Dream Dictionary Break Up

Dream Dictionary Break Up


Things have probably been going badly in your relationship as of late if you are having dreams about a break up, but there are two different ways to take a dream like this one way would be to immediately regret the dream and act like it never happened. In the dream you were broken up with and you were horribly sad about it. Either that or you initiated the break up with tears in your eyes the entire time. You feel as though you have a great thing going between the two of you and you don't exactly want to end it but you think it is the only way for you to get anything done or to see any progress in your life. Either way, while this probably indicates that you have had some relationship strife up to this point it does not necessarily suggest that you need to give up on your significant other entirely. There are many reasons to stay in a relationship with someone despite differences. In fact you are probably pretty familiar with many of those reasons.

Basically, if you have a dream where you have a sad break up, it may seem like it is the end of the world but in reality, it probably means that you guys have just been on the rocks a bit lately. Things have not been going so right but it does not mean that you need to break up. On the contrary, the fact that you were so sad and destitute about the break up when you were in the dream world means that you don't really want it to end. You may see a break up coming in your future but this just means that you need to work harder at representing yourself and making sure that your relationship works out. You cannot make it work on your own though. Just make sure your boyfriend or girlfriend is on board with the idea of continuing what you've got going on and take it from there.

To have a dream in which you break up with someone and you are happy about it or you feel relieved suggests that this might be the path that you need to take in your relationship in real life. Let's face it; even though the real world doesn't carryover well in depictions in dreams, emotions come across crystal clear. If you felt good and confident about breaking off your relationship in the dream world then this suggests you would probably feel the same way about ending your relationships in real life. You are ready to move on from your boyfriend or girlfriend and find a new one. Though this is only the case if you thought they were a bad boyfriend or girlfriend. If everything seemed to be alright with them then it may just mean that you need to take some time away from relationships entirely and just do your own thing. You will be much happier and fulfilled this way.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Break Up

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Stacey 2019-07-09 09:15:58
I had a dream that my fiance broke up with me and had a new girl at the same time. I was very sad about it and had to figure out what this dream means. Not sure what to do because I am in love with him but a few things always make be unsettled in our relationship. We have been together for 3 years
Leah 2018-05-14 16:04:57
My boyfriend and I had the same dream, where I kissed another boy and my boyfriend was with us and walked out with a red face. I rush after him and start to cry but my dad picked him up and drives off without me. Any ideas of what this means?
Daisy 2017-04-25 08:31:50
I had a dream that I broke up with my boyfriend at a wedding when I found out that he was cheating on me. The next day my boyfriend said that he had a dream that I had broken up with him at a wedding. What do you think that means?
jennifer 2016-07-05 09:41:26
i seriously can not hide the joy and happiness i feel inside of me right now have been having issues with my relationship for some time now and after i came in contact with this great man all my problems in my relationship were gone after i did what he told me to do incase you are out there having any problem with your relationship or any problem at all you can contact this great man for help through his email @prophetkalito@gmail.com
Thanks prophetkalito you are really God sent
Josh 2016-06-17 07:34:59
Ok this may sound weird but a while ago this girl who works at the ampm I stop at before work started making eyes at me, I couldn't help but make them back, now Its been a while since I seen her but on the days I do see her I have a dream earlier in the day that I leave my gf for a new girl, the dream girl is always different but it's the fact that when I have that dream I end up seeing this girl the same day smiling at me with a smile I only see when she looks at me
Star 2018-07-08 17:13:07
Why the hell would you waste your girlfriends time if you wanna be single and flirt around like you single? Just be onist and if your not in a relationship for love or what u like about your gf then tell her its best you stay single cause u like to look at other women an flirt.
D.J. 2016-06-08 23:19:18
Hello.. wondering if anyone can help me interpret this dream please I've search & Google just about everything & nothing quite matches or resonates. thank you
Well first off just went through a disturbing breakup about 2weeks ago found out my now ex boyfriend was having an ongoing affair with his own blood cousins wife while he's out serving in the military all so very sad I'm so hurt over the situation & can't understand his mentality over everything that has gone on.. I ended up telling his mother about the situation she couldn't believe it either and after that haven't spoken to him either the last between him & I was a break up over text message & all he could say was "got no words for you, don't text again" and so I haven't. . I've had several dreams of moving on ect.. but this dream hit my heart yet again. .
I was visiting over at my now ex boyfriends house I was in the kitchen & living room with his family when I heard the door to his room open he left out the side door with his luggage packed & when I looked out the window I told his mom where is he going she said she didn't know she told me to dress up with something nice & to go find out when I finally went outside I saw he was under his truck doing an oil change & some girl he was now with which seemed like he already new was in the front hood checking the fluids, he then got out from under the truck when I called his name & ask him where he was going his mother had then ran out of house to where we were at & said son you didn't know your girlfriend was here and he had said no I didn't and that for me he was leaving and for me to leave him alone and kinda pushed me away when I reached for his arm also I noticed a young girl in the bed of his truck also waiting for them to get going I'm assuming the new girls daughter.. I woke up feeling hurt & said & thinking why is he making me feel like all this is my fault. I'm really confused & I know this may all sound confusing too but if anyone out there can dicifer any of this it will be greatly appreciated
Megan 2016-04-16 10:46:58
my boyfriend and I were very happy, we have been through thick and thin together. he broke up with me after a year. I felt depressed. I get dreams now and then of him getting with other girls, me in tears and him
saying that he doesn't care about me
Mellissa 2016-04-15 16:45:55

