Dream Dictionary Black Widow

Dream Dictionary Black Widow


When you see a black widow you realize that it is really one of the least fearsome creatures you can imagine. Just like any other creature, the black widow merely wants to live and not be bothered by humans or anything else for that matter. Leave it alone and it will leave you alone. It does not have an intense bloodlust or a desire to go after you and hurt you like you might have been taught by the media. If you are scared of one or get in its way; just try sidestepping it and going around it. This is the best course of action to take when you are bothered by a black widow.

However, if you dream that you are very close to a black widow, because of our cultural associations relating the spider to death, we tend to be afraid that the thing will kill us. Thus, we attribute thoughts of pure death and evil to the hapless spider. If you are too close to one of these creatures in your dreams it means that you are too close to death. Something is going on in your life currently which makes you feel like you are in danger of being hurt. You are participating in a dangerous activity and should cease immediately.

Chances are you know what that activity is. Heck, if it was all about danger, then you probably wouldn't be doing it, but you still choose to for some reason so there must be some other benefit to it, such as a rush. For many people the black widow can be a symbol for drugs or for extreme sports or anything else that has the potential to cause dangerous injuries. Don't be afraid though. It may be rough to have to stop doing what you love doing, but it is only in service of yourself and you need to realize just how important you are to yourself and to others. Do not take your own life for granted.

To dream that you are a black widow is to think of yourself as dangerous. You are afraid that something you do will result in the death of a loved one. It might not even be someone you love, but just the general public. You feel as if everything you touch automatically falls into danger and you would do anything to be able to cease from feeling this way, but it is not always so simple. You feel this way for a reason, so you must have some past experience with causing pain to others. Try to work through that in therapy or by talking to someone that you really trust. Ultimately the understanding of a friend may be all you really need to succeed. Sometimes all anyone needs is a good friend to talk to in order to help them on their way to self discovery. You are not a monster and you are not a killer. You have the power to change your own mind and thoughts. Use it for your own good.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Black Widow

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Dom 2023-01-20 01:46:00
I had a dream where 2 black widow spiders were coming after me, and I was trying to figure out how to kill them. Usually I'm really disgusted by spiders, but this dream I didn't feel any fear or disgust, just knew that I had to kill them because if I won't I will die. I feel more disgust and fear now remembering the dream, than while I was in it. So first one i trapped in a freezer, I thought it would freeze, so I went after the other one and I killed it with a hammer. I went back to the freezer, and the spider was alive, so I smashed it with some frozen item that I picked up quickly from a freezer. It tried to jump at me but slipped and kept on slipping, so I probably got lucky. Both were coming after me, and tried to bite me, and get to me in many ways, climbing the walls etc. They were big, their bellies were the size of a person's head.
Chris 2021-12-25 06:15:58
I've had a dream about that spider. It was killing animals and people from the inside. So I just could see them bleeding. And once when it was out I catched the spider under something heavy, but it could squeeze its legs under it. And when I pushed it harder to the ground, tohe legs won't crush. Legs just went back under it. I couldn't even crush the spider or kill it with something sharp. And it was livig somewhere in our house.
Arthurias 2020-12-02 21:36:34

I had a dream last night trying to kill the black widow, but it just won't die, I can't even count how many times it. It survived throughout my dream. I was scared of it so I tried to kill it. At the end of my dream, it got to bite me behind my neck, but I didn't feel weak, it's like that bite was just a scratch.
FeatherAnne 2020-01-17 18:44:46
I was waking up in my dream to a black spider in the snake plant located on my nightstand. I rubbed my eyes and stared at it for awhile, as I thought, "Is that a black widow?" questioning myself and to easily dismiss why would there be a black widow inside my room? The red hourglass on the black spiders abdomen started to glow and pulsate red. Acknowledging that IT is in fact a black widow, slowly got out of my bed walked toward my closet, as I turned my head to give a quick glance to confirm that there was a black widow on my nightstand...I woke up.

