Dream Dictionary Blindness or Blind person

Dream Dictionary Blindness or Blind person


If you have a dream in which you deal with Blindness/Blind person and you are the one that is blind, or you are the blind person, then this means that you feel as though there is some issue that you do not really understand in the world today. There is something going on around you that you can't quite grasp or that don't quite make sense to you and it is quite vexing to you overall. This could mean something as complex as war or famine, or it could be something as simple as why your buddy doesn't like eating cheese and nachos together. Whatever it is, it just doesn't make sense to you.

Another reason you may dream of Blindness/Blind person is because you think there is something going on that you are just not seeing. As hard as you try to focus on what is going on, you are unable to see some of the things that are going on around you. This could mean that you think someone is being dishonest with you, or it could be a literal vision issue where your peripheral vision is decreasing day by day. Whatever the reason for it is, you are going to need to try extra hard to be able to see through all the smoke and mirrors and find out what is really going on around you.

To dream that you see a blind person trying to cross the street signifies your desire to be helpful or charitable to some of the destitute of society. As much as we act like we try to help our disabled citizens, even though we afford them with respect and dignity, we ultimately do not possess the framework or the ability to adequately empathize with blind people. What a dream like this suggests is that you have a desire to get rid of that idea in our society and resort the order of things, along with the idea that we need to help our blind and otherwise disabled fellow humans.

To dream that someone close to you is blind or cannot see you suggests that you are afraid that you are not making a great enough impression on some of the most important people in your life. No matter how hard you try to grab the attention of others, you are never quite able to show just how much their approval matters to you. It is possible that they are ignoring you or that your talents are going unnoticed, but it is also equally possible that they simply do not know how important their approval is to you. If you give them an indication that you want some recognition, then they will give it to you. This matters especially outside of a professional circle, because then that brings things into the world of business which is an entirely different animal.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Blindness or Blind person

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Blind meaning 2024-01-13 02:41:51
Within the enigmatic theater of dreams, to encounter the concept of blindness can be an alarming yet revelatory symbol—fraught with meanings that dissect the dreamer's perception of reality both internally and externally. Blindness in dreams punctuates a narrative with its stark imagery, symbolizing a range of states from lack of awareness and confusion to a profound inner knowing that transcends physical sight.
The theme of being blind within a dream may suggest an introspective journey weaved with feelings of vulnerability and confusion. This symbol often reflects a fear of losing one's way or being unable to see the path ahead. It also can reflect an existential blindness, where you feel disconnected from your purpose or unable to see the truth of your situation. The transition from affluence to poverty brought about in the dreamer's vision may not solely be financial; it could symbolize a loss of confidence, identity, or a significant depletion of spiritual or emotional riches.
To dream of personal blindness could indicate that the dreamer is overlooking or refusing to see an important aspect of their life. It may be a signal from the subconscious to open one's inner eyes, to be introspective, and to recognize facets of life that have been ignored or neglected. Perhaps the dreamer is blinded by their own preconceptions, fears, or biases, which are leading them astray from their intended course or preventing them from recognizing the abundance they possess—be it in relationships, opportunities, or self-worth.
When the blindness motif extends to seeing others who are blind in your dream, it may reflect concerns or emotions related to the dreamer's social and empathetic self. The presence of blind others often embodies the dreamer's recognition of people around them who are in need, who might be struggling in dark or uncertain places in their own lives. This symbol could be a powerful call to action for the dreamer to provide help, to offer guidance, or to become a pillar of support for someone who metaphorically cannot see their way forward.

