Dream Dictionary Boat Sinking

Dream Dictionary Boat Sinking


In order to have a good framework for understanding what it means to see a boat sinking in your dreams, you need to first understand what a boat symbolizes and what the water symbolizes in a dream. The water symbolizes both the mind and the soul and the culmination of those two things into what we call emotions. The water is basically a metaphor, in our dreams, for our own emotions, and a boat is our own ability to cross through those emotions and to navigate our own feelings. Sometimes it can seem like a real chore to go through that and it can be really hard to have to keep your emotions in check sometimes, but we do it for the sake of those around us that cannot be forced to suffer through all of our emotional outbursts all the time even though this is sort of the situation that we force them into really pretty often. But that is beside the point, time to get down to brass tacks.

When you dream that your boat is sinking, this is a sign that you have tried and failed to control your emotions. Have you been getting uncontrollably angry lately? Have you been having outbursts of tears or have you been oddly laughing at inappropriate situations. All of these things might happen to you if you have been unable to control yourself lately and the image of a boat sinking in your dreams should be suggestive of that.

If you dream of your boat sinking this is a sign that you need to try harder in the future to control the way you feel. You have not been able to handle yourself the way that you should. Even though sometimes it can be a good thing to express your emotions, when you see a boat sinking in your dreams this is a sign that what you have been doing lately is not the good or constructive kind of emotional expression. You have gone beyond the realm of mere expression and these are now being translated into outbursts. You simply cannot keep control of yourself any longer.

The best dream to have would be one in which you are sailing across a placid ocean. A placid sea is one that shows calm. Your emotions are calm ones and it means that you can rest easy. A turbulent sea means you are having emotional troubles on the inside and as long as your boat stays intact then these emotions will be kept on the inside. They will begin to leak out once your boat sinks, so you would do best not to let this happen to you overall.

To dream that your boat is sinking in a placid sea for some reason, shows that you have a weak constitution. Even though the waters of life have not been particularly testy for you, you are still finding some reason to act as if they are, and it is holding you back. It would be unimaginable to think of what would happen if you were to go through an actual emotional crisis. It would be too much to bear for you and it might break you entirely. Do not let this happen to yourself, you can't afford it.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Boat Sinking

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Maria 2021-01-12 09:43:18
Hi my name is Maria I had a dream that I was in a small ship with my mother and it's about to sink but there was a shark whale save us from it so it helps us to go to the land and a big star fish and its huge its not the normal size of it was a monster star fish but it doesn't harm us. Then I came to land that I called like Singapore temple full of calm ambience and its so relaxing that was my dream.
Martyn 2019-10-01 01:09:08
My dream consisted of carm deep waters on some doc slowly sinking, i struggled to save myself then went back for family and friends, i ended up back where i was.. stuck! It was frightening but i was strangely carm. Fell back to the same dream 3x an it wasnt the 1st time i had this dream.. unbelievably confused an worried it will continue.
Isabel 2018-11-20 12:01:59
I had a nightmare tht my family was on a boat w me and so was one of my coworkers(one who isn’t al that close to me st all). Anyway, I’m downstairs and I went to my sisters room to lay down where she drags me out scared as hell tells me “I need you to call when you’re going to visit” and I looked at her confused when I see my moms ex boyfriend in bed with her. I began to cry and just walked away as she tried to explain, then when I started feeling the boat tilt, I yelled to my older brother and he told me to stay near the radio to call for help on what’s happening I told him the boat is clearly sinking what do we do?! And I began to all of a sudden see water rise from the bottom up to us but it was late night my mom my sister my stepdad (who was in bed with my sister) and my coworker were all asleep I began crying but stopped immediately and began to yell to try and wake them. I yelled everyone’s name at the top of my lungs but the water was too fast I woke up panting but when I opened my eyes all I could see was seaseed everywhere and I started to lose my breathe again and rubbed my eyes just trying to clear up what I was seeing. I don’t know why I had this nightmare. I was hoping to read some of these stories but I couldn’t relate. And my family is all I can think of, if they’re okay or not since I don’t live with them.
Kelli 2018-10-21 14:05:46
My husband and I were in a small boat, paddling across the bayou. As we reached the other side, I looked down and noticed the front end (where I was sitting) was going under the water. When I realized that the boat was sinking, I woke up.
Fiona 2018-05-31 01:09:09
I was on a large ship, I went down to the sea level to check out the waves crashing against the bow, it was very rough. Then the ship went straight down and turned upside down. I was still inside and not hurt, the boat turned back up to normal and capsized again.. I then woke up!
louis 2018-04-28 04:41:46
I had a dream that i was on a boat and it was sinking but i wasn`t scared of it i was loving it it was the only good dream i had. it felt good in side me. i am not sure if you people had this but it felt good for me.
vanessa 2017-12-14 21:28:09
I woke up early this morning 4:30am. Because of my dream. I was in the other boat to rescue my friend in a sinking ship. I saw him alive floating in the ocean. Then I did not failed.I save him. But i do not underdtand why i saw his wife too that makes me wonder cuz i didnt see his wife in a sinking ship.I just wanted to know what does it mean?
gladys mae 2017-10-10 15:57:57
I have a dream and it happens to repeat 3x the dream was like this.

