Dream Dictionary Bruises

Dream Dictionary Bruises


To dream of bruises suggests that you might be going through a rough period in your life. Since bruises come from taking part in a rough or mildly dangerous activity, if you get bruises it probably means that you are going through something rough. This usually relates to something that is emotionally rough. You are trying your hardest to accept the abuse, but you need to know that it is not necessary. Find someone that will be less abusive or find a situation that is less abusive. If the goal is worth the pain that it takes to get there, then power through it and you may come out the victor in this situation. But overall, just realize that a dream about bruises can be a sign that you need to take yourself out of a dangerous situation. It could be a warning that your mind is trying to give you about the consequences of getting yourself involved in dangerous activities or things that have the potential to hurt you physically or emotionally.

To dream that you are covered in bruises also might mean that you are thinking of the damage that all of your past mistakes have causes. A bruise is something that does not form right after an incident. Sometimes it takes hours for a bruise to form and other times they form after days. Sometimes it forms immediately but for the most part it does not work out this way. Sometimes the pain doesn't even come back until the bruise is there to accompany it, so you don't even know you are hurt until days after you actually got the injury.

Basically taking all of this into account it is easy to see why your mind would associate your past mistakes with bruises. For one bruises are formed after accidental incidents for the most part, like after running into something. But these usually come out of emotional mistakes, Bad relationships and angry ex lovers as well as regrets over the way you handled things with your parents can all be bruises. Every bruise on your body represents a mistake that you've made or something that you've done wrong.

Alternatively the bruises can represent all of the times that you were hurt emotionally. You have been thinking about how badly you have been treated by others in the past and what it has caused you. The bruises are there to show that the mistreatment has not gone unnoticed; in fact it has gone untreated. If you think that someone has treated you badly or even in an illegal way, you should seek the authorities with this claim. They can help you realize that you should not have been treated this way and can help you receive retribution for the poor way in which you were treated. Don't let go incidents like this go unreported, especially if someone was physically giving you bruises. Even if it was only verbal abuse that you were experiencing, you do not deserve to be treated this way and should not let it happen to you or anyone else.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Bruises

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Bri 2024-04-13 11:50:51
I had a dream that i found these huge purple and green bruises on my legs and thighs and i had no idea when or where i had gotten them. i think it’s interesting too because i never bruise, and if i do it’s hard to see it because of my skin color. i also had this huge burn down the inside of my right leg and it was red and peeling. it was kinda scary
theDream 2024-04-27 07:47:34
Dreams about injuries like bruises and burns can be unsettling and carry various symbolic meanings, depending on the context and your current life situations. Here’s how you might interpret the dream elements you described:

1. Bruises on Legs and Thighs: In dream symbolism, legs often represent support and your ability to stand up for yourself, to progress, or move forward in life. Bruises could symbolize emotional wounds or past experiences that have left a mark, but that you're not consciously aware of or haven’t addressed. The colors purple and green can have specific meanings too; purple often represents wisdom, dignity, independence, while green usually stands for growth, harmony, or envy.

2. Huge Burn Down the Right Leg: Burns in dreams can represent painful experiences or emotions that you are going through or have gone through. The right side often symbolizes the rational or outgoing part of your personality, so this could point to a challenge affecting your actions or decisions, possibly in a very overt or conscious manner.

3. No Recollection of the Cause: Not knowing how you got the bruises or burn might suggest subconscious issues that you haven’t faced or acknowledged. This can be an internal conflict or hurt that has been inflicted emotionally that you are perhaps denying or suppressing.

4. Personal Reflection on Skin Color and Bruising: Mentioning that you usually don't see bruises due to your skin color might be relevant. It could be an indication of feelings or hardships you've experienced that others don't notice or that you feel are often overlooked.

Interpretive Suggestions:
- Self-Reflection: Consider any recent situations where you might have felt emotionally hurt or overlooked, and reflect on whether these have been fully confronted or are still simmering below the surface.
- Emotional Healing: Just as physical wounds need time and care to heal, emotional wounds do too. It might be beneficial to allow yourself time to heal from past or recent emotional hurts. Seeking the support of loved ones or a professional might be beneficial.
- Check-In With Your Physical Health: Sometimes, dreams about physical ailments are simply your subconscious reflecting concerns about your health. If the imagery was particularly vivid or unsettling, it might be worth considering a health check-up.

Consider how you felt during the dream and after waking up — was it fear, confusion, pain? These emotions might also provide further clues on what areas of your life need attention or care. If the dream continues to bother you or repeats, you might find it helpful to discuss it with someone who can offer further insights, such as a therapist or a dream interpreter.
Rj 2023-05-29 11:23:36
I dreamt of a huge purple bruise on my thigh. sitting next to me was my ex, and we had a newborn baby together in the dream. He stated he will get therapy and wants to get back together and try again and took me on a date. However, there was someone who was s***ally harassing me, and my ex stopped it from continuing.

