Dream Dictionary Black Panther

Dream Dictionary Black Panther


If you dream that you are a black panther, this means that you see yourself as blending into the background despite your sharp personality. Even though black panthers are scary and fearsome, they still blend into the background in a sense. Their jungle camouflage and sleek bodies allow them to blend into the night and stalk the jungle at night without fear of confrontation. You feel as though you have a sharp wit and personality which is going unnoticed by those around you, but you can't help but feel like you could be doing something to help your case out a little bit more. You need to be more available and make yourself easier to talk to. Remember, people are scared of panthers. It just might be that people are just scared of you, and this is why they are avoiding you.

To dream that you see a black panther denotes that you are feeling fearful of something, usually a person though. Is there someone in your life that has the potential to hurt you as well as what you might think sounds like a good reason to do it? There are a ton of bullies out there but you shouldn't let yourself fall victim to pressure so easily. Don't let anyone beat you down and intimidate you. You are a person and deserve dignity and respect. If this person is truly dangerous, you should call the police and have them deal with it. The moment that you feel legitimately threatened, let higher authorities know and they will protect you from harm.

There is another reason that you might dream of a black panther and this is because you feel intimidated by something that is about to happen in your life. You are schedule to be a part of some event that you are not sure you can effectively curate. You are simply not ready for the responsibility that is required of you to be able to get things done at this event. Just remember that you aren't only representing yourself here. And also remember the other side of the Black Panther. Though they may seem scary at first and look like they could just rip out your throat, even though they easily have the ability to, they won't unless they feel threatened too. Basically, no matter how scared you might be in being involved in this event, just remember that nobody is out there to get you. You don't have to be afraid unless you do something that warrants people to be angry with you.

Another reason you might dream of a black panther is just of general fear that you feel about anything at all. Maybe you were scared of the closet monster before you went to bed. This kind of fear can manifest itself in the form of many different kinds of beasts in your dreams and nightmares.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Black Panther

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SW 2024-03-10 19:48:45
In this dream, I was looking into a yard and my dog was playing and a black panther was in the woods, I panicked because I didn’t want my dog to get hurt. The Panther wanted to chase her but I didn’t get a big sense of fear, more so just making sure my dog was safe. I then got my dog inside, locked the door where the Panther was “trapped” in this room. I went to check on it and I still wasn’t “scared” just really didn’t know what to do & wanted to be safe. The Panther now had small hairless patches throughout the coat and I felt kinda bad for the image i was seeing and also very curious, I was able to let the panther back out into the wild.
HeliosEos 2024-04-04 04:21:20
Dreaming about protecting your dog from a panther and then subsequently dealing with the panther in a compassionate manner can be interpreted in multiple ways, reflecting both your protective instincts and your approach to confronting fears or challenges in your waking life. Here’s a deeper look at the possible meanings:

1. Protecting your dog: Dogs in dreams often symbolize loyalty, friendship, and the protective aspect of our personalities. The act of protecting your dog from the panther may reflect your inherent instinct to protect those you care for or aspects of your life that you find loyal and comforting.

2. Encounter with the panther: Panthers are powerful wild animals, and in dreams, they can symbolize powerful, untamed forces in our lives. This could be related to personal fears, challenges, or aspects of your personality or life that you find difficult to control or confront. Your initial reaction was not one of fear but concern, suggesting a level of confidence and readiness to face whatever the panther represents.

3. Not feeling scared but cautious: Your reaction to the presence of the panther indicates a balanced approach to handling problems. You’re aware of potential dangers but not overwhelmed by them. This balanced reaction could reflect your real-life approach to challenges—acknowledging risks and dealing with them in a measured, thoughtful way.

4. Observing the panther's vulnerability: Discovering the hairless patches on the panther and feeling a mix of pity and curiosity suggests an ability to empathize and find compassion for what you might initially perceive as threatening. This could imply that you're capable of seeing beyond the surface, recognizing and empathizing with the vulnerability in others or within yourself, even in situations that might at first seem intimidating.

5. Letting the panther back into the wild: Successfully releasing the panther symbolizes your ability to confront and manage your fears or challenges without letting them overpower you. It also highlights a respect for the natural order of things and acknowledges that some aspects of life or personal challenges need to be confronted and then released, rather than being held onto or suppressed.