I am sailing with a ship in a placid water, very cool, calm, clear blue water ocean as the ship was sailing it made a fast detour to the left. with that detour the ship in my dream sink. and i was left swimming to save myself from drowning. and a little boat i saw on my right that i need to reach so i will survive. there were also some others with me in the ship but are not clear to me who they are maybe because i was a passenger of the ship.

Londyn 2018-12-14 11:35:33
Thats crazy because i had the aame exacted dream
Heka 2017-08-21 08:12:54
I was on a bigger boat, a kind of transfer boat, it was heavily raining and massive waves, I was somewhat in charge of the boat but not fully, I kept on telling the other people on the boat that we had to dock somewhere and get off (it was not open water). All of a sudden the wave took the front of the boat and we were swollowed by it. Water came everywhere and my mum was with me, it all went really quick and I didn't have a chance to plan out how to get off the boat, my first thought was to crack the large window with one of those security hammers which they have on buses, but I couldn't find any. We where sinking really quickly and then I woke up.
shasan 2017-08-04 11:45:09
i was on the deck of a big ship and it was fast i saw my ship turning over a small boat full of people and worried the driver will be caught but the ship went on then i was at a beach and was trying to reach one safe place ...i saw many people around me as if at a busy port.
Yari 2017-06-20 14:34:49
I just dreamed las Night that I was on a cruise ship with my spouse and other family members. It was dinner time, so we were trying to find a table with a nice view, however the crowd was a bit out of control and we ended up getting separated. I am running around with my spouse still looking for a table. As we looks around at the top deck, I felt the ship begin to tilt as the waves crashed into the side. I suddenly felt panic as I realized that the ship was continuing to tilt into the ocean. I finally yelled at my spouse, telling him that we had to jump off before the ship took us under. I grabbed his hand and we jumped off swimming away as fast as we could. When I turned around the ship was upside down in the water.
Mary 2017-06-15 08:55:17
I just woke up from a nightmare. I had an argument with a girl in my town. As I walked into house, I noticed I was on a swirling cruise ship spinning round and round. I can picture the water gleaming and beautiful but the boat was spinning, I noticed its depth was getting deeper.. So I ran inside to tell mum dad and grabbed my niece who's a toddler.. I then woke up crying.. To realise I haven't dreamt in over a year.... Confused but the
Explanation helps and relates to me in someway

Kade123q 2017-06-07 19:23:44
Last night I had a dream that this big ship I was on was sinking like in titanic in rough seas and a dark atmosphere and there were sharks at the bottom kind of like the intrence but after a while this guy told me you have to find another ship i though it was to save the people in the shop but I went to swim the sharks had time but it felt so real and terrifying I just went but I eventually found a ship as I got into it I could not find anyone on it almost as if it was just put their and I also noticed the dark atmosphere was light and the rough sea was calm of a sudden can anyone tell me what this dream mean's?
lily 2017-02-16 16:41:32
last night i had a dream where my social studies went under our school which for some reason onto of some sort of ocean or lake and we went underwater to see this sunken boat and i wandered off into a room and there was this little girl turned around on a bed and i tapped on her shoulder she started screaming and ran out locking me inside the room and i banged on the door gasping for air to get out then i woke up...i don't know what this meant maybe nothing
rich 2017-01-05 06:45:46
yeah, i had this dream last night were i was in a marina and someone was flying around with a kind of sail///kite boat. like a seagull. i mean this guy could tack. anyhow after he made an impossible stall infront of me. hovering in the air and took off.. i watched in horror as my boat.. it is my boat (in reality(.. a wood sloop) nosed up and sank.