For a deeper dive into this symbolic narrative, imagine this dream:
You're in a bustling marketplace filled with vibrant colors and voices bargaining and exchanging. Suddenly, a thick fog descends, and you realize with a jolt that you cannot see—a blindness has overtaken you. Panic sets in while you frantically wave your hands, only to find that the objects and people have become indistinct shadows. A nearby stranger, also shrouded in the same milky blindness, calls out for assistance, their voice steady and calm in contrast to your own distress.
Interpreting this dream, we could say that the marketplace represents your current life situation—busy and full of engagement. The onset of fog and subsequent blindness might symbolize a sudden loss or lack of direction that has left you feeling disoriented or compromised, perhaps regarding your career, relationships, or personal goals.
The contrast in reactions between you and the stranger in the dream could point to a potential for self-discovery. While you respond to the sudden blindness with fear and anxiety, the composed stranger's request for help suggests a different approach to such vulnerability—acceptance, and a reach for connection. As you navigate through your blindness in the dream, this other person serves as a mirror to the part of you that can remain grounded during times of uncertainty. The dream may be urging you to find clarity in acknowledging the areas where you feel lost and to realize that sometimes, seeking and accepting help offers a path to rediscover the abundance you feared was lost.
In unfolding the deeper currents of this dream imagery, blindness becomes not just a loss of physical sight but a metaphor that beckons the dreamer to seek other forms of vision. Such dreams can be calls to peer through the fog of our anxieties and confusions, to touch the essence of true inner sight, and to trust in our capacity to connect with, support, and revive both ourselves and others in a dance of mutual upliftment and awakening.
Saheed ogunnaike 2023-03-08 20:57:02
My wife had a dream about me of being going blind in her dream and her leg was gun and the bullet was removed while dreaming
Jennifer 2022-02-15 02:59:32
I dreamed my boyfriend put the light of in the room and I told him to put on the light as he walked out the room. He stopped and said he can't see so I stand up and put on the light. I asked him can he see and he said no...so I took him by hand and pulled him back in the room..asked again can you see now the light is on and he took he's hands away from his eyes and said no. I looked at him and his eyes were blind and bloody 😳 😔...
lucy carrillo 2018-10-01 04:39:04
I had a dream of an ex that he was blind and I was afraid that he would know I was there. his girlfriend was there cleaning up the house in my presence
Jo 2019-12-07 04:36:36
I had a very similar dream but in it, my ex told me he was going blind. His fianc and his child were in the house just hanging around around while other people were being mean to him, I was just there protecting him and only I saw he was not happy. His fianc didn’t care about his happiness.
Joe 2018-09-20 06:18:30
I dreamt and saw my former president blind. Yet he was trying to help me, gave me instructions on what to do. But can't quite get the message correctly.
Pam 2018-07-29 06:46:57
I dreamt that I was in love with a woman who was blind, but she was capable of doing things - she made us tea and she drove my car - with not much problems. I’m a woman too so it was a lesbian relationship.
Tata 2018-05-20 14:44:11
I was being chased by a group of blind woman. Im not sure what this means.
Alisa 2018-03-01 05:50:15
I had a dream that I was at an office I guess to get my eyes done. Mind you I don’t wear glasses but I was getting work done and some one cut into my eyes and I thought I could see but started going blind. It got blurry and then dark and I got super scared and I made myself push myself and I started to see a little but I struggled to see forcing myself from going back to being blind but I couldn’t go back and I started yelling out I take it back I want my own eyes back. It was really weird!
Mirah 2017-11-18 18:42:18
I dream blind and i cant see anything but inly black and it so dark what does it mean?
Gloria 2017-06-11 11:17:53
I keep dream blind I can't see anything what is that
Cat 2016-11-27 06:46:33
,y cats went missing mysteriously. All the doors and windows locked over two day thanksgiving trip. I dreamt she hopped on my bed last night but was blind, couldn't see me. Her eyes were both glazed over white. Then she jumped away. I woke up because I swear I felt her.
Kendrick 2016-10-31 15:02:40
I Saw a Young Blind Woman whom I have not met before "17" Perhaps, I was talking to her as if I was portraying what would a Giant hear from above, I keep on swaying a whip in front of her trying to acquire the sound that is breaking the sound barrier till she laugh then i suddenly woke up that very moment

Allison 2016-10-12 09:27:34
When I was a kid ( idk how old I was) I would have dreams of me not being able to see and (I think I might have been trying to open them but I'm not sure) and I'm pretty sure I had this dream more then once
Emily 2016-07-21 12:32:50
I would try to write but when I did everything became a blurred glowing white and I had a dull pain from trying to see around the white
Ieesha 2016-07-15 18:22:29
i dreamt that i was in the back seat of the car with my brother in the passengers seat (i remember my dad driving but when we got to the destination it was my mum and my dad wasnt there) we were driving when we say a normal looking man on the side of the road we stopped to give him a ride and he got in the car. he asked to use a phone so i offered him mine but instead of just taking it out of my hand he had to feel around for my hand thats when i realised he was blind. on the phone he went on the keyboard im not sure which app and started typing but not in words, in emojis but not the normal ones. i was amazed by his ability to type what he wanted without seeing he did this until we got to out destination which was a restaurant (an open buffet for seafood) my brother, my mum and i when to the front doors when we realised it was closed when were walking back to the car i realised the old man was in a mosque right next door, praying (im muslim) thats when i woke up.
Anonymous 2016-07-13 07:50:54
I had a dream a man was covering him self with paint then the paint blinded him then we were swimming with the blind man which was now depressed then all of a sudden he started vomiting blood. He was vomiting so much blood that he had pipes coming out of his body filling bags then I woke up
Tracy 2016-04-15 07:21:26
The most weird thing is that I was walking along, but going blind whilst walking so that everything around me became a dark blur, and in my dream I was really scared of being blind. I woke up really sad!
Hannah 2016-06-09 18:27:42
I also dream like yours.. I woke up really scared...
Quaku 2016-04-15 03:28:59
I had a dream that I was on a public toilet easing myself. Then I saw a blind woman bringing food to her husband on the public toilet (he was also easing himself in one of the toilet rooms). The husband was also blind. The blind woman groped her way to where her husband was . They started eating the food from the floor of the toilet room. I was so disgusted at sight of them picking the food from the dirty (germ infested) toilet floor and eating it. The food looks like it was pale white apple fruit or boiled yam.
Alex 2016-02-22 01:56:31
I had a dream that I accidentally poked someone and made that person blind. What does it mean?
D 2015-12-01 19:47:44
And what if it was I who poked her to blindness with a pen? :/
Alex 2016-02-22 01:54:18
Wow I just had the exact same dream:/ let me know when you find out.
Mary 2015-10-16 06:49:30
yh...this really make sense to me...tankx
Debbie 2015-07-29 13:52:30
It's right on I have been feeling like I'm spiritually blind to ppl around me
Maggie 2013-02-13 01:33:35
This is a pretty good interpretation, in my opinion, of blindness in a dream. I would say that it does apply in my life, as I have felt invisible to the people around me.

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