Dream Dictionary Boyfriend Dying

Dream Dictionary Boyfriend Dying


To dream of your boyfriend dying suggests that you think your relationship has hit a stand still. You need to think about what emotions you felt during the dream. When your boyfriend died, were you happy, or generally neutral about it? If so then this means that you probably need to break off the relationship or at least let him know how you are feeling. You cannot let him go along falling in love with you while you edge farther and farther away every day. Be a human, be empathetic, and let him down easily. He deserves your respect at the very least.

To dream of your boyfriend dying could also suggest that you are being put through a test of love. How did you react when he died? Were you sad? Sometimes your mind likes to play these tricks on you to remind you how much you actually care about your boyfriend. It teaches you not to take his greatness for granted, and it would be a double bonus if you woke up next to him and had the ability to cuddle him right after you woke out of your nightmare.

These types of dreams can occur pretty commonly when you are feeling reservations about the relationship you are in. If you are feeling doubtful about anything or you can't seem to keep a lid on it, then you might have one of these dreams. It will either remind you how much you actually care about your boyfriend or it will bring you to the realization that you don't actually care too much about him. Either way, both of these dream meanings would be a service to the both of you no matter how sad one option might be, it beats staying in a loveless relationship out of fear.

If you dream of your boyfriend dying, this can also show that you feel as if you yourself have been emotionally distant towards your loved one recently. You are seeing him die because your mind wants to remind you what it is like to not be able to tell someone how much you loved them, or to not make up for things that you did wrong in the relationship that you knew you were neglecting to comment on in favor of arguing about it another day.

A dream like this is a sign that you should push aside all those petty grudges that people in a relationship hold and you need to get to the root of your boyfriend. You need to apologize to him, no matter how mad at him you are and no matter how much you feel he should apologize to you. Sometimes it is more important to be loved than to be right. This is one of the most frustrating parts of being in a relationship and everyone knows it, but if you want to succeed in your relationship, you are really just going to have to look past it and love him for who he is. Accept him for all of his faults and move past them. It is all you can do if you really want to see your relationship succeed.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Boyfriend Dying

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mya 2023-05-21 12:57:50
my boyfriend thinks i don't love him and he'd slickly tell me every now and again that he does . For whatever reason I can't bring myself to believe it,he hasn't done anything to show it but really..what is it that im expecting him to do. A great big grand jester? as much as a part of me wants to say no the answer is yes. We haven't went on a date and recently he decided he didn't want to come over my house anymore because of my mother(we're teens). that's understandable but the night before ,i asked him like regularly did he love me,trying to find an inch of truth in his statement, instead of saying yeah like usual he says "i like you as much as you like me" HE DOESN'T THINK I LIKE HIM. And the whole day we were together he wouldn't let me touch him. The reason he doesn't think i like him is because he asked me twice while i was high and i kinda said no,the first cause it was early and the second i didn't want to say it because I don't know how to. Before we were even in a relationship the sight of him laughing with another girl made my skin burn and i wanted to hurt someone just imagine how insane it would get if i LOVED him and showed it and felt like he betrayed my trust,i would want to hurt him,No one deserves that..especially not him. And you're probabaly like "why stay in a loveless relationship" "if you know you don't love him why not let him be with someone who will" it made me sick to even type that out. I was expecting him to teach me but we haven't even got to the conversation yet and I doubt he even knows how to. I really don't want to leave him when everything could be solved with a conversation or two but every time i text him I come off as stand offish. Now we barely talk,but from the beginning of our relationship-which was rocky from the start--we barely talked in messages because we were always with eachother. Neither of us are "good texters" if that makes sense. Yes my mother kind of got in my ear on somethings and my friends don't like him much so i really don't have anyone to talk sense into me ,so i keep everything bottled up ,which is why im quessing is the reason these last two nights were dreams of him.(THE DREAM this morning: we were babysitting at my mothers house -i don't know these kids- and he gave them all dollars to be on there best behavior while we were in the room. next scene he was standing in my moms room for whatever reason and her room was trashed cause she'd been sleeping on the couch lately-she used to do that before we moved houses- i've seen this house before but this house is set up differetly form the house we live in now. the dream switches to when an aunt of mines -don't know her either- got locked in a cabin on a college campus and there was a gas leak inside of the cabin . she died and her insides were liquidated when the door had finally opened. the dream switches to my boyfriend missing from somebodys college graduation when i start to think to myself he might be in the cabin. i could his shoes underneath the door and he was calm but i still knew that i had to get him out of there. i hit the again the door with my shoulder and it wouldn't budge.the people around me were just looking but i was frantic and couldn't think to ask for help until he started to cry out . I was trying to tell him to help break the door down but he didn't do anything just sat down screaming.and all i could think to myself was "how ill be able to be with him while he's screaming like a girl" but at the same time i was only focused on getting him out of there. i asked this man behind me to help and he took forever so when i finally decided to just break the door handle he was gone . slumped in this chair ,hes 6'2 128 lbs but his insides were gone and didn't even look like himself. my heart was broken but when i woke up i wasn't sweating ,breathing fast ,heart was beating normally,but i just wanted to find him and hold him and find out what it all meant. i wasn't sad he was gone i was just..just. i felt regretful. but because im mad at him,i can't eve brig myself to talk to him
HeliosEos 2023-11-28 18:17:12
It sounds like you're navigating some complex emotions and a challenging situation in your relationship. It's common to experience doubts and uncertainties, especially in teen relationships where you're still learning about yourself and how to be in a partnership with someone else. Here are a few points to consider that may help you move forward:

