Dream Dictionary Boyfriend Cheating

Dream Dictionary Boyfriend Cheating


If you dream that you have a boyfriend cheating you need to calm down. Likely you are looking at the screen in tears crying over what could have been and getting ready to break up with him. Seeing your boyfriend cheating in your dreams is not proof of him cheating at all. The only thing it is proof of at worst is some complex emotional problems permeating your interactions, but this is something that occurs at a fundamental level in all relationships, good and bad. So relax, breathe, and read about what might be causing it.

The first and most likely reason you are dreaming of your boyfriend cheating is because you feel neglected emotionally or physically. Your boyfriend may no longer have the same sex drive that he once did or even the same drive to be close to you and cuddle with you like he did in the first few months of your dating. It is also possible that he may spend fewer and fewer nights with you every weekend so that he can go out and have fun with the guys. It is tempting to think that he might be cheating but this is probably not the case.

Even though it hurts to hear it, a relationship needs to go through trials like this. What is happening is that your boyfriend has finally found a comfortable place in your relationship together. He sees you as a close friend and lover and respects and loves you, but he needs his own space too. You two are not married yet, the two have not become one, so he is exercising his freedom. It may sting to know that he doesn't want to spend every waking second with you but chances are, you aren't far away from experiencing the same sensation. This is just what happens when couples grow comfortable with one another. On the other hand it can really be a severe emotional neglect that you are experiencing rather than a superficial one. If this is the case you might want to have a talk with your boyfriend and decide together just how important the relationship is to the both of you, so that at least you can both have some all important perspective on what is going on here.

If you dream that your boyfriend is cheating it is usually because of anxiety over thinking that he actually is cheating. Unless you have actual tangible evidence of this though, then this usually comes as a result of self esteem issues. Try not feeling so sorry for yourself and seeing what it is like to think of yourself is beautiful. If your boyfriend is so great, try to see yourself how he sees you. He isn't with you for no reason and you must be attractive to him, so just relax and try to pick out the things about yourself that are good and beautiful and pretty. You deserve to feel good about yourself.