?€?After a few false starts it?€™s been tough over the last few months. My husband has been gone for some time and my children and I have thought several times that our suddenly had come only for him to leave again just as quickly?€¦like the pendulum of the clock as Bob referred to it. After several weeks of little communication, my husband called and said he was done trying to fix it and he wanted a divorce. It hurt but I zipped my lips and went to war! I went to my friend and ask her if there is any way to win back my husband, that how i came across drmensah44@yahoo.com and he promise me that his going to help me win back my man. Days later he called me early in the morning apologizing for what he had said and said he DID NOT want to divorce. He said he had had A DREAM and he can?€™t leave his family. that's how we came back together to make a happy big family!?€? (Georgia)
jake 2016-03-16 05:14:47
Me and my girlfriend have been together 5 months now and its going really good. But i had a dream last night about me basically cheating on her with an old crush of mine. And leaving her for her. Whats this mean??
Kate 2017-08-05 11:56:59
It means you still have a crush on that person
Desiray 2015-10-27 05:19:34
My boy friend and me have a perfect relationship. We don't fight or argue.I support him and he's happy. But lately I've been having dreams of us breaking up or him cheating. I don't understand why I keep having these dreams when we're happy with are relationship.
Kami 2016-09-27 16:51:59
Ugh me too. Exact same situation and im so over it
Jfjfj 2015-11-12 19:27:39

Maybe your having trust issues with him
Jay 2015-08-03 04:51:10
I have been living with a guy for over five years and did not know that he will ever cheat on me. Four months ago he went back to his home country and found a job there. We have planned that early next year, I would join him in his home country and start a small business there. However, after two months of staying in his home country he was sleeping with someone else and told me over the phone that he is confused about everything and that he needed time to think. I just found out last month that he has been seeing that person since day one that we started our relationship.

I had dreams that I have been fighting that women and punching that women in he face only while he just stood there and watch. Also I had dreams that he came back to me in my country. Please help me interpret.
Marrisa 2016-08-01 04:40:08
He's the jerk Not her remember that . He should've told you from the start but he didn't . You deserve someone better then him don't blame her and don't blame yourself he should never have ever done that to you but what goes around Comes back around and he will reap what he sows
bianca 2015-11-04 08:13:18
You honestly deserve way better and if he's done that to you I can only imagine what life will bless you with later, if it didn't work out something was taken out of your life that wasn't needed and I hope the best for the struggle you went through , I wanted to cry when I ready this .
Abigail95 2015-10-25 04:15:24
I've been dating this guy for 1 year and 4 months, but we've known each other for 3 years. A couple of months ago I had a dream we got into an argument and then broke up, weeks ago I had a dream he cheated on me, I caught him, we argued, he hit me, then left and got into a car wreck and I saw him die, last night I had another dream where he came to me saying he needed to tell me something, he told me that one night after leaving my house he ended up at another girls house and I got out the car, he went to pull off and told me it was over because my sister and her boyfriend had told him numerous things about me. Why do I keep having similar dreams and what does this dream mean?
JediPrincess 2015-10-14 16:44:52
Message from Jay
I have been living with a guy for over five years and did not know that he will ever cheat on me. Four months ago he went back to his home country and found a job there. We have planned that early next year, I would join him in his home country and start a small business there. However, after two months of staying in his home country he was sleeping with someone else and told me over the phone that he is confused about everything and that he needed time to think. I just found out last month that he has been seeing that person since day one that we started our relationship.