1. Communication: It's the cornerstone of any relationship. You've noted that things might be resolved with conversation, and you're likely correct. It's important to find a way to communicate openly and honestly with your boyfriend about your feelings and the issues in your relationship. This might be easier in person than over text, especially since you mentioned neither of you are "good texters."

2. Expressing Feelings: You've said that you struggle with expressing love and that the idea of being vulnerable scares you because of how intense your reactions can be. This is an important insight. Being able to express love in a healthy way is crucial, and it takes practice. It might be worth exploring these feelings of intense jealousy and fear of betrayal further, perhaps with a counselor, so you can learn to express affection without fear of being hurt.

3. Insecurity: Your boyfriend's comment, "I like you as much as you like me," suggests that he might be feeling insecure about your feelings towards him. This might be a prompt for both of you to discuss your feelings more openly and reassure each other.

4. Outside Influences: You've mentioned that your mother and friends have their own views on your relationship. While it's important to consider the opinions of those you trust, at the end of the day, your relationship is between you and your boyfriend. Try to separate your own feelings from others' opinions to evaluate what you really want and feel.

5. Expectations: It's natural to desire gestures of love, but they don't have to be grand or dramatic. Sometimes, the most meaningful expressions of love are consistent small acts of kindness, understanding, and respect.

6. Fear of Conflict: Your desire not to hurt him or be hurt is valid. Learning how to manage conflict in a relationship without it becoming destructive is a skill that takes time and can also be improved with guidance and practice.