now, it was calm.. mainly, the juxtaposition of the kite sailer guy paints a picture for me. // in reality, i'm actually concerned about my boat sinking. at the dock. it's been raining a lot. anyhow, maybe a lucky dream in that case.
Chamzi 2019-12-03 20:22:46
767.i dreamed that me my son and husband was in a ship (small passenger ship)ang i have a co passenger which is my neighbor together with his family who is mourning ang who is bringing there dead relative with them )they are not sad but rather playing any kind of games..and another passenger with same scenario as the other co passenger..while in the middle of the trip there came suddenly a boat (tag boat) with a very long pile of container van behind him that our boat suddenly trying to stop the collision fortunately it ddnt hit us but suddenly a pile of half of container van came fast toward our ship (SEA AT THIS TIME IS A LITTLE ROUGH)that it causes damage to our ship.and water came in that i immediately look for a life jacket and while wondering around the boat an old man help me find a 3 pair of life jacket then me my son and husband was safe waiting for the ship to sink and then we jump into the sea..(sea is a little calmer then) THen i woke up..it between 2 am to 3 am
Gman 2016-12-08 16:39:28
Been trying to search for the meaning of this dream but no luck. I have dreams about me always swimming away from the Battleship Arizona in Pearl Harbor. I'm always swimming for my life. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Halfway drowned 2016-11-12 09:03:31
Really strange how this dream occurred. It wasn't like the ship fully sunk or the fact I could even sink in this area. I was in a harbor that was on this old ship from the 18 to 19 hundreds. I was one of the staff and when the ship started to sink we had to save all the artwork that was on the ship and while we're saving all the artwork or making sure all the people get off the ship and there was a part where there was this woman with a baby but for some reason she didn't want to get caught with the baby while she was trying to escape the ship. So she walked up and handed the baby to me and other people on the ship and she walked away. We continue to try to figure out what we're going to do with the baby and get all the artwork out and out of nowhere we started to get stuck in the ship. Some guy, I don't even recognize him, others I recognize are people I've seen at places to shop and are on TV, he's part of some kind of law enforcement, Undercover, seems like he's from the new era rather than the 18 and 19 hundreds and he saves the people that are trapped on the ship. So as the ship stops sinking everyone feels more relieved that we have more time to save the artwork and things on the ship it goes back to the scene with the baby. I guess it's some point one of our staff had lost her baby and she was talking about nursing her baby and one of my staff brings up the baby that the woman left gives it to her the woman starts to nurse the child and just walked away acting like a child's her own we go back to grabbing more artwork and I wake up.
lynee 2016-09-16 18:04:55
Yesterday I had a dream of a mast on the water. I got in another boat and hide as some enemies are coming. The boat sailed past a huge ship. And the water is very calm. Last night, I dreamed of being out in the sea with nothing but a circle wood and the water is calm also.
Reoccurring nightmares 2016-08-24 19:03:33
I had a dream I was on a huge cruise ship with my best friend, the ship suddenly tipped and like the titanic was all the way in the air, then it would flip and go the other direction. I held on to a bar and was constantly grabbing my best freinds and making sure she didn't fall into the water with everyone else. Eventually the ship sank and I was banging on the windows to get out. The window broke and I got out but she wants with me. So I went back into it to find her and the ship started turning all over again. This was one of those dreams where you wake up in sweats and then go back asleep to have the same dream all over again, except this time you have more control over it. In which the second time I made sure to pull her out of the ship with me. Then I went back under to break more Windows and get more people out.
I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean, but I'm having tons of nightmares,
Kaylee 2016-11-11 08:03:40
I had that dream last night, that's actually why I'm here
Brian 2016-07-19 11:06:39
Dream that I was being told that my fishing boat was sinking.
Jendo 2016-07-16 04:14:18
I usually don't remember my dreams , only the once that feels so close/ real... am in strong contact with these dreams yet i can't translate them. What do they really indicate. I had a dream today. I appeared on a shore infront of a small old fishing boat, the boat was made of wood for around 3/4 ppl. There was a man on the boat and he started talking to me. Suddenly the boat started sinking very fast. I wasn't much worried because he was so close to the shore. But he started worrying and flipping out yelling ' Noo the children! He had children on the boat... He's boat sinked in a blink of an eye. I didn't really realized what was happening. I see him go underwater and bring up a wooden boat shaped box with babies in it....trowing it up to the the wooden dock am standing on. I immediately jump to it and pick up the children, as many as i can. When i pick up the children in my arms the whole atmosphere changes, is very cold, thers fog,cold wind blows and everything looks winter blue. The place suddenly feels remebered somehow and i need to get in somewhere indor, to rescue these children/BABIES in my arms and the ones still in that box. '... & i wake up
Sian 2016-07-05 00:24:16
I just had a dream that I was standing in a marina with my family, I can't remember whether the water was choppy or not, I then caught out of the corner of my eye a massive boat sinking not far from us, I saw the back of the boat bobbing in the water before it went down. then hundreds of people came running to help save the people that were trapped on the boat.
Bella Skywalker 2016-05-15 05:02:58
I just had a dream I was on a large boat, a baylinner-mixed with a cruise ship. The sky was blue, the boat was new, and I looked out the windows to see large rising tsunami-like waves rising like a big wall. I yelled "everybody hold on" and watched as the wall of wave hit the boat and the boat started flipping upside down, "full turtle" as they say. I hit the boat's side wall and slid to the ceiling as I watched the boat turn and everything from the floor start falling to the ceiling. Within a minute the water was up to our necks. I looked down and I saw a dead man at the bottom of the water, stuck in a corner of the ship. I heard a mayday call which someone said, "the boat has been overturned for 3 minutes" I looked out the window and I could still see the blue sky. I looked at all of the windows and thought about breaking one, but I didnt because I knew the water would rush in immediately and leave everyone else but a minute to react,which would mean more people would die, i really wanted to just break the window and escape but I did not. Then I woke up.
crisanto 2016-05-03 06:43:05
I was dreaming looking a ship 500 meters away from me. It is sinking and i saw another one ship coming the water or the waves wants yo sunk the ship but the watr cannot do anything because the ship is in good balanced

