Dream Dictionary Buddha

Dream Dictionary Buddha


To dream that you have seen the Buddha might suggest, as was mentioned above, that you have just been exposed to the image of him too much. Our brains like to pick up on things that we see repetitively or actions that we repeat normally. To see the Buddha in your dreams suggests that you may have just seen him one too many times in other ways. If this is a recurring dream and you want to make sure that it is not this, try actively avoiding areas of your town that are active in proliferating Buddhist culture. Try to turn on the TV as little as possible and try to keep yourself locked away inside your house away from where you can be easily influenced by civilization for as long as possible. If you are able to keep away from the Buddha and you are still seeing him in your dreams, then this means something entirely more important.

A big idea in Buddhism is the idea of becoming Zen or of reaching nirvana. The Zen philosophy is one that could take books upon books to describe accurately so a few sentences do it no justice. But the main idea behind Zen is the idea of being peaceful and of communing well with the world around you. You are becoming a part of your surroundings, but you are not blending in to your surroundings exactly. The level of peace that you feel must be great though. You must radiate the idea of peace from all of your pores and from within you as a person. This is who you are and you are dedicated towards peace. To dream that you see the Buddha suggests that you may have reached a Zen state. Though to be honest, if someone were Zen, then they would know it. If you were truly practicing the philosophy then you would not need to be told you were doing a good job through your dreams. It could just mean that you need to aspire to be more Zen to greater lengths. Do more than you could have ever imagined doing in order to achieve your goals.

To dream that you are seeing the Buddha could suggest that you need to try a little harder to reach nirvana. Nirvana is again, a concept that would take book after book to explain, but for a little bit of background on it, nirvana is much like the Christian concept of heaven, but you can almost achieve it in life through the art of Zen unlike heaven, which in Christian studies, you are told you must die before you can reach. If you have been trying to be a better person in order to receive some sort of return, then this might mean that you are getting a bit closer to reaching your own personal nirvana. The afterlife will treat you well if you so wish it to be. But you do not have to wait until the afterlife. You can have it now if you try hard enough to be a good person. All you really have to do is shoot for the moon and try to remain peaceful.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Buddha

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Dhara 2021-11-22 08:47:10
I had a dream yesterday night , I was in terrace at night, and i kept seeing the sky like somthing is going to appear in the sky...then in somtime I saw the dotted lines which was continuously drawing like a child draws with a pencil in a slate, I kept thinking what it is then it shows the face of buddha which it appears in the sky and it was glowing like a light , I didnt stopped looking at it, it was so beautiful...I dont know what it means a dream like this but I like the dream as I always remember my dream
Lola 2020-08-06 13:48:44
I dreamed that I’m homeless and find this place for my self and family, there is another homeless family in need of shelter which I’m trying to help them and I’m so worried about to find them some place then there is a picture comes from the sky into my my hands, I look at it there is a women in picture I look at the pic I see this new very small house in the picture that shows there is a wall with a walk way..... I run inside my new to room house Nd bush the wall there’s another room with gold Buddha a magic kinda gold dust and something. I grab all three things and give the room to homeless and I walk away with Buddha all by my self. This was a dream that was very different then my entire dreamland.
Paul 2018-11-29 09:06:11
I dreamt last night that the Budda statue in my garden had been knocked over in the dream I moved the log that had knocked it over picked my Budda up and saw it had broken so I placed it in a little rectangular hole for safety, then when I got up this morning when I was making a drink I noticed my Budda statue had been knocked over ,
What does this mean?
Jenny 2019-05-01 11:46:26
Hi Paul,
The Buddha statue had been knocked over but not broken, right?
I think the dream try to let you know to save the Buddha statue (by moving the statue to a safer and higher ground) before the statue gets broken.
On a spiritual level, I think you have a spiritual connection with the Buddha; hence this dream.
Anne 2018-01-24 06:54:50
I dream last night about Buddha amulets,I really dont know how the Buddha amulets inside my purse,I was so very happy that time .That amulets was the one i reallt wanted to get it the day i went to temple.
Will 2017-11-12 14:46:47
I dreamed that I was in love with Siddhartha and I had a son, a toddler. Siddhartha told me he loved me but he had to leave. He walked away, down the steps of a palace, and I began to cry out to him not to leave me.
jhony 2017-09-27 03:21:10
I dreamt today I saw Buddha was walking his path and gave blessings to people around him. I have not gone to temple for months, and this is very strange dream I could ever have. However, with this suggestion in the site, I will try to remain peaceful and having a positive thinking.
Leo Arausa 2017-08-23 23:16:14
Buddha statue slowly open eyes until fully open looking at me . Buddha eyes were black, face had a bluish tint
LLCC 2017-08-23 23:06:49
MY DREAM WAS YOUNG BUDDHA BOY statue eyes closed slowly started to open until fully opened facing me. The statue was a Royal blue, eyes were black an opened fully.
Pumi 2017-07-31 01:53:24
Few nights ago i dreamt i seen the buddha statue. Elderly people were standing around saying the name of that buddha. That buddha statue was once in Laos and the statue was taken out of the country and now is in Thailand. How weird is that i dreamt i seen that buddha statue and ive never seen it in my whole life.
Miztivin 2017-05-18 06:43:37
I had a dream where I was meditating in a temple with all these people. Then I heard a commotion from the elders about a lotus blooming. I looked up to see a huge, boat sized pink lotus. Then an Indian boy stood up and said something like, how privelaged am I to have such a flower bloom in the wake of my enlightenment. He said it with a big kind jest of a smile. Then he picked two figs that were barley ripe and I had a huge ripe fig in my hand. He gave a man one fig, then he sat next to me and smiled as if waiting for me to take the first bite. I felt honored and quickly bit into the fig. I knew he was Buddha.
tshering c 2017-04-01 02:38:23
few months ago i had a dream about myself and one old man all of sudden we were looking at the sky, we both were seeing buddhist script "om mane padma hung in the moon also the moonbow. then we were like praying after then we were looking up then big buddha statue appeared with big rainbow apperaring then Dakini in her red appeared and then dream just ended...
Alo 2016-11-26 16:06:20
I saw buddha in my dream and a dog chasing me very good big dog