You're correct that none of these issues are insurmountable and that open dialogue could help. Perhaps you could suggest setting aside some time for a face-to-face conversation without distractions, where both of you can express your concerns and desires for the relationship.
Lesley 2023-04-26 04:00:37
I don’t know how my fiancé died in the dream one second he was there and the next he wasn’t. We were all in a big van right before you weren’t with us anymore so it might have been a car accident? Either way. Everyone else didn’t seem upset as me but I was walking around the grocery store just absolutely wailing. It would come in waves that he was actually gone.. I saw someone that looked like him and just lost it. It felt so real. Ten minutes after waking up and I’m still having trouble getting over it and settling down. I had to go on the couch cuz I can’t stop crying. In the dream I had a baby by him and I was like “at least I still have the baby!!” I meant that in the way to carry his spirit on. We recently lost a friend in motorcycle accident and it’s been so hard on his wife and it’s really put stuff into perspective. My fiancé tends to drive distracted a lot (he has really bad ADHD) and I’ve tried to express how much it worries me and how I wish he could get a grip on it. This dream just felt so real. So happy to feel him sleeping next to me but had to get out of bed so I could stop existing in the dream. I hope I don’t have another one like this. This is a message to me. I LOVE YOU TAYLOR AND PLEASE !!! don’t leave me in this physical world too soon over something so stupid like messing on your phone while driving. I absolutely cannot bare to carry on without you 🥺😢🖤
n/a 2022-11-03 04:19:15
It’s 3:10am I recently woke up around 2:58am. I was at school or the mall, (felt like it was both) while my boyfriend was at a store at the mall or their house. w a mom & her child, he was taking care of her child. Then someone came in and starts shooting. the mom passed away, but my boyfriend magically is at home now. my friend calls him that the kid he babysits mom, passes away. He tells him to not go to the place, my bf doesn’t listen and goes straight over there to see if everything is okay. the “black figure” maybe a man? Ends up shooting him. I found out from my friend that my bf passed away. I asked if they were lying bc he likes to play around. I start calling my bfs sister but she never answers. I spam her phone but nothing… I tried crying in my dream but I couldn’t. I felt like I was half asleep and asleep at this time, I was crying in real life and woke up crying even more. I’ve never felt this sad after a dream.
Lupe 2022-08-06 13:44:16
My boyfriend was fixing an a/c somehow the a/c hit his head I see blood coming down from his head.,shot I run to him saying no no no no crying I’m telling him wake up!!!!! I see his phone on his Chest i was Dying too then woke up crying and woke him up to cuddle him tellin him thank god it was a dream
Just someone 2022-07-19 16:03:36
I had a dream today of me and my bf almost dying by someone who had a gun with them ,me and him were outside when a man came and starting shooting people . I went inside the house while my bf was behind me but he fell or tried hiding. I keept calling my bfs name to come where I am but then i saw the man had his gun pointing at my bfs head but before he pulled the trigger he gave my bf a look and decided not to shoot . I feelt like crying when I saw the man was about to shoot him . In my dream I was tearing up while calling his name . When I woked up i still felt sad and hugged my bf quick .
Butbox 2022-07-13 05:21:33
it was kinda like in this really weird school or high school presence. and it was like he was planned to die but nobody killed him it was just natural. i know this is kinda vague but that’s all i I remember and i was sinking in water too with all the people that were with me for the funeral meet up. and everything felt so off without him. but then i woke up and deadass just start crying. i love him so much man
Rebecca Hawkins 2022-04-28 02:25:49
My partner died and I found out the day of the funeral. I was heart broken and felt a deep pain before I woke up
Christine 2022-04-12 06:47:38
Just dreamt of my boyfriend dying, i don’t know what caused his death but we were in the hospital he was hocked up to hoses, his lungs ended up collapsing while I was there with him. The doctor told me they couldn’t do anything, I called his mom I told her and hung up I called his dad told him but he started to investigate over the phone trying to get the doctor to do something I stepped out fell to the floor crying I looked up and 2months flew by I’m selling my own products I also happen to look down and I see I’m pregnant I look up Im taking orders and making them at the same time and it hits me that I lost my boyfriend but I’m making so much money to help support the baby and me i start to cry then my boyfriend wakes me up and I’m balling in tears and he asks me what’s wrong as he’s hugging me saying everything is okay. I’m still wanting to cry and scared to go back to sleep
Tayla 2022-03-27 13:50:08
I had a dream where I let my boyfriend get a motorcycle. It's something we have been debating for a few months. I don't want him to get one because his stepfather died on one. In the dream I finally give in, and he gets a motorcycle. The first time he takes it out he crashes on it and dies. I was devasted. I remember screaming and crying I was in so much pain from his death. But then he is back, or his spirit is. He doesn't remember he died. But he is only there for a few moments. He can touch and move things as if he were actually alive. And then he is gone again, and that overwhelming pain and agony set in again. If it wasn't for his alarm on his phone the dream would have continued. I woke up sobbing and gripping on to my boyfriend scared I was still in the dream. It was all so vivid, and i can still feel that pain in my heart now, even though it was just a dream.
Durva 2021-11-16 20:39:55
