Dream Dictionary Breathing Underwater

Dream Dictionary Breathing Underwater


If you literally dream of breathing underwater, as in you go to sleep and in your dreams you are going underwater and breathing it could mean one of several things. Since water is one area that we know seems as if it was not meant for humans (because of the fact that we don't have gills, and because of the fact that we naturally float as well as the fact that the creatures of the sea are much more well suited for sea travel and can more easily navigate waters, as well as kill us if we got into any fights.

To dream that you are able to breathe underwater would mean that you have conquered one of the things that keeps is from water the most, the fact that we cannot stay under for long periods of time without assistance. This would mean you have conquered areas that were previously off limits to you. There was some goal that you thought you would never achieve, but you were able to make it out of sheer will power. Congratulations, you should be proud of yourself for your accomplishment, it really means a lot.

It can also mean, when you dream of breathing underwater that you have conquered your fear of the water. The water is a scary place for many people, and still many more people refuse to swim in the water, especially not in open sea or in areas that seem particularly dangerous. For you to be able to go underwater and breathe means you can go anywhere in the water and probably will. You have no reason to fear drowning, so why would you ever be sacred. Try testing out in real life whether you are still afraid or not. Go take a dip in the public pool and see how you and your body react to the environment. Do you still feel scared? Use the gumption given to you by your mind to go out there and traverse the tricky waters. Maybe you don't need to go out and literally have a swim, but this spike in fearlessness shows you certainly have the will and ability to conquer other fears as well. Let's see how many you can cross off the list in the next few days now that one of the biggest ones is down.

To dream that you can breathe underwater also shows that you have obtained complete mastery over your emotions. Many times in dreams the sea or the ocean or any body of water will be representative of your emotional state. When you are on a boat, you are really showing that you have the ability to navigate through all of your complex emotional responses. However, when you are swimming in the water and don't even need a boat then this suggests that you have an even greater mastery than could have previously been seen. You are extremely in touch with yourself. Congratulations on your mastery of your own emotional climate.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Breathing Underwater

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Brenna 2023-01-13 07:20:05
Last night, before going to bed, I was feeling really positive about my new career path. I've felt confidence that I've wanted to feel for a long time. When I fell asleep, I dreamt that I flew a spaceship back to Earth, and jumped off into the coral blue waves. I was a bit scared at first but once I submerged in the water, I had discovered I could breathe. I was instantly calmed and confident that no matter how big the waves were, I'd be able to breathe through them. I was having fun! and was even jumping into the waves.
BRR 2022-03-31 18:16:03
I used to dream a lot about being stranded in oceans with sharks in the water, or not being able to go anywhere (water surrounding me). But i once dreamed i was by a dock with people learning how to swim as if it was a pool, and so we were all hanging on to the edge while i was afraid of drowning. I must of accidentally let go and i thought i was going to drown. Meanwhile under water trying to go back up to the surface.... i thought to myself im going to die im going to die! And so i wanted to wake myself up, but Then i started thinking what would happen if i breathed. I wNted to see where the dream would put me. So funny thing i was so scared but i breathed ln like normal air, just swimming around. It was so fun.... so now whenever i have any nightmare (every dream i possess is a frickin nightmare) and it has water.... i just know im able to breathe in water and its so cool. But since its a nightmare theres always something out to get me . I wish i had good dreams. Breathing in water us cool but everything else in my dream is always scary and plots against me.
JJ 2021-08-17 02:47:52
Okay I dreamt of breathing underwater with group of whales. What does it mean? Feelings were mixed, a bit confused and scared at first, thought that I was gonna get swallowed at some point but they swim past me and I just kinda realised I'm actually breathing underwater at that moment. Crystal clear water, no wave. I can literally recall the bright moonlight thru the ocean. One of the whales actually had direct eye contact with me, it was like saying 'hey'. It was comforting after that. I calmed down after that. Not sure I recall what happens afterwards.
GJ 2021-04-23 16:02:59
I had a dream I was in the ocean underwater and knew I couldn't breathe, but I was not afraid at all. I looked up and could see light, and I knew that God would not let me die. I started floating and I could breathe. I wanted to stay where I was because I was so content. I woke up feeling so rested and happy!!!!
Lhyn 2020-06-27 21:45:22
I dreamt being on a lake and breathing underwater! I was amazed and tried it over again and I still can. When I reached home, they were all so worried about me! I was missing for few days and they couldn't believe where I had been!
Jasmine 2020-04-15 04:47:16
You're definitely right, I felt as if I wasn't able to cope with my strong emotions after many difficult experiences but my dream about breathing under water showed me that I'm doing fine, that I've dealt with then properly and went deeply into my soul and that now I've accepted everything and than I can live with that. I can really congratulate myself. Thanks a lot for your interpretation.
Elizabeth 2019-01-27 16:34:43
My dream has been re accuring for the past year or so I'm just under water in the ocean there's no sealife and I'm just swimming around right before I think I have to come up for air istart breithing under water it makes me happy so I continue to swim explory the scary places of the ocean and all the beutifull one's to.
Jasmine 2018-12-26 04:39:48
I always have this dream of me just swirling under waters of a lake its always nice n sunny n theres always other ppl there but i never remember who they are.. As im swiming under water holding my breath i slightly breath in n out thru my nose worried if ill breath in water but i never do. But im just under water for the longest enjoying the swirling and swiming. Its rare when i take my head out of the water. Its always peaceful.
Pandora 2018-07-22 03:59:41
My dream was really weird

