Dream Dictionary Broken Bridge

Dream Dictionary Broken Bridge


To dream of a bridge signifies safe passage over some issue. Usually bridges are only built over water, barring extenuating circumstances like bridges that must be made to connect mountain paths, but these are much rarer and you will likely not see them very often unless you actually live on a mountain or go hiking pretty regularly. In order to interpret the meaning of a bridge built over water, in a dream, we must take into account the water as well. So what does it mean when you dream of water?

Water symbolizes emotions and the level to which you feel emotional stress. If the body of water is calm in your dream this usually suggests that you have a very controlled sense of your emotions. You are able to keep things together fairly well even if you are dealing with something very emotionally traumatizing. This is a rare talent. To dream that you have a very turbulent body of water beneath you suggests that you feel emotionally reckless. There are a lot of different feelings passing through your heart right now and it is tough for you to catch onto any one of these. The ones that you do catch onto make you feel really tumultuous.

If you have a dream about a bridge it means that you are safely crossing whatever field of emotions you are feeling right now and are able to make it through easily. If the water below is calm and placid and you are taking a bridge over it, this suggests that you are able to perfectly navigate your emotions. Not only that but in many situations you take the emotional high road and you know exactly how you are supposed to respond to emotionally tense situations that have the potential to be awkward for you. To dream that you are crossing a bridge over turbulent waters suggests that you are still able to navigate your emotions, but you have to try different routes that ignore them. To dream of being on a boat means that you are navigating them. A bridge suggests some level of suppression is involved so that you don't have to think too much about what you are feeling. This may work for a while but it will not ultimately work forever.

Finally once all that information is understood it should become fairly clear what it means to dream of a broken bridge. To dream of a broken bridge implies that you have lost a certain support that you once used to get you through rough situations and now you will have to rely on something else or just shut down entirely. Did you just go through a rough break up or did someone that you once relied on die? These might be reasons why you are having dreams in which you are confronted with a broken bridge that you are unable to cross.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Broken Bridge

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Claire 2024-08-05 19:46:29
I dream they were trying to bring this big green machine over a bridge and the whole bridge collapsed…The people and the machine fell down into the bottom, which was rocks and dirt.
Tasha 2021-03-24 09:26:47
In my dream the bridge was braking into pieces (5) and it had flooded around all parts. However, the water wasn’t rising or receding but in one place while I was helping others get to safety and my mom on one of the other sides doing the same and they were helping animals before helping the humans so we helped ourselves. Then I magically teleported to grandma’s house with others (we looked liked kids though) and we was running and and hiding from someone/something.
Liz 2019-05-30 01:51:31
I had a dream with my mom n sis crossing over a bridge,when suddenly out of nowhere the bridge starts to collapse, I see greenish river water coming closer to us while I hold on to the railing with my other hand holding my mother and sister who might get drowned if I leave their hands.i watch my mother cry in helplessness but I sumhow manage to pull them both back to safety.The bridge collapses and a rough muddy path is made of the remains of the collapsed bridge.i feel reluctant at first but then I see people crossing the river over the remains n I too take my mom n sis n safely cross over the other side and watch to help people behind us cross.
It's strange how in most of these comments people saw a close family member
Lola loves them 2018-09-14 16:27:25
I had a dream about two paths. The path on the left was dark and scary looking. I knew if I tried to walk down that path I would get ate up by wolves, lions and tigers. The path on the right looked safe and happy. I choose to walk down the happy path but there is a bridge and it's broken. I Tried to cross by water but it's too ruff to cross. How do I get over to the Other side? Some one I care about did die but I had this break before he died
Jimi 2018-08-17 04:35:51
I dreamt of crossing a broken bamboo bridge wd the hlp ob mah fans. What does it symbolises?
Purple roses 2017-12-25 17:29:34
I had a dream thatvibwas driving through a tunnel, when exited the tunnel there was a drop off. To the left was a broken bridge, that my boy friend had to lift the car over the opening. Then suddenly when I stepped on the bridge I fell grabbing on to a pipe with one hand and my dog by the collar with the other. Then any car turned into a toy car with my 9yr old daughter in the front and my 8 month granddaughter in the back. The car fell off the broken bridge and my grand daughter fell out as I'm yelling her a name she just pays there with her eyes rolling. What does this dream mean
Michael 2016-09-23 11:52:12
Hi' I have this dream in our home town we this a mini sea port about 1 kilometer in long. In my dream the water is calm and some are swimming, I used to jump to the sea not to swim but to fly over sea water and surround the bridge after that I find out the bridge is broken at the center not totally broken as if some motor cyclist can cross over it. Regarding on what I saw and what is happening I stay calm and nothing serious about it, its like fine and okey for me.. Can you help me to find what is meaning of my dream I am so curious for I am facing this present a serious PROBLEM...
Paul K Gyabeng 2016-06-17 13:22:22
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azhar 2016-04-22 02:10:15
I was walking on a broken wooden bridge and some man is helping out but I am was scared to cross that bridge .
Sneha 2017-08-07 04:44:07
I had dream where i was crossing a bridge over a huge river and midway the bridge was broken but it was crossable. People had to cling on the ropes to get to the other side. I was way too scared and even thought going back but somehow i crossed. It would be so helpful if you could share what happened after your dream.
Ida 2015-09-05 22:13:06
I had a dream a few weeks ago but it was scary..i think so i haven't been able to forget it. I was with my sister and we were crossing a bridge to get to the sea but when we came back, the bridge moved up to the mountain. As soon as we crossed it, the level of the sea that was far away from us, raised like crazy and it went above the mountain but we were safe and not even wet
help wuts it mean 2015-06-09 06:04:04
I dreamed I my mom was driving I dnt remember who was in it but me.she was driving thought a bridge. She was talking to my sister beside her I was in the back and I told her to focus.because I hate bridges literly.she did and suddenly out of no were it was broken there was pices missing.I was so scared I think there was water under didn't look.she went acroos and
We went to the edge a bit but made it.suddenly I was at this park playing like nothing happened.I've dream of this before a couple times its my worst dream.we always make it and always end up at some type of park.I want to know wat it means please
lance 2015-05-05 17:41:29
I had a dream where I was driving following a car over a broken wooden bridge over a dry desert like bottomn half way over the bridge it started missing wood planks and the bridge had big gaps and started to become hilly and slanted causing me to drive off and fall like 100ft