Naturally, when I dream I write them off as...dreams. Today, was definitely different, as I fired up my computer and Googled, "Black Widow in Dreams Meaning" Ran across this webpage and instantly you found a new bookmark from this gal. #blessings to you and thank you for sharing your gift.
Jimaz walters 2019-10-02 17:05:54
Last night i sunk into a deep sleep after dealing with a stressful day. Once I started dreaming I found myself in a garage, there was a person i haven't seen before in there with me. we were trying to find our way out of the garage. Then I noticed something on my arm, Two baseball sized Black Widow spiders. One male and one female, I was almost ready to panic but i stopped myself and stayed as calm as possible, because i understood the danger of the venomous bite. Then i turned my head looking for a door, but when i looked back at my arm the male was gone and there was only her and her egg sack. I was terrified to move at all, her fangs were taunting at my skin moving in and out of view; just a scratch away. Eventually something came over me, I started to lose that fear and chose to move with her on me. She never took a bite and eventually disappeared. Then as I looked out the garage window outside the was actually an even bigger danger, something worth hiding from in a garage. then i woke up.
Carol 2019-01-08 20:39:09
I had a dream last night of black widow spiders. There were so many like they were in a ball. They just kept falling from the ceiling. For some reason in my dream I ate one. I am confused as to the meaning of my eating one. I could even taste it in my dream, it was like licorice root. Can anyone elaborate on this?
Jen 2020-01-30 18:44:01
I think your dream means that you are in a controlling relationship . Or toxic relationship . The spider falling from the ceiling . And you eating it means you will over come your fear .
Sam 2018-12-10 21:13:31
Had a dream last night that I was stuck in a car with a bunch of them that kept crawling on me and coming from inside my sleeves and other parts of the car
L 2018-11-26 20:01:48
I got drunk and had not the safest sex two days ago and then dreamed of a black widow in a bathroom that came jumping after me...

"Something is going on in your life currently which makes you feel like you are in danger of being hurt. You are participating in a dangerous activity and should cease immediately."

Interesting because I was so super stressed after that experience thinking I should have been safer and not drunk and maybe not gone with this stranger (who ended up being a nice person haha)... anyway, maybe there's something to dream interpretation after all =P
Breezy 2018-07-06 17:34:46
A black widow visited my dream. I was tossed out but not scared because it’s a living creature but I knew I should avoid it because I have been bit when I was younger. I did that and then it surprised me by crawling on my hand and bit me. My hand was running black and I had to go to the hospital. Then I woke up. I completely forgot about my dream when I woke up until the first thing I did when I woke up was grab my phone charger out my car and on my way was a black widow walking towards my car the opposite direction I was coming from. I didn’t see it until after I walked past it. We were so close I probably touched it’s leg with my toe. Then I killed it.
Miki 2017-10-02 20:43:16
I dreampt that a fist-sized female Redback spider (for any Americans, A redback Spider is the Australian equivalent to the Black Widow, eccept as the name suggests, with a red stripe/splotch on its back. Very poisonous) crawled onto my pillow and over my head while I was sleeping. Yes, I have a healthy respect for nature, and spiders. I only go near them if they are in any way threatening me. But I would also consider myself to have some slight Arachnephobia. I immediately woke up seconds after I saw the spider crawl on me and madly attempted to find and kill the thing. Resulting in fatigue and frustration. I am a night owl, and my late night habbits have sometimes attribued to sleepwalking and night terrors in the past. Please, if anyone reads this, could you shed some light on what this means?
UnsungBuddha 2017-09-09 18:12:02
I'm 21 years old and I recently had a dream of a black widow the dream was all kinds of fuzziness and I remember it slightly better than most dreams that I've had in the past ! Like this really Vivid Vampire dream I had a couple of months back but that's a whole different story , now back to the Black Widow.So in the Dream I was laying down in my bed in my room and out the corner of my eyes I see a faint light In the room which I knew was my lamp I sometimes leave on ! But it was still pretty damn dark i couldn't see anything around at all but I kept getting these images of red and black in a spiral I couldn't make it out at first but then I see it blooming and I could tell that it was indeed a Black widow baby lol I had too haha but all jokes aside I wasn't afraid I just stared at it's features for a moment then I Woke up !
But to top it off . . . My Mind was blown apart lastnight when I was playing my video game it was not a coincidence that I'm seeing a black widow for my Clan photo just three whole days after I had the dream!!
Thankx for reading hopefully I can get some feedback on this one !
Faith 2017-08-24 18:04:58
Last night I dreamed that there was a female black widow in a plastic bag on the ground I was scared it would bite someone if they attempted to pick up the bag so I told the other person in the room. Them all of the sudden the handles of the plastic bag was suspended in mid-air (You know the rules in dream universe) and there were now a bunch of female black widow spiders crawling up them and sawing the handles off. Eventually they sawed all the handles off and were disappeared from my dream. I too, continued to do things disregarding what I had just saw and gave a group of people some paper for them to solve a puzzle with.