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Michael 2021-01-28 16:40:34
I just want to know why I'm always dreaming pain from my bf
Megan 2019-07-25 14:30:46
I had a dream that I was watching a movie with my boyfriend and my best friend. My boyfriend pulled my best friend in on to his lap and she had no problem with it. Ngl, this dream had me waking up feeling completely empty because of past conversations I've had with him
Stella 2019-05-16 21:06:10
Okay so a few months ago, my “close childhood friend” and baby daddy where up late drinking together as my baby daddy’s friend I had both gone to bed. I passed out cold not ever thinking of anything about them staying up together. A couple months later, my “close childhood friend” mentioned to me in the midst of an argument with my partner, that he had asked her to watch porn with him. Okay so A partner doesn’t and has never been a porn watcher, and B why tell me this now in the middle of a serious argument? “Close friend” is a porn watcher and had previously told me her ex boyfriend practically needed to watch porn to get an erection to sleep with her. I asked if anything happened she said I don’t know, no. Anyway I asked my partner privately and calmly what she was on about, he says wtf I don’t remember anything. I immediately freak out like well what happened if you don’t remember. Long story short, he convinced me it was fine nothing had happened. This morning 6 months later, I woke up 5:30am in tears because in my dream my boyfriend had admitted to me that he had fingered her and kissed her that night (truth came out after finding out other stuff too), I feel a truth in it as I didn’t fully ever get reassured to the point that nothing truly happened. I’m lost I don’t know how to feel before telling my boyfriend this when he gets home from work. Help
Krystal 2018-09-08 22:09:41
I woke up from a dream at 6:38 this morning. All I see is a big bed and mirror. I go to bathroom and for some reason look out the door and see my boyfriend standing in front of the mirror naked dick hanging with a condom on and this girl I know of who is his coworker is sitting on the floor on side of bed chilling like it’s normal what they doing. I walk over there calmly and grab her and bring my hands to her throat and punching her in the face and stomach and yelling at him and telling him I been asking for months and you lying to me. While asleep I felt myself hyperventilating and heart racing then I woke up. I have never had a dream like this before!
Lucia 2018-01-25 22:21:26
What it means I dream about my babydaddy fucking her sister ? Please help I'm going crazy about the dream !? Because one day I was using the restroom when I came out from the restroom they were really suspecios like they were doing something behind my back
Em 2022-11-10 13:14:09
dude i’ve had the same thing happen to me and i don’t know what to do lowkey feel like i’m crazy but at the same time it’s like shit like this happens irl
Gladys 2017-09-07 13:12:10
I had a dream where my baby daddy was cheating and his sister knew and we started to fight, that the cops came ,what does that mean ?
sam 2017-05-28 09:14:56
I had a dream that my boyfriend was cheating on me , he had been fighting with me n I go sleep early his up past 12 on watsapp what does tht mean ..... when I asked him he said no one
M 2017-03-25 06:34:54
I had a dream of my boyfriend with his girl best friend. We were all from the same primary school. I dream that I saw her standing right in front of me. I didn't want to acknowledge her because I was not close to her and also she was staring at me creepily. I was sitting on the bench, having the hand rest between my boyfriend and I. Without him looking at me, he offered his best friend to sit beside him so happily, causing them to be so close to each other. I woke up heart broken and curious about what it actually means. Please help.
Tae 2017-02-08 06:03:57
Last night 6O got emotional out of no where , & my overthink king can sometime get in the way of a lot of things. I continuously over thought negative things that could happen or that I was thinking. Then when I actually went too sleep I had a dream of me overhearing NY man talking to another female while incarcerated & boy let me tell you it really kicked it off. The dream was so surreal I decided too really break up with him. I just felt it was weird & ironic to think of him using & cheating on me before & went too bed then to go actually have a dream about it the same night really got me in my emotional state. I couldn't take it so I pulled the plug.... I did research & it stated "In some cases, these dreams turn out to be simple insecurities or fears within the dreamer." & they were truly CORRECT because I'm constantly thinking of the bad & him Cheating & the fear of abandonment & my insecurities is through the roof . I think I do have anxiety but do not know why .... If anybody else is wondering if they should go ahead & break with their spouse then idk , if you have no evidence then its clearly your subconscious acting off what you constantly FEAR & THINK .
Esmeralda 2017-01-29 08:19:14
I just woke up from a dream of me cuddling with someone other than my bf, and while we were cuddling he was playing with my hair and repeatedly said to break up with my bf for him, and that he's more attractive and better, and said that he has something my bf doesn't, which was me in his arms; but I don't know what this means, does it mean I've lost feelings for my bf? Am I having feelings for that certain person that I didn't know I had? Do I wanna be with that person instead of my bf? I'm not sure but im super curious because my bf is honestly the loml 🙁
Jada 2017-01-29 07:20:58
So this morning my boyfriend gets ready for work and I notice scartches/sex marks on his back. I asked him where they came from he says he tried to scratch his back in the shower, which makes since to me. I went back to bed and instantly had this weird dream. Me and my boyfriend were at my parents house and I guess I let one of my best friend's tag along. Randomly he asked me if him and my best friend can have sex and without hesitation I told him it was fine. "2 hours" pass by and I go to the room they're in and they were still going at it but very intimate. I didn't say anything just left the room and once they were finished I asked my friend how it was and she goes into great detail. I told him I regret letting him have sex with her and he gets mad at me. That dream really blows my mind. I'm thinking it's maybe because in real life my best friend and my boyfriend had a little history together back in high school, which is 3 years ago.. I do need to consider my feelings because I can never forget about what they've done unless I'm not talking to the other.
Maria 2017-01-29 06:50:03
I had a dream that my best friend's boyfriend cheated on her with me. In the dream, I kissed him, but then I asked, "Wait, aren't you dating haley." He ofcourse got upset, but we didn't continue on and in the dream I didn't tell her because I didn't want her to get hurt. It seemed that her boyfriend was trying to make everything seem normal, yet tried to make me jealous. Please tell me what this dream means