I had dreams that I have been fighting that women and punching that women in he face only while he just stood there and watch. Also I had dreams that he came back to me in my country. Please help me interpret.

It sounds like you are blaming the women for his behavior, like he can't do anything about it. Your love for him is so strong you dream of him coming back. You are making excuses for this douchebag because you love him, but if hes been seeing someone since day one everything he represented to you was a lie. What a loser. You deserve better and you will find it!!!!!! Be confident in yourself, NOONE deserves to be treated that way.
Vivian 2015-07-26 18:54:14
My love broke up 6 months ago and left me heartbroken, this made me sick and my problem became very very difficult and it made me almost gave up but after the love spell from Robinson Buckler, my relationship was restored instantly, I was happy that the outcome was fantastic, only 3 days after robinsonbuckler@yahoo.com started it all. Never in my life have I thought this would work so fast. My man reconcile with me and he started acting completely different, we make love everyday (last weekend, we did it 8 times in total!). Now I can say that Robinson's spells work! I can now say I feel happy once again, and like never before. It felt so good to have my lover back again, Thanks to Robinson,

anil 2015-07-21 08:24:17
Last night i got dream. One small pig came
Near my door. C me and it get back
What is the meaning of this dream.
Lisa 2015-06-30 22:26:40
What does it mean when in my dreams I'm sad but then the next one I'm happy??
Ravan 2015-06-24 14:07:56
I don't get it. My boyfriend and I have almost been dating for 5 months. They have been pretty perfect. I have never had someone who makes me so happy. We don't argue. There are no complications, so why am I having these dreams? They make me feel like this is foreshadowing, but that can't be right. I don't want to lose him!
Luke 2015-11-29 08:19:12
Just last night I had a dream where I asked my gf if she loved me and she said no.... In the end of the dream I comitted suicide! I woke up literally crying and wondering if it had anything to do with the night before...
I had a panic attack and she was the only one to comfort me. She told me that she cared amd would always be there so having that dream really scared me. Does she mean it or do I worry too much?!
Tortor 2015-07-20 14:55:57
Yes that is exactly what I'm going through, like I absolutely love my boyfriend, but I've had almost the same dream for a couple nights in a row. And I don't know why!
Aria 2015-07-12 09:18:41
I know, I feel the same way! My guess is that there hasn't been drama in our relationship with our partners so we compensate it by dreaming about losing them. Like we need to know what it'd feel like if we lost them in some way. I told my boyfriend about it and he reassured me that he loves me too much to break up with me over something crazy. So, I don't think its foreshadowing. We just need to check if we are willing to lose them or not.
Javs 2015-07-08 15:39:12
Maybe because you don't want it to end.
Morgan 2015-06-07 14:49:17
Me and my boyfriend have only been dating for about 2 months now and we had a little break a couple weeks ago and were fine now. But I just don't understand why I had this dream because I thought everything was going pretty good between him and I .. I just really want some answers!
michelle 2015-07-20 19:01:36
I have read on other sites that a dream of breaking up can mean you are ready to take a relationship to the next level. The break up is not a bad omen but rather a sign of a new beginning
Cat mad mommy 2015-05-05 11:04:31
I had a dream where I had an argument with my fiance and I really laid into him about all our problems in our relationship n everything he had put me through in real life and that he is never really physically there for me or our kids and so he said well if im not happy in the relationship then go so i packed up all mine and the kids stuff and walked out feeling happy n relieved it was finally over, but this dream is re-acurring
Renee 2015-08-14 13:26:07
I have had similar dreams about my fiance. I am just totally relieved that it was finally over when I left in the dream. I keep having the dream. I don't know about you but I am truly starting to think that maybe it is better to have a life without my fiance. I get the feeling it is telling me my true feelings.
Rachel 2015-04-26 21:29:09
Me and my bf have been together 6 years with no complications and are planning on starting our life together soon. For some reason when he's in my dream we are exes who are still friends and want each other. But I always stop us from hooking up because we aren't together anymore. This isn't a normal breakup dream and I'm really confused what it means. I've been having it off and on for years, always different with one similarity. We are never a couple in my dream. Sometimes we're exes, sometimes I'm dating someone else and creeped out by it because something feels off about my "bf" and wishing I could be with a guy like, well, the guy I'm dating in real life!
My very strange breakup dream 2015-04-21 06:57:57