Overall, your dream seems to reflect a balance between protection and compassion, an ability to confront and manage challenges, and a readiness to empathize with and understand the nuances of difficult situations or aspects of your own personality. It suggests a mature approach to dealing with the unpredictable and often wild nature of life and our own emotions.
Trice 2021-02-14 20:52:06
I had a dream about these young panthers that were in a cage but was free to roam around. I was scared of them at first but they were around these kids and were so gentle with them. The kids felt safe while playing with them and they were so guarded. When they came up to me they rubbed up against me and insisted I pet them. They were very affectionate, clean and loving too.
Arizona 2020-12-28 11:54:52
So what does it mean if it's chasing you? No one seems to interpret that event.
Noob 2020-09-24 23:17:01
I dreamt i was driving a car and stuck into a fallen tree above a clean river and there was a panther staring at me from the ground i fell into the river and he came next to me swimming around me and then left. He walked into the ground and slowly gone into the jungle.
Navya 2020-09-19 01:52:27
I had a dream that black Panther is trying to find me and I am escaping from it and at one point I got caught and I decided to fight with it I was in immense anger and with some power I defeated it and made it as my pet..

It was fully black but it's eyes we're burning and it laughed at me when I got caught and when I defeated it and I order it to be my pet and demanded it to what I say its eyes where pleasant with smile and I was happy with dream.. I felt immense happiness after the dream..
shreeya 2020-08-04 19:41:19
i dreamt about a panther pouncing out of the bushes but didnt really attack me as I stood my gorund. We were both in attack positions just staring at each other and walking slowly forming a circle. It did growl at me but I didnt flinch and it then changed its color from black to silver/whitish.
Tina 2019-10-15 17:10:24
when i was younger (early teen years) i had a dream that i was a panther, i woke up to find large gouged out scratches on the wall. when i looked at may hands i say that my nails did grow out from what they were before i went to bed( i had trimmed them before sleeping), as well, trimmed them after i woke and seen there length. This dream has had me puzzled ever since, no one seems to know what it means. I do hope somone that reads this can help me figure out what it means to dream you are the panther it self.
Sara Sabbath 2018-09-04 07:41:02
I dreamt I was in a jungle seeking out a black panther. I do not know if I was scared, was mostly feeling curious, cautious, and determined.
anezka 2018-07-30 11:24:56
the black panther was trying to eat me. i.was on a top of a gas bottle. and he was trying to catch me
Yahnasha 2018-03-07 14:57:19
I dreamed I was with a friend and we were walking and passed a long alley. As Inlooked in the alley, far away I could see a black panther. I told my friend what I saw and we started running. The panthe did not chase us yet appeared by us and a gentleman told us the panther was his. I was scared, but walked with the panther by my side. What does this mean?
Ray 2017-09-05 21:19:40
Had a dream where a tattoo artist was drawing a cub panther on my arm.what was weird about this was that the cub was smiling, had a deep purple color to it and had big human teeth(no fangs/sharp teeth)
Rajnandani 2017-07-27 09:23:35
I dreamt of a black panther with red eyes sitting alone in a room. He was weeping and i could see red tears coming out of his eyes. I felt very sad seeing him cry so I went towards him to console him. I also felt that I love that panther way too much to see him cry. Like I have known him for a very long time but in reality I have'.nt seen a single black panther. Can you please help me in knowing the meaning behind this dream.

