still accept his deadth! but i said to him plss go the with jesus . what is the meaning of my dreamed ? why he wear black shirts?
Alicia 2016-04-26 05:43:53
I had a dream where I was going through my daily routine and at random the lights would go out or it would already be dark but i I could still some what see and make out things and a lady appears and she's wearing a black dress. When she first appears she is walking around out side and I think it's my sister coming to hang out with me outside and she walks over to my left about 7 feet and starts humming I try to turn on my phone flashlight but it just won't work at all so I run inside when I realize she to talk to be my sister or my mom and I see my family sitting at the table when I walk in and tell the about the lady and they go out and she's gone. Then my mom and dad leave for som reason. Then after that the lady only appears in my room and the lights don't work when she's there and I can't scream or talk. (I kept waking up in real life panicking and my heart racing and when I would fall back asleep it would just continue the horrible nightmare please interprete this for me please )
ALICIA 2016-08-11 09:09:34
shane 2016-12-14 12:49:11
Similar dream I had last night, she was tall and lanky. wearing what a nun outfit but all black. Before I fell asleep I saw a shadow on my wall. Here's the the trippy part I had three dreams within a dream without waking up. Each time I saw her I was driving on an unfamiliar road and drove past her, saying wtf was that. the third time I stopped to asked what she wanted and there were more than one of her all walking toward me putting their hands all over my face making me feel paralyzed but you gotta remain calm to wake up, cause it was not my first rodeo with an encounter.
Serena 2016-04-02 06:10:10
I dreamt of everyone one wearing black clothes, even me, at an outdoor church behind a building
Michelle 2016-02-12 16:32:59
I had a dream it was my wedding day. I was getting my hair and make up done and I was in a black dress. And a lady said your not going to wear thst are you?
Bernadette 2017-12-24 22:51:36
Your dream means you will become an old bachelor.

Dom 2016-02-08 05:31:48
I had a dream of an individual I knew but was, well let's just say I never had a good experience with them in my years of Middle School, who was dressed entirely black. What makes it more strange is that I seem to have forgotten their name. All I remember is that their name started with a T. Perhaps the reason I forgot was due to the negative experience I had with that individual who was a classmate. However it makes me wonder why I had a dream where again they were dressed in black.
Lyla 2016-01-14 06:14:52
My 9 year old son told me he had a dream he was driving a car and a lady in black stood in front of the car and said her name was Judy Black. Is there any kind of interpretation to this??
Yousra 2015-12-23 14:44:52
i saw someone that i miss wearing black chemise and his car was black too and there were a lot of people wearing black and I am standing high in a fifth floor of a building and i even cant talk in the dream................PLEASE REPLY beacause i care about the person i miss or what will happen to me or to him
Ariel 2015-12-08 11:32:51
I saw a women in a long black dress holding a animal of some sort. I don't know if I was dreaming or not but my eyes were open.
Help 2015-10-12 14:39:23
I dreamt I was the only one wearing a black dres at a gathering.
It felt like a wedding.
My wedding but my husband wasn't in site.
I felt like I would rather die than be haunted by this person who intentionally invades my dreams.
So I dove into a pool to escape the moment & I wanted to die.

cindy 2014-11-16 04:20:19
I had a dream were a cousin n I are driving his dad black truck but he tell me to look out the window n I look at my anucle dress in black n my ciusin that aside me small like six his old brother as a kid that just past way and my cousin little brother at the age of two
Angelita Tibon 2014-02-06 06:21:15
The question is,three people wearing on my owned black cloths i seen in dream..
longlost 2013-01-13 01:39:50
what is the interpretation if i dream my sister was wearing black

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