Dream Dictionary Bloody Nose

Dream Dictionary Bloody Nose


If you dream that you have a bloody nose, what this might suggest is that you have been too harsh on your body lately. Though your body might not be showing any signs of damage, sometimes these are not necessary to conclude that you have been a little too rough with it. Even though you might not see a cut or a bruise, on the inside your body is feeling abused. This is why you are dreaming of a bloody nose, it is the only way for your body to warn you that you have been mistreating yourself. Have you been doing too much smoking or drinking lately? Have you been doing worse drugs than that? Have you been participating in dangerous and unnecessary sports challenges? These might all be reasons that you dream that you have a bloody nose.
If you dream that you have a bloody nose it can also be because you feel like you have a case of whiplash in real life. This is not to refer to a literal case of whiplash, but more of a metaphorical kind. You have just gone through a major change, and your mind needs a bit more time to catch up to your surroundings and everything that is going on in the wake of these massive changes. You are not quite ready to cope with the different changes that have been going on so this is how you react because of that. Because bloody noses usually happen because of an increase in altitude, this would suggest that you are feeling this way as the result of a pleasant change. Something good has happened which is causing you to react in this way. You cannot entirely handle the change because it's happened so fast.

If you have a dream in which your nose is bleeding, this might be because you have been taking things a little too far recently or flying a bit too far off the handle. Have you had any confrontations where something relatively small was done wrong, but you blew up over it. Maybe someone gave you something you liked, and you blew a gasket thanking them. This type of dream would suggest that your erratic behavior that you have been exhibiting lately is detrimental to everything that you are working for and will eventually cause you to ruin yourself.

A bloody nose basically means in all of these interpretations that you have gone through some sort of change recently. A change in surroundings in one case, a change in behavior in another and a change in the level of physical abuse that you inflict on yourself in the third one. But the thing that all of them have in common is change. Be ready for a bloody nose in your dreams if you keep participating in activities that bring you to trying new things and experimenting.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Bloody Nose

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Anna 2019-08-03 08:46:24
I had a dream where I was talking to my Fiance when my nose felt weird. I grabbed my finger to it and this huge dark blob was on it. I kept doing it until my hands were covered in it because I couldn't tell if it was blood or not. It was just so dark. I remember grabbing a tissue and seeing that it was in fact blood. But my nose wouldn't stop bleeding and I'm not exagerating when I say it was gushing. No matter what I did, my nose never stopped bleeding. Not even when the tissue piles were becoming as tall as me. I was still bleeding until I woke up. I've never had a bloody nose in real life so I don't k ow how it feels, but I immediately checked to see if my nose was bleeding. It wasn't. And I'm just wondering what it meant. In my dream I wasn't concerned or panicked. Just confused the entire time
Felicity 2019-04-04 10:16:26
I had a dream about me getting bullied by some class clown i know at school. I went to my social worker and some other lady happened to be there but i didn't recognize her. Anyway, we all began to cry and then i started to bleed from my nose. We all got up like nothing happened and went our separate ways. But was still hurt over the situation. I went off around campus holding a tissue to my nose and the blood just wouldn't stop. What does this mean??
Okay 2018-09-11 01:00:01
For the past few days I've been having this dream where I was just hanging out with friends and I would feel like my nose was running but when I felt it there was blood. I would wake up and it would feel like my nose was bleeding but it never was.
Dream 2017-09-22 16:57:56
I was walking through a school building with a friend. My nose kept running so I just wiped my sleeve against it gently until I realized everytime I did that I got a lot of blood on my white shirt. After realizing it my bloody nose got worse. I tipped my head back which made it feel like someone was pooring a bottle of water down my throat there was so much blood.
Anonymous 2017-08-25 14:04:41
I had a dream my nose started bleeding but my blood was darker than usual. I tried to stop the bleeding in the bathroom but it didn't stop and my blood started to turn black. Eventually it stopped and I went to drink water.
Kae 2017-06-29 17:39:56
Dream of walking with my friends and my nose start running and I just wipe away then notice a little sprinkle of blood on my blouse
zoe 2017-03-30 08:50:04
I had a dream on a dream that I was at home and I my nose was bleeding heavily , when I woke up (in a dream) I realised that I have wet my bed , and I woke up (for real) and I realise I just i have had a dream in my dream ...
Anonymous 2017-01-04 00:47:00
Me i just dreamed of the word. Nosebleed and that's when I woke up at heard a little (whatever that sound is) and the next thing I do because I feel a runny nose and put my hand under my nose and blood starts coming out.
Girisha 2016-12-14 00:23:35
I guess I am having a dream from past few days. Its always almost same. In dream I am with my parents and I suddenly starts bleeding from my nose. No one takes that seriously, not even me and I just blew it in my hanky. And we all are smiling. I have realized that I am dreaming the same dream from past 2-3 days may be.
ANT 2016-11-07 05:19:55
I had a dream, that my middle school art teacher was at the house. I went to the restroom to blow my nose and a lot of blood came out. It was still bleeding even after. I don't get bloody noses. Please tell what this could mean.
Val 2017-07-09 16:21:43
Blowing the Nose Blowing the nose and expelling filth means that the person will become angry as a result of which he will utter undesirable words. If no filth is expelled it means he will lodge a complaint against someone.
Lexi 2016-07-20 03:57:39
I was with a group of friends at one of their houses. I see someone drive by and stop so i go to the door and ask what they are doing and start throwing eggs at my car. I see that it's my older sister. I start getting really mad and try to yell at her but when i try, there's some type of pressure in my throat and chest and no sound comes out. She and 4 other people leave and i storm into the house, crying and finally able to scream and yell. Next thing i know there is blood dripping onto my lip from my nose. My nose bleeds in waking life if i get really upset and frustrated. But, in the dream, the blood was black instead of red.
What does this mean?
Jelle 2017-01-19 11:56:51
Yesterday, at school i was on the toilet, i started kind of a dream-trance.
Next i saw my best friend having a fight outside with the bully-guy and next, i woke up, i ran outside and yes, 5 minutes later they started fighting as in my dream, my nose started bleeding.