Michelle 2014-10-23 18:18:26
I dreamt of a wooden bridge. A one in good condition and the other half was entirely broken with pieces lying on top of each other and vice versa. The water on the side of the broken bridge was rather murky and dirty but the good side of the bridge was clear.

In my dream I saw a husband and wife and 1 year old child plunge into the water, which happened to be something like a huge water crevice. And I just watched them drown just like all the other people did.
edith 2013-06-03 04:28:52
I still don't kind of get it my dream was with normal water but with a broken bridge and my sister and cousin crossed by saying something I couldn't cross it even tho they told me what to say I don't remember the words. I'm confused.
Kimberly. 2012-12-10 15:07:27
This helped me out so much!
leka 2012-11-27 06:41:06
I had a dream of driving in the car with my middle oldest sister, nieces, and nephew. I seen the bridge started to brake apart so i told my sister to stop the car.. i don't remember the middle part of my dream but towards the end all i remember me saving my nieces and nephew from the broken bridge. My oldest nieces almost falls in to the water but caught her hand! We started to walk on the edge of the bridge.. as soon as we get to the other side we started to hug eachother. We go straight home. The next day, we turn on the news seeing that thousands of people died from driving through a broken bridge. I started to cry because i wished i should of told the police that the bridge was broken and i would of saved EVERYONES life. so then i woke up.. remind you that this dream was about two days ago and it feels like its real but i know its not.. i still think about it, even though its just a dream!! As we speak, im thinking about it right now and i get the chills just thinking about it!! What does that mean??
ocehcap 2012-11-19 07:52:26
I'm still not sure about my dream. I had a dream that I tried to cross a broken bridge to get to the guy I like, but I couldn't at first. Eventually I was able to cross the bridge, so I don't understand the meaning because the definition on this page only speaks of you being UNable to cross a broken bridge. I know I'm late in posting, but this dream bothered me so I wanted to know what it meant.
Sad and Happy 2012-09-02 18:31:36
I am crying because this is how I feel it is so on point and i have to figure out where to go from here safely.
Confused Heart 2012-06-28 21:24:05
I can't believe the accuracy of this interpretation. I literally in tears right now. This explains my dream PERFECTLY !!

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