Ajda 2017-04-04 02:59:07
I dreamed of a big black panther that jumped out of a pool and attacked my father. The Panther was biting my father in the head. then my father died in the dream. Me and my mother were also in the dream, but we were standing on a balcony in the second floor of the house and were watching this. i'm very scared now. What can that mean? Please help. Thank you!
Manderina 2019-11-23 10:40:09
Hi , I just wanted to know did anything strange happen in your life linked with this nightmare because almost the same thing happened in mine
Kev. 2019-04-06 14:27:50
I’ve had a similar dream. Instead of the panther killing my dad, I was able to warn him that it was coming while I was on the balcony. The panther bit somebody but it wasn’t fatal.
Anthony 2017-03-19 08:17:01
I was having a picnic with family. We had raw meat on the table. The black panther appeared out of the thick foliage of the woods. It by passed everyone and took a very thick piece of raw meat and returned to the woods. Moments later it came back for the last piece of raw meat. The meat was not as thick as the first. I then went to where the knives were and grabbed two knives. I was fearful of it harming my family and myself. The panther was now walking towards me leaving the piece of meat alone. It pounced. I met the panther and drove the two knives under his jaw piercing the base of his skull killing it within a few seconds. The panther cut me with his claws but there was now serious damage done. After dropping the panther I woke up. I would like to think i destroyed what evil there was plaguing me and my family. What are you guys take on it?
nancy 2017-02-07 07:47:23
I dream that i was in a party and I received a phone call I went outside then a black panther attack me but I didn't get hurt then a dog was helping me then I ran inside the place and I look out and there was tigers outside too.
David 2017-01-31 12:33:16
I had a dream about walking on a sidewalk, at night, and seen a bluish black panther. When the panther attempted to get behind me I kept circling to keep him in front. I remember tossing rocks towards him, not trying to hit him, just scare him off. A stranger walks up and starts to pet him. I remember just being leary, but no fear. Any ideas as to the meaning?
Brenda 2017-01-21 09:21:51
I had a dream with 4 panthers with big electric blue eyes I was on the middle of two beds on the floor covering my body so scare of them... They were in the position to jump on me all of them at the same time.... I was very impressed and scare but with a few minutes a feel very comfortable and secure....
Khristian 2016-12-20 08:35:37
I had a dream about a black panther and I was at a party in a huge nice house, a couple of kids and I started to play tag outside,all of a sudden everyone disappeared and I was on top of a EXTREMELY steep hill. So once I turned around there was a panther it was just staring at me, I felt slightly intimidated,I didn't panic or anything but I just rolled down the steep hill going back to the house. What does this dream mean?
Diana 2016-12-15 01:42:46
I had a dream I was petting a black panther and it felt so relaxing and the panther seemed to enjoy it also. What does this mean?
Ngawang 2018-01-24 18:17:08
Haha... even I had the same dream! Wonder what that even means...
cory 2016-11-07 21:32:17
So a year ago I had a dream I was playing on a rope swing in a clearing somewhere in the middle of the woods n a panther came out so I got off the swing n we locked eyes for a minute til it ran at me. I ended getting into this crazy fight with it but in the end it charged at me one more time n it went black n the last thing I remember was holding it dead in my arms n feeling so sad even though it was trying to kill m. I still don't understand iitbut it stuck in my head since then
Anonymous 2016-10-21 14:08:14
My dream was that there was a 7 foot tall black panther with pointy ears laying down on a fur blanket staring at me. And there was a party at my house but and the door was locked but then the panther was standing on my porches on his to legs and some how he unlocked the door so then all off a sudden every in my house started to push the panther off the door
Adam M. 2016-09-20 09:09:12
I dreampt I was talking with God and he gave me power over the animals in the jungle including the panther so I was petting the panther and playing with it but there were symbols written all of the panther wich I used to command it. The symbols looked like purple pinaples. Lol
Devine 2016-07-10 09:50:30
I had a dream where i was in a jungle theme bar there was a river and jaguar one is lepoard type spots, another was soild beige and one was all black with blue eyes. The jaguars were swimming in the river with me and the black one jumped out went through the trees i followed it and we were in the city i seen the black jaguar sat on a bench called it and it came and fell asleep on my lap soon after some animal catcher person comes to get the jaguar with that one liquid that puts people to sleep, but i ran with the sleeping jaguar so the animal catcher person wouldnt get the jaguar and the jaguar never woke when i was running it layed in my arms peacefully. What does that mean ?
Forever Young 2016-07-05 11:24:20
I dreamt that I got bit by a black panther trying to save my cat from it. He didnt bit down hard. But enough to leave a bite mark. I had to pry his mouth open in order to get him to let go. He kept pulling at my skin. He bit me in the stomach. What would this mean?
Sidwell 2017-05-22 13:41:56
I had dream last night big black panther came towards me and my child trying to bite my child on leg as it was trying to bite ,I called JESUS ,JESUS n then he ran away form the child,I do not know what does that mean,anyone can help?

dum-bass 2016-09-25 17:28:17
it means that you watch to much television. pretty much if you have ever used techology in the last 160 years you do not qualify for preminitons, as your mind takes all experiences (T.V.),(radio), and alters the way you react. Native Americans or REAL AMERICANS lived by interpretations from peyote because they lived in a world that actually warrented such things. Dream interpretations have no real world application today unless you have been completely surpressed and lived in the jungle with a tribe and never left. assuming this is not you based on the fact that you used the internet long enough to post this comment. only one other way to truly interpret your dream is to consciously be aware of every image you have ever seen in your entire life and figure out where it came from. if you ever fell asleep with a television on you couldve heard someone experienced this. or maybe someone was talking in another room and you heard them. if it even applied to you and not the jungle book.
Dan 2016-10-19 07:31:55
That's the most idiotic idea .real Americans hhaha so Amish just dream right ..what a dumbass. There's no general idea about most dreams at all how and why they are so bazaar.