Me and my boyfriend were talking in my house. Some people suddenly came and took him. I called someone and said to help. And the next thing I see is that people brought his dead body in front of me and kept it on my door and went. I couldnt cry. I was too confused. I was like y did they do that. I didn't even realize I had to cry . I was completely shock to see all that.
Ki 2021-09-27 01:28:36
I remember the dream so vividly. some man was yelling at me going crazy. from the ground meanwhile I was standing on the balcony next thing I know my man tried climbing up the balcony approximately 40+ flights up.. until he leaned over and fell off the balcony and hit the ground and immediately his heart stopped.. I ran inside trying to rush to find a phone to call the ambulance.. but my mother as coming up the elevator and asked me what was going on.. then she looked over and saw him flattened out on the ground.. I remember feeling so scared and I felt like my other half died.. I woke up so distressed.. me and my man haven’t been getting along lately.. and I hate that I have been so mad at him lately.. but it doesn’t help if he keeps doing the same things over and over to upset me more… I just hope that dream wasn’t a serious wake up call.. I’ve never been in love with someone in so long.. it’s terrifying
Tyy 2020-10-22 07:27:51
So I had a dream about me being in my school next thing you know I hear a announcement stating that we is having a zombie invasion so the first thing I do is look for my bestfriend and her boyfriend take I’m mind at this stage we are very young like my bestfriend and her boyfriend is 14 while me and my boyfriend are the same age as them so I find a empty room and tell my bestfriend and her boyfriend to go in the room take in mind I thought I had my boyfriend hand but it was really a teddy bear that look like him so all of sudden our ages switch to our real age my bestfriend is 15 right along with her boyfriend and my boyfriend 17 right along with me so I ask my boyfriend brother wears bam and he said I’m not worrying about him I’m worrying about my relationship so I said well can you at least help me he said no so I said füçk it and went to find him take in mind I found him and grab his hands I told him to come on so we can go back to the room I found with nobody I’m there but me and his brother and my bestfriend take he said no ty I got my self and let my hand go so I go back and beg his brother to help me find him before the zombies come he said no and I said I would’ve did the same thing for you so I don’t know how people get in the classes room but 2-3 boys started laughing and and my boyfriend brother started laughing And I told him niggä they laughing at you not with you and 1 of the boys said now that’s füçk up I would’ve help her then the other boys agreed so his brother said füçk no i don’t füçk with him so they told him that’s that láme shít so I left out to find my cousin Boaboa so I ask him let’s go find my boyfriend and my brother ñard and he said okay so we went to find bam first but we couldn’t find him and then we went to find my brother all the rooms was pack and we couldn’t see them time was running out so me and Boaboa said we just gone leave so I found a window and jump out and told Boaboa to come with he said okay take in mind i already see to zombies so I told boaboa to come on he hesitate at first then he came so I thought I seen a car we could steal but it was a boat and the we started running take in mind when we run in our dreams we seem to run slow so the got closer and closer so there was a lady running past us that was the zombies got her and turnt her so she started running after us I told Boshen to jump cross the little river sewer thing and we did and she falled insistent and the other 2 zombies did so the car that past us turnt around and I told Boshen go get in it take in mind it he did and then all of sudden I end up in my big mansion crying over the fact the school had flooded with zombies know that my bam aka my boyfriend had died I was so sorrow to the point I heard some one trynaa break into my house so I had got the Ar and told the person not to come take in mind we on the roof and there’s. Lake BHIND me so he came closer and I just put and shot him by me jumping out we both felled in the water but he’s dead so there’s a a Indian man that caught him on the helicopter but I was in the water take in mind I’m floating down the water I see a whole äßß of zombie so I seen my cousin my brother my mother my step mother my boyfriend ex so female name teasia and my boyfriend I got so happy that I jump outta the water and hug my boyfriend and then the people in the helicopter said is that your boyfriend and I said yeah and he said yeah I told him all this time I thought you was dead he said no he was looking for me and thought I was dead so we both was sad so take in mind he walking BHIND me and I’m grabbing his huge dïçk from BHInd and kiss him so this girl teasia getting outta hand so I said bitch I been wanted to fight so we started play fighting so we crossing the bridge and my boyfriend ex beside me so I took out the phone and show her a video of my boyfriend child I will behaving soon And I said to her he look just like his father and she said he so pretty and then she told me she pregnant also by her boyfriend Kareem so we all make it to the cars that could hold everybody so we each had drived to car separate Boaboa and bam rode with me while my brother and my mother and step mother drove the car that looked just like ours so we on the highway driving we stop to a store but it’s night time and tried to get gas but a bus that was playing circus music past and stop directly in front of the store so me and my cousin still in the store but hurried and ran in the bathroom my mother screamed out and said hurry and get in the car so we both ran in the car and my mother talking about she need something from out the store take in mind the zombie running so I hurried up and got out the car and push her in her car and I also made it in my car that was a close call so we speed off to another store with no one even zombies was to so we drove we all got out the car to get something to snack on and then I woke up crying