i had a very sad and weird dream, in it my boyfriend broke up with me and spent a lengthy conversation told me about other girls he had been seeing and dating whilst we were together, it was in a house as his house but, it wasn't his real life house in the dream, he was being really horrible and had a don't care attitude, he threw all of my stuff away in bin bags and had striped his wallpaper off his walls in his room and had bagged everything else up ready to put up new wallpaper and change the colour scheme to green and blue and the layout of his room, he told me a girls name in it who he had went on a date with the night before in the dream and I was really upset, as I walked out there crying down what seemed like a never ending hall, I walked through the downstairs rooms where a lot of people (around15) where all sorting clothing into white bin bags to throw away. I didn't know these people but I didn't seem alarmed by it in the dream, also as I walked out of his door to the street I seen that the exterior of house in the dream was the same as his real life house, but wasn't in the same location. I know this sounds like a really strange dream I just really want to know what it means, as far as I'm aware our relationship has been fine lately and we haven't hit any rocky patches, it really upset me and the girl he was seeing in it is actually a real person! with the same name and picture as in my dream! I don't know her and have never met her but I did look her up after the dream (sad I know lol) but she is a real person exactly the same as how she looked in my dream! I find that so weird and also very worrying at the same time In case it's true or some kind of random premonition or something. Help!??!
Brandylynn Delvicchio 2015-03-04 22:31:29
My fianc and I got into an argument yesterday. We got over it, but come bed time, he laid on the other side of the bed. Usually he lays close enough to me, where I can actually lay on him. I didn't end up going to bed until around 7:00 a.m. When I did, I dreamt that we were laying in bed and I was talking to him. He wasn't listening like usual, you could also tell he was annoyed at me talking.. So I asked him "if you get so annoyed with me, then just break up with me already". He then said "okay". He told me I could spend one more night at his house, but come morning I had to have all my things packed, and ready to go. I felt crushed.. I thought it would blow over by morning. As I suspected, it didn't. I cried and pleaded, that we stay together. I told him there could be no way for me to live without him, no way I could sleep alone.. All he replied was "you better find a way". We then went downstairs, to which we gave our rings back to each other. His mom came in the room, and asked him about this girl. (Mind yourself, his mom knows everything about him. He's a really big mommas boy.) he than replied, that he was taking Her out, that same night ... I had no idea what to say.. How to feel.. The dream is a bit fuzzy, but I know it got to the point where, I seen him with her. I woke up, crying, sweaty, and, so bewildered.. He woke up to my crying and asked what was wrong. I told him... But he just got annoyed, and said "it's just a dream", go back to bed.. I'm lost, my stomach is tied in knots.. What can this mean?..
Ezzz 2016-05-26 02:59:29
Look into it! Be observant!
pedro morgan 2015-02-27 02:14:42
i am 33 years old, I must say that since my whole life i have never seen anything that work so fast and so powerful like Dr.Uroko spell. I used to have problems with my wife and it has never result for her to park out but this very day we just had a little quarrel as usually but i was surprise to see her pack her things and leave the house but just after i contacted Dr.Uroko through these information +2347031362391, atitilovespell@gmail.com, My wife who has packed things out of my house for over 14 days came back to me and was pleading for me to accept her back and now we are now leaving well with no trouble again, we love each other perfectly, so if you are having trouble or challenges in your relationship i will advice you work with Dr Uroko on: atitilovespell@gmail.com
Robin 2014-12-15 12:29:41
my gf just dumped me, and like 2-4 days later i had a dream of her comming to my place to get her stuff. and when she got here it skiped forward we were both sitting in my bed and i laid down, and she reached for something on the table behind me and when she did i kissed her then i woke up from something that starteld me i was sweating my heart was racing and aching and i had a knot i my stomach. Later i feel asleep again to have another dream about her but not as clear could someone please help me i'm at the end of my rope i dont know what to do.
Rissa 2015-12-13 15:39:04
I think your just Still hurting from her leaving, and your dreams are your mind trying to still hold onto her. Talk to someone about how you feel will help.
Unknown 2014-11-29 09:35:03
I had one where she said I wasn't ready to the commitment and in real life it's hard to talk to each other what do I do.?
Sierra 2014-11-14 02:36:54
I've been with my bf for over 2 years and in my dream, some guy helped me that was attending a wedding I was attending as well. He got dirty so I washed his suit for him and my bf just blew up over this so I ended up yelling and cursing at him until finally breaking up with him over his jealousy. Problem is I want to break up with him, I have several times but my family always wants his help so he still ends up at my house all the time and without meaning to we just always end up back together.
mojo 2016-05-09 07:32:11
maybe you think your bf is not husband material. you want a husband and with this guy in the way, you can't look for one. stick to your guns, don't go back to him, get a man you want to marry.