Terri 2017-07-27 14:04:28
I dreamed I had ate a black widow. That's all I remember of the dream before waking. I was eatting what I thought was food . when I spit it out it was a big black widow. I didn't swallow. Only spit it out.
Skye 2017-07-06 17:08:46
So I'm a 20 year old girl and a few nights a go I had this dream it's a little fuzzy now but I was laying in my bed in my dream which is pushed up against my window and I have a black certain covering it (like in real life) anyway I don't remember how I first noticed this black spider just above the edge of my curtain but anyway I saw it there in my dream it looked exactly like a black widow spider with out any red markings it was solid black and about the size of a first I would guess so it was rather big it never moved or spun a web or anything it was just there but I was pretty scared of it I didn't want to move I was kinda looking up and to the right at it I'm not sure but I think I'm my dream I got up at some point towards my bedroom door and I could feel it looking at me or something so I got more scared nd that all I remember from that dream but I've thought about it for a few days now I was curious so I read up on its meaning nd there's so many ways to interperate it but I think it's either warning me of danger in regulars to my health as I am a smoker and have been for a little over a year or it could be that I still have some sort of negative feeling towards an ex that cheated on me but it was odd that the spider never moved in my dream and I was only scared of it I'm not someone who is normally afraid of spider in real life I still don't no what it means but I have more of an idea now I just wish I had a defined answer
Bonnie 2017-03-21 19:03:48
I've been having dreams of spiders and black widows for months now and they can be quite terrifying. I'm a 53 yr old female and I feel quite ridiculous after I have woken myself up screaming from within my dreams. Last nights dream was beautiful but ended up with a black widow.
I was in an old building that had been turned into event space, a living "diva" was going to be performing on stage and I felt comfortable enough to show her my magic...that I could fly and float at will. I floated all over gracefully, flying slowly from just above the ground to the ceiling over and over while we spoke to one another. She admitted that she was in awe of my gift. It made me feel special that a demi-goddess would be in awe of me. As I was holding this thought, I was floating on my back , with my face and hands touching the ceiling. I breathed in the scent of the paint and felt it's texture. I was deeply happy.
All of a sudden I thought..."What if there are spiders?!". I opened my eyes, looked to my left and sure enough, there was a big black widow in a webbed crevice, it's body the size and shape of a chocolate bonbon. I lost my flying balance and fell to the floor and as I did so, so did the spider. I landed in some debris, cardboard and used sheets of visqueen plastic. The black widow raced toward me on the floor now and I had to maneuver quickly to crush it with my left fist before it bit my face. As it's body crushed and popped under my fist with fluid pouring out of it, I woke up terrified.
This one really creeped me out and has been bothering me off and on throughout the day.
Mark 2017-04-25 07:04:33
Fascinating! I find it interesting that in your dream--as I have done in my own--you forgot the fear of falling and instead we're in fear of the spider in the rafters. Yet in this dream, you had the super-human power to fly and; therefore, should have (or could have) believed that you had power over the spiders as well. Our minds are deep, fascinating, and complicated.
Leona 2017-01-14 07:11:50
I was at an old thrift store which was not lit well. I was with my son and my "husband", but he left to be somewhere else. (This is common in real life as we are married but not "together"). I was looking at a nice pair of new purple shoes and I asked how much they were, "$4.50" the associate said. I notice up in the wall above us some dust puffing out from the crevice. Frightened a little, as I knew not what that was in there doing that, My son and I left the area.