cheyann 2016-03-30 13:49:30
I had dream that i was on a large and very nice cruise boat but i remember it all being very dark very few lights were on the ship i remeber feeling weak the whole time i was scared i reached a boiler room type deal and heard the glass on the top break and water from the bow coming and hearing the captain yell orders that scared me i hadn't even been outside the ship its like someone just put me in the long hallways between rooms i had to go back to where i was laying when i did i noticed my kittens were with me i remeber thinking how odd i would bring kittens all the while the boat was completely underwater and we were sinking very very slowly to the bottom so i found a air tight box linked an oxygen tube to it and then to me found an exit and escaped i was picked up by a life boat.
Relley 2016-03-21 08:14:36
I had a dream that me n some little girl with blondish hair that has been following me the whole dream were kayaking from a car mounted in the middle of a lake, we floated to another boat to get my our paddles but when I started paddling toward shore I started sinking head of the boat first then I was completely in the water I kept tellin myself to swim and I know how to but in my dream I felt afraid to move I looked to shore n saw a current starting to form, I was neck deep now then I woke up
Rowell cheeks 2016-03-16 07:35:34
I struggle with heroin addiction I dream of me on a family vacation when our ship sinks and everyone dies sad thought maybe I should kick the junk CHEERS!
qhay 2016-09-19 03:57:18
I have come here because of a dream about drowning, and when I come across your comment I was supprised as I am a heroin addict too.
Crazy stuff, maybe it has something to do with the gear!!
Jen 2016-01-30 06:46:48
I dreamed about going to the cruise trip and stop by a corn field, and seeing other passages were picking corn, and try to remind them do not do so, it is not moral, and they don't listen to my suggestion, than I went back to cruise ship and can not find my own seat back, and end up sit in the middle of the row, and suddenly I felt water splash, the next minutes, I was sinking, and I was scared and feel like this is this, I guess I will die at age of 40, but I don't want to die, I think about my parents, and my family, so I keep swim up and try to get out the water, I successfully get out of the water, and came to a small village in now where, the background looks like in eourpean village, it was sometimes in the evening, I asked one of the store if I can borrow phone to call my parents to tell them I am still alive, the father and the son in the store were very nice to me, and I was able to call, and tell them I was safe, and than I was up
Aura 2015-11-26 17:35:11
I dreamt of surfacing the ocean on a pirate ship and a strange creature starting greeting and talking to me; he was very wise and in control and I felt relieved.
Sean 2015-10-19 22:32:58
I keep having a re-occurring dream. I'm on my old coast guard ship rough seas storming I'm trying to find something or help. If I'm in the ship down below we always hit something and I can never get out and I drown. If I'm topside we take a rouge wave, start to list and I of course go overboard another rouge wave and the ship rolls ontop of me or sometimes I go off the bow and the ship runs me over. Of course result is drowning. It's absolutely horrid every time but these descriptions don't tell me what all that means. Guess I'll never know but these dreams s*ck *ss. . .

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