Dream Dictionary Bones

Dream Dictionary Bones


To have a dream in which you are surrounded by bones suggests that there are some issues that you cannot seem to surpass no matter what. You have some kind of past trauma that seems to be rearing its head in your daily life and interfering with your daily functions despite your best efforts to make sure that this doesn't happen this way. It is important to recognize when you can actually do something to help this and when you are powerless. If all you have to do is a little mental work to make yourself forget about all of the bad things that have gone on in your life, then pull up your bootstraps and just do what it takes to forget. If it is something that is a real problem, physically, then get some help to surpass it, or move somewhere where it can no longer bother you.

To dream that you are in a body that has no bones or to dream that all of your bones go away is to suggest that you feel as if you have had your main framework with which you live your life taken away from you. You have been changed too much to be able to go back to the beliefs that you once held.

This might be a common dream for someone of the Christian persuasion I their faith is questioned regularly. If you think that God exists and someone tells you something that makes you think that he might not exist then your entire framework that you used to perceive the world will be ripped out from under you. You need to be able to accept the new information and not just take it in and think of it as something that makes you stop being able to move. Consider that the skeleton is the frame that we use to move around all of our bodies. The muscles are important but they are nothing without the skeleton. To live without skeletons would be to live as an immobile pile of flesh. This may be what you feel like when you have gone through a real perspective changing experience but you can't let it bother you too much or you won't get anywhere in life afterwards.

Dreaming that you have a skeleton or other bones around you, this could also suggest that your secrets are starting to compound to a great height around you. You will soon not be able to keep track of all of your secrets anymore and it will be your downfall whether you want to admit it or not. There are only so many secrets a person can keep before it starts to eat them up on the inside. You need someone you can confide in. So you either have to become closer friends with someone than you already are or you need to start talking to a therapist. As much as people like their secrets, to not divulge them over a long period of time can lead to emotional ruin. Don't put yourself in that position.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Bones

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Bones meaning 2024-01-13 02:53:22
Bones, the very framework of our physical being, when they emerge in the dreamscape, carry with them a profound symbolism. They are the scaffold upon which our lives are built, enduring long after the flesh has surrendered to time. To dream of bones, therefore, is to tap into something elemental and enduring about our existence, a sign from the unconscious that relates to our core structure, be it physical, emotional, or otherwise.
When one dreams of bones protruding from the flesh, it’s a striking and eerie visual that the mind conjures. These exposed bones could symbolize a raw and unveiled truth within the dreamer’s life; an aspect that perhaps has been hidden or covered up is now starkly laid bare, making the dreamer feel vulnerable or exposed. Betrayal is often a theme intricately connected to our sense of trust and security, which, when broken, can leave us feeling as defenseless as a skeleton stripped of its protective covering. This treachery from those closest to us might be a threat lurking, unseen, yet capable of causing great harm to the foundation upon which we have built our relationships and sense of self.
Moreover, envisioning a pile of bones speaks to a landscape within the dreamer’s psyche that has encountered deprivation or neglect. Bones heaped together evoke images of desolation and loss—the aftermath of a battle, the relics of what was once living and is now fallen. This can translate to fears of scarcity in one’s life, whether that is a lack of physical sustenance or the famine of emotional fulfillment. The contamination mentioned in conjunction with this image suggests that the dreamer is surrounded by negative influences or circumstances that have the potential to erode the very essentials of their existence.

Let us imagine a typical dream featuring this potent symbol:
You find yourself standing in an arid plain under a blanching sun that seems to have bleached all color from the world around you. You look down to see your arm, and with a mixture of horror and fascination, you watch as your skin becomes translucent and then vanishes, revealing the stark white architecture of your bones beneath. This could reflect a waking life scenario where you feel like you are constantly under scrutiny, where each layer of privacy or security is being stripped away, leaving you exposed to potential deceit or betrayal.
Alternatively, if the ground before you is scattered with dry, brittle bones that crumble underfoot, it might signal to you, upon waking, that you're amidst an environment that is devoid of nourishment, be it within a personal relationship starving for affection or a professional realm that lacks sustenance for your growth and development.
Interpreted expansively, bones in dreams challenge the dreamer to examine the bedrock of their life. Is there stability in the underlying structure, or is it threatened by the pernicious elements of starvation, both literal and figurative, and the creeping decay of contamination—be that contamination toxic people, unhealthy environments, or internalized negative beliefs? Dreams involving bones call upon us to confront these challenges, safeguarding and fortifying the framework of our lives to ensure our existential edifice can withstand the adversities it faces.
Samantha 2017-05-27 23:07:05
Hello had a wierd dream last night I was eating pb but there were tiny bones instead of crunchy peanuts yet I carried on eating them and all I could think of was " what if these are baby bones I'm eating" while I was dreaming I thought this please help

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