izrael 2016-11-22 12:10:00
What dose it mean when you dream you walk in a small temple and there is a sword and a helmet and put the helmet on?
ashutosh kumar 2016-09-11 08:47:21
i saw in dream...image of buddha seen on my right hand..
David 2016-05-12 21:07:29
I dreamt of going through a square temple/corridor-like building, defeating "enemies". At some point reaching the big buddha, sitting there idle.
I thanked him, saying thank you, I bow to you. Then, before reaching the end, expecting more enemies, there seemed to be no more i.e. it was quiet.
Teja 2016-04-11 01:25:03
In my dream, My grandmother was leading me to a Buddha statue which was hidden for many years and only known to few. She told me to go to the Buddha statue. What does this mean.please help
Jenny 2019-05-01 11:54:47
Buddha statue represents Buddhism and the Buddha in you.
I think the dream is telling you to learn more Buddhism and you will find the Buddha in yourself (search and you shall find)
Gyel 2015-08-26 23:16:14
I dream of ghost hunting me,almost for month my teeth are closed and I am dragging myself for help.uttering some mantras but it only help for seconds.atlast due to holy water of God Buddha it vanished
nancy 2014-10-06 05:22:00
i dreamed that i was buddha and everyone bowed before me.. what does it mean..!!
Jasmine 2014-08-25 09:41:42
I dreamt of my beloved daddy showing his four fingers. What do that mean?
klin 2014-05-20 13:56:14
I am a Christian. I dream of Buddha gods. What does that mean?
dma 2015-05-19 07:09:54
Just saw this although a year later. I was a Roman Catholic as well and saw the Buddha in my dreams and with events after that realised the fundamentals of Buddhism quickly. There are no Buddha gods - Buddha is the enlightened teacher of all beings, gods, humans and beings in hell in all 31 planes of existence. My life changed profoundly. If this experience resonates with you to some extent, may I suggest that you explore some Buddhist teaching media? Take care.
susanne 2017-02-17 13:35:45
dma I did not know that. sounds interesting. I also had a dream with Buddha in it. And I am not dreaming much lately. I am a Empath I have come to learn, and now understand stuff that has happened to me makes more sence. I love the Zen teachings that I read the Silent man learnt. The poet that needs no name. The writings on the last reasons ring true to me except my Budda was in Water whatever that means. but I am sure Budda is peace teachings.
swe 2014-07-15 15:55:32
I think, you are a Buddhism past life. You can learn about Buddha.
Goran 2014-01-01 20:08:17
what does it mean soap in a dream

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