dotty 2020-07-23 03:53:05
I recently had a dream where my boyfriend and I died together, holding each others hands and hugging. We were both happy with each other as we did. What can it mean?
Someone 2020-03-22 13:27:40
I had a dream we (me and my boyfriend) were on a cliff and I said aren't you scared of being on the edge? And he said no I was like okay and there was a like pull up bar or you can call it gymnastics bar like on the edge of the cliff and I was like hey do something on that if your not scared and he was scared he just wanted to impress me I think and so I was scared for him but I told him to do it and he said he loved me and I said it back and he went and swung once ance swung another time then flew off the cliff I was like o: and I didn't cry but I had that strong feeling of when your about to cry and I walk away and I look to where he fell and his head was like blown off it was horrific and I was in a school and I walk down the cliff nobody knows he died yet except me and the people on the cliff I was down but I wasn't crying I was like trying to hold it in and my friend came up to me and said something about my mom ( which I've never knew in my life) and I was like haha ok and I forget about it and I walk away and someone says "where's (boyfriends name) and I just break down crying like I'm sobbing and everyone starts following me I'm like fast walking away and I'm sobbing and crying and I miss him and I regret everything it felt horrible then it started raining and I was still crying and it ended.
Kaitlyn 2020-03-20 06:35:03
I had a dream about my boyfriend dying in his sleep maybe from a heart attack and his family has a heritage of heart attacks. I woke up crying and I told him about it and he called me. He said he almost got into a car accident. That’s weird that I dreamt of him dying and he almost did. I now wake up every night fearing that he has died for real. I’m so paranoid and scared that I can’t sleep. I have been looking at other people’s point of view and they say something old will end and something new will happen or something will change. Could this be a sign that something will happen in our relationship or could it be a sign my boyfriend is going to die?
Mary 2019-06-09 17:52:28
I just had a horrible dream they broke into our home and all I remember is checking the rooms then I hear the shower on and open the door to find my boyfriend father of my son dead on the floor I quickly go check his pulse he doesn’t have one. Then I see my son unconscious I run check his pulse he has one then I’m in a hospital my son is okay. I was kinda emotionless when it came to my boyfriend. Makes me sad but I think because we seem distant towards each other.
Nat 2019-05-22 10:25:02
So this is really weird and idk how I remember like most of it... but I’ve had a dream about this same setting before. It was an old apt building that was kinda connected to a water park for a part of the dream??? So it’s really haunted and you can constantly hear the spirits being mad. And it’s like my moms relative that I don’t really know living there and she gave us the okay to live with her for free for some reason.. so we’re living our lives and all of a sudden the relative goes missing.. we didn’t think anything of it bc she has a job and a life. But all of a sudden some of the apt turns into a court room but like a small court room and my moms there and so is my boyfriend and I.. were all talking about the missing person and then the lady is separately interviewing us and first, she interviews my boyfriend. So me and my mom are like in viewing distance and all I’m telling her “I don’t feel too good about this, I don’t like how I’m feeling about this” and then this fat lady and her son just walks through the door with a hand gun in the sons hand and she’s demanding him to open the court room door and shoot them.. the son looks nervous and backs out so she takes the gun out of his hands and opens the door and shoots both of them in the head... the crazy thing is that I saw my boyfriends face right before he got shot and I still can’t take the image out of my head and after he dies I’m just in complete utter shock. All I’m saying is “is this real life, this can’t be real life” over and over again and then I woke up and started to cry really harf..