I feel like im special or something 😄

Sand Guardian 2016-06-07 10:02:59
I had a dream I was in a pagoda and then my nose started pouring out blood. Like, pouring. I covered my nose with my hands and tried to stop the bleeding but it just kept going, no matter what I was doing, and I couldn't talk because I would get blood in my mouth. I actually could taste the blood during the dream.

Astrogurl 2016-04-20 08:51:28
I had a dream I was at a party and I hit my ex with a pillow and I gave him a bloody nose and a drop spilled and I cleaned it up very throughly.
Anthony 2016-04-05 07:27:29
Had a dream the right side of my nose was bleeding while I was walking through Kroger's or Walmart. But this guy in front of me was throwing food on the floor instead of his bugy. its like he was purposely doing it
weirddreams 2016-03-31 20:12:52
the first dream i had was me at work and all of a sudden my nose started pouring out blood, it felt very thick and viscosity all the while everyone was staring at me i didnt know anyone their and only knew one of the people their. well a week after that dream their was drama and at the time i was on 2nd shift. i decided to switch shifts to first shift to escape the drama and start anew. well the drama didnt stop in fact it was waaaaay waaaay worse than the drama on 2nd shift so that explains how i didnt know anyone in the dream. the only thing i liked about this shift was a girl and she seemed to be able to read my mind like everyone seemed to be making fun of what i was thinking but noone was even close untill this girl tried to help and put an end to it by saying what she thought i was thinking and relaying it to the people talking smack. i would litterally have convos with my head to her it wasnt really spot on but she got so many things right that it was just so flabbergasting. it got to a point where i decided to just quit for another job. well when i was at this other job i started hearing her talking about me at this new job, no one was paying attention to it but she seemed to be telling people about what i went through at the other job. well my second dream came and this time it was me pooring blood out of my nose while looking at myself in front of a mirror and the blood felt watery and my nose felt numb,cold, and fragile like it could just tear right off. now in real life i got back from work one day and just decided that i was going to go crazy listening to her anyways and i had 5 days off from work so i decided for some stupid reason to just stay up and go crazy and see what i learn from it. during these 4 days i never slept and i lost my memory of everything that i was doing during that period. one day my mom woke up to me sitting their and i was ranting so many things that i dont even remember and she decided to call the cops and bring me to a hospital and i ended up being in the hospital for a week and ended up losing my job as a result of being absent. so in both dreams i lost my job and back then i never had any actually vivid dreams before i left out alot and only put in the important dreams but i would love to have someone talk to me about things they learned about their dreams i would love to have a dream buddy and stuff so if you think theirs any correlation or anything that you have learned from these dreams please email me at hamyzac@gmail.com 🙂
Zack 2018-03-26 22:36:48
I think I asked like 10 times for you to take this down. I hope this isn't a waste of my time cuz if it isn't and someone is seeing this I wish you'd have some common decency and do this for me. Sorry for being so annoying.
Zack 2018-03-03 13:29:37
I'm just wondering if you even know how to delete this comment why aren't you???
zack 2018-02-24 23:29:45