I think I miss how he protected me, but not how verbally abusive he was and how much he has disappointed me in the relationship. I would obviously love to get back together with him, bc I saw my future with him, but not unless he’s willing to come correct.
Alicia 2022-02-10 21:30:59
I've been having the same dream for the past week and I have bruises everywhere and I'm at school in the locker room trying to cover them up
Izz 2021-07-11 22:05:44
I had this dream that I had a huge blue (blue bruise usually indicates to a serious injury) and green bruise on my left thigh and when I looked away from it I then had millions of tiny blue bruises all over my legs and arms like hives(but instead it’s all bruises). Then was at my doctors office in a checkup room and when I tried to show her all these bruises, they all had vanished before I got to show her. Then when she said I was fine the bruises came back, so i showed her again and when she looked I had no bruises at all. Such a strange dream.
Sheree 2019-08-01 16:03:10
I dreamed I was covered with bruises all on my upper body, arms, torso. I remember telling someone, something is wrong with me, I need to go to the dr. or hospital. I know the bruises were all red and bluish blotch all over me, I don't remember my lower half of my body being covered however.
Heather 2017-12-21 23:40:09
I just dreamt that my step mother viciously grabbed my by the arm and twisted it, and when I went to show my father the damage he couldn’t see it at all, or refused to at least. I went through the rest of the dream normally, but several times, the “camera” zoomed in on the injury.

Step mother was always mentally abusive, I can’t stand the bitch. Father never cared though, he told my brother and I when we were seven and nine that if we kept saying we didn’t like her, he’d drop us off at our mother’s and we’d never see him again.

Odd how fitting the dream was.
Emma 2017-08-17 15:21:03
I had a dream that i found out i was pregnant , i think it was my mum who told me and i was like but i dont even have a bump, then i looked down and this baby bump just grew before my eyes and then all these bruises appear all over it
Megan 2017-12-04 01:34:41
I had the same Dream. I got this bump suddenly and my whole entire stomach was bruised.
J.J.J. 2017-07-11 14:22:47
I dreamt about my boyfriend & that I had a bruise on my wrist, not sure I he was the one that gave it to me though. He has never done anything to hurt me physically at all.
He wouldn't do that to me. I feel like he lowkey emotionally hurts me, maybe.
Josie 2017-05-05 07:35:06
I had a dream that I was having sex with my ex and in the morning I woke up full of brueses all over my body and that I started calling my mom to please take me to the hospital because I didn't want to die and then I woke up what does that mean
D 2017-01-28 10:49:03
I had a dream that my legs we're purple from my hip down to my ankles the dream looked so real it scared me can anybody tell me what this means thanks d
jessy 2016-08-02 09:02:25
I had a dream that I woke up and my legs were covered in bruises.
kaz 2017-01-28 14:11:32
I have dreampt that both my lower legs and feet and nails were brused..The the same..cannot find an explanation for this dream either... 🤔
Paige 2016-06-08 11:57:07
In the dream I had recently, I gained bruises everytime someone kissed my lips, neck etc. The bruises on my lips didn't look bad but the rest did. I was wondering, what sort of situations or kind of people could this involve... Thanks.

Ed Blunt 2016-05-09 15:02:02
What about if one of my subordinates tells me he had a dream about me where I had a bruised face that took up my eyes and my knows. He says that when he pointed it out, I told him I was fine, and in the dream, I even looked in the mirror and couldn't see anything on my face.

I am so curious!
kristina 2016-04-24 06:03:16
i saw dream that my partners ex hit my leg while driving and i saw big bruise on my leg.
Nire 2015-12-05 21:09:37
In my dream my boyfriend was beaten and bruised, and smiled about a fight he had gotten in. Any insight?
Gemma 2015-09-04 17:52:25
I had a dream last night I don't remember much to be honest just that when I looked down my legs were covered in reddy purple bruises below the knees any one have an idea on this? Xx
Nancy 2015-07-09 02:47:35
My dream was about one of my professor got bruises on her face.what does this mean?
Gyna 2015-06-15 02:50:32
I'm not dreaming with the bruises I wake up with the bruises after having a bad dream
Cris 2015-07-04 16:47:23
I think you need a little more help then a website right now.. That's scary 😨 [just=center][/just]
Savvy 2015-05-18 22:43:03
Thank you soo much this is going to help alot
Ruby 2015-02-09 07:11:07
This is spot on. I'm indeed going through emotional mistreatment by my husband. His mood is erratic, and has been causing me so much mental and emotional distress.
indie 2014-12-06 10:44:53
I had a short dream and I was having a conversation and then I noticed my entire thigh from behind had the biggest brush ever, it was purple navy blue and brown, I
then work up but I thought it was really weird
Shelby 2017-11-24 18:27:57
Ya know, I had the same dream! It was on my right leg and I was laying in bed freaking out and my now ex was laying next to me and he touched it. It hurt so bad.
CC 2014-09-26 01:43:52
My dream was short but it was a dream within a dream. In the inner dream I woke up and my arms and chest were covered in bruises. I ran from my room looking for my mom. Then I woke up looking at my arms for the bruises.
Amber 2014-07-28 16:45:13
My dream was about I was talking to this girl and I just noticed all these bruises on the side of her face, arms, legs. They just were there and I slowly started to see them as we continued talking. Does anyone know what this means?
lulu 2014-05-18 10:56:20
My dream was that the guy I love who recently left me for someone else had bruises and his face was swollen. In the dream he told me he had a car crash. What does this mean? I miss him so much

Jane 2013-08-24 08:26:12
This makes a lot of sense, I came out of an abusive relationship 4 years ago and I thought it hadn't affected me, but it has, I am now having to seek medical help to allow me to move on from this as I now have an amazing fiance and daughter and should be happy. Women out there in similar situations need to realize that any form of abuse is going to have 'bruising affect', and need to go to a professional and get help because no-one deserves to feel this way.
Lola 2013-01-22 07:19:50
Thank u very much. Ur explanation helped a lot!!!!!

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