marie 2019-03-29 22:35:45
I had a dream that my boyfriend and me were hanging out and I end up leaving and I get home and I get a call from his mom saying 'blank' died and I started crying it was the worst thing ever I hated it so much and so I go over crying my eyes out and I'm with his mom and we are crying trying to figure out what was going on so a few days go by and I was with my bestfriend and her boyfriend we were going somewhere and I asked them to drop me off at his grave so they take me and I'm just sitting there crying talking to his grave. and then I woke up crying and it is horrible because he's in jail right now an I haven't gotten a call from him yet....
KarnD39 2018-09-11 12:49:08
I had a dream my boyfriend died of lung cancer and he stopped smoking years ago and all of a sudden without knowing he had it they said in my dream that’s what killed him a week after his passing I find out I’m pregnant with his baby and his sister someone I’ve never really liked or been close to tried to be a friend and consult me I took his death harder than she did I woke up in tears after having this dream
isabella 2018-07-26 03:47:36
Last night I had adream i was on a group trip and the guy i fell in lovewith was on the partner group. i endedup going to hang out with him alone, them wewent back swimming with the group off the dock/float thing and he jumped and got stuckitried to go under and get him but then i saw him and he reached his hand out, two seconds after he dropped n i couldn't find him again i couldn't see his head or find his hand. Then icame backup yelling for 911 they had to get divers to find him/his body. Somone asked me if i was sure i wanted to see him (after seeing my friend die earlier this year) I still said yes and i saw him it looked like a stone statue and I wasdead inside I was sad and broken and we were in a foreign country as well which made it worse. I was the one who chose what happened to him as his death and burrial.I justremember balling my eyes out. WHAT DOES TGHIS MEAN??????
Lara 2018-06-16 10:52:32
Today morning I saw a dream in which it showed me death of my love... I was weeping in front of the crowd in front of his housemail and I was just mad at that situation and cannot hold me... even control me... then I saw the funerals at church
Laxie 2018-06-05 14:24:19
Today I dreamed of my boyfriend dying, I don't remember much of what happened, but I do know that I was scared and I was crying. So I love my boyfriend very much. In this dream of what I can remember is telling my boyfriend goodnight and us both going to bed. I wake up the next morning to find that my boyfriend is still in bed, motionless, I walk up to him and uncover his face, because when he sleeps he has a fan directed at his face and then covers his face with with the blanket, just to find him lifeless. I didn't know what to do, I cried and I ask why??? I rush to get help and help takes him and brings him to the hospital. I don't remember anything there, but suddenly the dream I surreal that I woke up then fell asleep again and it happened to be the same dream just replayed over. This time I had him looked out to see what is wrong and see what's doing this. The doctor then ask my boyfriend, "where is the pain at" replies, "in my stomach area" doctor then says, "that is deadly, cancer type deadly????? Like I don't remember much after that but I do know I cherished the last day with him, we did everything in one day but only to find out he didn't die the next morning??? WHAT??? So I do not think it's gonna happen but till the next day so we then spend another day living life yo the fullest and proceeds to not die for a couple more days then it becomes night time. He's feeling tired. He's feeling low on energy. He's beginning to want to go to bed. I can tell by these signs that tonight he would fall asleep to wake up dead. I kissed him. I cuddled him. I made sure I spent his last breaths with me, I was gonna make it worth while. So this time I tell him I love him.. he then replies after telling that several times, "I love you too" then I kiss him and notice he's lifeless and still. His lips were tight and sucked in. He had died, but only now I made sure to tell him everything I needed him to hear this time and say my good byes. I cried, and cried, and CRIED.