hello i was wondering if this was going to get deleted? you can even email me at that email and i will confirm i want the deletion of this.
Seam 2016-03-04 15:53:06
Had a dream the blood came out my nose very badly on a school bus at night . It was very scary,
Jackie 2015-12-01 14:41:56
I had a dream that I was in my kitchen, and my nose started bleeding, and I had gotten dizzy and almost fell, but a man came and helped me up
anonymous 2015-11-18 07:14:50
Last night I dreamt of a blood coming out of my nose and i was calling my husband for a help and i was at my parents home but he didn't focused to listen to my cry and he drives through. Please explain the meaning.
Brail 2015-09-24 13:32:28
I dreamt that I was in front of the mirror in the bathroom and.my nose and mouth started bleeding
Sarah 2015-09-30 20:08:57
I had the exact same dream last night!
Word 2015-09-24 06:01:37
This article is so poorly written. Please reevaluate your use of syntax. I find myself unable to reflect inward with such grammatical obstruction.
marie 2015-06-10 05:42:45
Okay so let me share my dream.
So this is my dream. I was running in the middle of the heavy rain and I'm drenched. I saw a shelter and stayed there for a moment. As I pinched my nose, my nose were bleeding.
That ends my dream. I forgot what happened next.
So, what does this mean guys?
osmuro 2015-05-09 06:26:39
I dreamt that my nose was bleeding, but the substance didn't resemble blood. It was less viscous, almost like water; in a way that made it worse, because more could pour out faster. I started to feel dizzy very quickly, and feared that I might pass out and die. There was so much liquid pouring out of my nose. At some point I tilted my head back and prepared myself for the fluid to pour down my throat.
Lucid Dreamer 2016-02-12 08:53:26
The fact that you felt dizzy may mean that youre over whelmed by something in your life and blood coming out of your nose like liquid could possibly mean that your draining yourself somehow and your body needs needs a change pretty much what this author was talking about
Meowunicorn 2015-03-13 18:03:16
I dreamed I pulled this giant blood clot out of my nose. It's was very long and thick like a worm. It was really unimaginably grotesque. What could that mean?
Avama 2019-01-31 05:57:59
I had this type of dream just now... I was walking in a mall with some newly made friends I felt like I was feeling little cutty scratch in my nose from long time it just followed with a nose blow covering my hanky then after seeing it was like thick mucus with blood.
Alexis 2016-12-10 23:22:37
I dreamt the same thing! I feel like it symbolizes letting go of something/someone causing you great pain
Pits 2015-11-24 06:02:49
Jazz 2015-08-26 02:50:47
Wow.. I cant believe we have the same dream.. (goose bump)
byana 2015-03-12 03:33:53
my nose was bleeding so hardcore. I couldn't manage to stand, I kept stumbling around. My body felt so drained of life. I was in so much agony in the dream. Even my eyesight was tinged red. My nostrils were like faucets, no exxageration there. I had two of my ex-friends from the past help me, they gave me a bucket to use. i didnt know if i should pinch my nose to make it stop or just let it all come out. its all so vivid in my mind. Throughtout my whole life i have had SEVERE and I mean SEVERE,nosebleeds. Tmi, giant bloody clots, long thick and filled with blood. Though doctors always said it was the weather but mine were just excessive and very worrying. They always made me extremely weak and lightheaded. well, enough dream venting. surprisingly the rest of my dreams were rather pleasant..
Iris 2015-12-13 07:23:31
That's crazy I just woke up from a dream similar to yours. The blood was coming out like water coming out of a faucet but from my nose. Also I had 2 ex friends from the past help me out. Hmmm...