KG 2014-11-08 13:17:30
I had a dream where my boyfriend broke up with me for my friend. I was crying in the dream and I woke up crying.
sam 2014-11-06 13:21:10
I had a dream that this guy was attacking me n my boyfriend was just watching then the guy was attacking me n my kids and my boyfriend hit him wit a belt in the head. It only made him mad n he attacked my boyfriend. Then the police pop in the door trying to stop him.he grabbs my daughter n holds a knife to her saying he will cut her. Then I was so scared I grabbed the officers gun from his holster n shot the guy in the head. But the police said they would say they shot the guy n in the struggle. N let me go so i started crying n hugging my children. N then I felt like I was viewing me n my children from another persons eyes n I seen me n my kids at a bus station waiting with some bags looking sad....can anyone tell me what this means...
jasmin 2014-11-01 18:57:34
i just had a dream where me and my girlfriend broke up. in my dream, her mother disapproves our relationship. she offers to pay me just to leave my girlfriend but i declined.later in that dream we talked and i asked her what will happen to us.she answered that she will be sent to another country. then i woke up with my heart aching..in reality her parents does approve that she is a lesbian..im really concerned..
vanessa allen 2014-10-10 18:54:44
Ok, so I had a dream that me and my boyfriend broke up. But in my dream, his reasoning to brake up with me is that I'm boring... but in reality we've been together for five months now. In my dream, I cried the whole entire time, until at the end he came up to me and said sorry and that he wanted to stay with me forever. And I woke up with a horrifying headache around where my eyes are. And my face was wet. What could it mean.?
Skittles 2015-01-25 11:58:56
I have had the same dream. Me and my boyfriend didn't want to break up in the dream because of his dream friend called Ryan ( a short funny guy ) Ryan didn't want us to break up and neither did I buy my bf did and he said "until Ryan gets a job or goes to college, we will stay together" so we did until that day and when the day came, my bf broke up with me, told me I'm boring and isnt interested in this relationship and I said "I don't care about Ryan. Please stay with me. I care about you and love YOU." He shook his head and sat in his chair and I left. I woke up crying and screaming.
shakela 2014-09-21 03:47:01
My bf and i broke up yersterday bcause he went back to his sons mother. But i recently had a dream that we were at school in a library and i was on one end of the hall and he was on the other and we made eye contact but didnt react. Then later he tried with everything in him to get back to me, then i woke up. What could it mean?
Elena 2014-09-04 16:34:56
I keep having the same reocurring dream, that I break up with my boyfriend and I am sad after and I don't know why I did it but I regret it in my dream and I am confused as to why I did it. It's weird because I am happy in my relationship and we are at a really good point relationship wise. Not sure why I keep having this dream.

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