I was swimming at the beach with an abusive boyfriend that was a dominate and he was mad so I hid under water and he held me there but I could breathe it was just like air
I haven't concorded anything so I am confussed
Lashay 2017-11-26 20:40:58
Dream #1
I'm in a casino, looks really nice inside,
I'm there with someone & feels like a male figure....but I can't remember who the person was. There were steps in the casino, steps that took you to a higher level/higher floor, I think I seen elevators too. (But not sure) I remember me and the other person walking down the steps into the lower section... but don't remember walking up the steps. As we approach the lower section ( I became scared and fearful) because the lower section was filling up with water from what my eyes could see... shocked me, I was confused....the water was damn near to the top of the lower floor! As weird as this sounds(the ppl were not afraid nor frighten) (no one was panicking) .....only me..... I was scared and afraid of the rushing waters, I can't recall how the person with me felt it wasn't much conversation with this person.....the person was just there beside me.
I thought to myself "maybe we should swim to the front door and get Out!" But then I thought " it's a long way...will we be able to come up for air?".... idk I think I had optimistic faith and decided to take a chance,  i remember just wanting to get out of there quick, so me and the other person went under the water and started swimming....
Was swimming........all of a sudden I seen the door, the door had ppl (particularly a Caucasian elderly couple) coming into the casino. I was looking at them under water confused saying to myself "do they not see the danger" "they are coming in here clueless"" their not choking off the water?" ...they just walked in like water wasn't even there or as if they could breathe under water.......the woman stood out more than the man....she had white hair styled like the 70's I think she was wearing a maroon or red dress...
All this going on and i still didn't hear the person next to me say anything.....don't remember if we made it out, I don't remember if we went back...the door was right there.... the last thing I remember is watching the couple walking past me and I'm just at a stand still under water.
Zachary 2017-07-06 04:14:08
A few nights ago I had a dream where my eyes were closed and I sat in lotus position. I think I was meditating. I opened my eyes and I was in the water, nothing in sight, no sand or aquatic life. I didn't panic, and it didn't feel wet, it like regular air. I decided to try breath it in. I was able to fill my lungs with water safely. The dream ended before I could breath out.
Natalie 2017-04-22 21:23:11
I was at the beach and I was about five feet under and I was going up for air. When I was almost at the top I told myself that I really needed air so I breathed in water as though it was air. The water had a weird texture as it went into my lungs. Smooth but yet still slightly hard to get use to. It was really weird but the thing that was the weirdest was that, that night was a full moon. The full moon lasted for 4 nights no joke and I had a dream of breathing under water every night until the full moon ended. 4 DAYS!!! That's insane! I honestly thought I was in a fantasy or some other world. That was my dream.