I woke up from the dream and immediately texted my boyfriend to come here, and I got out of bed to check and see if he was, alive or dead, and we met in the hallway, me half awake but pleased to see my boyfriend still here 🙂 I had him come lay with me in the bed and just cuddle and remind him how much I love him and care for him.
Sara 2018-04-29 14:11:02
I just had a dream where my boyfriend was taking a flight somewhere with his family. For some reason I knew something would go wrong, like a get feeling, so I begged him not to go. Over and over, but he went anyways. So I watch the plane take off, just to crash and explode in a fiery inferno. I've never felt such hurt and sadness in my life. I then fell to the ground grabbing my heart screaming his name over and over.... I texted him immediately...
Any clue to what this might mean?
Curuni 2018-02-23 15:44:37
My dream was just too casual, we started out by going to the grocery store, we were having fun pushing the cart and goofing around, for some reason the store was full of seniors and it was around sunset. We left the store and we started to make our way to the car, but we could see a sketchy driver so we avoided walking the path he was driving, during this time we were still talking, suddenly the driver comes out and we see him with a bank deposit bag and a heavy pistol with a silencer on it. My boyfriend tells me to continue like we haven’t seen anything, to give no reaction, we leave the cart, we are only one lane away from our car, we are almost there but the man with the gun didn’t even take a step, he was frozen, you could tell this man was stuck with fear, shock, and not one calm neve in his body to stop him from trembling his hands or to calm his sweat. Finally we made it to the car, for some reason we had a small Orange amplifier on top of the car (maybe because my boyfriend is a musician🤔 and a old plastic box of scrap metal and junk. My boyfriend clicks on the key, unlocks the doors, this grabs the strange man’s attention. My boyfriend tells me to leave the items on top of the car to just get inside, I know the amp is heavy enough to break our windshield, so I try to quickly drop it, by this time in just a matter of second, my boyfriend has continued eye contact with the stranger, I can’t see the car keys in my boyfriend’s hand, all i can think is that maybe they are still attached to his belt loop on the other side. The strange man is staring at my boyfriend through an open car window, he’s two- two and a half feet away from him. You can tell this man has had to calm himself, so he does it with what looked to be anger. My boyfriend does not break eye contact still, I fear this is maybe the reason why he hasn’t gotten shot. The strange man shoots my boyfriend perfectly straight through his sternum, my boyfriend reacts by slightly lifting his hands. I can’t believe what happened, I quickly think one bullet is could still be easy to remove, to save him but I HAVE TO KEEP MYSELF CALM for I fear the gunner to just release his magazine on him. So I say nothing, I do nothing, except stare at the gunner and stare at how my boyfriend’s body is reacting, his eyes are now dialated. The gunner shots another round, this time I believe it to miss the chest, I only think is this on purpose or does he not know how to aim, I hear a chock, my boyfriend has been shot perfectly in the center of the throat, he goes to put pressure on it. Still keeping eye contact. Fear and panic over comes me, I know not he could die but I know I still cannot move for I fear where the next bullet with be 100% fatal. My eyes are not clouding, my breathing isn’t as smooth as before, and I have to continue to fight back wanting to apply pressure. The gunner now breaks eye contact after to small and quick shots, he looks towards the grocery store, her gives a quick glance at this area surrounding him/ us; this man pull out what’s I thought was a clip, I don’t think they are pills, they look like 9mm ammo, it is calmly taken by my boyfriend with his non bloody left hand, I can now hear what the man is saying, he says zef/xef 29 313 414. Is this some code, is this a miracle cure to save his life, if they are bullets what do we do with this code? As the exchange happens the man repeats it twice, my boyfriend nods, the guns is lowered and the man takes another look at his surroundings, looks at me for a half second, and makes his way to towards his car again. No I reach over to apply pressure, I say “oh my god ‘name’” and than I woke up.

