Dream Dictionary Blankets

Dream Dictionary Blankets


If you have a dream about blankets, this could suggest that you are at a point in your life in which you really need to be comforted. You are not getting the recognition that you need or deserve and you feel as if it is detrimental to your development. Try and get other people to notice you. Make sure that you stick out. This is important. Once people realize that you have a problem, they will know that you need to be comforted. If you don't at least make the effort to make yourself transparent enough so that people know you need help, how can you expect to get any help from anyone? The best that you can count on is to get a little recognition from your loved ones that already know you fairly well. Just make your emotions known. If you feel like crying, do so. You need to be comforted, so make yourself available for comfort.

Sometimes when someone dreams about blankets, the more practical definition is simply that they were cold in the middle of the night. When you were sleeping you probably kicked off the covers in a fit of restlessness and your body was cold. Unable to adjust the covers while in a deep sleep, the mind retreats to thoughts of blankets, hoping to give itself at least a little bit of mental comfort. Sometimes this can work wonders and prevent you from waking up. Unfortunately, especially if it is really really cold outside, this can be a bad thing. The mind can trick you into thinking that your body is at a reasonably warm temperature and it will cause you to suffer while your mind goes on dreaming. This might cause you to wake up with cold like symptoms. The obvious solution so that you do not have dreams like this anymore is to simply wrap up better next time so that you can't kick off your blankets as easily.

To dream that you have a lot of blankets covering you can also suggest that you want to go back to your childhood when things were easier and there were fewer problems in the world. Beyond issues of hunger and stinky diapers, the only thing you had to worry about at that age was staying warm. With the blanket keeping you warm and happy, you had nothing else to worry about, not a single other care in the world. This is a great way of thinking and coping with the world around you whenever you feel sad. If you can still manage to see a blanket as the panacea to all the world's problems when you are well into adulthood, then you should take advantage of that.

Of course you also should acknowledge that you know that this is a complete placebo. You cannot actually solve any problems just with a blanket. However if you are absent from other human beings and feel the need to be comforted, and a blanket can do it for you, then by all means go ahead and choose the blanket. You deserve the comfort.

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Blanket dream 2024-01-13 02:36:26
When the fabric of our nocturnal visions weaves in the comforting image of a blanket, we are embraced by a symbol rich with layers of meaning. In the dream realm, blankets are more than mere covers providing warmth; they are potent symbols representing protection, security, and emotional warmth, or, altogether differently, the concealment of truths and intentions.
A blanket making an appearance in a dream can be a double-edged symbol. It often serves as a symbol of coziness and safety, enveloping the dreamer in a metaphysical hug from the subconscious. In its positive light, it may represent a shield from life's adversities or a secure bond in relationships.
However, when the dream narrative includes a soiled blanket, the inviting imagery becomes tainted with insidious undertones, indicating treachery and deceit lurking beneath the comfort of close relationships. Soiled blankets can point towards the betrayal by someone the dreamer trusts or a situation where things are not as clean or straightforward as they might seem. It suggests the possibility of hidden motives or issues that are being 'covered up' in the waking world.
Conversely, if the blanket is new and white, it shines forth as a beacon of hope and reassurance. The pristine condition and pure color mirror integrity and clarity in the unfolding drama of life. Such a dream reflects an unexpected success in a venture where failure seemed imminent and promises a clean slate from which to work. The dream could be an omen of overcoming adversity through the assistance of 'unseen agencies', which may be interpreted as receiving help from unexpected places or through intuition.

To deepen our understanding, let's illustrate with a typical dream woven around the symbol of a blanket:
You find yourself in an open field at twilight, feeling the chill of the evening air. Searching for warmth, you discover a blanket folded neatly at the foot of a lone tree. As you wrap the blanket around your shoulders, its texture is soft, and it's brilliantly white, giving you a sense of relief and safety. You notice a storm approaching, and as the winds begin to howl, the blanket somehow fortifies you against the tempest. Though you can see the storm wreaking havoc all around, you remain protected and unharmed.
Upon waking, if one were to interpret this dream, the blanket can be seen as a symbol of the dreamer's ability to overcome challenges. The blanket, new and white, could signify that in a situation where the dreamer felt exposed or vulnerable (symbolized by the open field and twilight), they are capable of finding or have found the necessary resources and support to not only protect themselves but also succeed against all odds (the oncoming storm). The lone tree standing firm can represent inner strength or a singular supportive person in their life.
Furthermore, the concept of 'unseen agencies' might materialize as insights that come to the dreamer in moments of quiet reflection (the calm twilight), as intuitive guidance, or through the unwavering support of a friend or mentor (the tree). The dream suggests that even when ominous situations arise (the encroaching storm), the dreamer has a wellspring of resilience symbolized by the untarnished blanket, which grants them safety and success in the face of life's uncertainties.
Reflecting threefold on this emblem of a dream, the symbol of a blanket, woven with intricate meanings, morphs into a tapestry of guidance for the dreamer. It serves as a reminder that life's afflictions can be faced with the warmth of hope and the cover of one's inner fortitude, urging us to look beyond the surface, to the comfort and success that might lay underneath the layers of our subconscious.

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