Amde 2016-06-29 03:27:39
I had a dream where I was underwater inside a transparent bubble and was moving my legs in a running motion, then I saw someone, a man without a face, but he felt familiar, so I reached for his hand and both our bubbles merged and not a single drop of water got in, and we went on walking forward with our hands linked.
Trav Gee 2016-03-09 06:42:16
This is a reoccurring dream for me. Usually starts off being under the water holding my breath like anyone would. Then I need air. You know in real life if you are holding your breath to see how long you can go and then accidentally take a small breath out the nose or something. That's how it goes for me in the dream. I'm underwater then start to take little breaths accidentally. Then I realize I'm breathing underwater. Sometimes I'm in the ocean sometimes a pool. Sometimes the ocean is calm sometimes there are big waves but I'm under deep enough where they are just rolling over me and I'm underneath them watching the roll hanging out. I love these dreams..
Christian 2016-12-17 08:06:32
I just had that exact dream last night. What does it mean? I've tried looking it up but can't find a good explanation.
Taylor 2016-03-07 15:55:02
It's crazy. I can breathe under water in real life, not just in dreams. But only when I really need to. Only when it could be dangerous not to breathe
shan nan 2016-12-07 15:25:41
Whatchu talkin' bout Willis
Greg 2016-01-29 19:19:53
I had this dream last night. Just swimming around the bottom looking up and watching everyone do laps. It was the most awesome feeling.
Paris 2015-10-07 13:52:03
Had a dream that my family and i were on a boat in the middle of the water and i was looking for My 5 year old daughter someone said s he was sleeping and then i go to look for her and she is in the water sleeping... i jump in to save her and she is fine not drowning like i had though . .. she was breathing under water
Lunar 2015-09-04 02:20:13
In my dream it was first some kind of race with inflatable rafts where we could stand or sit to paddle. Anyway after a while I lost my raft and took another person to catch up to this one guy. The face finally ended when I cross the finish line for the finally time. I was able to find my own raft but the guy I liked had it. He wasn't there but I knew he had it. I had to search underwater for my gears equipment then I took it back I was still under water. After taking it back I felt that he had come again to look at it but was surprised it was gone. He left to do something and that's when I ran out of air but there was still someone there so I couldn't get out. Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore and sucjed in the water. At first I struggled but then I relaxed and was able to breathe just fine. I stayed there til the person left but then another person appeared, a girl I didn't know but she cause panic to run through my body. And I raced to the surface but when I reached it I was unable to breathe so back into the water I went. The rest of the dream I stayed underwater. I got advise from a man who told me I must give the raft back to the guy I like. I woke a few minutes later, unable to return the raft first but I did agree to give it back.
Just me 2015-07-29 23:16:29
I dreamed that I was brought down under water by a friend to a secret society almost where I can breath under water. And I was able to eat and live under water. After a while I thought I needs to swim back to the surface. But as I headed to the top, I didn't need to because the rule was: if I panic I need to go to the surface to breath only. But I didn't panic and so I stayed
gitana 2015-04-17 15:40:07
My dream started out on a car ride with a few friends.. there was a person in my dream saying that we will be going under water soon that a big wave is going to come ..hours passed when we saw a big wave cover us and the whole world it was a struggle at first but then once the world was covered we was able to breathe friends and I was trying to reach the top ... we trying shooting a arrow with a hook to pull our self up... but then we saw a guy that reached the top it was a circle he stuck his head out and got sucked out... Idk what that means
justcurious 2015-03-29 15:54:18
I dreamt of visiting the cleanest and very transparent water. I'm sure it was a sea water because I saw the waves where lots of people are swimming but me on the other hand, are in a very calm water, the cleanest and purest water I've ever seen in my dreams. Never seen one in my real life though. I mean A sea water that is so transparent, you can see what under you. While on the calm and clean water I dip myself into the water. While I'm underwater, I can breathe freely. I saw myself very peaceful and calm as the water, and I look happy. It was like, I'm meditating underwater. I remain under for many hours while I can see people swimming on the other side of wavy water. I can see them even if I was closing my eyes. I don't know what it means. But really amazed on such dream of mine for I didn't went out of the water, I stayed there. The next time I know, I'm already awake
Lacey 2014-10-25 06:37:08
I dreamt of going to an underwater party/rave, I was only in there for a couple of mins max a time before coming out for a breathe but it was the best time of my life having fun listening to music. Kept going in, out, in, out then finally waking up 🙂
Melanie 2014-09-03 14:08:02
I keep dreaming that I'm hiding underwater from my enemies and just when I think I HAVE to come up I start breathing underwater and this is the second dream like this in one week and the breathing is getting easier? Strangest dream ....
Brian 2014-06-21 03:40:17
My dream I was in a boat and it sank I wasn't scared of that or the sharks I also saw dolphins the colorof the water was medium blue