Halie 2017-01-20 10:34:13
I had a dream my boyfriend was cheating on me with some girl I didn't know, I found myself at a park going up some stairs I see a girl with a baby on the side is my bf I find out that he has a child and that she was his gf ,I remember fighting with the girl.
Once I'm leaving I wait for my ride which was my sister, she was helping me look for my bf and once I step into the car I find my eyes like a waterfall.
Deeh 2017-01-18 07:13:16
I just woke up crying from a horrible dream ..
I dreamt that my partner was cheating on me with my friend that also got with one of my ex partner in the past..I came out of the house and I see her come out of the toilet that my partner was in washing something,I couldn't see what it was so I yelled out to him..Did she go toilet while you were in there?he looked at me and said yeah after I asked him twice my friend heard and saw me and storms back with attitude I felt so hurt cause the vibe I got was that they were together and I started crying and told her you ain't taking this one from me this time and walked away crying my partner followed me but looked back at her as we were walking away..I woke up crying and looked over to my partner and he was snoring his head off..This dream really bothers me please I really need to know the meaning of my dream..This broke my heart
Makenna 2017-01-11 06:09:35
I had a dream that my boyfriend was cheating on me with my best friend and she's also his ex.. he had his arm around her, and once I walked out crying, him and my teacher followed me out as I was screaming nasty things at him. He then told me it was a prank and I just jumped in his arms. Then I woke up to my step sister yelling for me to wake up lol... but I can't stop thinking about it..
Alex 2016-12-30 08:11:59
I had a dream that my boy, my best friend & her boy were driving to my place, then when we got there I just had a weird feeling that something was going on between my boy & my best friend (I could still feel that same feeling when I woke up this morning)... Not gonna lie I always thought something happened in real life or he has feelings for her because all my ex's have left me for my best friend.... But anyways when we pulled up to my house, we were all saying bye & whatever then when my boy & my best friend were hugging (they're friends in real life too) my boy put his hand on my best friends ass & when I saw him do that & he saw me looking he put his hand up just above it. I said bye then me & my best friend went inside & later I remember asking her (not sure why I just came out with it, but better than nothing) "hey this might sound crazy but did you & my boy (actually said name) fuck?" Obviously as my best friend said "no I'd never do that to you & he's more like a girl then a guy to me" & I said "alright just asking" then I remember texting him in my sleep (everything I saw was clear as day) saying "I won't get mad,, I just wanna know the truth, did you & my best friend (actually said name) get together :/" & he said " yes we did,, only once but I'm so sorry" then I remember looking at her then was like "you're a fucking liar" then I remember her saying "what are you talking about? I didnt lie to you?" Then I showed her the messages then she said "yeah I'm so sorry Alex, i didn't mean for it to happen it was just in the moment" I kicked her out of my house then cied & cried in my sleep.. When I woke up this morning I messaged her telling her about it not gonna lie she always makes it into some kind of joke when I bring it up.. Not sure what it means but I just think I'm over thinking a bit......
Kate 2016-10-29 23:25:23
I had a dream that my boyfriend invited a friend from work home to stay the night in the spare room (it was a girl, medium build, brown hair, freckles, nothing special). Then at night time when we were getting ready for bed, he stepped out for 30mins, and in that time slept with the girl in the spare room next door. It felt sooo real! In my dream when he came back to the bedroom I broke up with him, packed my bags and started to look for places to move to. I was screaming at him, how dare he cheat on me. It just felt soo real, I even felt sick when he touched me, I didn't want to be near him. Now I still feel really hurt from the dream.
Reese 2017-01-11 05:25:48
Your crazy it was just the dream. You have insecurities. You were disgusted in your own dream when woke up angry and still disgusted. You act without a thought. He might leave for acting crazy over a dream.
Tee 2016-09-21 12:13:58
I'm literally in such a happy relationship, it's coming up to a year and everything's perfect. But last night I was having a weird dream, as I do most nights, it was set on my old school grounds, which 70% of my dreams are.. And at the beginning of our relationship he slept with this girl who I've always had problems with, we'd argued and decided to take a step back and then that happened.. But we worked past it, anyway we were on this school grounds in my dream, it was a weird dream about some storm and stuff then suddenly this girl, who I'll name N appeared in my dream apologising to him and me about what happened between them, I ignored her and he went over and hugged her then kissed her, like just a peck on the lips, we argued about it and she smiled at me as he walked off and told me she was going to get him to be hers. I walked down the road and then I caught them having sex. I woke up crying and rolled over to make sure he was there and he woke up to me crying and just held me for hours telling me it was just a dream and not to worry. I'm actually still really uncertain about this dream it's given me a very strange feeling and it's made me quite upset. I know 100% now it was just a dream and I know it won't be a sign because I know he'd never hurt me like that but that dream has really f'd me up. Because if she ever came near either of us she'd get drop kicked in the face.
Madison 2016-09-12 17:33:56
I had a dream that my boyfriend wanted me to text someone off his phone for him and the conversation under it, i opened and he was cheating on me.... with myself...
Someone 2017-02-18 09:46:29
There's actually really interesting studies about that you should look it up
Ally 2016-08-26 06:59:22
I had a dream that my boyfriend cheated on me with HIS OWN cousin.. in real life me and her aren't the closest but we talk. The dream was so realistic though, I caught them kissing in his bedroom and I just ran out. I called him asking why and if they were a thing, he said yes and that they were dating for 97 days (so specific). A few more events happened in the dream, like all three of us were "hanging out" I guess and they were cuddling and stuff. I woke up in tears, I don't know why but I feel like the dumbest person ever for even dreaming this.
Lanah 2016-10-31 07:24:11
I had the exact same dream except they were having sex right in front of me
Kainaw 2016-08-08 13:47:34
I just had a dream about my boyfriend is checking out on one of my close girl and they are just right next to me, all three of us were chilling in my room and then my close friend start to dance in a sexual way and my boyfriend was checking her out and could not give me attention anymore. I leave them two in the room and they were having sex together. He came after me when he is finish and I feel so emotion and I keep crying and I push him away and trying to slap him a bit but I have no energy and soon he went to my close friend a gain and they are having sex again. While they are having sex, my close friend boyfriend go in the room and my boyfriend hide and leave the room.