As we walked towards the left, there was another "dust puffing" and then saw a spider. It was small. As I started to feel "ambushed and afraid", there further down was another encounter, but, WHOA! This was a monster-sized Black Widow! I could see it clearly! It was so huge. It must have been about 5 pounds in weight! So, we try to leave and it starts spitting at us. It missed us, but the associate from earlier (i guess as it was someone I knew not) got bit on the hand. I didn't see it happen. When I looked upon his hand, I saw what looked like a mosquito bite. He was scratching it and then started licking it and (this is crucial in regard to a person's will when dreaming) I chose not to look at him anymore because I didn't want to get aroused as he was very sensual in doing that.

So, something now comes running from behind the wall from a hole on the floor and I was scared. "Was it another 5-pound spider?" I asked myself. No. It was a baby pig! It ran towards me and layed down and I began to pet it. It had a tag on it which showed it had an owner and the sale price was very high! Like, $4,000. I remember (here is another "virtue choice") thinking that I was going to keep it, which would have meant stealing it, but chose not to.

Then I woke up.
Mathias 2016-11-24 07:33:45
I dreamed about two big black widows i crushed the one to my left with my fist but the one to my right rushed and bit me on my right arm thats where the dream ended what does it mean.
Brianna 2016-11-11 10:19:24
I'm 16 yrs old and I've dreamt for a past few times of black widows . And in my dreams I am terrified of them but I never get poked I just yell and try to run away . And I only dream of black widows in my room no where else . does that mean something ? I don't go close to them , they're not far from me , but they don't poke me . But I'm just afraid in my dreams . Help me understand this ? I'll give you a glimpse of my life when I started dreaming this . I was talking to this guy , I thought it was real . I fell for him and I thought i was going to be happy for once . I have a bad lovelife I guess I can say that . and then days later he blocks me tells me he needs o figure himself out . My parents are separated bc my dad cheated on my mom . I'm not close to them , I feel alone , empty . I cry a lot . And suddenly I started dreaming of black widows . Like I would have other dreams then a black widow dream being in my room suddenly . What does that mean ...
William 2016-10-03 22:15:45
Yesterday I dreamt of a black widow following me around everywhere I went, somehow I ended up in a church and it still followed me even though I was scared of it every once in awhile I would try to touch it or get close to it but it would put get legs up and scream, but eventually when I started climbing the stairs in the church it got bigger like a 3 to 4 year old's height which creeped me out and that's all I remember
Rabbit 2016-09-07 15:11:18
The day I decided to stop sticking out for my neck out for a friend who never really helped me and ignored me often I dreamed of a black widow. It was in purple flowers that smelled of licorice I walked away from it to be safe without a word. Seems fitting.
Felysia 2016-08-27 10:35:11
I had a dream that i was talking to my niece and as we were talking i noticed two black widows and my niece was walking towards them i rushed over in fear of her getting bitten and i grabbed her and walked away. When i woke up i was feeling like i should of smashed them. My question is can satan be deceiving me in some way? Can these two spiders be people i have known?
Angie 2016-08-25 06:09:48
I had a dream where i was sitting on my bed with my baby and a blue and purple black widow came down from the ceiling, walked over my baby and came to me and bit my left hand. What does this mean?
Ally 2016-04-08 12:43:56
I had a dream about me in my room just watching a black widow I was very relaxed. I feel it means something tho
Shanna 2016-01-30 12:30:15
A few nights ago, I had dreamt that I was in my hometown. I lived there for 11 years before I moved to my home now. Before I left I was living with my ex boyfriend, he cheated on me and lied constantly so I left him. Anyways, in my dream I was there in my hometown and I had planned to break into his house to get the rest of my belongings but for some reason I was in grade school again. I was with someone in the Cafeteria that I didn't know and they were planning with me how we were going to get inside and get my things. School got out and I put on a rainbow wig.. Funny how I'm trying to be discreet about the crime I'm about to commit and I put a bright, multi-colored wig on haha. Well we get to his house, the one we lived in together. I'm inside, grabbing things left and right and I see a Black Widow come out from under the TV stand. I paid no mind to it which is odd because I am terrified of spiders. I grab a bag of powdered sugar and I'm looking at and I see another Black Widow inside of it. It finally freaks me out because I'm wondering how it got in there without the package being opened.. I take a closer look and the whole bag is infested with them. Dozens of them, crawling around and trying to break out of the bag. I scream and chuck the bag towards the TV and run out. That's all I remember.