meme 2014-11-06 22:48:23
I dreamt that I wake up and look at myself into a mirror. Then I saw my face with blood. I thought I wept blood but my father said that my nose bleed. It bleed so much that when I look down the ground, it was like I spill a liter of blood. Actually, I'm experiencing a drastic change because I was just assigned to another office. Phew! I hope I adapt easily...
nisha 2014-09-10 22:34:02
I Had a dream that I blew my nose so hard into a tissue that it started to bleed. but then it stopped.
Armani 2014-10-25 12:48:50
Im gay and I've been coming out to people and I'm developing an enormous crush on my friend and I told him on the bus that I'm gay and I thought he heard me. Then he didn't get my (gay) jokes when I made them, so I asked for his KIK and I told him, it's going to be just awkward between us. He's been acting flirty to me and I thought he knew that I was gay and that we could be something. And all of this started in August. I had a dream I was talking to all of my friends that knew I was gay and he walked in and my nose started bleeding. I looked this up and I started crying. This gives me reassurance because I thought this was "in my head" or me just being crazy. This makes me feel a lot better thanks whoever posted this!!!!
belle 2014-08-25 00:26:54
I had a dream that I was going to see a guy I loved and my mom was there for some reason.
I was in the bathroom and I took a paper towel to dab my eyes because it felt like they were watering but when I looked at the towel their were bright red dots.
I yelled out for my mom and dabbed my nose and it was bleeding to!
That's when the blood just started poring from my nose and I felt like I was going to pass out and I was struggling to keep my eyes open.
I was hanging on my mom and telling her to call 911 but she said she had already called the emergency room and the wait was 30 min and I would just have to hold on.
She rested me on the floor and I remember me trying to stay awake even though I was exhausted and wanted to faint and die and the only reason I wouldn't was because something horrible would happen to Andy (the guy I came to see).
Maddy 2014-07-29 12:12:38
The other day I had a dream where I was just walking past a mirror in my hallway and I saw that have a blood nose.I went to the bathroom to wipe the blood away but every time I finished washing my face and looked up at the mirror again more blood would appear. It wasn't even a normal nose bleed it was like dried blood between my nose and lips, anyway I started having a panic attack and when I turned to the door of my bathroom my parents were both there. They were just standing their with no emotion on their faces and not helping me even though I was having a panic attack. It was really weird and when I woke up I was sweating and panicking.
Lindsey 2014-07-27 00:57:28
i had a dream i was at my elementary school but i was still my age and then my nose started to bleed and it i felt like i couldn't breathe anymore, like even when I wanted to breathe through my mouth i couldn't it was like the blood would all go into my mouth and choke me
AdmiredDisorder 2014-07-24 03:08:52
I had this strange dream about tornados ravaging this weird multilevel strip mall sort of thing. I was there with family and some people I knew happened to be there too. The sirens gone off warning everyone to take shelter and the tornados were seriously over exaggerated and wild, popping up really close to the building and throwing stuff around. The mall extended into the ground rather than having floors that went above ground. The staircases between floors were huge and fancy looking but the building was collapsing in random sections as everyone was trying to escape to the lower levels. I remember getting hit in the face by someone bumping into me when they were running away and I had thick chunky blood coming out of my nose and mouth for the rest of the dream. I wasn't panicked the entire time and randomly ditched my family to find shelter on my own and walked from stairwell to stairwell while things were falling apart. Also I feel I should mention before that night I had a site evacuation on this chemical plant I work on because there was a severe malfunction with a valve causing an explosion and emergency shut down of the entire site. Just another day in my life I guess. I don't think I worry about the right things properly :/

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