This is not the first time I dream of my boyfriend cheating.

I dream about my ex boyfriend cheating on me with the same close friend of mine. That time my ex boyfriend and me are still in a relationship in reality and dream too. We were at my close friend ( the same girl as above) room and chilling. She start being sexual physical and my ex boyfriend ( he was my boyfriend that time and I dream of that dream) start to give her full attention and just leave me aside. Soon they were having sex and he told her that he will come to her twice a week for sex or something and I was so angry and I told him " I am your girlfriend here." He just ignore me and do those thing with her.

I still got more dream of those and it all about being in a room and my close friend do those thing and xxx happen to my boyfriend and her......

I am still asking a question till these days.

- Am I not good enough or enough?
- Why why why?
- why the same close friend and my boyfriend?
- Am I not mean to fall in love and be inlove?
- Is Love not meant for me?
- should I start loving them less?
- should I break up with him?
And so on........
Julii 2016-07-16 06:15:21
I was in my classroom and suddenly I saw my (old) Best Friend siting on the floor. And my Boyfriend just suddenly walked in and sit beside her. And he kissed her on the cheek or on the lips I wasn't sure. And he saw me so he stand up went to my table saw me sad. He went up to me (I said) "What was that about." (And then he said) "That was nothing" I started cry AF. And he said "what's your problem it nothing." And I didn't trusted him because it won't be nothing if he kissed my Best Friend. And he left.
sylvia 2016-07-15 05:38:37
I had a dream I was out in the dessert but there was a hotel out there and I was taking a walk and when I got back I saw my friend with my boyfriend kissing and hugging and laughing and when I caught them he took of and didn't explain anything to me.. My friend then explained everything and I actually cry a lot because he just when and did not even called me he call her and not me
Francis 2016-05-06 22:22:02
I once had a dream that my bf and me went to a baseball game, and i left for a minute to get popcorn and when i got back he was in the bathroom with my bestfirend kissing. And then the next night i had another dream that i dared him to kiss my bestfriend but they kept kissing, then later i asked her about it and she said she liked it and earlier that night my bf and bff h**ked up after work and had sexual interaction... i woke up crying both night's.