eshu 2016-05-23 21:03:18
I dream today like black panter bite in my neck.but i fight with him n cut the panter into 2 pcs.but the panter still alive.pls reply 4 my questions.
Ishi 2016-07-29 18:24:36
Same Here.. the black panther chases me to kill me.. and i just use a normal non sharp object to defend myself n i just stab its head like 10 times but it is still alive and eyes were never looking away from me... 🙁
Shawnee 2016-05-14 08:22:46
So, I had two dreams. One where my mom had waken me from, it was something about a class in school. The second was this morning. It started out with my boyfriend and I sitrin g in my backyard at night just enjoying each other's company. When we decided to go back inside, he had caught a glimpse of something through the gaps on the fence. So we both climb over the fence and we couldn't see anything in this one dark shadowed spot, until the black panter made a small pur (or growl-like noise). Then, for some reason I blinked and i can see the Panther's shiny coat in the moonlight and i can see that it had been injiured. My boyfriend and I climb back over the fence, the panther followed, so we climbed back over once again. This time with the panther still injuredit jumped in my direction, as if it were going to attack me. I managed to get away and find a large stick. I fought the panther off and into a corner then it shifted into a human. She had the Panther's fur draped over her and was frightened. Then I offer her help. Later the dream contines by having me see two spirits/demons with their heads on backwards, arms and legs facing the right direction, and they can move the way thier heads are facing or there feet. And they all are very large in build. And I was somehow able to communicate with spirits and the term "ghost walker" came about. Can anyone help ne figure out what this mean?
jg2695 2016-01-04 12:14:07
I had a dream this morning. At a grand estate with pool and glass enclosure for the black panther. Swim and play, other side of the wall a majestic animal. Except it got out and cornered me by the edge of the pool. I payed contorted so as not to threaten the animal. I layer there for a long time and it play bit me once not biting down hard. Pulled at my light jacket. At one point I got the guts to gently push the animal in the water. The pool. And then it's eyes stared up at me wet hair from the moisture. Eventually I got myself out right when the owner got home and my Dad was waiting to me just outside the pool area. Just happy to see each other and go grocery shopping. Wow amazing. Just got engaged and that's been my major life event. Dreams are incredible.
Peg 2016-07-07 11:37:12
WOW! I read so many negative dream interpretations for panthers and started to panic till I saw yours!!!
Last night I had a dream that I got pulled to a panther cage and I hid in the corner of the pool trying to hide away from panthers. I just received a news that my boyfriend is planning on proposing this weekend! such a relief seeing your comment and the result.
katlover 2015-11-11 07:55:11
I have very long dreams almost every night that are truly movies so much happens in them. One very small part of my dream last night was I was at a large estate with a lot of acreage, in the winter and decided to leave the house for a walk. I looked beside me and there was a black panther walking beside me very calmly, like a pet. I remember looking down at him and feeling very calm myself. I woke up and went back to sleep and he showed up again on the same walk down a trail looking out over the valley and the snow. Very peaceful. Loved it.
Carolina 2015-10-05 20:05:20
i literally just woke up so sorry if nobody understands this. I had a dream and it started off with me in my school, and I was in the gym helping the teacher with something and it was lunch time. I thought my bf was coming to meet me there so I went to find him and got pissed because he was with his friend who was a guy I hated a lot. Then my bf took off running towards the woods by the school but there was a legend of a panther in the woods (but I live in Alaska, no panthers here) and he jumped the fence that goes around the place. I started to get over the fence and I noticed I was climbing the fence kinda how a cat would. I get to the top then a HUGE black panther was pacing at the bottom of the fence. I ended up falling and the damn thing somehow was on the other side of the fence. My bf's mom was over there too so I lured the panther to my side to protect her. It growled at me really bad and I was trying to run further into the woods to find my BF but it wouldn't let me leave. It started to shrink and purr like a cub but any time I would try to pet it it would growl like a full grown panther. Then my bf's mom distracted it while I ran into the Forrest. What does that mean? I thought for a second that it was like me overcoming a fear but 1: I'm not afraid of anything right now except losing my BF and 2: I love panthers.
marlon 2015-09-16 21:10:10
I had a dream where i was going uphill and it was night time a black panther jumped out of the bushes and it was twice as big as an average panther.it circled me a few times starring me down then it pounced and seemed it wanted to kill me at first.then it spoke saying what i most desire into my ear while it still had me pinned down on the ground.i just thought of what i desired and it began to transform.its paws became hands and legs.and it became alot lighter.and it whispered is this what u desire.as i open my eyes to see(in my dream still)its my ex girlfriend whom i really still care for.she was naked on top of me.then like magic a red long dress started taking form around her.although here eyes flash yellow once or twice n said what else do u desire.then things got pretty sexual

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