Tiana 2018-01-23 11:26:30
I’ve been having nightmares every single night for about a month now. Some about other things but mostly about my boyfriend dying or leaving me. Tonight he committed suicide in my dream. Which is totally unrealistic because my boyfriend is against people self harming big time. In my dream I had just left his house after spending the night (like I always do) and his mom contacted me and said he had killed him self. My dream continues on focused on the fact that he is no longer here and that he left me. I try talking to family about it but no one seems to listen. I try breaking things and throwing fits but they continue to tell me to “lose the attitude” and then proceed to talk about my step mom who is deployed. I love my boyfriend with every inch of me... we have a really good relaitonship, healthy and happy other than silly little fights. So why am I having so many night mares. It’s starting to take a toll on me.
Samantha 2018-01-14 09:54:45
I had a dream that my complicated "boyfriend" it ain't official, but we are waiting for the right time to date. Anyways, I had a dream that me and him were by this beach and something was in the water so he was trying to see what it was. He kept his nice shoes on too and then he started getting all happy dancing in the water and I looked to see a shark was coming. I warned him and yelled and cried for him to get out because there's a shark. I was begging and I wanted to go get him out myself, but my dream wouldnt let me move. My dream then switched scenes and he was next to me, but still it was really scary and sad.
Rell 2018-01-11 22:24:59
So I dreamt that my boyfriend and I were on a pier and I dropped dome stuff in the ocean and couldn't reach it. We tried as a team to to get it but couldn't then he said ill just jump in and get it i didn't want him to but he said it would be fine and did it anyway then he turned around to swim back and there was a shark swimming towards him and I watch him get eaten and torn to pieces by this shark I was so devastated. Fast forward a day or too I was a complete mess with out him then I woke up. A
Selena 2017-11-25 15:59:33
It was only this morning, i had a dream that my boyfriend and I had a baby girl named Bry which is also my sisters name. We were being chased by these horrible people up until I had killed one of them. Then we got to corner, we could've kept going straight or up the block where there was police and i ask him are you sure you wanna go up this way and he said yes... so we walk by the cops and it was an officers birthday so he's signing with them, and being it was our daughters birthday too i was walking slowly singing happy birthday to her. So then she goes i want daddy and i say okay we'll sing it together, then i hear "so you guys too" from him i turn around we're walking to eachother and i see across the street a guy pull out a gun and before i can say anything he shot my boyfriend. I ran to him and about half way i woke up.
Taylor 2017-10-24 14:04:20
I just had a dream that my boyfriend and I were staying the weekend at my uncles house and a girl I went to school with had apparently broken in the house and she was in my uncles music room next to the living room where I was sitting. I heard a strum of a guitar and shouted to my boyfriend someone was in there. I told him to grab a knife, and he did. He told me to run and call 911 and I did. He opened the door and the girl took the knife from him and stabbed him with it, and he ended up dying. But I didn’t get to see him die because he told me to go and when I came back I could see that he crawled from the living room to the bedroom where he finally died. That was possibly the most scariest nightmare I think I have had and when I woke up I was bawling but he was right next to me thank god.
Ren 2017-08-07 04:47:38
I had the worst dream last night! My boyfriend and I won a trip to Italy and had a wonderful two weeks touring the ruins. We went to Rome, Pompeii, Herculaneum, Florence, and several other places. We went back to the airport in Rome and got on our plane back to America. We had an issue on our plane and had to land in Germany. We were currently eating airplane food when we hit massive turbulence. He started choking and I couldn't get out of my seat to perform the Heimlich on him. Somehow, his food pierced through his throat and he died. I was covered in his blood! I woke up in tears and instantly texted him, even though it was about four in the morning and I knew he was asleep. I love him so much and I can't imagine a life without him!

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