whitney 2015-10-03 10:25:10
I had a dream about my boyfriend cheating with my bestfriend. We were hanging out together and I suddenly feel like to go somewhere so I did. Then couple hours later my bf texted me saying like it was a joke that he had sexual intercourse with my bestfriend and that he would do it with other girls for even 1,000 to get attention. That was the weirdest thing I heard in a dream. Then, I cried and told my other bestfriend aboutbit. Then my bf found me, we had a conversation but he stills think he had done nothing wrong. Then, I said we are over while continuously crying. And I woke up feeling extremely bad and angry, and woke my bf up to yell. what is this mean?
Taylor 2015-09-07 14:40:56
I found a snapchat from some girl my ex used to h**k up with back when we took a break and they were nudes saying she owed him , I looked at the snap chat history and he had been sending her some kind of videos and pictures through snap chat , I confronted him on it and she told me he said he is only with me because of my pregnancy and for the baby and he went two her house two weeks ago and he says it's not true after he told me after I threaten to break up with him If she had any proof of them hanging out that he asked her a few months ago when we got back together that he messaged her on Facebook asking to hangout but they never did , this happened four days ago and every night ever since iv had dreams of him cheating on me or having multiple girlfriends or hitting on girls Infront of me even if it's just a short dream from taking a nap for an hour , now I'm starting to worry that this is all going to re occur and don't know if I should be with him anymore because I am feeling emotionally and physically unstable
Cynthia 2015-08-30 12:09:28
I had a dream that my boyfriends phone rang and I picked it up and it was a message and it had a picture of an ultrasound. And then I guess time passed and we were sitting on the couch and the baby was sleeping on his chest and he told me shh he's sleeping and I felt myself start crying and I told him I can't do this anymore... And I just woke crying like if it was real...
tina 2015-08-24 15:54:26
I had a dream that my fiance cheating on me but the thing is in the dream it wasnt him it was a other person ...In the dream he went out with our daughter to a "appt" and they took so long so when they got home i ask my daughter hi baby where did u go with daddy today she told me we was in a hotel with daddys friend and she had a daughter name Katherine she gave me this toy and i was like in a hotel Katherine so i ask wat was the mommy's name my daughter said i dont know so in the dream i called my brother in law my sister's husband do u know someone that has a daughter name Katherine he answer yes her name is tia why u asking he ask so i hang up the phone and started getting dress while fighting with my fiance in my dream i wanted to confront this girl so while im getting ready my fiance is just looking at me scared trying to say sorry but i didnt want to hear it all i wanted was to go fine this girl then i hear my door ball in my dream and i get up uugghhhhh
sarah 2015-08-08 19:52:59
I had a dream that my boyfriend was looking me in the face , and he rolled his eyes a sighed i cheated on u with a name I'm familiar with , in the dream i was speechless and i felt devastated, it then skips forward to him laying on the couch and i asked him how long ago did this happen , and he said about 4 months ago .and then it ended cause the alarm went off , but when I got up I felt all the emotions from the dream , and I said something to my boyfriend about the dream , cause he asked me what was wrong , and he had this weird what kind of reply , and he has been telling me he loves me and he bought me doughnuts for breakfast, and just been really nice and loving since this morning, do I have something to worries about , or is he just trying to make sure I know he really didn't .
Electra 2015-08-06 15:47:44
I had a dream on the first night that my boyfriend defended his ex against me and kissed her then the next day I had a dream that he kissed my younger sister In reality my ex boyfriend and my older sister kissed a couple of times whilst we were seeing each other and even though I wasnt there to see for myself I read the signs and knew but the dream was strange to the fact that it was my younger sister who I would never ever suspect and know she or he wouldnt ever cheat And his ex girlfriend who he doesnt speak to or have contact with I have always just been very jealous of because of their past together as he raised her child and went on trips together took millions of pictures together which I had to tell him to delete them alllll from Facebook as it was a reminder which made me feel sick everytime I saw them
I think I'm extremely paranoid and anxious and Id want to know how to not feel this way

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