Anthony 2015-09-27 18:25:58
I want to firstly say that I am a 14 year old boy and to be honest I don't eat the best of foods. I use to work out at the school gym and had two to two and a half hours of water polo practice. I have been sick for a week making me miss school,practice, and lifting weights. It's not a terrible sickness, just coughing, sore throat, hacking up phlegm, and just over feeling terrible. 4 nights in a row I had dreams of getting close of getting bitten by a black widow. Each night I get closer and closer to the spider. Last night it finally got me. I'll describe it as best as I can. I was helping my mom clean the house and there was a little shelf thing in the corner of the room tab had stuff on it that we haven't touched in a while. She asks me to move a old thick coffee cup. The ones with a lid but this one didn't have the lid on. I decided to look straight in the old thing and I see the bottom of a black widow with the hourglass on its underside. I drop the cup, fall down and begin to start backing up. I felt like I was trapped and wasn't able to stand up. The ground somehow became sand. I don't know if that is important or just something my brain made up. Anyways, the spider was coming at me running towards me in short burst of speed. I was asking my sister and mom for help but they just watched it all happen and didn't do anything. After I got bit I stood up and limped away. I don't know if that symbolizes that whatever the spider "causes" I get away from it or it's just part of the dream. If these things actually mean something or it's just a coincidence I would be happy knowing what it means.
Patrick 2016-08-07 00:47:58
What?! I have the same sickness symptoms and i also had a dream about black widows.. I saw a white one too.. I think it just means that you should get some rest instead so your body can recover from the illness. Probably my comment is waaay too late lol
ashley 2015-07-22 11:12:19
I dreamed last night that i was at my ants house that I haven't been to in years. In the middle of the room was a web and a couple of spiders on it.. In the web there were a couple of egg sacks that looked like black widow egg sacks.. I left them alone, a while later the room started to flood, and I was hiding in the shower for some strange reason, the water started to rise and this spider was swing out of the water straight to the shower. It looked to be a black widow but I really couldn't make it out, it was getting closer to me and it freaked me out so I killed it. After I killed it the water started to go down. I couldnt find it I didn't see this spider any where I looked every where, then I looked on the bottom of my foot to witch it wasn't there but my foot was kinda blackish kinda bluish. What does this dream mean?
Lilly 2015-07-21 19:37:46
I had a dream I would see a black widow everywhere I went.
Sam 2015-06-06 00:50:18
I had a dream just last night of a Black widow but she was my companion shed just cling to me I know she was female because we bumped into a male one which got eaten by another animal felt bad for the female but we just carried on
Lynn 2015-08-16 23:04:37
Message from Sam
I had a dream just last night of a Black widow but she was my companion shed just cling to me I know she was female because we bumped into a male one which got eaten by another animal felt bad for the female but we just carried on

Hey dummy, black widows are female!
Colton 2016-01-05 00:10:18
Hey dummy. Black widows are male and female. Just because male black widows don't look or behave like female ones doesn't mean they're only female. Educate yourself before you sound like an imbecile.
Estevn 2015-04-26 12:28:10
I dreamed that a huge black widow was hanging from the sealing and the abdomen was tapping the window as a brease rocked it back and forth on its web. Later my mom stepped in and sprayed it with Raid and it died, also for some reason she stuffed it into what looked like a bag of insulation.
greg 2015-04-09 16:11:29
I had a dream that I found a nest of 6 black widows I was looking at them and I got the decision to kill them trying to kill the two biggest ones with a little flash light and one bites my hand and the other falls to the floor and I noticed im bare footed so it bites my foot and I panic with trying to calm my blood pressure so the venom does not spread. My foot has skin peeling off and the docs cut a piece of my heal off. Lol my foot looked perfectly fine after that and my hand was just red and swollen

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