aaron 2014-06-09 10:09:02
Iv had dreams like these since i was a kid. Not all the time but now and then i dream that im swimming underwater but somehow i could still feel my lungs which i remember feeling heavy but it was like i was still breathing normaly to me. I usually just checked stuff out until i realise that its not normal to breathe underwater. As soon as that thought goes through my head my dream i wake up. I used to try it in the bathtub cause of these dreams.........didn't work :p
I have other reaccurring dreams now and again but the underwater ones are definitely my favourites!
Don't know if it means anything or if its just a cool dream i have. These websites don't really help too much :L
J 2014-11-02 13:54:13
I have had similar dreams. I remember being about 4 years old and in the tub, with this strange sensation of deja vu, it's like I couldn't tell if it was a dream or real life, but I remembered I was able to breathe underwater. And ever since that time I have had the reoccurring dream. And there is always this awareness in the dream, that I have been there before... it's like I remember in the dream, "is this real? can I breathe underwater? oh yes, I can, just like before..."
It's amazing this has stayed with me for so many years.
I study astrology and I would associate the dream with the planets Neptune and the moon because of the water element, childhood, the womb, and the deja vu sensation... I would like to know more about what it means though!
Kaylor 2014-03-23 14:52:09
In my dreams this always happens in the same sort of stages, I'll be swimming in completely open ocean and I get swept underwater by a wave and (like I do in real life) I freak out and it's almost like I can literally feel my heart pounding but then I force myself to stay calm and relax and find myself breathing underwater. It feels so real which is the weirdest part, I've had this dream like 5 times in the last 2 weeks..
Sky 2014-07-15 01:22:31
I've had a lot of dreams that involve me breathing underwater lately. The other night I dreamed that to join this group of people I had to slay a sea monster. I accepted and they led me to the water I just jumped in and stared breathing. They looked surprised because they had to wear dive gear, then they left. I had a sword and started to feel afraid. The sea monster appeared in the form of a woman she was bleach blond and wore all black. She was athletic and was doing flips. I tried to follow her and she waited for me to strike she also had a sword we fought and then she left I was bloody and cut up but I thought I won. Later I came back and killed her. I asked her who she worked for and her eyes turned black and she said "You'll find out." The main thing I remember is the water. I tried to looked up a lot of meanings but their all different. It's kind of annoying.
Zee 2014-06-26 14:02:59
Just had this same dream. And once i was breathing I was really calm and relaxed and navigating freely in the water like a mermaid 🙂
Ami 2014-05-26 15:10:31
Message from Kaylor
In my dreams this always happens in the same sort of stages, I'll be swimming in completely open ocean and I get swept underwater by a wave and (like I do in real life) I freak out and it's almost like I can literally feel my heart pounding but then I force myself to stay calm and relax and find myself breathing underwater. It feels so real which is the weirdest part, I've had this dream like 5 times in the last 2 weeks..

Did you thought? Of going somewhere but you are not sure or afraid, do you want to say something to someone but u r scared of his answer?
Jay 2014-03-14 06:30:50
This article is incredible.When i woke up after this dream I felt very happy.I had a smile on my face that was hard to wipe off.I felt peaceful, nothing seem to bother me.This article has truth in it as the many things that made me sad and depressed had no effect on me what so ever.I guess this is what the yogi's described as being the witness as I experienced life with no reactions,an inner stillness, unmovable, untouched,and unbreakable.I don't know if this state is going to be permanent but I will strive to keep this state.
Josh 2013-12-28 02:34:55
Wow I thought I was the only one. I have had the dream that I was swimming and then reset underwater. I thought I was drowning and tried to hold my breath until I could not anymore. When I did breathe it was water/air and it was amazing. I swam all over the place. It was peaceful and relaxing. I have had the same dream so many times I can't count them. Now when I start to dream and I know I'm dreaming that dream I dive down deep as I can and take a huge breath of water/air. I love it!!!
Levi 2013-10-10 17:25:57
My dream last night was erilly simmilar to the description of not initially realizing being underwater at all, then pannicking of corse. However the main difference in my dream was, once I started swimming towards the shimmering moonlit surface; seeming only a few feet but at the same time foreve away, I immediately ran out of breath. then in comes this enormous gulp of cold salty ocean water almost seeming to expand in my lungs to the point I feel like I'm about to burst, then all the water I had just breathed turns to air. But not just air. Cool fresh crisp and humid air almost like on a spring morning. But even then I still try holding that miracle of a breath as long as I can. But after this time of running out of all the will I have to do so, in comes another breath only this time it's different, this time it comes in through my nose and all I can feel is the air, no water, no pannic just serenity, after this time things repeat all the same. Every breath hesitant but dry, calm, and soothing. At this point I begin once again swimming but this time not up. I can still feel the pressure and drag of the heavy and cold water through my clothes. All at once becoming comfortable with my surrounding and noticing a large reef of coral neerby that seems to reach from the ocean floor all the way to the sky.

This is where my girlfriends alarm to get up for glass wakes me as well. I am somewhat of a lucid dreamer, still new to it. Also I have come to notice that often times people seem to have very simmilar or even the same dreams, just wondering if anyone else has this happen in the same manner.

Also a more specific interpretation of my scenario would be amazing. Ty. Levi from Indiana
Dana 2013-09-12 02:19:37
I've dreamt of breathing under the water many times but this one I had last night was particularly amazing- me and some friends (in dream friends, I didn't know them in real life) were sitting on a dock. I seemed to have been aware of what was going to happen and I remember telling them that things seemed familiar- the first time we were on the dock we decided to go swimming and I was floating there peacefully, then the dream reset and we were in the same situation (other things happened between the reset) and I was aware that I kept reliving the same time period, and my feet were in the lake, which was crystal clear and an amazing blue/green with a sand bottom and we decided to go swimming again and we were under the water when i realised I could breath- and the water felt heavy in my lungs but good and I remember laughing and being so completely at peace, it was amazing.

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